Tomin in The Alien World



After settling the matter with Shangguan Yuan, Tang Yin returned to the big tent and looked around at the rest of the people. Finally, his gaze landed on Peng Haochu and asked: "General Peng, what do you think of Zhong Wen?"    


Peng Haochu muttered to himself for a moment, then said in a serious tone: "The enemy troops are well-fortified, and have set up base camp, easy to attack. This time, Zhong Wen had expected our troops to go and steal camp, and prepared an ambush.    


It was fine for Tang Yin to lead a few thousand men to fight against a small scale enemy, but to lead several hundred thousand men to fight against an army, he did not know what he should do. After listening to Peng Haochu's analysis, he secretly frowned. He looked around at the four commanders of the Pingyuan Army, Sanshui Army, Chifeng Army and Directly Subordinate Army, and asked: "Who has a good plan to defeat the enemy?"    


Just then, Qiu Zhen said: "Master, Zhong Wen's team needs to be annihilated quickly. If we delay it any further, not only will the enemy camp be consolidated, the Ning army will also catch up. At that time, Zhong Wen will join hands with the Ning army, and we will have a harder time dealing with them."    


Tang Yin understood this logic, but the key problem now was how to defeat the enemy.    


All the generals lowered their heads in contemplation, speechless for a long time. Upon seeing this, Tang Yin's heart was set ablaze. Normally, these people would talk like this, but why were they so quiet at such a crucial moment? He took a deep breath and said, "Since none of you have a good plan, how about this? I'll go to the Zhong Wen camp and steal another of his camps. I'll sneak into the enemy camp and find an opportunity to kill Zhong Wen!    


Hearing this, everyone shook their heads. Peng Haochu laughed bitterly: "Master, there are a lot of generals and guards with high cultivation beside Zhong Wen, even the general cannot get close to him, what more ?" He did not finish his sentence, but the meaning was already clear, even Shangguan Yuan could not let him go, what about Tang Yin?    


Once a flaw was found out, it would be very difficult for the army to escape. If the clone was dispersed, the spirit energy and spirit energy of the real body would be heavily injured, the gains would not make up for the losses.    


He had already used the Shadow Clone to stab Zhong Tian before, so the other party must have been prepared for it before, if he used his clone to stab Zhong Tian again, it would be extremely difficult for him. He lowered his voice and said, "This won't do. If that won't do, then tell me what to do."    


Peng Haochu sighed, then said: "If the enemy holds out, then we will lure the snake out of its cave, and if the enemy does not move, then we will cut off their food supply, and surround them for a long time. As time passes, there will be chaos and chaos, and only the four hundred thousand soldiers of the Ning army will be watching from the back, if our army attacks Zhong Wen from the back, the Ning army will suddenly attack from the back, and our army will be besieged from the back, which is extremely disadvantageous."    


"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded as he listened, and muttered: "If we were to forcefully attack Zhong Wen, we must think of a way to delay the Ning Army." As he spoke, his eyes wandered around, sweeping his gaze over the generals' bodies. In the end, he turned back, and looked at the Jinguang County map that was hanging on the cloth.    


Just then, Liang Qi looked to his left and right, seeing that no one was talking, he smiled slightly and said: "It won't be difficult to delay Ning Jun."    


"Oh?" Tang Yin's mind was shaken, he immediately turned around and looked at Liang Qi, and asked: "What does General Liang say?"    


"According to our intelligence, Ning Jun's army has just entered the Jinguang County, so if they want to meet up with Zhong Wen's group, they must go through the Jinhua City, if not, they must take a detour, which will delay them for a long time. Master can send out a Elite Armament to seize the Jinhua City first, and guard the main point, and this way, the speed of Ning Jun'er's army will be greatly reduced, and Master will be able to fight Zhong Wen peacefully!" Liang Qi said.    


Peng Haochu thought about Liang Qi's idea and shook his head: "It's not appropriate! What if Ning Jun's army didn't take a detour after seizing the Jinhua City but chose to surround and attack instead? If that's the case, wouldn't our brothers who attack and occupy Golden Light City be trapped inside the city to death? "    


Liang Qi faintly said: "Using a relatively small price to exchange for a larger result, can be considered as a feasible plan. If Ning Jun Wu Yi really chooses to surround Zhong Wen, then the only option for the brothers in the city is to defend until the end, either forcing the enemy to retreat, or persevering until our main forces eliminate Zhong Wen, then turning back to rescue them. "    


Peng Haochu's head was shaking like a rattle, if Ning'er's army were to attack the city, they would definitely not retreat so easily, and if they had to wait until Zhong Wen's army was annihilated, how long would it take before they rush over to reinforce his? How could the brothers in the city have lasted so long? He said faintly, "Adventure! This is too risky! "    


Listening to their discussion, Tang Yin tapped his forehead as he pondered over whether Liang Qi's plan was feasible or not. Just as Peng Haochu had said, this was indeed too risky. How many brothers could he send over? The Jinguang County was no longer usable, and it was fine for the troops to rush in, but if the troops sent out were too small, then it was possible that they would not be able to handle the attacks of the forty armies. However, if the troops sent out were too large, and they could not hold on until their own reinforcements arrived, wouldn't they be completely wiped out? Even if they managed to successfully eliminate Zhong Wen and the rest, their own side's vitality would be greatly damaged.    


