Tomin in The Alien World



Xiao Muqing knew very well how much guts Tang Yin had, not to mention the Pisa capital, even if it was Dragon Pond or Tiger Cave, Tang Yin would still have the guts to challenge it.    


Looking at the disapproving face of Shangguan Yuan, Xiao Muqing didn't continue arguing with him, he only laughed dryly and welcomed him back into the city.    


He could clearly see just how powerful Shangguan Yuan was from the city walls. Now that he wanted to defend against the Bessa's army, he would need to rely more on this person, and he did not dare to offend him.    


With Xiao Muqing in the lead, the crowd immediately gathered around Shangguan Yuan and led him into the city. He sat on the horse without even lowering his body, his head held high, the corners of his mouth raised, as if he was smiling yet not smiling, feeling extremely proud of himself. In his opinion, it was only right for everyone to treat him like this, if not for him rushing over in time, the Savage Army would have already slaughtered their way into the city.    


Just as he was walking forward, a group of people quickly walked in front of him. The one leading them was not an onlooker, but Shangguan Yuanji.    


Shangguan Yuan saw his big brother coming from afar with his sharp eyes. He was stunned for a moment, then the pride on his face vanished. His first reaction was to get off from his horse, forcing out a gentle smile and nod to the crowd from time to time. Xiao Muqing was extremely curious, he did not understand why the man would suddenly take a 180 degree turn towards his party.    


After waiting a while, he also saw Shangguan Yuanji and the others who were rushing over. He finally understood that Shangguan Yuan actually respected and respected his big brother a lot!    


Shangguan Yuanji had never cultivated in the Spirit Martial Realm before, but his three brothers were all strong warriors, but the attitude the three brothers had towards him was both respectful and fearful, of course, the respect they showed was far greater than the fear, no matter how strong the three brothers were, their respect for Shangguan Yuanji was like respect for their younger brother, and for Shangguan Yuanji, they were still juniors.    


Without waiting for Shangguan Yuanji to approach, Shangguan Yuan let him rush over first. When he was in front of Shangguan Yuanji, he straightened his clothes, and then knelt on the ground. Before he could say anything, his eyes turned red. Shangguan Yuan let the clouds wander around and left home for several years. He'd been separated from his eldest brother for several years, and now that he met him, his heart surged with emotions. After a moment, he said with a trembling voice, "Disciple Yuan, greetings elder brother!"    


Seeing his brother who had been kneeling in front of him after leaving home for so many years, Shangguan Yuanji's tears also started to fall. Hurriedly, he reached out his hand to help Yuan Que up, and looked at him from head to toe. He felt that his brother had become much darker and more mature than he remembered, and he nodded excitedly, and choked with emotions: "It's good that you're back, it's good that you're back!"    


The two brothers had not seen each other for so long, they had not met for so long, so naturally they had a lot of things to say. Xiao Muqing had a thousand things to say, but Xiao Muqing did not have the time to wait for the two of them to chat about family matters.    


His words were very skillful. It was to show respect and secretly give Shangguan Yuan the title of general, which meant that he wanted to pull him into the Pingyuan Army.    


How could the two Shangguan brothers not hear the hidden meaning behind his words? Shangguan Yuanji did not say much, but Shangguan Yuanzhong said in dissatisfaction: "I'm just an idle person, since when did I become a general? If I didn't know that my big brother was trapped in Pingyuan County this time around, I wouldn't have rushed back from so far away. "    


The reason he had come back to the Pingyuan County, was to understand the dangers of the Heng City, and to protect his big brother's life.    


Xiao Muqing blushed and rubbed his hands together, laughing dryly as he looked at Shangguan Yuanji with difficulty. Shangguan Yuan wanted to make this person too arrogant, so arrogant to the point that it was unreasonable. If he wanted to drag him into the Pingyuan Army and help his side retreat, he could only make a move from his elder brother.    


Shangguan Yuanji naturally understood what Xiao Muqing meant, but he was not an unreasonable big brother, so he would not force his brothers to make any sort of decision. He was silent for a moment before he said: "Yuanyu, Pingyuan County is our homeland, and the citizens of Pingyuan County are our relatives. In this critical moment, with the invasion of our county by the two hundred thousand strong army, we should do our best to protect our homeland and ensure the safety of our citizens."    


Shangguan Yuan let out a faint smile and said proudly, "Big brother, don't worry. With me here, the hegemons of a vassal state will never step even half a step into the Heng City!"    


Hearing his words, Shangguan Yuanji relaxed. As long as his brother was willing to help, adding or not joining Pingyuan Army, it didn't matter.    


Xiao Muqing's mouth moved, he wanted to say something, but held back in the end. He had hoped from the bottom of his heart that Shangguan Yuan would allow him to join Pingyuan Army, now that Zhang Zhou had died, he just so happened to be lacking a Regiment Commander, if Shangguan Yuan could take over this position, with his outstanding spiritual force, it would be able to raise the fighting strength of his Pingyuan Army to a whole new level, and he would be able to do more in the future, but Shangguan Yuan was too arrogant and unreasonable, if he forced him too hard, it would be the opposite.    


Shangguan Yuan looked around but didn't see his two brothers. He asked: "Big brother, where are Yuanwu and Yuanwu?"    


"The two of them have followed Master on an expedition to the Savage Country Capital!"    


"Oh?" Since Xiao Muqing had said so, Shangguan Yuan would not believe him. But since Big Bro had also said so, he had to believe him. Could it be that Tang Yin really dared to go in alone and ambush the capital of the Savage Country? This is incredible. At this time, Shangguan Yuan had a strong interest in Tang Yin, he wanted to see what kind of person he was.    


