Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1807 Give Him Support

C1807 Give Him Support

However, I was a little confused. Since Wu De didn't have any money, how did the mobilization of the armed forces in the south come about? Without money, the weapons would not help him. Did he have another consortium supporting him from behind? Was it really like Lee Shun's analysis, that the Japanese were supporting him from behind?    


I thought it was possible.    


While Qiu Tong was in trouble, I felt that Wu De was also ready to strike back.    


Leh's side was well-prepared. Wu De didn't seem to be able to find an opportunity to attack Leh.    


Lee Shun is also waiting for him to make his move. I think that Wu De probably wants to get rid of Lee Shun first and then go back and take care of Leh.    


Dong Xue hadn't shown her face during this period of time. No one knew what she was doing.    


That night, I received a message: Alai had disappeared.    


The news came from Dong Xue, whom I hadn't seen recently.    


"Why did Alai go missing?" I asked Dong Xue, pretending not to understand.    


"Very strange." Dong Xue said, "Wu De is also very confused. He is sending his men to find Alai, and he even turned to Lei Zheng to ask for help in finding Alai's whereabouts."    


Dong Xue mentioned Lei Zheng, my heart was moved, calmly nodded: "Oh."    


"It can't be that you made Alai …" Dong Xue looked at me.    


I shook my head. "I didn't touch a single hair on his head. Besides, I am not his match with Alai's skill. Did Alai do something to betray Wu De? Did he run away?"    


Dong Xue shook her head, "I don't think so. Alai is a person who likes to gamble. If I were to say that he ran away because of something that he did that was detrimental to Wu De, I don't think it's possible. Furthermore, Wu De couldn't feel that Alai had done anything. Wu De seems to trust Alai quite a bit, and he is also confused about Alai's sudden disappearance. "    


"Then what's Lei Zheng's attitude on this matter?" "No," I said.    


"Wu De asked Lei Zheng to help him find Alai. Lei Zheng was straightforward and agreed immediately." Dong Xue said.    


"Oh." I calculated.    


"Oh yeah, I feel like there's going to be a big commotion coming from Wu De's side." Dong Xue said.    


"What kind of big commotion?"    


"For the south." Dong Xue said.    


"What exactly?"    


"I just have a feeling that I can't tell you the specifics."    




"Lee Shun loves to live and loves to die, so leave him alone. Don't get involved with matters in the south. You must remember my words." Dong Xue warned me seriously, "This time Wu De and Lee Shun will definitely fall out. There will definitely be an unprecedented battle to the death. They will bite each other until the end. We will just stay out of this."    


I bitterly smiled in my heart. Of course, I knew that once Wu De started to fight with Lee Shun, I would definitely be unable to escape.    


However, in order to appease Dong Xue, I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, I'll remember that."    


"It's better if we don't get in contact too much in the future. Wu De seems to have some suspicions towards me." Dong Xue said again.    


I looked at Dong Xue, "I feel that it's time for you to disappear from the Hsinghai. I have arranged for people to escort you out of the Hsinghai, so that you can temporarily find a safe place to stay for a while."    


Dong Xue shook her head. "No, you won't leave. I definitely won't leave the Hsinghai.    


I panicked. "Dong Xue, be good. You're in danger now."    


Dong Xue smiled. "As long as you're here, I won't be in any danger. I know you'll protect me with all your heart."    


"I... "You …"    


Your concern for me made me so happy, so I'm willing to enjoy the happiness and happiness you bring me in this danger, "Dong Xue happily laughed," Of course, Ke, don't worry, I will protect myself well. When it really comes to the time where I have to leave, I will leave and I won't drag you down with me.    


I stared at Dong Xue as she left.    


In the evening, I had a drink with him.    


In the tavern's single room, I and I once opened a bottle of Shanghai's old cellar, directly with the bowl, a person half.    


"Boss Yi, your group has been quite lively recently." It was said.    


"What's wrong?"    


"What else? About Qiu Tong. " He once said, "I really didn't expect a weak girl like Qiu Tong to have so much courage and guts. She insisted on knocking Sun Dongkai down, but she was unlucky. Instead of knocking Sun Dongkai down, she sent herself to a mental hospital. In this day and age, it doesn't matter if there's reason.    


Zeng said with a sorrowful tone.    


I smiled. "This is asking for it."    


"Why do you say that? I have some sympathy for Qiu Tong. " He used to look at me with disapproval.    


"Hur hur, let's not talk about this topic." I laughed.    


"Oh right, you invited me to a drink tonight, there must be something. Speak, what is it?" I once said it directly.    


"If I were to say that I miss you and chat with you, you definitely wouldn't believe me." "No," I said.    


"Of course, you definitely wouldn't come and talk nonsense with me if you had nothing to do." It was said.    


I picked up the bowl and took a big gulp of wine. Then, I looked at Zeng Wei: "A subordinate of Boss Wu went missing. Do you know about this?"    


Zeng's eyes flickered as he smiled: "I heard."    


"You know that Wu De entrusted Lei Zheng to help him find Alai's location, right?" "No," I said.    


Zeng was stunned: "I haven't heard of that. Wu De asked Secretary Lei to help to find the whereabouts? "Really?"    


