Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1803 Train to Beijing

C1803 Train to Beijing

At this moment, I received a text message from Faang Aiguo: Brother Yi, Miss Qiu is going to Yanjing, now on the train to Beijing.    


My heart thumped once, but Qiu Tong still didn't give up on her report and went to Yanjing.    


I immediately replied to Faang Aiguo with a text message: Did our people follow us?    


Faang Aiguo replied: "Yes, we two brothers have been secretly following Miss Qiu."    


I replied: Pay attention to hiding, strictly protect, and keep me updated on the situation.    


Faang Aiguo replied: "Yes, keep in mind the latest situation."    


Putting down the phone, I saw Tian Shanshan looking at me with her big eyes.    


"Why are you looking at me like that?" I smiled at Tian Shanshan.    


Tian Shanshan pursed her lips and smiled, "Brother Yi, why do I feel like you've been acting weird recently?"    


"How am I weird?" "No," I said.    


"I can't say, but I do have this feeling." Tian Shanshan said.    


I laughed. "Aren't you being too sensitive?"    


Tian Shanshan chuckled. "Maybe."    


At this time, I saw Sun Dongkai passing by the door with a nervous expression, I don't know where he went.    


Looking at Sun Dongkai's expression, I suddenly thought, could it be that Sun Dongkai knows about Qiu Tong entering the capital?    


I should have thought that Sun Dongkai and even Lei Zheng would send someone to monitor Qiu Tong's every move. Furthermore, I know that due to the need for stability, the Hsinghai Department has long-term personnel stationed in the capital who specialize in handling matters regarding the personnel that have been interviewed.    


At the thought of this, I felt a little uneasy.    


Tian Shanshan added, "Actually, not only you, I feel that Secretary Sun has also been acting weird recently."    


I glanced at Tian Shanshan, but didn't say anything.    


After lunch, I was taking a nap in my office when I received a text message from Faang Aiguo: Brother Yi. Miss Qiu arrived at Yanjing and called a taxi.    


I replied, Are there any suspicious signs around here?    


Moments later, Faang Aiguo replied: There's a police car with a Hsinghai badge at the entrance of the restaurant. There are four or five policemen in the car.    


My heart tightened and I immediately replied, In uniform?    


Faang Aiguo replied: "Yes, the police officer in uniform has been sitting in the car all this time."    


Sweat broke out on my forehead as I replied to Faang Aiguo: Keep an eye on them.    


Faang Aiguo replied: Please ask Brother Yi, if those few policemen take action against Miss Qiu, should our people take action to protect Miss Qiu?    


For the time being, I didn't reply to Faang Aiguo.    


That was at the Yanjing, in the capital, and those few people were not gangsters, they were honest policemen. If there was a fight at the Yanjing, the consequences would be …    


Time was running out, and the cold sweat on my forehead was growing.    


Just as he was hesitating, Faang Aiguo called directly, with a very urgent voice: "Brother Yi, another police car is parked in front of the restaurant. There are three people wearing police uniforms in the car, they have met up, it seems that they are here for Miss Qiu, it seems that they are going to take action soon, if... "What should we do?"    


In an instant, I made a decision. I told Faang Aiguo: "Tell our people to stay on the lookout. Don't make a move. Don't expose yourself. Follow us."    


After saying that, I let out a long breath.    


I know, even if they aren't at the Yanjing, and the other side has many people, our two people wouldn't be able to control the situation. Where these few police officers appear from, and what their motive is is is is is unknown right now. Since he was unable to control the situation, he might as well keep an eye on the situation. Once they were exposed, not only would it be useless for Qiu Tong's safety, but it would also cause huge trouble for her.    


Faang Aiguo hung up the phone.    


I waited uneasily in my office for further news.    


After a moment, Faang Aiguo called again, "Brother Yi, as expected, Miss Qiu just left the restaurant after dinner. The policemen took her away and brought the police car that came later."    


"Where did you go?" I asked.    


"He's heading directly out of the city. He should be heading straight for the highway entrance." Faang Aiguo answered.    


"Where are our people?"    


"He's following us, not detected."    


I exhaled heavily. "Keep following."    


"Brother Yi, it seems like those police officers are going to bring Miss Qiu back to Hsinghai. Should we mobilize our forces and intercept her on the way back?" Faang Aiguo said.    


I thought about it urgently. "Not for now, let's see what they do next."    


I can roughly guess at this moment that they were only going to bring Qiu Tong back to the Hsinghai, and that they might not do anything to her. After all, Qiu Tong had only been on the job and hadn't done anything illegal. Once Faang Aiguo said he would dispatch troops to intercept them on the way, it would inevitably lead to a fight. That would be a big deal.    


After finishing the call with Faang Aiguo, I contacted Leh directly.    


Leh was drinking tea at the teahouse. I briefly explained what happened to Leh.    


"Oh, I see." After hearing what I said, Leh said it slowly, as if everything that happened was within his expectations. Leh didn't seem to be too surprised.    


"Ke, what you have done so far is correct. You can't do anything in the Yanjing, it would cause uncontrollable consequences. Similarly, there is no need to use force to block the way, nor is there a need to do so. " Leh said.    


"What should we do next?" "No," I said.    


"You decide." Leh said straightforwardly.    


Leh told me to make the decision myself.    


