Tomin in The Alien World



Just as Tang Yin decided to send troops south to help the Yan City, the Bessa City suddenly sent envoys over to negotiate peace.    


For a negotiation between nations, Bessa should be looking for the imperial government of Haotian. Even if he wasn't, he should be talking to the Imperial Court of the other nations, but he didn't look for either of these, instead, he directly came to Tang Yin. It could be seen that the Bessa City was not concerned about the Haotian Empire, nor was it about the Feng Country, it was a Pingyuan County led by Tang Yin.    


The envoy of the Bessa City had brought over quite a few gifts, and even personally wrote a letter to Tang Yin from the King Bessa, inviting him to go to the capital of the Bessa City to discuss the negotiations between the two sides in person.    


Tang Yin accepted all the letters and gifts the envoy brought, and only said that he would consider them first before giving his answer the next day. Then, he ordered the envoy to be invited out, and he settled him in the Tavern.    


When the envoys left, the main hall of the County Head Mansion immediately burst into an uproar. It was definitely a good thing for Bei Sa to take the initiative to come forward to negotiate, but inviting Tang Yin to go to Bessa City was probably out of ill intentions. Many of the officials in the counties all tried to dissuade Tang Yin, as they could not accept Bei Sa's condition no matter what.    


It was not that he did not dare to go, it was that he did not want to negotiate with the Bessa City, in the past, he was only the guardian of a county, and that made the Bessa City restless. But now that he had become a County Head, his strength had increased by several times, and facing the Bessa City, there was no need to use sneak attacks or harassment tactics anymore.    


After hearing the civil officials suggest him to not go, Tang Yin took the opportunity to go with the flow and nodded: "What you guys say is reasonable, it's best to be cautious in this matter."    


Tang Yin always liked to take risks, when had he ever been cautious? Shangguan Yuanji frowned, and asked: "Could it be that Master does not wish to negotiate with Bei Sa?"    


After thinking about it, Tang Yin smiled towards the sky, saying, "Bessa has a lot of gold and silver jewelry, and Bessa's goods are also worth a lot of money. If we were to negotiate, then what are we going to snatch from her in the future? Capture what? Where does the money come from? "    


"Yes!" The others had yet to speak, but Shangguan Yuan nodded his head slightly and agreed. He said to Tang Yin: "I think Master should go to the Bessa City again, not to negotiate, but to fight directly. I am willing to go with Sir." He had always remembered that Tang Yin had launched a sneak attack on Bessa City, but he had never done so himself.    


Shangguan Yuanji glanced at Shangguan Yuanyu unhappily, and cupped his hands towards Tang Yin: "My Lord, you can't! Since Bessa took the initiative to ask for peace, we should seize this opportunity. If we were to continue fighting with her, the flames of war would continue unceasingly. In the end, it would only be the ordinary citizens who would suffer. Furthermore, Bessa was very strong. What would happen if she were to use her troops to attack? If Bessa is really forced into a corner, what if he gathers all the forces from his Morfeas Confederacy to attack us? I hope that you will reconsider! "    


Tang Yin sneered, narrowed his eyes and said arrogantly: "If they really dare to come again, I'll make sure they never come back, and take back the King Bessa's head along the way!"    


"Yes!" Shangguan Yuan nodded again. He liked listening to these words.    


At this time, Qiu Zhen who had been silent all this while suddenly spoke: "Sir, did you not forget which center of gravity you should place in?"    


With that said, everyone present was startled, including Tang Yin. He asked, "What does that mean?"    


Qiu Zhen slowly said: "The Bessa City is so huge, even if Master is to send troops, can you still swallow down the Bessa City? Can you swallow all of our Morfeas Confederacy? If you cannot, it will be a threat to you from behind, so you have to send troops to guard the border, and right now, your Yan City is in danger, so you can be attacked by the Ning Army at any time. At that time, you will have to take precautions, and won't you be trapped in a situation where you are being attacked? Master, right now is not the time to fight Bessa City. What Master needs to do is to stabilize one side and concentrate on the other side. With our current strength, we are still far from being able to fight on the two lines. "    


His analysis was accurate, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.    


Shangguan Yuanji continued, "Stealing Bessa's possessions can indeed increase our revenue, but after both sides come to an agreement, we can do it through normal trade. If we just blindly use force and go to war, then ? His eyesight is too short. "    


Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji did not hold back at all, the topic was very serious, and everyone could not help but worry for the two of them, especially those officials who were promoted by Shangguan Yuanji, and did not interact much with Tang Yin, but they knew his bloodthirsty nature, and for Yu He to break the law, he actually exterminated Yu He's entire clan, which showed how brutal he was.    


Even Shangguan Yuan felt that his eldest brother had gone too far with his words.    


Sure enough, after being called a short-sighted big hat, Tang Yin's face immediately sunk, and his tiger eyes flickered with a terrifying light, staring straight at Shangguan Yuanji.    


Just then, the atmosphere in the hall became gloomy, everyone lowered their heads, they did not dare look at Tang Yin, and did not even dare to breathe.    


After an unknown period of time, the light in Tang Yin's eyes disappeared, he took a deep breath, then burst out laughing. He shook his head and muttered: "Damn it."    


No one expected Tang Yin to scold them so happily. Just as everyone was staring and tongue-tied, Tang Yin asked: "What do we do then? You two tell me what to do now. "    


"Accept the peace!" Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji answered in unison.    