He thought like this in his heart, but he did not say it out loud. He just muttered: "It's fine if this county governor wants to die, but he even wants to drag my two brothers down. If Yuanwu and Yuanbiao have any accidents, I will not forgive him!"    


Xiao Muqing's body trembled when he heard it, and secretly stuck out his tongue. Shangguan Yuanji's face darkened, and berated in a low voice: "Yuanyu, you cannot speak nonsense, and even more so, you cannot be rude to an adult!"    


Seeing his eldest brother's pale face, Shangguan Yuan hurriedly bowed his head and acknowledged him.    


When they returned to the residence of the Shangguan Family in the city, the guests took their seats. Shangguan Yuan let him look to the east and look to the west, feeling that the family had changed a lot. He had thought that with his eldest brother as the deputy county magistrate, the family would become richer, but on the contrary, the family did not have many valuable things and more guards, but there were only a few servants left, so their lives were clearly not as good as before.    


Shangguan Yuan was not even sure if he should laugh or cry. He held his hands behind his back and paced around the yard, shaking his head from time to time.    


Not long after everyone had taken their seats, Bai Yong, Zhu Nuo, Gu Yue and Li Wei, the four regiment leaders, walked in from outside. At the same time, they brought over a count of Generals And Soldiers of Self Army's casualties.    


Every time they saw the statistics of their own side's casualties, everyone felt a headache, especially today, after a hard battle for an entire day. Their Outer Wall had been taken by the enemy, and their Pingyuan Army s had suffered heavy casualties.    


In the five legions, there were originally eighty thousand soldiers, but now there were less than forty thousand soldiers who were still holding their weapons in battle, with most of the casualties. Even the soldiers who were able to fight were all injured and exhausted, their combat strength had dropped to such a low level, so how could they withstand the powerful attacks of the Savage Army?    


Seeing that everyone had lowered their heads in silence, Xiao Muqing said in a serious tone: "Our army has suffered heavy casualties, and our loss of Savage Army is even greater. Brother Yuan, with your help, it will not be a problem to defend against the enemy! "    


Shangguan Yuanji said: "If your manpower is insufficient, I can organize the citizens in the city to assist us in defending the city!"    


Xiao Muqing immediately shook his head, and said: "That's inappropriate! The citizens have not received formal training, and have not seen the blood on the battlefield. If we allow the citizens to fight the Savage Soldier, not only will there be an increase in casualties, there might even be a large number of people fleeing. This will affect the morale of our troops, increasing the aura of our Savage Soldier will make the war even more disadvantageous! "    


After listening to Xiao Muqing's analysis, Shangguan Yuanji nodded his head, thinking that what he said was reasonable, he could get the citizens to help him transport the defensive facilities, but if they truly were to go to the battlefield, the risk would be too great.    


Zhu Nuo coldly snorted, and said: "If we could send reinforcements from the counties, would our Heng City have fallen into such a predicament?"    


His words immediately resonated with everyone. At this moment, both sides were exhausted from fighting and were at the end of their tether. Even if there were 10,000 reinforcements from the county, it would be enough to turn the situation around.    


Everyone was filled with anger, only Qiu Zhen knew what was going on. He would not let go of this opportunity to arouse everyone's discontent, his eyes turned and echoed: "Yu He is an insatiable villain, if we can send him a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, he might send the reinforcement troops when he's happy, but without money, he won't care about the life and death of us Pingyuan Army and the commoners!"    


"This dog official!" Zhu Nuo clenched his fist and smashed down on the table.    


Everyone's blood and Qi surged as their eyes spewed fire.    


At this time, Shangguan Yuan stepped into the house. Looking at the crowd, he said faintly: "Once the Savage Army retreat, I'll go to the Shunzhou to retrieve his dog head!"    


Shangguan Yuanji frowned, but before he could say anything, a few of the regiment leaders answered: "Yes! Brother Yuanyu, we will accompany you then. If you don't kill this dog officer, Yu He, we will be unworthy of the soldiers who died in battle, and even more so, we will be unworthy of the General Zhang who sacrificed his life for our country! "    


Under Qiu Zhen's casual instigation, everyone's hatred for Savage Army was transferred onto Yu He. At this time, Yu He was still organizing his forces in order to reinforce his Yan City, and he did not know that he had become the target of everyone in the Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army.    


Shangguan Yuan pulled a chair over and sat down, then said: "Savage Soldier is not scary, we don't need to stay in the city and guard it with all our might. Wait until Savage Soldier comes again tomorrow to attack the city, I'll leave the city to meet the enemy."    


"This ?" Xiao Muqing pondered for a moment, and said worriedly: "Brother Yuanyu, you can't let your guard down ah. There are a lot of people at the Savage Army, if we go out of the city to fight, I'm afraid ?"    


"Humph!" Shangguan Yuan gave way with a sneer, turned his hand back and picked up his triple-edged and two-edged sabre, saying, "What are you afraid of? "Kill one enemy, one thrust of the blade will kill a group of enemies, and one swing of the blade will kill a group of enemies. Even if the enemy has millions of men, in my eyes, they are nothing more than a herd of sheep waiting to be slaughtered!"    


On the battlefield, he had the courage to fight against tens of thousands of people. In the upcoming battles, he did indeed get the nickname of 'All Fiends', and was conferred the title of 'Undefeatable General' by Tang Yin.    


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