I realized that a contest was in front of me. Leh seems to be purposely testing me.    


"I'll go look for you," I said, feeling a little uncertain.    


"Alright, come on."    


I went straight to the teahouse and met Leh.    


Leh sat there calmly and poured me a cup of tea. He looked at me and said, "Ke, the more critical the situation is, the more calm you have to be."    


"However, I feel a little chaotic right now. I can't calm down." My voice was irritable.    


"Why do you think this opportunity is chaotic? Because I don't know what Qiu Tong will do next, right? "    


"Yes, Qiu Tong has already caused the city's upper echelons to become angry, and was punished. This time, she went to the capital again, and was brought back to the Hsinghai by someone from a powerful mechanism. I don't know what awaited her at the Hsinghai." I said uneasily.    


"Before something happens, no one knows what will happen. We have to make a decision based on the new situations that keep happening. Don't panic, we have to stabilize ourselves." Leh said to me in an encouraging tone.    


"What should I do if I can't maintain my calm?" "No," I said.    


"If you can't keep still, you lose." Leh said.    


"What do you mean steady?" "No," I said.    


"Stabilizing means not to be impulsive." Leh said.    


"Impulse is the devil?"    




I fell silent, smoking cigarettes one after another. Leh sat there quietly sipping his tea, looking out of the window as if he was thinking about something.    


As time passed, Faang Aiguo kept sending me the latest news:    


"They've entered the mountain customs …"    


"They're still 100 kilometers away from Hsinghai …"    


In the evening, Faang Aiguo sent me another text message: "Brother Yi, they have entered the city. They went straight to a mental hospital in the suburbs. "    


I was surprised. Psychiatric hospital! What do you mean?    


Very quickly, Faang Aiguo called directly: "Brother Yi, they …. They put Miss Qiu in a mental hospital! They were forced to be locked in the second ward! "    


My head exploded. I stood up abruptly and shouted into the phone, "Faang Aiguo —"    


"To …"    


"Mobilize the Special Warrior for me immediately. Prepare to move at 8 o'clock tonight. Charge into the mental hospital and rescue him!" There was a great anger in my voice.    




After hanging up, I sat down, unable to calm my anger.    


I finally couldn't suppress the anger in my heart. I wanted to use force to save her. I couldn't just watch Qiu Tong suffer in a mental hospital. That wasn't a place a normal person would be at.    


"Are you ready for action?" Leh said.    


"Yes —" I nodded.    


"Have you decided?" Leh said.    




"You don't want to hear what I think?"    


"Go ahead." I looked at Leh.    


"Who do you think put Qiu Tong in a mental hospital? Do you think the cops will decide for themselves? " Leh said.    


I looked at Leh in a daze.    


"Would they do that without the instructions?"    


"Lei Zheng instructed me." "No," I said.    


Leh nodded, "At least it was Lei Zheng's instructions, and there's even Qiao Shida." Leh said.    


My scalp was misty. "You don't support me in this? "Is that so?"    




"But …"    


"Ke, I understand your worry about Qiu Tong, but what you're doing is the most reckless and foolish action." Leh said.    


It seems that Leh had already vaguely noticed the relationship between Qiu Tong and me. Although he didn't say anything, I still felt that he had sensed something.    


"I can't watch Qiu Tong being tortured in a mental hospital, that's not a place for people to stay!" My voice broke.    


Leh patted me on the shoulder, "Ke, listen to me. There are pros and cons in everything. In this situation, the bad things that seem to happen might not necessarily be the bad things.    


Also, I will arrange the mental hospital through certain channels. Qiu Tong won't suffer any torture, won't be given medicine, won't receive electrotherapy, will stay in a separate room, and will eat well. As long as she doesn't leave the yard, she will be relatively free.    


"If you use force to save Qiu Tong, it will ruin everything. You will drag Qiu Tong into an abyss that will never be reversed. You will harm Qiu Tong, and you will harm yourself."    


Leh's words calmed me down and calmed me down.    


"When you encounter something, use your brain to analyze it!" "Calm down!" Leh said again.    


I thought.    


"Let's seriously think about where we should start if we want to save Qiu Tong." Leh inspired me again.    


I looked at Leh. Leh smiled, got up and left.    


After Leh left, I sat down at the teahouse. My fevered mind temporarily calmed down and started to seriously ponder Leh's words.    


At 7: 30, Faang Aiguo sent a text message: Brother Yi, all members of the special forces squadron have been gathered together.    


I know, as long as I give the order, Faang Aiguo will lead these Special Warrior into the mental hospital. Tonight, a shocking and bloody event would happen in Hsinghai.    


I didn't reply to Faang Aiguo's text message yet, so I continued to ponder.    


At this moment, Fourth Brother sent a text message: A large number of special police officers have suddenly gathered around the mental hospital in the city.    


It must be because someone judged that after I found out about Qiu Tong's news, they would mobilize their men to use force to rescue Qiu Tong. If Special Warrior were to kill and rush to a mental hospital, I would coincidentally fall into the encirclement of the special forces.    


Thinking about this, I didn't hesitate to reply Faang Aiguo with a text message: Action cancelled, staff disbanded, weapons all entered the warehouse.    


Faang Aiguo replied: "Brother Yi, what's going on?"    


I replied: Execute the command.    


Faang Aiguo replied: "Yes."    




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