Tang Yin, who loved to take risks, also felt troubled at this time. He was indecisive and unsure of what to do. Just at that moment, someone shouted: "Master, I think this plan of the General Liang is feasible. This subordinate is willing to bring twenty thousand brothers to go and stop the Ning army!"    


Tang Yin and the surrounding people started to look around, only to see Shangguan Yuan who had just been beaten with ten military batons walking in from the outside. Looking at his steps, it looked like he had not received any punishment at all, of course, the ten military batons were nothing to him, and Tang Yin did not have any strict requirements for the military, so the soldiers who carried out the punishment would not really hurt him.    


Looking at Shangguan Yuanyu, Tang Yin fell silent.    


Shangguan Yuan was anxious to make amends as she said urgently, "Sir, you only need to give me twenty thousand brothers. With me in the Jinhua City, I can guarantee that the Ning Army will have difficulty surpassing the Thunder Lake by half a step!"    


With the valor that the officials gave him, taking over Jinhua City was naturally most suitable, but the problem was that after the battle in the early morning, his spirit energy was already exhausted greatly. Tang Yin also had this concern. Looking at Shangguan Yuanyu, he lowered his head and thought for a moment. Suddenly, he burst into laughter and said, "With the Yuan to attack, this plan will be 90% certain. But if you can't go alone, you'll have to add another person."    


"Who?" Shangguan Yuan asked in unison with the rest of the people filling up their accounts.    


"Me!" Tang Yin pointed to his own nose and replied straightforwardly.    


"Ah ? ?" Hearing what was said, everyone went into an uproar. No one expected that at this time, Tang Yin was actually going to personally take the risk again. The first one who stood out and opposed was Qiu Zhen, but he understood Tang Yin's temperament very well, and knew that it was impossible to force him, so he had to find a sufficient reason to stop him.    


Qiu Zhen said with a wry smile: Master is my Army Commander, so naturally, I will remain in the army to direct the overall situation, and only Master will be here, my army's morale will rise, and we will be able to eliminate Zhong Wen and the others as soon as possible, and then turn around to reinforce our Jinhua City, but, Sir, if you leave, our soldiers' fighting spirit will be weakened, and the duration of the battle will be extended, which will be extremely disadvantageous for our brothers at the Jinhua City.    


After hearing his words, everyone nodded their heads in agreement.    


However, Shangguan Yuanyang liked fighting with Tang Yin so he naturally hoped that he could travel with him. He did not think much as he saw the crowd blocking his way. He grumbled in dissatisfaction, "I will follow master to the battlefield. If you do not tell us, how would the brothers outside know that master has left? If the lord was here, then your fighting spirit would be high. If the lord was not here, then you would lose your fighting spirit. What use do I have for you all? I think that any one of you would be better off than any of you! "    


Firstly, Shangguan Yuan was too brave and fierce, he was one of the indispensable parts of the army. Secondly, Tang Yin loved Shangguan Yuan to be lenient, and everyone could see that. Furthermore, the Shangguan family had too much power under Tang Yin's command, and the four brothers held important positions.    


Hearing that, Tang Yin did not get angry, but laughed out loud. He looked at the people and said: "Everyone heard? Yuanyu has already said everything that I want to say, what other opinions do you all have? "    


It seemed that Tang Yin was determined to go to the Jinhua City. Everyone looked at each other and did not say a word. Qiu Zhen frowned, and asked: "How many troops does Master plan to bring?"    


Tang Yin thought for a moment, then said: "There are simply too few twenty thousand brothers, if they were surrounded and attacked, it would be difficult to deal with them. "Yuan and I will bring fifty thousand soldiers with us. If there are sufficient provisions, we should be able to hold on to the ground and come to your aid!"    


Since he could not stop it, he could only follow Tang Yin's instructions. Qiu Zhen nodded his head, and said: "These 50,000 soldiers must acquire their elites, and they must be selected from the entire army!"    


"No need." Tang Yin waved his hand: "It's enough to have fifty thousand brothers from the Directly Subordinate Army."    


"Milord ?"    


Tang Yin interrupted Qiu Zhen and said with a stern expression: "To defend, is more of a contest of willpower and not fighting strength. Directly Subordinate Army have always been by my side, I am very familiar with it.    


"My lord!" As the commander of the Directly Subordinate Army, Gu Yue intervened and bowed, and said: "I will follow you, my lord!"    


Tang Yin muttered to himself for a moment, then said: "No need, you will stay behind with General Peng and continue to direct the rest of the Directly Subordinate Army."    


His tone was firm and did not allow anyone to reject. Gu Yue bit his lips and retreated.    


Qiu Zhen asked again, "Then... During the time that Master is leaving, who will be in charge of the overall situation? "    


Tang Yin laughed and said: "Of course it's your Master Qiu. However, you have to ask General Xiao, General Liang and General Peng about the army. If those three think that it's a feasible tactic, then there's nothing wrong with it."    


Qiu Zhen obviously knew what he was good at, and what he wasn't good at. He cupped his hands and said respectfully: "This subordinate understands."    


"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded his head, then straightened his waist and spoke with a stern expression: "Tomorrow morning, our army will surround Zhong Wen's camp, and at the same time, Yuanyu and I will lead fifty thousand Directly Subordinate Army to Jinhua City, you must keep this matter a secret from the outside, and and I will immediately send out our spies to gather more information on Jinhua City!"    


"Yes!" "My Lord!" Everyone bowed to receive the order.    


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