Tomin in The Alien World



Cheng Jin suddenly thought of something, and laughed: "I have no idea what cultivation level these two are, but it would be a pity to kill them, so I might as well have Master increase his cultivation."    


Tang Yin laughed, secretly praising Cheng Jin for being clever, so as to not say another word.    


Tang Yin and Cheng Jin were both from Spirit Cultivator of Dark s, but they were from different sects. Cheng Jin and the hidden arrow members were all outer sect Spirit Cultivator of Dark s, so they could increase their cultivation through their own cultivation. As for Tang Yin who belonged to the Inner Sect, no matter how hard he cultivated, his cultivation would not increase at all. Tang Yin could use Fire of Darkness, but the members of the Dark Arrow were unable to use it. The Fire of Darkness was Tang Yin's basic skill, but to the members of the Dark Arrow was an extremely promising, dark attributed technique.    


In the next few days, Fan Min settled in Tang Yin's residence and found six or seven s that she could command, and then found some servants and attendants, adding them together, there were around thirty people. With so many people, it was impossible for them all to all be squeezed into one house, so Tang Yin could only leave behind a few guest rooms in the vicinity of the house for her servants to stay in.    


Tang Yin thought that Fan Min would not be able to stay in her residence for long after knowing about the assassination attempt on her. Fan Ju would either send people to take Fan Min away, or assign a large group of Spirit Cultivator s to protect Fan Min.    


He was right, although Fan Ju did not take Fan Min, but he had sent a large number of bodyguards and followers, and just the Spirit Cultivator alone had more than twenty of them. At this time, Tang Yin thought that Fan Min was about to move out, but surprisingly, he did not mention a word about it.    


She could bear it, but Tang Yin could not.    


Today, Tang Yin finally arrived at the house that Fan Min was staying in.    


Ever since Fan Min had lived here, she had not visited this place again and the number of times she had met Fan Min could be counted on one hand.    


Fan Min was not surprised to see Tang Yin here, it seemed more like she had expected this would happen, and passionately invited him into the hall.    


This house could not be considered big. There was a two-story main building on one side, and a one-story side of the house on both sides. Fan Min's room was on the second floor of the main house.    


After taking her seat in the hall, Fan Min called for the Maidservant to serve him tea.    


Tang Yin drank his tea and looked around. He did not see any of the followers or bodyguards that Fan Ju had sent over, so he asked curiously: "I heard that your father sent people to protect Miss Fan Min's safety. Why haven't I seen anyone?"    


Fan Min smiled indifferently, and said: "The Master Tang's Residence is very heavily guarded, with many experts, why would I need their protection? That's why I have placed them outside the palace."    


"Oh!" Tang Yin replied, then changed the topic and said: "Since your father has already sent someone to protect Miss Fan Min, I think you should move out now!" Tang Yin spoke straightforwardly, he did not beat around the bush, and he was no exception to Fan Min.    


Fan Min acted surprised and asked: "Is Master trying to kick me out?"    


Tang Yin patiently said: "I'm not chasing you away, it's just..." You don't have to live here anymore.    


Before he finished speaking, Fan Min interrupted him: "I knew Master wasn't a stingy person, how could she have chased me away?! Even though the County Magistrate Mansion's conditions are ordinary, it's still pretty good in the Heng City. I live very comfortably here, and I plan to stay here for a few more days. "    


Fan Min was telling the truth. Her County Magistrate Mansion and Yan City were obviously not the same, but in this remote and backward Heng City, this was definitely the best mansion in the entire city, and not only was Fan Min living here comfortable, her safety was well protected, and no one would disturb her everyday. It was clean and leisurely, a hundred times more comfortable than staying at a teahouse or inn that would normally be frequented by many people.    


Creak! After listening to Fan Min's words, Tang Yin felt as if a certain part of his brain had tensed up. He stared at Fan Min and asked word by word, "Then, how long does Miss Fan Min plan to stay in my house?"    


"Aiya, stop calling me Miss Fan Min, master is too formal, just call me Xiao Min." Fan Min said intimately: "It won't be long now, as long as I settle down the business here at Pingyuan County, I'll naturally leave."    


"Then how long will it take?"    


"Lord can really get to the bottom of this." Fan Min held her chin and thought, then laughed: "I think, I can at least let you have it for a year or so."    


Teng! Tang Yin straightened his body and stood up. His eyes flickered with a ghostly light as he stared fixedly at Fan Min, unable to speak for a long time.    


