Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C11 It Really Is Her!

C11 It Really Is Her!

As I comforted the clouds, I reached for a tissue to wipe away her tears.    


The moment the clouds looked up, I saw that her big watery eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of water vapor, and her tears were rolling down her face.    


I hastily used the tissue in my hand to wipe away her tears.    


At this moment, the clouds were like my sister, and I didn't want to see her hurt.    


When Yun Xiao finished crying, he realized that the two of us were almost hugging each other. It was so intimate that Yun Xiao's face immediately turned red.    


After that, she quickly dried her tears. I felt a little awkward and asked about Boss Zhao's situation.    


This Boss Zhao's full name was Zhao Dajian. Currently, he was serving as the Deputy General Manager of the issuance department. Qiu Tong's previous General Manager had a weak character, so he had always held the power of the company in his hands.    


Zhao Dajian had gotten used to calling the wind and summoning the rain. He thought that he would be able to become the head of the department after the General Manager had been transferred, but he didn't expect that he would come to Qiu Tong and let his plans go to waste.    


At the same time, this Zhao Dajian was also very flowery. Today, he drank a lot and stood up to vent his anger towards Qiu Tong. He even took the opportunity to take advantage of the cloud.    


I said to Cloud, "Don't worry, if he still dares to come here, I'll beat his teeth out of him!"    




Toward the end of the month, the company issued a notice for the National Day holiday.    


The newspaper stopped reporting for three days during the holiday season, and from October 4th to 6th, this was also the holiday period for Issuing Company.    


I want to tell Yun Xiao to find a new Publisher after the holidays are over so I can leave.    


I don't know what Cloud would do if she knew about my decision to resign, and I don't dare to think about it for fear of hurting her.    


Thinking that I would soon be leaving the city, I suddenly felt a sense of nostalgia, which made me think of Qiu Tong.    


Ever since I met Qiu Tong at Intercontinental Hotel that day, I have never seen her again. I felt that Qiu Tong was someone with a story, but in the end, it was still a story I couldn't find out, nor would I have the opportunity to find out.    


Recently, aside from being busy during the day, I have been chatting with Floating Dream in the virtual world almost every night.    


I taught her a lot of marketing and combat techniques, and I learned Floating Dream very seriously.    


I had a distinct feeling that this was a gifted and intelligent woman. Many things were easily understood by me with a slight push, and I was able to reach a whole new height in a single move.    


I couldn't help but conclude that, in time, she would make a difference in this field.    


Aside from operating and managing, Floating Dream and I also frequently exchange views and experiences on human life. From many perspectives, I have astonishing tacit understanding and coincidences.    


Sometimes she doesn't speak, I don't speak, but it seems as if we both know what each other is thinking, and we all put on a knowing expression.    


I finally understood that in this invisible world, there was a kind of meeting called fate, a kind of feeling called tacit understanding, and a kind of feeling called soulmate.    


It's just that I haven't been able to confirm this Floating Dream's identity, but I still believe that the possibility of her being Qiu Tong isn't high. I don't believe that such a coincidence exists in this world.    


Recently, Zhang Xiaotian from the sales office ran to the station very frequently.    


I knew he was looking for clouds. He must have loved clouds and was attacking her.    


As for their relationship, I silently wish the clouds, hoping that they will have a happy and safe home, although the clouds from time to time look at me with a different kind of eyes, but I always pretend to be stupid.    


After delivering the newspaper today, my heartbeat sped up. I happened to pass by the station and decided to rest for a while.    


The moment he entered, he heard Zhao Dajian's voice from Yun Yang's office, he came again.    


I went in quietly and sat down in a chair near Cloud's office. I poured a glass of water and drank it slowly, keeping an eye on the room.    


"Yun, I drank too much last time, don't mind me!" Zhao Dajian's voice.    


Clouds did not speak.    


"I came today to talk to you about something."    


"Please instruct me, Boss Zhao!" The polite sound of the clouds.    


"The company wants to set up a Newspaper Association and a Big Customer Development Service. The person in charge has not been confirmed yet. Do you have any thoughts?"    


When I heard this, my whole body shook, and my brain rumbled. The wolf finally came. Qiu Tong wanted to set up a large customer service department, which coincided exactly with what Floating Dream said on QQ!    


There was no doubt that Floating Dream was Qiu Tong, and Qiu Tong was the Floating Dream!    


What a coincidence!    


I was stunned!    


Since Floating Dream was Qiu Tong, then was there a need to contact Floating Dream in the future?    


If I don't make contact with him, I'm afraid I wouldn't want to part with him …    


If I continue to contact him, what if my true identity is revealed? She must still hate me to the bone, right? After all, I did kiss her once...    


What to do! My mind was in a mess, and I was feeling very conflicted...    


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