Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1805 Quite a Lot of Sighs

C1805 Quite a Lot of Sighs

I was startled. Why did I coincidentally meet them here?    


"Yi, where are you going?" Guan Yunfei asked me.    


"I'm going home to my cousin's wedding." "No," I said.    


Guan Yunfei looked at the sea cucumber in my hand, smiled and nodded.    


"Where are Minister Guan and Senior Sister going?" "No," I said.    


"I'm going to the Yanjing meeting, and your senior sister is also going to the Yanjing with me to see a friend." Guan Yunfei said.    


"Oh." I nodded. "How long will Minister Guan need for the meeting?"    


"I'll go back tomorrow night. The meeting time is very short, what's the matter?"    


"No problem, I was just casually asking." "No," I said.    


"When are you coming home?" Xie Fei suddenly asked me.    


"If nothing else, I'll be back the day after tomorrow." "No," I said.    


Xie Fei smiled faintly.    


Looking at Guan Yunfei and Xie Fei, thinking of Alai, thinking of Qin Lu, thinking of Lei Zheng, a complex feeling welled up in my heart.    


"Alright, let's stop chatting. We are about to board the plane." Guan Yunfei waved at me.    


"Alright, I have a safe trip." "No," I said.    


Guan Yunfei and Xie Fei left in such a hurry, he didn't even talk about Qiu Tong with me. I think Guan Yunfei must know about what happened to Qiu Tong last night.    


After a few steps, Xie Fei looked back at me.    


Xie Fei looked at me as if there was something in her eyes that I couldn't understand.    


Looking at the back of the senior sister who had once given herself to me, I was filled with emotion.    


At 10: 50, my plane took off on time and headed west. In the middle through Xi'an, 5: 30 p. m., they arrived at the airport of the Urumqi bunker.    


After landing, I immediately called a pre-reserved hotel, staying at the top floor of the hotel.    


At this time, the night had already fallen, but the sun was still high in the Urumqi, so it was around 10 pm.    


Standing at the window of the hotel, he looked out and saw the snow-capped summit of the Tianshan Mountains.    


I was not in the mood to appreciate the exotic places in the far west, and I began to plan my own plans.    


I took out the name card I found in Sun Dongkai's office and dialed the person's number. It was from the person in charge who sold the account number to our corporation.    


"Hello, I am Yi Ke, the director of Hsinghai and Party Committee Office …" I directly revealed my identity.    


"Oh, hello." The manager's voice sounded warm.    


"May I ask if you are now Urumqi?" I said politely.    


"No, I'm on a business trip to Turpan. What can I do for you?" "No," he said.    


"Hehe, it's like this, I came to Urumqi for a business trip. I just arrived in Xinjiang for a business trip, our corporation's Secretary Sun specifically instructed me to come and see you, and even asked me to bring you some special products from Hsinghai. I wonder when you will return to Urumqi?" "No," I said.    


"Oh, hur hur. It's rare that Secretary Sun still remembers me. Thank you very much. I'll go back to Wu City tomorrow afternoon. You won't leave tomorrow, right?" "No," he said.    


"I plan to return the day after tomorrow. I'll still be in Wu City tomorrow." "No," I said.    


"Very well, brother, you can do your business first. I will contact you when I return to Wu City tomorrow afternoon and invite you for dinner tonight." The other party was very friendly.    


"Alright, I'll wait for you to contact me."    


After the phone call, I went downstairs to have a quick meal, then returned to my room, exhausted, and fell asleep.    


He slept until the next morning, when he got up, he went downstairs to enjoy the street scenery of Urumqi.    


Urumqi is the world's farthest city from the sea. The climate is drier, and when I get up in the morning I feel it. My nose is dry.    


Just as he was strolling around, his cell phone rang. He took a look and saw that it was Cao Teng.    


At this time, why did Cao Teng call me? I muttered to myself.    


He picked up the phone.    


"Hello, Boss Yi." Cao Teng's distant and familiar voice came over the phone.    


"Hello, Director Cao. What can I do for you?" "No," I said.    


"Hehe, Boss Yi, where do you think I am?" Cao Teng's voice sounded somewhat strange.    


"Where?" My heart tightened.    




"I can't guess, but don't keep us in suspense."    


"I'm at Ningzhou, haha." Cao Teng laughed.    


Cao Teng was at Ningzhou? Why would he go to Ningzhou?    


"You came to the Ningzhou?" "No," I said.    


"That's right, I came here on a business trip. I heard that you also returned to Ningzhou to attend your cousin's wedding, so I wanted to give you a call."    




"Boss Yi, no matter what, we have arrived at your two-acre and three-acre place. This is the first time I am here at Ningzhou. " Cao Teng said.    


My mind was racing: "Oh, okay, Director Cao, where are you? I'm in the country at my cousin's wedding, and I'm sending someone to pick you up and have some wedding wine with him. "    


At this moment, I quickly made a judgement that Cao Teng might be tricking me. I might as well go all out to test him.    


"Oh, you're in the countryside. Then forget it. I have a lot of things to do here. It's too late for that. What a pity." Cao Teng said with regret.    


"What kind of things are you so busy with? You don't even have enough time to drink wedding wine. Are you afraid that you won't be willing to spend the money for the ceremony?" I estimate that Cao Teng will be provoked.    


I thought your cousin was having a wedding in the city. "" I thought you were going to have a wedding. Cao Teng said.    


"Then are you really not coming over?" "No," I said.    