He was not a narcissistic person, but he would frequently admire himself. For example, right now, he was actually able to suppress the urge to strangle Fan Min.    


Tang Yin took a deep breath, and suppressed the fire energy that was about to burst out of his head. After recovering for a while, he slowly said: "Does this mean that Miss Fan Min intends to stay in my residence for another year or so?"    


Fan Min's reaction was not slow. Sensing the anger in Tang Yin's body that was on the verge of exploding, she was extremely afraid, but his expression was still smiling merrily. She pretended to be relaxed as she said, "If everything goes well, it won't take long." As she spoke, she took out a silver note from her sleeve and handed it over to Tang Yin. With a smile, she said: "I have said before, that if I live in Master's residence, I will not stay here for free. I will definitely pay the rent that I owe, and it will definitely satisfy Master!"    


Tang Yin lowered his head and looked at the silver notes that Fan Min had given him.    


After he finished looking, he was slightly stunned. 50,000 silver was enough to buy a house.    


Seeing him frown, Fan Min bit her lips and said softly: "Master, let me tell you the truth, it's not that I have thick skin, I will not leave your house even if I die, I am actually very afraid, even if my father sends people to protect me, if I bring out my County Magistrate Mansion, I will still be in a very dangerous situation."    


As one of the four great nobles, his family had countless hanger-ons and trusted aides. There were many experts amongst them, and if he truly planned to kidnap Fan Min, how could he stop him with just her Fan Family and those Spirit Cultivator s? However, Tang Yin did not tell Fan Min about the assassins being ordered to do so by him.    


The children of large families were also not so easy to deal with. It was unknown when they would end up getting killed. Tang Yin sighed, and said: "I feel that Miss Fan Min should not stay in Pingyuan County anymore, and should immediately return to there."    


Fan Min shook her head and said: "Staying in the Pingyuan County, was not my intention, but my father's idea."    


"Oh?" Tang Yin asked: "Why?"    


"My father didn't say the specific reason, he only said that my Yan City have been in disarray recently, and told me to hide in a remote place like the Tianyuan County first, while at the same time extending the clan's business over here. It's just that he didn't expect that the assassin who wanted to harm me would come as well." Saying that, Fan Min's face revealed an aggrieved expression, and he slowly lowered his head.    


If Fan Min had always been unreasonable, Tang Yin would still be able to harden her heart and forcefully chase her away. It could be seen from how she was now, that Tang Yin did not know what to do.    


"Milord, don't worry. I will stay in your mansion and will not disturb you. I only want to find a safe place to stay." As she said that, she passed the banknotes forward and continued, "Please take this fifty thousand silver taels banknotes first! I know Master is not a greedy person, but Master is currently expanding his army, and is trying his best to rectify the Pingyuan County, this is the right time to do so, if there is a need for money, our Fan Family will help Master! "    


If he could get the support of the Fan Family, then he would no longer have to worry about the matters of wealth. Furthermore, although Fan Min's residence in the County Magistrate Mansion was not really appropriate, it did not disturb him.    


Thinking about that, he nodded his head, pushed the silver bills back, and said indifferently: "Miss Fan Min, you can stay, and you should keep the money as well. If there is a need, I will naturally ask for it."    


She never thought that Tang Yin, who hated him so much, would be moved by his few words. Fan Min was both surprised and happy, as if she was afraid that Tang Yin would go back on his words.    


"Forget it, there's no need to thank me!" Tang Yin casually waved his hand and drank the rest of the tea in the cup. Then, he stood up and said: "I still have things to do, I'll be taking my leave first!"    


Tang Yin left as soon as he said so, leaving Fan Min at a loss. She reached out his hand and called out, "Master ?"    


Tang Yin turned and looked at her doubtfully. "Miss Fan Min, what else do you want?"    


At this time, Fan Min had a good impression of Tang Yin, and wanted him to stay longer, but he did not know how to speak. He paused for a good while, and then said: "Actually, Master is a good person."    


Tang Yin had never felt that he was a good person, but the feeling of being praised by others was not bad. He smiled, raised his head and said: "Miss Fan Min is not bad too! "Farewell!"    


With that, he left in large strides, waving his hands casually without even looking back.    


When Fan Min and Tang Yin were at odds, her casual actions were rude and lacking a home tutor. But now, it became a kind of free and easy, and even had an unspeakable attraction.    


Looking at something or a person with a different frame of mind, the feelings one gets will also be vastly different.    


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