I smiled. "Of course it's true. Don't you think it's funny?"    


"What do you mean?" Why should I be amused? " Once said calmly.    


"Because." I paused, looked at Zeng, and suddenly sped up my speech. "Because you know this the best, because you know where Alai is."    


Zeng was stunned: "What do you mean?"    


"You know what I mean the best. Haha, Captain Zeng, do you not know where Alai is now? Do you really want me to directly tell you that Alai is in your hands? " I looked directly at Zeng.    


At this moment, I am only guessing that Alai was in Zeng, but I am not completely sure.    


His face changed, but he didn't say anything.    


From the change in expression on my face, I confirmed my guess that it was Lei Zheng who arranged for Alai to be controlled. Alai's disappearance was really caused by Lei Zheng. Lei Zheng had managed to hide it from Wu De and arrested Alai.    


This is exactly what I wanted to achieve. I guessed that Lei Zheng would do it, but I didn't expect him to do it so quickly.    


As for why Lei Zheng wanted to catch Alai, it was naturally related to Qin Lu's death. He naturally wanted to find the middleman through Alai to find the real mastermind behind Qin Lu's death.    


I continued, "Qin Lu didn't commit suicide, she killed him. I think you will understand this point. Not only you and I will understand it, I also want to know what happened with the others. However, I have yet to uncover this piece of paper. And the person who killed Qin Lu, perhaps you already know it, is Alai. "    


"You know enough. How do you know all this?"    


"How should I know? That's not important. The key is that you only need to understand why Lei Zheng let you capture Alai." "No," I said.    


He didn't say anything for a long time.    


I continued, "Actually, it's not hard to overturn the original case. As long as we catch the real culprit, the truth will be revealed. But now that we've caught Alai, perhaps Alai already told us that he is the culprit behind Qin Lu's death."    


But I think the intention of the higher-ups is definitely not just to catch Alai and let him finish the job, because Alai is just a hitman hired, and there's still a middleman behind this, and also a mastermind behind this. And finding the mastermind is your real mission, which is also what Secretary Lei is most concerned about, right? "    


Zeng suddenly laughed: "Yi Ke, why do I feel like you know more than I do? As if this is a big show you're directing. "    


I also laughed. "I don't have that kind of ability. I'm just inference."    


He once looked at me and nodded: "Yi Ke, to be frank, yes, your reasoning is correct. Alai is in my hands and I have locked him up in a very hidden place. Of course, I have no right to do so. "That's right, Alai has already told us that he can't handle those interrogation tools. He told us that he is the murderer of Qin Lu, and he also told us some clues about the middleman. I am currently investigating the whereabouts of the middleman with all my might."    


"Did you find it?"    


"Not at the moment, but we have roughly determined the location and information of the middleman. With modern technical skills, I think we can quickly capture him." It was said.    


"Oh. "In that case, as long as we capture the middleman, the real mastermind behind Qin Lu's death will come to light." "No," I said.    


"That's right, that's right."    


I exhaled. "That's good."    


Once said: "Can I understand the reason why you pay attention to this matter as if you have been wronged because of Qin Lu's matter, you think out a resentment, you are unwilling to believe that Qin Lu committed suicide, but also want to thoroughly wash away the stain on your body."    


I nodded. "Yes, you're right."    


"But I feel that your reasoning is a bit far-fetched. Qin Lu declared that she was committing suicide, which would definitely clear your suspicions."    


"But don't you think it's reluctant to call it suicide? With so many doubts and you still want to characterize it as suicide, don't you think this is a mockery of your responsibilities? " "No," I said.    


He took a long drag on his cigarette. "Maybe you're right, but that's why I'm trying my best to solve this case."    


I nodded. "I knew you were a man with a bottom line. I knew your own morals and responsibilities."    


There was a moment of silence. "I think only you and I know about my conversation with you tonight. No other person will know."    


"This is certain, but it is also necessary." "No," I said.    


"Yi Ke, I sometimes feel that you are a trustworthy friend, but sometimes, I also feel that you are a person that I cannot see through. Sometimes, I even feel that you have been using me to do something, but I can't think of what exactly you are doing."    


I grinned. "Brother Ceng, you're overthinking it. I'm actually very simple. You don't have to be so suspicious of me. The simpler, the easier it is, right?"    


Zeng forced a smile, shook his head, and nodded: "Alright, the simpler it is, the easier it is. Come, cheers —"    


Zeng and I finished a bottle of white wine and then dispersed.    


Through my conversation with Zeng tonight, I knew that Lei Zheng had started to take action. His target was the unknown mastermind.    


This morning, when I just got up, Faang Aiguo brought news: Wu De and the King's bodyguard suddenly flew from the Hsinghai to Kunming.    


At this moment, the news Faang Aiguo brought was exceptionally sensitive. The first thought that came to my mind was that Wu De was heading towards Lee Shun, and if Wu De were to head towards Golden Triangle, he would have to fight Lee Shun to the death.    


Thinking about it this way, a great battle with the Golden Triangle would probably begin soon.    


Before the outcome of the battle on the Hsinghai side was decided, another huge wave was set off in the south.    


"Where's Dong Xue?" I asked Faang Aiguo, lighting a cigarette.    


I've been smoking more and more lately.    




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