Tomin in The Alien World



Tang Yin naturally understood Deng Mingyang's feelings. He said: "Since I said that your wife wouldn't suffer a loss, then I will definitely fulfill it. Mingyang, what else do you have to worry about?"    


Deng Mingyang bit his lips, pondering for a moment, then nodded his head with difficulty, telling the servant to bring his wife out.    


Deng Mingyang's wife was much younger than him, only twenty-five or twenty-six years old. Her appearance was dignified and elegant, although it wasn't shocking, but his little family's beautiful and gentle appearance still carried a unique charm.    


After Tang Yin finished reading, he nodded to himself. As he thought about it, a plan started to form in his mind.    


He pulled Deng Mingyang closer and whispered softly into his ear. Deng Mingyang listened and nodded, and when Tang Yin finished speaking, he grinned and asked: "General, nothing will happen, right?"    


"Ha ha!" Tang Yin laughed while facing up, and said: "Don't worry, with me here, taking Zhong Sang's life will be as easy as flipping my hand."    


"Alright! I'll listen to you, milord. " Deng Mingyang steeled his heart and decided to take this risk. Once he succeeded, he believed that with Tang Yin's personality, he would not treat him unfairly.    


After Tang Yin and Deng Mingyang planned to leave, he left first, leaving Shangguan Yuan behind. He said that he would help Deng Mingyang, but in reality he was monitoring him. After all, the two of them had not seen each other for a year, and Tang Yin was also afraid of Deng Mingyang betraying himself before the battle, so he had to be careful.    


After returning to Yue Zijie's house, he immediately had Yue Zijie prepare a carriage. The latter did not understand what he meant, and asked: "How many carriages does Master want me to prepare?"    


"At least two hundred. One hundred in the city, one hundred outside the city. " Tang Yin said with a serious expression.    


"Ah?" You need so many carriages?! " Yue Zijie opened his mouth wide in shock.    


"Is it difficult?" Tang Yin raised his eyebrows and asked.    


"No, no, no!" Yue Zijie shook his head, and said: "Master, please give me two days time, I will take care of it!"    


"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded his head in satisfaction and said: "The required fees are all on my account. Once we return to the Tianyuan County, I will repay you double."    


"Ah, the lord is too polite." Yue Zijie said with a face full of smiles. Although he said that, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. One must know that the cost of preparing the two hundred carriages was not small, and he was more or less unwilling to take out so much money in one go. However, hearing that Tang Yin was willing to double the cost, he was naturally very happy.    


After telling Yue Zijie all these, Tang Yin called Cheng Jin and Lu Fang over and discussed the details of the operation with them.    


Tang Yin's plan was very simple. First, he would hook Zhong Sang into his home, then get rid of him, then disguise himself as Zhong Sang and go to the Zhong Residence to bring him up. After bringing up Liang, Wu, and Zi Yang, he would load all of them into the carriage and send them to Yue Zijie's home. He had Cheng Jin, the leader of the followers, stay in the city to assist him, while Lu Fang, the leader of the hanger-ons, stayed outside the city to prepare the carriage. Once they had exited the tunnel, they could immediately leave the Yan City in the carriage, and return to the Tianyuan County.    


His plan was as such, but it was not certain that things would go according to his plan.    


After hearing this, Cheng Jin and Lu Fang secretly inhaled, the two were silent for a moment, then suddenly asked at the same time, "How can Master pretend to be Zhong Sang? If he had a physique and appearance that differed greatly from an adult's, it was possible that ? It will be seen through! "    


Tang Yin smiled as he replied, "I have my ways." After a pause, he murmured with a smile, "Maybe I couldn't do it in the past, but I can now."    


"Oh?" Cheng Jin and Lu Fang looked at each other, baffled, as even if they tried to think of a way, they would not be able to understand what Tang Yin meant.    


The matter was progressing according to Tang Yin's plan, so he would not bring up Deng Mingyang's carriage.    


On this day, Deng Mingyang changed into casual clothes and brought his wife out for a stroll. Beside him was a dark-skinned servant.    


After the three of them reached downtown, they strolled around the Zhong Residence.    


The Zhong Residence was located in the heart of the Yan City, and it was bustling with noise and activity around them. There were many small and large merchants around, and now, Zhong Tian and his family were living in the palace as a matter of fact, and the Zhong Residence had also become a prison for the important officials of the Imperial Court.    


When they reached here, the three of them slowed down and entered the few remaining shops to look around. They looked to the east and the west, intentionally trying to stall for time.    


Very soon, at noon, the Zhong Residence's doors opened and a group of red armored soldiers walked out. In the middle of the crowd was a young man in plain clothes, around the age of thirty.    


This young man was Zhong Tian's nephew, Zhong Sang.    


Seeing that Zhong Sang had come out, Deng Mingyang's spirit was roused. He stealthily pulled at the Madam's sleeves, gave his a look, and then quickly walked out of the shop, welcoming his with a face full of smiles.    


Before he could even get close, the bodyguards around Zhong Shang had already stopped him, asking with complete vigilance, "Who is it?"    


Deng Mingyang did not bother with the guards, and waved to Zhong Sang who was in the crowd: "General Zhong, what a coincidence, we actually bumped into each other here."    


