Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1812 Expressions and Changes

C1812 Expressions and Changes

You know what?" I am afraid of your confessions and changes, of your sudden warmth and coldness, as I am afraid of a ship in a lost night that never seems to be able to land. In fact, I'm just a simple ray on a blank sheet of paper, I'm just a starting point for a prelude, all I need is a beacon, and I will persevere in the direction indicated by the beacon, and maybe walk with you all the way through, and maybe part of you.    


Although I believe that my love will transcend everything, will shock the world, will overshadow the golden light, the power of the wreath; but I believe that in the heaven of love there are only two transparent hearts singing and rejoicing in joy, and not the "holding a heart, without half a blade of grass" of the tragic and crazy.    


Zhang Xiaotian's death made me completely disheartened with you. If you insist on not leaving the underworld, eventually everyone will be killed by you, I know that day will come sooner or later, I don't want to see that day, for your own good and for my own good and everyone else's good, we will part ways. I thought it through, and I also understood, what doesn't belong to me, doesn't belong to me after all. You have never really belonged to me. Your body is with me, but your soul is elsewhere.    


When we part ways, I wish you well and wish you well. I hope you can find a better woman than me, a woman who suits you better than me. Perhaps, both Dong Xue and Qiu Tong are better suited for you than me.    


I sold the company, only the hotel and travel agent, the travel agent gave Yaru, her ability is not bad, she can run the business very well, your original company, I gave it back to Dong Xue, her cousin took it on her behalf.    


I'm going to Australia with my parents. I won't be back, so I hope you'll have a good time. Don't look for me.    


I have made up my mind that I will not turn back!    


I'll send you a bank card with 5 million in it, count it as us working together. I know money doesn't represent anything, and I know you don't want money, but I still have to give you this half, this is what you deserve. I'll leave the new room with Ningzhou for you, whatever you want to do with it is up to you!    


I'm going, let bygones be bygones. Again, I wish you well. "    


After reading this letter, I was stunned. My hand loosened and the letter fell to the ground.    


Qiu Tong bent down and picked up the letter. She read it again and sighed.    


"Zhu is determined to get a divorce from me. She won't turn back. She said she's dead!" I murmured.    


Qiu Tong was silent for a long time before looking at me. "You and Dong Xue, Zhu mentioned …" "Alternative."    


"And she mentioned you?" I looked at Qiu Tong. "Why didn't you tell me?"    


Qiu Tong's face reddened. "I won't fight with any woman for you."    


"Shut up!" "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong remained silent as she stared at the dusky sky.    


I was so depressed and sad that I walked away alone.    


Back at the dormitory, I lay there until dark, until Qiu Tong knocked on the door.    


"I knew you would lie like this for the whole day, let me call you to dinner!" Qiu Tong said.    


I sighed. "Let's go."    


During dinner, I drank a bottle of white wine alone, Qiu Tong did not stop me.    


It was very quiet in the tavern, and a song floated from the same place: "You gave me your dream, and you are the distant place I miss. From now on, no matter if it is moonlight or morning, I will look forward to your return …"    


Listening to this melancholy song, and thinking of the little things with Hai Zhu, my eyes couldn't help but to moisten.    


Qiu Tong looked at me intently, and when she saw that my eyes were moist, she seemed to realize what I was thinking, and her eyes turned red.    


After dinner, Qiu Tong walked me downstairs and said, "I'm not going up there anymore. Go back and rest. Don't think too much about it."    


I looked at Qiu Tong and nodded.    


Qiu Tong turned around and left silently.    


Looking at Qiu Tong's back, my heart became moist.    


Deep in the night, lying alone on the bed, looking out the window at the deep night sky, thinking of Hai Zhu, who had already left me in despair, thinking of Qiu Tong, whom I had been admiring day and night, thinking of Xia Yu, who had quietly gone to the other side of the ocean, thinking of Haifeng, who had gone to the Great Prairie to silently and kindly clouds, thinking of Dong Xue, who had appeared and disappeared by my side, sleepless night.    


Too many things had happened recently, and perhaps more were about to happen.    


Qiu Tong and I have passed through the most difficult crisis in life, Qiu Tong after suffering the most blissful moment in life, the truth is so old and desolate, life has so many changes.    


The next day, Qiu Tong came to me. "I want to go to Golden Triangle."    


I knew what Qiu Tong meant, it just so happened that she had some free time during this period of rest. I nodded my head. "Sure, I'll accompany you!"    


"How can you accompany me? You have to work. " Qiu Tong said.    


"I can ask for leave."    


"Minister Guan is on leave?"    


"He'll be on leave."    


"Oh, why are you so sure?" Qiu Tong looked at me.    


"Because he needs me."    


"What do you mean?"    


"You'll understand soon enough." "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong looked at me and nodded.    


I requested a leave of absence from Guan Yunfei and said that I would go home to take care of some matters. I asked for 10 days' leave, and Guan Yunfei agreed: "Okay, you also need to take a good rest, go home and rest. When you come back, I will consider how to promote you! You've done me a great service this time, I won't forget you. "    


Guan Yunfei had been trying to seduce me these past few days with his promotion. I smiled and left.    


I know that Guan Yunfei's struggle isn't over. After getting rid of Sun Dongkai, he has more important things to do. He is waiting for better news.    


Getting rid of Sun Dongkai wasn't his ultimate goal, he wanted to see Lei Zheng's fall to the ground.    