"Un, I really don't want to go over. Help me congratulate your cousin. I'm going to be busy right now. Talk to you later, Boss Yi." Cao Teng said.    


After finishing the call with Cao Teng, I pondered for a moment before using my phone to call Cao Teng's office phone. I soon got through to a woman who was answering the call.    


"I'm Yi Ke, where's Director Cao?" I asked directly.    


"Hello, Boss Yi. Director Cao just drove out. He walked for less than five minutes. I don't know what he went for." The other party replied.    


As I expected, Cao Teng was testing me just now, he has his doubts about whether I was really in Ningzhou or not.    


Cao Teng must have heard about my Ningzhou from Tian Shanshan, so he has his suspicions about my whereabouts.    


Was it Cao Teng's own intention to test me or was it arranged by Sun Dongkai? I suddenly felt a little apprehensive.    


Thinking about this, I dialed Cao Teng's cell phone.    


"Director Cao, you're not in Ningzhou, you were lying to me just now." I said it directly.    


Cao Teng was silent for a moment, then laughed dryly: "Boss Yi is very smart."    


"Why are you doing this?" "No," I said.    


"What do you think?" Cao Teng asked me.    


"I'm asking you."    


"Hehe, Boss Yi, do you really think that you will stay in Ningzhou? "Do you dare to find a landline and call me on my cell phone?" Cao Teng laughed gloomily.    


I was a bit nervous: "Cao Teng, what do you mean?"    


I'm just interested in Boss Yi suddenly requesting a leave and leaving Hsinghai under the current circumstances. Actually, I don't know where Boss Yi went to now, I just want to know if Boss Yi really went back to Ningzhou. "" Oh? Cao Teng said.    


"So what? What does it have to do with you whether or not I'm in the Ningzhou? " "No," I said.    


"No, I'm just curious." Cao Teng said.    


"Cao Teng, what are you trying to do?" My voice was cold.    


"Hehe, Boss Yi, don't talk to me like that. Don't worry, no matter where you go, I won't tell anyone, no matter what you're going, I won't ask anyone, I think, maybe you are secretly doing what you think is right, doing what you think you should be doing. As for what you're doing, I don't think I will guess, and even more so, I won't ask anyone about it."    


After all, we are brothers. Don't think that there is not the slightest common interest between us. Don't think that you and I are completely incompatible, hehe. I think maybe I should bless you by praying for you. " After Cao Teng said that, he smiled ambiguously and hung up the phone.    


Cao Teng's words made me think, it was as if Cao Teng knew what I was doing, but at the same time, he didn't seem to want to tell anyone what he wanted me to know.    


Could it be that Cao Teng wanted to use me to achieve some sort of goal? Could it be that Cao Teng wanted to play cat and mouse with me? Or did Cao Teng have a deeper plan?    


What exactly Cao Teng's plan was, he couldn't figure it out at the moment.    


Since I've come this far, I have to go on.    


In the afternoon, the person in charge of the sale came back from Turpan and invited me to dinner at a hotel near where I lived. He came by himself.    


I took out the sea cucumber I bought and gave it to him, saying that it was a little kindness from Sun Dongkai.    


He took it happily, and we began to drink.    


He's a big drinker, so we'll drink to our heart's content.    


In the end, he didn't drink me. He got drunk and talked a lot.    


"Sigh, we can't do painting reports here. If we fail, we can only sell it to you!" His tongue was a bit stiff.    


"Hehe, you did not lose out. We also gave you a huge sum of money!" I laughed as I reached into my pocket and pressed the record button for the microrecorder.    


"Sigh, that's not bad. You guys are quite rich, I ask for 1 million." Sigh, that's not bad, you guys are quite rich, I ask for 1 million. Everyone is praising me for finding a good buyer. "Luckily, the people from the department helped to contact them …"    


As the other person rambled on, I laughed and listened, recording everything he said.    


F * cking Sun Dongkai, he spent 1 million to buy the account number. But when he came back, he made 1 million in the group's finances, and he even embezzled 9 million in the middle. Sun Dongkai's appetite was indeed very big and fierce.    


Naturally, there must be something good about the Finance Center as well. I was sent off the deal and didn't take part in it.    


On the second day, I directly flew back to Hsinghai. On the same day, I appeared in Guan Yunfei's office at 4 PM.    


"Eh, Yi, you came back to attend the wedding?" Guan Yunfei said.    


I smiled. "I didn't go home."    


Guan Yunfei blinked, "Oh, then where did you go?"    


"I went to Urumqi." I said quietly.    


"Urumqi?" Guan Yunfei looked at me in surprise. "Where are you going? Did your cousin's wedding take place in Urumqi? "    


I smiled and took out my microcomputer. I placed it on Guan Yunfei's desk. "Minister Guan, listen to the contents inside. You might be interested in the things inside."    


Guan Yunfei looked at me in confusion, then picked up the microcomputer.    


Guan Yunfei began to listen to the recording. I sat quietly and watched him as I lit a cigarette.    


After Guan Yunfei heard this, he let out a long sigh: "So that's how it is …"    


I smiled.    


Guan Yunfei looked at me with a dubious expression. "Yi, I want to know, are you doing this to help me or to help Qiu Tong?"    


"All of you, help!" I bluntly said, "Secretary Qiu was not unkind to me, and you even took great pains to cultivate me. At the critical moment, I must do my best, and at the critical moment, I must not let you down!"    




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