Zhong Sang was startled when he heard his, turned his head to look at Deng Mingyang and asked: "You are ?"    


"I am Deng Mingyang, the Captain of the Sixth Second Regiment Formation."    


"Oh!" It's you! " Hearing Deng Mingyang's words, Zhong Sang suddenly remembered him. He waved his hand, signaling the surrounding guards to withdraw, and then looked sideways at Deng Mingyang who was jogging in front of him. Smiling, he asked: "Chiliarch Deng, what are you doing here today?"    


He didn't have much of an impression of Deng Mingyang, he only knew that there was someone like him, and the impression of this person being very timid. He did not think that Deng Mingyang would do anything bad to him.    




Deng Mingyang's face was full of smiles as he said, "General Zhong, my wife and I went shopping. We just happened to pass by this place. I never expected to meet General Zhong here. It really is fate!" Saying that, he turned around and waved to his wife, gesturing for her to come over and greet Zhong Sang.    


"Oh, so it's like that!" Zhong Sang didn't mind his at all, he merely nodded his head politely, then casually looked towards Deng Mingyang's wife.    


When he saw the appearance of Madam Deng, his eyes lit up. He could not help but think of such a beautiful woman in his heart!    


Since he did not have much of a relationship with Deng Mingyang, and did not have much interest in this lowly Captain, Zhong Sang originally wanted to leave, but after seeing Deng Mingyang's wife, he stepped forward and pulled back his leg. His eyes did not hide anything as they stared at Madam Deng.    


Since when had the man rudely looked at Madam Deng? She could not resist blushing and lowering her head, not daring to meet Zhong Sang's eyes. She said softly: "Greetings, General."    


Her voice was very soft, but it gave off a delicate feeling. The more Zhong Sang saw, the more his heart itched. As he stood there, he didn't even remember to return the greeting.    


Seeing that, Deng Mingyang secretly clenched his teeth, but he did not reveal any expression on his face, as though he did not know anything, and smiled to Zhong Sang: "General Zhong is busy, this lowly one will not disturb you."    


Only then did Zhong Sang regain his senses, and waved his hand: "Not busy, not busy." While speaking, he looked at Madam Deng. Although she was not as beautiful as Wu Mei and Wu Ying, her appearance could be considered one in a thousand. She also gave off a feeling of weakness, making people want to embrace her.    


"General Zhong, I'll take my leave first!" Seeing that Zhong Sang's perverted heart had been hooked, and most of the mission was completed, Deng Mingyang pretended to leave.    


"Wait a minute!"    


Deng Mingyang had already stopped him before he could even take a step forward. The latter asked with a face full of confusion: "Is there anything else, General?"    


Zhong Sang laughed dryly and said: "Since we've met, then don't be in such a hurry to leave! If Chiliarch Deng doesn't have anything important to do in the afternoon, why don't you bring Madam Sister-in-law along? Let's go to the restaurant for a meal and let me treat her.    


Deng Mingyang snickered in his heart. Normally, Zhong Sang's eyes were so long that they almost reached the top of his head. A thousand-man commander like him wouldn't even look at him, much less treat him to a meal. Today, you are courting death, you can't blame others! As he thought about it, he said with a troubled expression on his face, "I see. But we can't do it at noon today. There are guests at home. How about this? I will be the host tomorrow night. How about entertaining General Zhong?    


"This ?"    


Without giving Zhong Sang time to think, Deng Mingyang immediately added: "When the time comes, General and I will get drunk!"    


Hearing the words "drunk person", Zhong Sang's wife, who was secretly beside Deng Mingyang, immediately laughed, and said: "Alright, I will definitely pay a visit tomorrow night at your place."    


"This lowly one welcomes the general's presence with great respect. I hope that the general can help with this lowly one in the future!"    


"Haha ? ?" After hearing this, Zhong Sang felt even more relieved. He laughed out loud and said: "It's easy to say, it's easy to say!" No wonder why Deng Mingyang coincidentally bumped into him. So it was because he wanted Deng Mingyang to help him, then, he brought the Madam out today, possibly on purpose. Thinking of this, the smile on Zhong Sang's face became even wider.    


The next day, in the evening, Zhong Sang arrived as promised.    


This time, he did not bring many guards with him, only around ten of them were his trusted aides. Deng Mingyang went out to greet them, and warmly invited Zhong Sang into the residence.    


Compared to ordinary people, Deng Mingyang's house was not considered small, but in Zhong Sang's eyes, it was just too small and too simple.    


He entered the house and looked around. Not seeing Deng Mingyang's wife, he was extremely disappointed.    


"Preparing food in the kitchen."    


"Huh?" Zhong Sang waved his hand and said, "There's no need to go through all that trouble. As long as there was alcohol, it would be enough to make Deng Mingyang drunk. This was what Zhong Sang meant.    


"Ha ha!" Deng Mingyang immediately laughed: "General Zhong, everyone is here, how can I wait for you!" Saying that, he took out a bag of silver from his bosom and stuffed it into Zhong Sang's hands. He smiled apologetically: "In the future, I will need to rely more on General Zhong."    


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