Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1763 Show

C1763 Show

I keenly felt that Tian Shanshan's surprise was fake. She seemed to already know what she was going to promote. She was just putting on a show for me.    


At the same time, I also realized that Sun Dongkai was just putting on a show. He should have told Tian Shanshan that he was going to promote her.    


Sun Dongkai used me as a prop, a prop for acting.    


Fuck him.    


Since it was an act, he might as well continue.    


I nodded. "Of course not."    


"I submit to the organization's decision and thank the leader for his trust in me. I will definitely live up to the leadership's expectations and do my best to do my job under Brother Yi's leadership." Tian Shanshan said.    


"That's good. You can go back and wait for the notice." "No," I said.    


After Tian Shanshan left, I took out my internal phone and called Sun Dongkai. "I've finished talking to Tian. She was very happy and showed that she is sure to fulfill her new duties well."    


"That's good. "Oh right, there are more people working in the Party office now. The big office is crowded, and Tian's work is more sensitive and confidential. I think it would be better if Tian moved to your office next time and worked with you at the opposite table." Sun Dongkai said.    


I was stunned and immediately replied, "Of course not."    


I knew I couldn't afford to be vague or hesitant about this, even if I couldn't quite make it through.    


Sun Dongkai then hung up the phone.    


Putting down the phone, I lit a cigarette and smoked slowly. What does Sun Dongkai mean for Tian Shanshan and me to work across the desk? Sun Dongkai's reasoning was very clear. I have no excuse to reject him. So, he wants Tian Shanshan to spy on me?    


Thinking about what Fourth Brother had told me about Tian Shanshan entering my office that night, I couldn't help but think that Tian Shanshan might have received some instructions from Sun Dongkai.    


What kind of mistake did I make that made Sun Dongkai suspect me? My mind filtered and combed.    


I know that accompanying a monarch is like accompanying a tiger. Once Sun Dongkai has some doubts and worries for me, then, my good days will come to an end.    


Of course, maybe Sun Dongkai didn't suspect me at all, but I was just overthinking it.    


I thought over and over again, analyzing Sun Dongkai and Tian Shanshan.    


I didn't expect a girl who had just come to work for the Party would make me start thinking hard.    


It occurred to me that Tian Shanshan had inadvertently mentioned that when she was in the press department, there was a period when she was interviewing politics and law.    


In other words, Tian Shanshan and Lei Zheng were quite familiar with each other.    


Was this related to Tian Shanshan's promotion? A thought flashed through my mind.    


It looked like a simple internal promotion, but it gave me a lot of ideas.    


Soon, Tian Shanshan was promoted to vice-chairman of the Party, and the desk was moved to my office, where we sat opposite each other.    


Tian Shanshan was very excited and looked at me. "Brother Yi, Senior Brother, please help me more in the future, hehe."    


I smiled and looked at Tian Shanshan. "This is the result of your hard work. Keep up the good work. Maybe after a while, you'll be sitting in my seat."    


"Sigh, I don't dare to think about that. Of course, if Brother Yi enters the Party committee team, I would still be happy to take over Brother Yi's class." Tian Shanshan said.    


"This has something to do with whether I can promote him or not." "No," I said.    


"That won't do. If you don't promote me, I won't dare to sit in your seat." Tian Shanshan said half-truthfully.    


As he was speaking, Cao Lee walked in with a downcast expression.    


"Boss Cao is here." Tian Shanshan hurriedly stood up.    


Cao Lee looked at me and then looked at Tian Shanshan. She said in a lukewarm tone, "I have something to tell Director Yi."    


"Fine, you guys tell me. I have something to take care of outside." Tian Shanshan was very tactful and hurried out.    


I looked at Cao Lee. Cao Lee sat on Tian Shanshan's seat and looked at me. "How do you feel?"    


"What do you feel?" "No," I said.    


Cao Lee sneered, "Your junior apprentice sister's promotion is really fast. Not only did she get promoted to vice chairman, she even got to work with you at the same table. Is your heart feeling very good? "    


I laughed out loud, "What does this have to do with me? Tian is my junior sister, so the reason she can be promoted is due to her hard work and also due to the decision of the Party committee. Secretary Sun's decision to promote someone to be vice chairman is of no concern to me. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were beauties sitting together at the table? A man and a woman matching, it's not tiring at all. "    


Cao Lee glared at me fiercely: "You can say it has nothing to do with you, but I'm curious, what method did this Tian Shanshan use to make Secretary Sun promote her so quickly. This little girl, in my opinion, is a coquettish fox, isn't she?"    


I said, "Boss Cao, don't say that to her. What evidence do you have to slander her innocence? "Watch your mouth."    


"Yo, you're still protecting her. It seems like it's because of the affection between our senior and junior brothers, right?" Cao Lee said in dissatisfaction.    


"I speak in a fair way, not to protect her." "No," I said.    


"Are you after her?" Cao Lee said.    


"Holy shit, what's going on in your head?" "No," I said.    


"I'm jealous, can't I?" Cao Lee said.    


"Haha." I laughed.    


"What the f * ck are you laughing for?" Cao Lee said.    


"I'm laughing at you for being crazy, f * ck!"    


"I'm warning you, don't let me catch any of your filth. Otherwise, hmph." Cao Lee snorted. "You're my man. If I can't get my hands on you, don't even think about touching you."    


"Cut the crap, when did I become your man?"    


