Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1771 Rescue

C1771 Rescue

"Let's put it this way. I received a call tonight. My daughter was sent to the hospital in a car accident. Her injuries are very serious. If she were sent to the hospital a few minutes later, then …" When I got to the hospital, the kid was out of danger, and the doctor told me it was a young man who sent it and paid ten thousand dollars for it, and the kid left quietly. Then I checked the hospital's surveillance footage and saw the young man who rescued us. "    


Hearing Lei Zheng's words, I was stunned and quickly understood. Damn, the girl I saved was Lei Zheng's daughter! F * ck, I saved Lei Zheng's daughter.    


"Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that Lei Feng, who does good deeds without leaving a name, would be the one to get caught because of your bloodstains. This makes me feel extremely awkward and embarrassed. At the same time, I want to say that I am very grateful to you." Lei Zheng's face was filled with sincere gratitude.    


"Actually, I didn't know that the girl was your daughter. I've never met a daughter that hadn't seen you before. Actually, no matter who it was, I would have saved her in that situation." "No," I said.    


"Yes." Lei Zheng nodded, "I believe you are telling the truth, and I think I should also tell you the truth. To you, I have always had a bad impression and have always hated you, we have never been in the same war and have never spoken the same words, but today, I want to see you again, but I am unable to erase the impression I had of you before."    


I smiled faintly, "You don't have to change your impression of me just because I saved your daughter. Although you are Big Leader, I also don't want to curry favor with you. I know that you have never had any good feelings toward me, and I don't expect you to have any good feelings toward me either."    


"Before, you didn't know that the girl was my daughter, but now, I believe that you already know. In that case, I think it's time for you to make your request." Lei Zheng said.    


"If it were anyone else, I would not mention anything. However, if it was you, I do have to state my conditions." I said simply.    


"Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it. This way, I can at least balance my emotions." Lei Zheng said.    


"I only have one condition, and that is to return the ten thousand that I have advanced to you." I said it directly.    


Lei Zheng was stunned, "You... That's the only requirement? "    




"You don't have any other request? Are you sure? " Lei Zheng stared at me.    




Lei Zheng let out a sigh, "Okay, I will not only give you back 10,000 yuan, but I will also give you another 20 zeros."    


Lei Zheng wanted to repay me with 1 million yuan for saving his daughter's life.    


I smiled. "No need, I just need to return my ten thousand."    


Lei Zheng said: "You did this because you wanted me to maintain the debt I owe you in my heart? Want to have a moral high ground between you and me? "    


"Think what you want, but I'm just telling you, I don't care about your one million, do you understand?"    


Lei Zheng was silent for a moment: "Then, aside from money, you can also make a request."    


"Like I said, I only have one request, nothing else." "No," I said.    


"But I insist that you mention another one. I don't want to owe you anything. You saved my child, so I want to repay you. That way, we will be even." Lei Zheng said.    


I thought for a moment. "Since you insist on it, since you want to get rid of me, fine, I'll fulfill your wish."    


Lei Zheng looked at me: "Go ahead."    


Actually, we know each other, I know the relationship between you and Wu De, I know the relationship between you and Wu De, you also know the relationship between me and Lee Shun, I don't want to stir up trouble, I just want to do my own thing peacefully, I think you know what kind of person Wu De is, what kind of thing is he doing, I think you also know, so, since you insist on a request from me, then I will say it, I want you to give up your support for Wu De, in other words, don't continue to be supporting Wu De, can you do this?    


When I said that, Lei Zheng's face turned ugly, "I think you fainted from fever. Wu De and I are just friends. He is the big boss and has support for political and legal work. As the secretary of the political and legal committee, he also has support for my work. Other than that, we have no other connections."    


Lei Zheng's answer was within my expectations. Of course, he wouldn't admit that he had anything to do with Wu De even if he was beaten to death.    


I sneered: "Secretary Lei, since you said that, then I have nothing else to say."    


Lei Zheng let out a sigh, "However, I can't change your mind. How about this, since you don't want 1 million, then I will arrange for someone to transfer your 10,000 credits to your bank account. Then, I will remember how you saved my daughter this time, and when the time is right, I will repay you."    


"So Secretary Lei is also someone who will repay kindness?" I said sarcastically.    


Lei Zheng smiled faintly, "Yi Ke, what happened tonight made me very responsible. I don't want to see this kind of situation happen. I would rather save my daughter from someone else than you, but you are the one."    


You and I may never be on the same boat. I don't want to change some of my views and practices just because you saved my daughter, but I don't want to be ungrateful either. I know your relationship with Lee Shun very well. You know very well what kind of person Lee Shun is. You and I both know the relationship between Lee Shun and Wu De.    


"Of course, we can also not be rivals, and that will depend on whether you understand reason or not. As the saying goes, a wise man knows his place, and if you can change your mind, I still welcome you. Perhaps, you and I can become true friends."    


I laughed out loud: "Secretary Lei, I know your current complex mentality, people have their own ambitions, you can't force yourself. I have my bottom line, you also have your trump card, we might never get together again. In fact, you don't have to worry about it. You can keep your opinion of me the way you used to, and you won't have to be embarrassed because I saved your daughter.    