However, Lei Zheng is also not an easy target. With Sun Dongkai's accident, Lei Zheng will definitely intensify his actions.    


I don't care about that. I have already set up a trap between Guan Yunfei and Lei Zheng. The next step is up to them.    


Of course, the trap I set up might not be for Guan Yunfei and Lei Zheng, but it might not be so.    


Qiu Tong and I flew straight to Kunming. On the plane, I told her what I had done after she entered the restaurant. After she heard this, she sighed, "I knew you wouldn't be able to stay idle. You would definitely think of a way to save me."    


I took Qiu Tong's shoulder, and she shuddered and didn't refuse.    


"I won't fight with Dong Xue for you!" Qiu Tong said after a long while.    


I didn't say anything. Remembering Dong Xue's stubborn stubbornness, which hadn't been heard from recently, I couldn't help but worry a little.    


Hai Zhu's departure was exactly what Dong Xue wanted to see. This was exactly what Dong Xue wanted to see. I think that Dong Xue must have found out about this news by now and wondered how she was feeling right now.    


I looked at Qiu Tong, who was sitting next to me, staring out the window at the vast sky.    


I took Qiu Tong's hand gently. Her hand was warm.    


Qiu Tong turned to look at me and gently shook my hand.    


Qiu Tong's initiative made my heart pound, and I couldn't help but lightly kiss her on the cheek.    


Qiu Tong's face turned slightly red as she felt shy.    


"We're together, we're together …" I murmured.    


"Yes." Qiu Tong responded in a low voice.    


"Guest and Floating Dream are currently flying together in heaven …" I said again.    


"Yes." Qiu Tong squeezed my hand again.    


I held Qiu Tong tightly, and she obediently snuggled into my arms.    


Ever since I knew the true relationship between Lee Shun and Qiu Tong, Qiu Tong's attitude towards me seemed to have changed drastically. I knew that the change came from the bottom of my heart, and I knew that she had suddenly let go of the burden.    


I kissed her lightly on the cheek and on her earlobe, and she took it in silence, shaking slightly in my hand.    


I know Qiu Tong's heart is pounding.    


I don't know why, but Hai Zhu suddenly appeared in my heart.    


My heart sank and I froze.    


Qiu Tong sensed it and turned to look at me.    


I silently looked at Qiu Tong and sighed. "I'm sorry, I thought of Hai Zhu."    


Qiu Tong nodded. "Yes, I understand."    


I let go of Qiu Tong and we fell silent.    


After a long while, Qiu Tong said, "Actually, it's not just Hai Zhu that I'm thinking about right now. It's also Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee."    


"Yes." I looked at Qiu Tong.    


"I remember the days when I worked with Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee. I remember everything they did to me." Qiu Tong sighed.    


"This is all in the past, don't think about it." I comforted Qiu Tong.    


"It's impossible if you don't want to. The past is not something that can be eliminated so quickly." Qiu Tong said, "Actually, I just feel that in this world, there is no need for people to be so stubborn as to fight over something. There really isn't a need for people to be aggressive towards one another."    




"In other words, life is as vast as the seas and the skies."    


I nodded my head. "It's easy to say these words, but very difficult to put them into practice. At a certain point in time, no one will retreat and no one is willing to retreat."    


"You may be right. This is where our confusion lies." Qiu Tong murmured, "Actually, I really feel that sometimes, most of the time, it's us who end up hurting others by being angry with them and arguing with them. Even if we have the upper hand in the dispute, what will happen in the end? "    


I smiled: "Secretary Qiu, are you giving me another lesson in philosophy of life?"    


Qiu Tong smiled and hit me with her hand: "Fuck you! I'm not Secretary Qiu and I'm not your superior anymore."    


I reached out and took Qiu Tong's small hand. I gently caressed it and looked at Qiu Tong seriously, saying, "No, in my eyes and in my heart, you have always been my beautiful superior. My very female superior. My Secretary Qiu."    


"Why your very female superior?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Because." I thought for a moment, "You are not an ordinary woman, your thoughts and thoughts and your character are all very unique. You are a very special woman that I have met very frequently in very special times and spaces. In my eyes, everything about you is very special, including me and you.    


Qiu Tong listened attentively and pondered.    


I continued: "From that drunken encounter with us, to our acquaintance in QQ virtual space, to our relationship in reality, all of this is very, very fated fate."    


Qiu Tong looked up at me, "On the streets of Hsinghai, you are just a hoodlum in my eyes. In my eyes, you are a mystery in QQ virtual space, and in reality, you are a legend in my eyes."    


I said, "From a hoodlum to a mystery to a legend, this is all brought to you by me. Without fate, how can there be so many definitions? At the end of the day, what connects us is fate in this life. This fate is in this life, and it can't be in the next. "    


Qiu Tong's gaze was a little dazed. "I always thought that we could only do it in the afterlife. Who would have thought that this life …"    


"What would he know?" I asked.    


Qiu Tong looked at me. "I don't know."    


"You know that."    


"Even if you know, you still won't tell."    


I hugged Qiu Tong again and whispered in her ear, "Do you remember that night by the Yalu River?"    


Qiu Tong's face turned red and her breathing quickened.    


I kept whispering, "I always remember. My heart beats whenever I think of it."    


"You …" Qiu Tong's breathing quickened.    


"Tong …"    




"I want to kiss you again. I want to kiss your lips this time." My voice is a little dubious.    


"No, don't... There will be people around who will see it. " She struggled slightly.    




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