"Sooner or later." Cao Lee glared at me, "Let me ask you, why do you think Secretary Sun wanted to promote Tian Shanshan? Did Tian Shanshan sleep with him? "    


I sternly replied, "Boss Cao, there's no evidence. Don't speak carelessly. You're a group leader, so you have to be responsible for your own words. You have to do what you say and not say anything carelessly."    


It could be seen that because of Tian Shanshan's promotion, Cao Lee had overturned her jealousy pot.    


Cao Lee said bitterly, "Damn it, men are not good people."    


What a classic phrase.    


After Cao Lee left, I pondered over her words.    


Actually, I have thought about the relationship between Tian Shanshan and Sun Dongkai. Sun Dongkai's actions had long made me feel that, but I don't have any evidence. Furthermore, facing my junior sister, I also don't want to have such thoughts. I don't want Tian Shanshan to be someone who loses her bottom line in order to be promoted.    


Qiu Tong and I had discussed the matter of Tian Shanshan's promotion. Although Qiu Tong felt that it was a little strange, she didn't show much of an abnormality. In the Party committee, when Sun Dongkai raised the matter of promoting Tian Shanshan, Qiu Tong, who was in charge of personnel, did not object.    


"Young people's improvement is a good thing after all. Besides, Tian's job is also good and her relationship with her colleagues is also good. Her ability is good enough for her to be the vice chairman of the Party's office." Qiu Tong said.    


"Is that why you didn't object?" "No," I said.    


"That's right," Qiu Tong nodded. "Of course, I can't go back on Secretary Sun's suggestion. As long as it's reasonable, it's fine."    


Cao Lee didn't object to it in the Party Committee. I knew that she had no way to oppose it, because everyone agreed that it was too obvious that she would jump out and cause Sun Dongkai a great deal of disgust. Sun Dongkai's trust towards Cao Lee was no longer as deep as it used to be. Although the common interests still made them work the same way, and although Cao Lee gave Sun Dongkai a lot of physical pleasure, the things that happened before already made Sun Dongkai's trust towards Cao Lee waver.    


"I'm just curious about one thing." Qiu Tong said.    


"Which one?" "No," I said.    


"That's to get Tian Shanshan to move to your office and work across the table from you."    




"The Party office is crowded, but it's not crowded enough to have to work with you. The room next to the office is filled with random things the Party has arranged. You can give them to Tian Shanshan. Why do you want to stay with her?" Qiu Tong frowned.    


Qiu Tong's words reminded me that this was Sun Dongkai's intentional plan. Then, what was Sun Dongkai's intention? What other background is there for Tian Shanshan and me to work behind?    


I don't know.    


With the arrival of Tian Shanshan, my heart secretly built a firewall, other than work matters, generally do not easily call other private phone calls.    


Contact Faang Aiguo and the others and text them as much as possible.    


That afternoon, I went to Sun Dongkai's office for some business, so I left my phone on the desk without taking it with me.    


After just entering Sun Dongkai's office for a while, Tian Shanshan came in with her cellphone, which was ringing.    


"Director Yi, you called right after you left." Tian Shanshan handed me her cell phone and went back.    


I took the phone and saw that it was Hai Zhu.    


After taking the call from Hai Zhu, Sun Dongkai said with a smile, "Tian and you have an office, that's the same as having a secret service."    


I smiled.    


"I'm used to working alone. Is there anything wrong with working alone?" Sun Dongkai asked me.    


"It's fine, nothing to get used to." "No," I said.    


Sun Dongkai smiled. I felt that his smile was quite meaningful.    


He returned to the office to express his gratitude to Tian Shanshan.    


Tian Shanshan laughed, "It's a small matter. You don't have to be so polite, Brother Yi."    


Then I got busy.    


After a while Tian Shanshan asked me, "Brother Yi, that Minister Guan's wife, Xie Fei, is our senior sister, right?"    


I looked up at her.    


"Um, I heard that when you went to the Party School's green class, our senior sister was your teacher, right?" Tian Shanshan said again.    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"Then, you must be very familiar with our Senior Sister, right?" Tian Shanshan's eyes were twinkling.    


I became wary and said, "It's only the relationship between students and teachers. It's just that senior and junior can't be considered to be familiar with each other."    


"Oh, but it's a given." Tian Shanshan was slightly unwilling.    


"Of course I do." "No," I said.    


"Then, when can you introduce me to senior sister?" Tian Shanshan said.    


I glanced at Tian Shanshan. "Why did you see her?"    


"Hehe, Senior Sister, isn't it normal to know each other?"    


"If she hadn't been the Minister's wife, would you still be so interested in seeing her?" I asked Tian Shanshan.    


"This definitely has nothing to do with whether she is the Minister's wife or not." Tian Shanshan reacted quickly.    


I looked into Tian Shanshan's eyes. I sensed that what Tian Shanshan said was not the truth.    


I felt a surge of disgust.    


"I don't have any contact with Senior Sister Xie, nor do I have any contact information for her. If you're interested, go ask around." "No," I said.    


"What's the point of me going by myself? Why are you with me? It's so lively here." Tian Shanshan said.    


I looked at Tian Shanshan and smiled silently. "Shan Shan, Director Tian, you're very interesting."    


"Why can't I understand Brother Yi's words?" Tian Shanshan said.    


"If you don't understand, then slowly ponder on it." "No," I said.    


At this moment, my consciousness was that Tian Shanshan wanted to use me to get to know Xie Fei. If Xie Fei wasn't Mrs. Minister Guan, she wouldn't be like this.    


It was an unpleasant thing to do, and I didn't like Tian Shanshan's pragmatism.    


Later on, I realized that my current thoughts were too simple, and that I had underestimated this junior of mine.    


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