Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1813 Touch

C1813 Touch

"I don't care." I really did pull her face away, kiss her on the lips, kiss her for a second, and then let her go.    


Shy and embarrassed, Qiu Tong lowered her head in anxiety.    


I knew that Qiu Tong's uneasiness was not only due to the people around her who had seen me and her being close, but also because of some other reason.    


I understand Qiu Tong's current state of mind.    


Gently exhaling a breath of air, a sense of unease suddenly welled up in my heart. I thought of Hai Zhu once again.    


They flew to Kunming at noon, then directly turned around and left for the Tengchong.    


After arriving at Tengchong, we immediately checked into the Tengchong Hotel. Qiu Tong and I stayed in the two rooms next to each other.    


Faang Aiguo had already reported to headquarters that Qiu Tong and I were going to Tengchong. Not long after we entered the hotel, Qiu Tong was chatting with me in my room.    


"The commander in chief sent me." Qin said.    


"How's the situation over there?" I asked Qin.    


The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger. The army of the government has already moved to the periphery of our defense area and is encircling it in a crescent shape, the other factions in the Golden Triangle area have also formed more than 1500 people, and under Wu De's personal command, they have already joined forces. On the other side of our defense area, there are signs of movement. Qin said.    


"In other words, a war is imminent?" "No," I said.    


Qin nodded: "Yes, our people are on alert. The commander in chief is personally leading the front line, waiting for the enemy to fire the first shot."    


My face hardened.    


Qiu Tong's face was pale as she looked at Qin: "Must there be an armed conflict? Is there no better solution? "    


Qin revealed a wry smile: "Miss Qiu, it's not that we are going to fight, it's that someone is forcing us to fight. If someone is going to kill us, we can't just sit there and wait for death, right?"    


Up till now, Lee Shun and Qin don't know the real relationship between Qiu Tong and Lee Aunt Jin. I want to personally tell Lee Shun at the right time.    


Qiu Tong looked nervous and worried, but she didn't know what to say.    


"Zhang Xiaotian was killed by Wu De." I said to Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong nodded silently.    


"If we don't get rid of Wu De, he will kill even more innocent people." Qin took over.    


Qiu Tong looked at me and Qin. "You must pay attention to your own safety and protect yourself. Also, tell Lee Shun that he must survive. You must protect him well."    


Qin nodded, "Don't worry Miss Qiu, I will definitely inform the commander in chief. The commander in chief has great fortune, he will definitely be fine."    


Qiu Tong nodded slightly.    


"This time, I'm here specifically to pick up Vice Commander-in-chief." Qin said.    


"Pick up Yi Ke? I want to go with you guys, and I want to go to Golden Triangle. " Qiu Tong said.    


"This …" Qin was in a bit of a dilemma, "The commander in chief gave me the order to take Vice Commander-in-chief to the Golden Triangle. The commander in chief specifically warned me that Miss Qiu must stay in the Tengchong, and absolutely must not go to the Golden Triangle."    


I also said, "It's very dangerous over there, especially at this time. You can't go now, you should stay in the Tengchong.    


Qiu Tong looked at me. "No, I want to go with you. We are going to live together."    


Qin looked at Qiu Tong and me with a puzzled and embarrassed expression.    


I looked at Qin and then said to Qiu Tong, "There's no room for negotiation. You must stay here. Not only will you be of no help, but you will also bring us trouble. You know that, don't you?"    


"I …" Qiu Tong said it out loud.    


Qin hurriedly said, "Vice Commander-in-chief is right, Miss Qiu. Right now, the war is on the verge of breaking out, it's very dangerous for you to go there. Besides, fighting is a man's business, and if you go there, it will only add to our troubles."    


Seeing that Qin and I were both determined, Qiu Tong sighed and said, "Alright then, I'll listen to you guys."    


Qin and I heaved a sigh of relief.    


I looked at Qin: "When are we leaving?"    


"I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock tonight. You should take a rest first." Miss Qiu, take a rest after your tiring journey. " Qin said.    


Qiu Tong and I nodded.    


Qin then left.    


After Qin left, Qiu Tong looked at me with unconcealable worry in her eyes. "You …" You want to go to war? You... You... You must return alive. You must protect yourself well and come back intact. "    


I smiled, "It's fine, I will be fine. This time I want to go to Golden Triangle and fight with Wu De. I want to avenge Zhang Xiaotian and avenge the innocent people who died under Wu De's hands."    


"I want you and him to come back alive. I will wait for you here. You must come back well." Promise me, definitely! " Qiu Tong said again.    


"I promise you." I patted Qiu Tong on the shoulder.    


Qiu Tong nodded and mumbled: "I really want to go with you to the Golden Triangle, I really want to see him immediately. Before, I was so annoyed with him that I didn't want to see him even for a second, but now, after knowing that he's my brother, I want to see him immediately and call him brother personally."    


"I understand your feelings. You will meet him, he will. If he knows that you are his sister, he will be very excited and happy." "No," I said.    


"Yes." Qiu Tong pursed her lips as a strange light flashed in her eyes.    


I then told her, "You are by yourself at the Tengchong, so try not to go out as much as possible in the near future. Of course, if you go out, there will be people secretly following you.    