I believe in this saying, good and evil are always rewarded. It's not that I haven't reported it yet, but when I touch your bottom line, you can do whatever you want to me. When you touch my front line, I won't let you go either. Of course, since you are so high up in the sky, my actions are just an illusion. You can treat me as a fool or a fool. "    


Lei Zheng let out a wry smile: "Yi Ke, what you said made me feel troubled."    


At the same time, I will tell you, if you want to pull me into your camp, that is wishful thinking. You know better than anyone what Wu De did and what he did, that is, you want to collude with Wu De and do bad things, then you will get your retribution sooner or later. "No," I said.    


Lei Zheng's expression was extremely ugly and his gaze was a little cold as he looked at me.    


It was the way he had always looked at me, and now I couldn't help it, because I had touched his sore spot.    


But soon, Lei Zheng revealed a smile again, "Yi Ke, no matter what, I just want to solemnly thank you right now."    


With that, Lei Zheng stood up and bowed to me.    


I stood up, walked to the table, picked up a pen and wrote down my bank account number: "Remember, you have to call me with my money, it's only 10,000. If more, I'll send it to the disciplinary committee, saying that Secretary Lei wants to bribe me."    


Lei Zheng's face twitched as if he couldn't tolerate my impudence.    


I know it's time to leave.    


I said to Lei Zheng: "Secretary Lei, can I go now?"    


Lei Zheng nodded slowly: "Of course."    


I strode to the door, opened it, and glanced back at Lei Zheng.    


Lei Zheng was staring at me blankly.    


I smiled and went out.    


Down the stairs, someone was waiting at the door of the building. He handed me the car keys.    


I drove straight out of the precinct yard and back to the dormitory.    


He washed his face and threw the bloodstained clothes on the washing machine.    


I sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and slowly smoked it, sifting through the night.    


I didn't expect that I saved Lei Zheng's daughter. Luckily, I saved Lei Zheng's daughter tonight, otherwise, I would definitely suffer inside. Lei Zheng would not let go of this rare opportunity to mess with me.    


Lei Zheng and I didn't expect that there would be a dramatic change in events. Lei Zheng must be feeling conflicted right now. I, who was always treated as trash by him, actually became his savior. How could he endure this?    


Lei Zheng won't give up his embarrassing relationship with Wu De, so naturally, he and I will continue to oppose each other. On one hand, he owes me a great favor and on the other hand, he has to protect his own personal interests.    


In my stiff relationship with Lei Zheng, I feel like I have the upper hand now. In the past, Lei Zheng looked down on me and despised me, but afterwards, would he continue to treat me like this? After all, I saved his daughter's life. Can Lei Zheng continue to be cruel to me while bearing the burden of morality?    


When he thought about it, he couldn't help but laugh.    


The next morning, I got up and went downstairs. I drove to the car and washed the blood off the car last night.    


Just as I was about to drive away, a thin young man handed me a large envelope with an expressionless face.    


"What?" What are you doing? " I looked at him.    


"This is what Secretary Lei asked me to pass to you." He walked away.    


I opened the envelope. Ten thousand dollars.    


F * ck, didn't you say you were going to punch my card? I was in a daze, unable to figure out Lei Zheng's plan.    


Lei Zheng was very obedient and didn't give me any money.    


I know that if I accept Lei Zheng's 1 million recompense, he will feel better and at least feel that he doesn't owe me anything. This is not what I want, what I want is to make Lei Zheng feel unbalanced towards me and owe me a favor.    


A few years ago, when I was just working in Hsinghai due to poverty, 10,000 yuan was already a huge sum of money to me. But now, I don't even see 1 million of it.    


I took the money and drove straight to the office.    


When we arrived at the office, Sun Dongkai wasn't there. Tian Shanshan told me that Secretary Lei's daughter had a car accident last night. This morning, Secretary Sun personally went to the hospital to visit her.    


I knew that when Lei Zheng's daughter got into a car accident, the people who went to visit her in the hospital would definitely line up. Not to mention the rest, just the political and legal systems would line up, and none of the big and small leaders would let go of such an opportunity to show goodwill to their leaders.    


In other words, those who had the qualifications to visit the hospital were also honorable people. Those who were at the bottom didn't even have the qualifications to visit.    


At this moment, Cao Lee rushed over and said to me, "Do you know, Secretary Lei's daughter had a car accident last night. Secretary Sun went to the hospital early in the morning to visit her."    


"I just found out." "No," I said.    


"Let's go, we can't fall behind on this. We also need to go to the hospital. Seriously, Secretary Sun didn't call me when we go." Cao Lee said.    


"Go ahead, I'm not going." "No," I said.    


"Hey, you fool, how can you let go of such an opportunity? "Come, come with me. After all, you and Secretary Lei are familiar with each other after dinner." Cao Lee pulled me along without saying a word. Before I left, she glanced at Tian Shanshan with a look of contempt.    


A car was parked downstairs, and the driver was Cao Teng.    


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