"To negotiate with the Savage Country would at least play the role of stabilizing the Savage Country and solve our worries. Moreover, the Savage Country has taken the initiative to make peace, so we can propose some conditions that would benefit us and take the opportunity to earn benefits." Qiu Zhen said with a smile, "It's just that, at the moment, we still don't know if Bessa's negotiation was out of sincerity or was just to lure Master over."    


Tang Yin nodded. Being scolded in front of Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji made him very angry, but then he thought about it, what the two said made sense, and it was rare for the two of them to have the same words, which could only mean that he was wrong.    


Of course, it was also because they understood Tang Yin's personality that Qiu Zhen and his sister dared to be so blunt.    


He turned his head to look at Le Tian and Ai Jia, and asked, "Has there been any movement in the Savage Country recently?"    


Le Tian shook his head and said, "There's no movement. Savage Army's expedition to our county was disadvantageous, but after returning to our country, our army had already dispersed, and there are no longer any signs of rallying. " Bessa City was a system used by all citizens as a military service. During times of war, everyone would serve as soldiers, but during times of war, there were very few regular troops, and most of the soldiers would be sent back to their homes.    


Bessa City was a country with relatively scarce resources, and they also fell behind in farming, so it was impossible for them to raise such a large army over the years.    


Tang Yin said faintly: "If that's the case, then it seems that the Savage Country no longer has any intentions of using troops against my county."    


"Yes, my lord."    


"So, the peace talks are also going to be real this time?"    


Le Tian couldn't guarantee anything about this. He hurriedly shook his head and said, "Your subordinate does not know."    


"Ha ha!" Tang Yin laughed, and said: "Since you accepted his invitation, then what reason do you have not to go? It's not like this is the first time that we're going to visit Bessa City, so there's no harm in going again! "    


"My lord!" Upon hearing that Tang Yin wanted to go to the capital of Pisa, Shangguan Yuanji continued, "This matter should be discussed carefully over a long period of time.    


"Huh?" Tang Yin waved his hand and said: "Barbarians love to fight. If I don't go, doesn't that mean I'm scared of Savage Country? Once you are looked down upon by the barbarians, it will be very difficult to continue this negotiation. "    


This time, Qiu Zhen was in favor. Not everything required risk to be taken, risk was also about reward. Talking with Savage Country and success was a hundred percent beneficial to their side, but it was also worth it for Tang Yin to take the risk to go there. He replied, "I agree!"    


Shangguan Yuan immediately answered, "I am willing to go with Your Excellency."    


Tang Yin laughed out loud, leaned forward and said: "Since there is someone willing to accompany me, even if the barbarians are plotting something, there is nothing to be afraid of!"    


The corner of Shangguan Yuanji's mouth moved, but he still swallowed his words of persuasion in the end. He felt that it was very safe to have his Second Brother to protect Tang Yin, so he wasn't afraid of any evil plans from Bessa.    


The next day, Tang Yin summoned the envoy from the Bessa City, and decided to accept the invitation, and was willing to go to the Bessa City to negotiate peace.    


The envoy from the Bessa City was overjoyed. After setting a date with Tang Yin, he happily left.    


When she heard that Tang Yin was going to the Bessa City again, Fan Min found Tang Yin immediately. She looked at him with both worried and resentful eyes, and said faintly: "Big Brother Tang, didn't you say that you won't be fighting with barbarians anymore? Why are we going to the barbarian capital again? "    


Tang Yin smiled, gently supported her shoulders and said: "This time we are not going to war, but to negotiate. Once everything is settled, the war between us and the Savage Country will really stop!"    


"Are the barbarians sincere in negotiating?" "Will he ?" Fan Min thought deeply, afraid that Tang Yin wouldn't be able to come back.    


"Humph!" Tang Yin snorted, his gaze becoming darker and deeper, the corners of his mouth raised with an evil smile: "If the barbarians are sincere about negotiating, then that's fine, but if they want to trick me into going to the Bessa City, then, it's not certain whether I'll become a sheep or a wolf in a flock of sheep."    


He did not know what he looked like on the battlefield, but the killing intent that he revealed naturally caused Fan Min to shiver.    


Sensing her body tremble for a bit, the killing intent on Tang Yin's body disappeared. He took off his outer robe and draped it over Fan Min's body, then scolded her with a frown: "The weather is very cold now, don't put on any more clothes, no one will bother you if you get infected by the cold wind."    


Fan Min grabbed Tang Yin's cloak and took the opportunity to get into's arms. Although he was scolding himself, Fan Min felt sweet in her heart. Tang Yin wasn't someone who could speak sweetly, but that didn't mean he wasn't considerate.    


"Can I come with you?" Fan Min raised her head and asked.    


Tang Yin said: "This time, forget it, if there's a chance next time to go to Bessa City, I'll bring you there again."    


Fan Min asked this question just to probe. Hearing that, her eyes dimmed, and said: "I still said that we're not going to war, if we're not going to war, why can't you bring me along?"    


Tang Yin was startled for a moment, then hugged her and said half jokingly: "If I don't bring you there, it might be peaceful. If I bring you there, we might really start fighting!"    


Fan Min was puzzled, and asked: "Why?"    


Tang Yin laughed: "What if the King of Bessa falls for you and asks for you? What should I do? If I don't get you out and the two of them fall out, wouldn't they start fighting? "    


Hearing that, Fan Min's face turned red, he buried her face in Tang Yin's chest shyly, but he was so happy that he was about to fly up. With just a joke from Tang Yin, Fan Min's worries were greatly reduced.    


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