"Oh. There's one of your people here too? "    


"Yes, this is the border area, there are all kinds of people here. If you have nothing to do, just stay in the hotel. Don't go out." "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong promised me.    


Then Qiu Tong went to her room and I took a shower.    


After showering, I called Leh and told him that Qiu Tong and I had arrived at Tengchong and that I was preparing to go there tonight. At the same time, I told him about Golden Triangle's tense situation.    


After listening to my words, Leh said slowly, "It seems that an unprecedented battle is inevitable. On one side there are 1,500 soldiers, and on the other there are heavily armed government soldiers. It seems that the situation is not good for Lee Shun."    


Leh's words made me a little depressed. I said: "The battle hasn't started yet. Isn't it too early for you to come to a conclusion?"    


"Hehe," Leh laughed, "In fact, that 1500 men is not a problem, but this government army, a heavy soldier division, Ke, the strength of the government army cannot be ignored. After all, they have been formally trained, so you can look down on them but only on their tactics."    


"So you're saying that we don't need to fight anymore, and just surrender?" "No," I said.    


That's not true, let me tell you, remember my words, when we reach the Golden Triangle, during the deployment of the troops, we will focus on dealing with the 1500 men's combined troops. All the elites will be arranged at the positions of the allied forces and the government forces will focus on defense. Leh said.    


"Why?" I was surprised.    


"Don't ask me the reason. Just remember my words." Leh said.    


"But …"    


"No buts, Ke, you have to remember my words. I have a feeling that this time, your real opponent is a joint army led by Wu De. Government army, I think." "Hee hee …" Leh suddenly laughed, his laugh was rather sly.    


I wanted to say something, but Leh hung up.    


Leh's words confused me greatly. I didn't know why Leh would say such words.    


At eight o'clock in the evening, Qin and his men came to pick me up on time. Qiu Tong and I said our farewells briefly before I left the hotel together with Leh. We followed the route of our last Golden Triangle and crossed the border at night.    


After dawn of the second day, I successfully arrived at Golden Triangle Camp Lee Shun.    


The rainy season of the year finally began to fade in a dry wind, and overnight, the damp clouds that pressed down on the mountaintops seemed to have been taken away by the legendary witch's magic bag. The mountain forest straightened, and the sky became bright and high.    


As soon as the sun appeared, it released the surging passion that had been suppressed for a long time. As the Mekong receded and the beach climbed out of the water, the sound of rafting echoed through the quiet river.    


As the water on the ground evaporated in the scorching air, a milky-white mist, like the veil of an Arabian maiden, floated all day long in the forest. The muddy road became dry and hard, the fruit rotted as it ripened, and the seeds were planted in the soil.    


In this season of sunshine and earth harvest, the shadow of war loomed over the hearts like a dark cloud of approaching sandstorms.    


At the western side of the Revolutionary Army region, there is the gathering of the army of the government. Even though Leh had spoken words, I still felt that these army's field troops were not acting out in public.    


Qin received information that the military had recently increased to 30,000 troops. Three infantry battalions and nine mechanized battalions were moving east along the east branch railway, preparing to attack.    


To the east, the 1,500 soldiers under Wu De's command had already gathered and were ready to attack along the Mekong River.    


The atmosphere of the war was very strong, all the members of Revolutionary Army were on high alert, ready to fight back at any time.    


Lee Shun and I were sitting at the headquarters and researching plans. At this moment, Qin came in with a new report. According to the intelligence report, the government troops in the west marked out a "red line area", strictly forbidding combat troops to cross the line.    


Looking at this piece of information, I was stunned. I remembered Leh's words, is it really as Leh said? The one on the east side is not the main point?    


Lee Shun picked up his pen and wrote down a few questions on the report. He then said to himself, "Why did the government army draw out the 'Red Line Zone'? No matter what, wasn't this a smoke screen shot by the enemy? A sham trick? The combined forces of the eastern front were not something to fear, even if they outnumbered them. What was even more frightening was the army from the western side.    


The question is, why don't they just attack the headquarters and form a strategic besieging formation with the joint forces? What I can't figure out is, why did they draw the red line to tie their hands and feet? Isn't this giving us a lot of swing space? "    


Qin and I looked at each other. I was pondering over Leh's words again. Could it be that Leh had obtained relevant information? Still.    


Lee Shun then asked Qin and me, "Do you think this information is reliable?"    


Qin answered cautiously, "It is not an excuse to say that it is a conspiracy to confuse us. We need to confirm it."    


I said, "That might be true."    


Lee Shun and Qin both looked at me. "Why do you say that?"    


I directly said what Leh told me.    


After hearing what I said, Lee Shun's eyes lit up, and he nodded: "How did Old Man Li predict this? Could it be that he had been paying attention to the situation over here? Could he be Zhuge Liang who knows how to calculate? "    


Qin was silent.    


Lee Shun pondered for a moment and said: "If this information is reliable, what do you think we should do?"    


Qin said: "Assuming the information is reliable, I suggest that we use this Red Line Region to focus our forces and severely injure the joint forces of the Eastern Front. After all, Wu De is our real enemy, so we have to concentrate our forces and eliminate him.    




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