Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1777 Secretary Rey's Attitude

C1777 Secretary Rey's Attitude

"Don't you think Secretary Lei's attitude is a little abnormal?" Guan Yunfei said.    


I nodded and frowned, "It is indeed abnormal. He clearly knows that I am your man, yet he took the initiative to ask you to nominate me and ask you to recommend me. I still don't know what Secretary Lei is planning."    


I know that the purpose of Lei Zheng's actions is to repay me for saving his daughter's life, to balance his heart and not let himself bear the burden of owing me a favor. But, he also might have another goal, which is to arouse Guan Yunfei's suspicions towards me, and to distance himself from Guan Yunfei and me.    


Even though Guan Yunfei kept saying he trusted me, I could already feel that Lei Zheng's initiative to nominate him made him somewhat suspicious.    


But even so, I will not tell Guan Yunfei about my rescue of Lei Zheng's daughter, I would like to see if Guan Yunfei will be led by Lei Zheng's nose.    


"I also have another idea," Guan Yunfei said. "That is, Lei Zheng wants to nominate you to sow suspicion on my relationship with you, making me doubt your loyalty and loyalty to me."    


I pretended to be enlightened. "Like this? Would it be like this? Is that really true? "    


Guan Yunfei snorted: "I think that's the only possibility. If I suspect you, shake my faith in you, and refuse to nominate you, that's exactly what he wants. He probably meant to do it because he was worried that I would definitely nominate you. If I agree with him to nominate you, then he has miscalculated and picked up a rock to smash his own foot. "    


"Then how did you reply to him?" "No," I said.    


"I said I have to think about it. I'm not sure yet." Guan Yunfei said.    


"Oh." I nodded.    


Guan Yunfei then touched the phone: "I'll give Old Lei a call right now."    


I looked at Guan Yunfei.    


Guan Yunfei called Lei Zheng and said in a clear voice, "Old Lei, it's Yunfei."    


I listened.    


Lei Zheng's voice came faintly from the phone: "Minister Guan, hur hur."    


"Secretary Lei, I just thought about it, I can't not give you face as a brother. Since you recommended the nomination to me, then I will listen to you. Actually, there were originally other candidates in my heart, but since you came to look for me for this, I can't not give you this face."    


"Haha, Yunfei, then I have to thank you brother. Thank you brother for giving me, Old Lei, this face. "Rest assured, as long as you nominate Yi Ke, I guarantee that all the votes of the standing committee members will pass and no one will object."    


"Old Lei, actually, I find it strange that Yi Ke doesn't have much contact with you. Why did you suddenly think of nominating him? "Don't tell me those pretentious reasons, tell me what you really think, and satisfy my curiosity."    


"Since Old Guan is so curious, then I will be frank. Actually, I took the initiative to ask you to nominate Yi Ke, it's not really for him, it's for the two of us. "    


"Where did that come from?" Guan Yunfei looked confused.    


"Actually, I know that Yi Ke is your favorite person. I know that you have always admired Yi Ke, and as for me, I really don't have a good impression of Yi Ke, but I know that for this promotion, you will definitely nominate Yi Ke. Also, you must be worried that I will oppose your nomination on the standing committee.    


"I was just thinking, we brothers shouldn't let a big guy think that we're not united just because we're promoting a deputy director level official, we can't do that. So, I wanted to give you a reassurance first so that you can be more relaxed and nominate Yi Ke. Raising Yi Ke is a small matter, but we brothers have a big relationship, don't you think?"    


I couldn't help but admire Lei Zheng's way of thinking. This person's brain is moving very fast, his reasoning is very grand.    


"Oh. "So that's how it is, so that's how it is. Bro, I can't seem to find any reason to doubt your words anymore." Guan Yunfei seemed to have some doubts about Lei Zheng's reasoning, but he had no choice but to believe it.    


"Old Guan, I know you might not believe it, but I do think so."    


"Hur hur, then I must believe it. I must believe it." Guan Yunfei laughed.    


After finishing the call with Lei Zheng, Guan Yunfei looked at me and said, "You heard it all?"    


I nodded. "Yes."    


"Do you believe in his reasoning?"    


"I don't know if I should believe it or not."    


Guan Yunfei sneered: "This Old Lei, what the hell is he up to? I didn't want to believe it, but I seemed to have to. His reason is so sincere. It seems that I should be touched for a moment, but I really can't be moved. "    


Obviously, Guan Yunfei was skeptical of Lei Zheng's words, but he couldn't find any other reason. He was confused.    


After a while, Guan Yunfei said: "It doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't obstruct me, it's fine. I just need to believe in your loyalty to me."    


Guan Yunfei seemed to be talking to himself, at the same time, he seemed to be punching me, and at the same time, comforting himself.    


A promotion, made Guan Yunfei so distressed, I feel very sorry.    


"It's hard to tell whether our circle is real or fake. Just thinking about it makes me tired." Guan Yunfei sighed.    


I looked at Guan Yunfei blankly, trying to figure out what he was thinking at the moment.    


Guan Yunfei looked at me and waved his hand: "Alright, it's alright now. You can go back now."    


I got up and left, leaving Guan Yunfei's office.    


I know that Guan Yunfei's heart isn't at peace right now. Originally, he was very quiet, but Lei Zheng's sudden initiative disrupted his heart. His heart was in chaos. He could not believe that Lei Zheng's words were sincere, but he could not avoid some reluctant suspicion about me. As long as he did not know that I had saved Lei Zheng's daughter, he would never dispel it.    


Furthermore, he was no longer able to retreat from this matter. He could only advance forward step by step. It seems that Guan Yunfei was kidnapped by me and Lei Zheng and lost his initiative. To Guan Yunfei, this was the most irritating thing.    


No matter how confused Guan Yunfei is, I won't tell him the truth and let him suffer.    


When I was going downstairs, I heard someone calling me from behind. When I turned around, it was Lei Zheng.    


Lei Zheng was walking towards me with a big smile on his face.    


I respectfully greeted Lei Zheng, "Hello, Secretary Lei."    


Lei Zheng walked up to me and looked at me. "You just came out of Minister Guan's office?"    


I directly replied, "No, I didn't go to the Ministry. I went to the Party Committee's office to send a document."    


The Party and Municipal Committee and the Political and Law Commission's Ministry of Propaganda were both upstairs.    


Lei Zheng was slightly surprised. "Oh, you didn't go to Minister Guan's office?"    


"Yes, why?"    


"Nothing, hur hur," Lei Zheng laughed, "Oh right, Yi, has Minister Guan talked about anything with you recently?"    


"What is it?" I haven't seen Minister Guan lately. " Believe it or not, Lei Zheng, I'm talking nonsense.    


Lei Zheng didn't seem to mind whether what I said was true or false, he said, "Yi, let me tell you something. Recently, the city has decided to promote a few official level officials to the deputy department.    


"Oh." I nodded and looked at Lei Zheng.    


"I know this quota is very precious. The competition must be very intense. There are so many units in the promotional system and so many young officials. However, I've specifically called Old Guan this afternoon and strongly recommended him to nominate you." Lei Zheng said.    


"Oh. "And then?" "No," I said.    


"Then, Minister Guan was very straightforward and agreed to it. This means that the matter of you getting promoted to vice versa. How about it, are you happy?"    


"However, I've heard that the standing committee has a rule. Breaking the rule isn't that only a few people obey the majority. Rather, one must pass by the majority before it can be broken." "No," I said.    


"It's not a rule, it's just a tacit agreement set by Secretary Qiao in the city. However, you don't have to worry about that, as long as I don't object and I support you, I think there will be no problem." Lei Zheng said.    


I chuckled: "In that case, I should thank Secretary Lei."    


"Thank? No need at all. " Lei Zheng said.    


"No need to thank me. That's because of the equal exchange, isn't it?"    


"What do you think?" Lei Zheng said meaningfully.    


"Because you owe me a favor, so you have to repay me a favor. That way, you can feel at ease, right?" "No," I said.    


I think at least I'll repay you a favor, and at least I won't feel like I've lost something in your heart. There's one thing you need to know, in the past, if Old Guan had nominated you, I would have definitely opposed. As long as I object, your promotion would have been in vain.    


"I understand. I know that if I could get promoted this time, the first person I would thank would be you." "No," I said.    


"As you can understand it, it would be nice if you could be aware of my importance in this matter." Lei Zheng smiled proudly, "Of course, what I have done this time might not be enough to repay your kindness, but I want to achieve a balance in my heart."    


"So Secretary Lei is a good person who knows how to repay favors." "No," I said.    


"Good people? In this world, there were no absolute good people, nor were there any absolute bad people. I am, and so are you. " Lei Zheng said, "You saved my daughter, so I have to change my opinion and practice towards you. But I hope that you know your own limits and don't be too greedy."    


I smiled. "Actually, I never expected you to repay me with anything. What you're doing now is of your own free will."    


"Yes, I volunteered. You and I, I think that in the future, it would be best for us to live in peace, and it would be best if there were times when we had to make a choice. " Lei Zheng said.    


"I think so too." "No," I said.    


"The one who I don't want to save my daughter the most is you, but it's you. I don't want Old Guan to nominate you, but I have to take the initiative to recommend you. Do you understand my current mood?" Lei Zheng said calmly.    


I smiled. "I understand, I understand, I understand. Secretary Lei, I know that when you feel that returning my favor is about the same, you will return to your original appearance. Now, it seems to be gradually starting. "    


Lei Zheng laughed through his nose, "You are very smart. I'd like to be friends with you, but you seem to be going further and further away from me. "    


"I do not wish to provoke you, but I also do not wish to be friends with you. Some people take the initiative to be unable to be friends with you. I will never be on your ship. " "No," I said.    


"If you say that, it will make things difficult for me." Lei Zheng's expression turned ugly.    


"Secretary Lei doesn't need to be troubled. I know that Secretary Lei will only be troubled for a short while, and Secretary Lei will soon figure it out." "No," I said.    


After saying that, I turned around and left.    


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