Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1750 Angry Winter Snow

C1750 Angry Winter Snow

I changed the subject. "Dong Xue, I went home a few days ago. My mom said you came to my house."    


"So what? I can't go? " Dong Xue asked me.    


"This... "Yes, of course." "No," I said.    


"What is it? What are you worried about? "Are you afraid I'll come to your house or do you hate it?" Dong Xue said.    


"I'm not worried about anything, and I'm not afraid or annoyed. You're overthinking it." I said quickly.    


"Hmph." Dong Xue's expression turned cold. "Did you hear it from your mother or that idiot Hai Zhu?"    


"Listen to what my mom said. Dong Xue, don't be so hostile towards Hai Zhu, don't say that to her."    


"What is it? I say, she's an idiot. Idiot. Idiot. " Dong Xue was infuriated.    


Facing the furious Dong Xue, I can only smile bitterly.    


Dong Xue calmed herself down a little, "I'll tell you clearly, Ke, you're mine, you can only be mine. I don't want to see the process, I only want to see the result, Hai Zhu is just a passerby in your life, she's not for you, the woman who will eventually grow old with you, and I, Dong Xue, will be the woman who understands you the best."    


Dong Xue was stubborn, persistent and tenacious. She had never given up on her own thoughts.    


I felt a little bitter in my heart. I thought about my time with Dong Xue and my first love for her.    


Dong Xue was my first love, but not my first woman.    


For the first time, I gave the clouds.    


Clouds are now far away in Australia, sulking on that continent.    


"Dong Xue, Hai Zhu and I are already here." You still have to face reality. " "No," I said.    


"So what? I'm telling you, Ke, don't make me cower because you and Hai Zhu have already registered. It's useless. I, Dong Xue, believe that the man must have, I, Dong Xue yearn for happiness must pursue. You are the only happiness that I can ever have in my life. Even though it is not mine for the time being, I will still obtain the happiness that belongs to me. " Dong Xue's tone sounded very confident.    


I could only smile wryly.    


"Ke, you're troubled, aren't you?" Dong Xue's tone was a bit gentle.    


I nodded. "Yes, I am."    


"Actually, your troubles don't come only from me, do they?" Dong Xue said again.    




Dong Xue smiled blandly, "Ke, actually, survival itself is a type of trouble, and your troubles are normal. Who can say they have never had trouble? Who can say that they won't have any more troubles in the future? "    


I agree with Dong Xue.    


Thinking about Leh and Sanshui's current situation, I secretly made up my mind. No matter how difficult, no matter what price I had to pay, I must help Sanshui get out of this predicament. I must save the summer.    


Of course, I won't give up on Wu De just because of Dong Xue's emphasis on the difficulty. I just have to give up on Wu De in front of Dong Xue. I just want to know where this thing is from Dong Xue.    


I also know that in the face of Wu De's heavily guarded heart area, it's impossible to forcefully attack, so I can only act wisely.    


Of course, I will keep my promise to Dong Xue and won't step half a step into Wu De's heart.    




Seeing that I didn't say anything, Dong Xue said softly, "Ke, are you thinking about God or Horse?"    


"I …" I looked up at Dong Xue and smiled. "I was thinking about you."    


"Miss me?" Dong Xue smiled gently. "You're lying to me, lying to me."    


Looking at Dong Xue's gentle smile, my heart suddenly hurt a little and I sighed.    


"Although I know that you're trying to trick me, I still feel very sweet after hearing your words." Dong Xue said quietly, "Women are despicable. They like to deceive themselves. They know that men are deceiving themselves, but they still like to be deceived. Am I pathetic, pathetic? "    


"Dong Xue." "You."    


Dong Xue's eyes suddenly turned red and her voice became choked with sobs, "Even if you lied to me for the rest of my life, I am willing to accept it. I am willing. I am your first love, and you are also my first love. My first love, is always the deepest memory in my life that I will never be able to erase. You, I, are always like this.    


I listened to Dong Xue in silence, my heart rising and falling.    


After I had parted from Dong Xue, I wandered along the beach, alone, and a voice continued to wander in my ears: There are only unpleasant axes, there is no firewood that can't be split; there are only people who can't think of, and there is nothing that can't be done. There was always a way to do it, and there was always a reason for not wanting to do it.    


I knew it was time for me to act.    


I called first.    


"Brother Yi, I haven't heard your voice in a long time." A familiar voice came over the phone.    


"Heh heh, the same goes for me," I laughed. "We haven't seen each other for a long time. How have you been?"    


"Thanks to you, I've been breathing heavily. There have been a lot of cases recently, so I've been busy all day. Bro, you're calling me today. You're not just here to greet me, are you? Speak, what instructions do you have? " He had spoken very directly.    


"Yes, it's like this. The chairman of Sanshui Group was just taken away by your Public Security personnel during the summer." "No," I said.    


"Oh, I know about this. The Sanshui Group has a tax evasion problem.    


"Are you familiar with the investigation team?" "No," I said.    


"Naturally, they're familiar with the same system."    


"Okay, it's like this. I would like to ask you to give a hand to the brother in charge of the investigation team. Don't make things difficult for the summer, don't use force against him, okay?" "No," I said.    


"Oh. "Hehe, brother, what does this summer have to do with you?" He started laughing.    


"A relative of mine in the summer." "No," I said.    


The relative I'm talking about is naturally Leh.    


"I understand. It must be a relative in the summer who knows that you have a wide range of social resources, so I ask for your help in greeting them, right?" It was said.    


"Yes, yes. "I don't have any acquaintances in the investigation team, so I can only ask for your help. Would you be willing to help?" "No," I said.    


"Since your brother has personally come to find me, I naturally have to help him. Besides, I don't need to worry about this help. Economic cases don't usually come hard, and since summer is the big boss, no matter what, I still have to give you face." "Sure, no problem. I'll talk to the forensics guys later and let them take care of us during the summer." He had happily agreed.    


"Thank you, brother." "No," I said.    


"We're all brothers, there's no need to thank me, I don't like outsiders." He said, "Oh right, I heard that the top leadership of the department personally arrested this case and paid a lot of attention to it. I told my brothers to not suffer in the place, but since they came in the summer, it would not be that easy for them to get out. As for me, the only thing I can help you with is under your care. As for the rest, I am powerless to help.    


"I know that, I'm just completing the tasks entrusted to me by my relatives in the summer. As for anything else, I can't help either, it'll depend on his luck." "No," I said.    


From what he had heard, this case was most likely caught by Lei Zheng himself. Lei Zheng had come personally this time.    


"It's good that you understand. If the amount of tax evasion is too large, it would be against the laws of the country. If you violate the laws of the country, it would be hard for anyone to help you." It was said.    


"Well, yes."    


"Is there anything else, brother?"    


"No more."    


"Alright then, I'll continue with my work. Goodbye." He had hung up.    


After making a phone call, I pondered for a moment. Then, I took out my phone and sent a message to Alai: "Are you free?"    


After a moment, Alai replied, "Who?"    


It seems like Alai can't remember my phone number, at least I didn't save it.    


"Yi Ke."    


"Oh my god. Yi Ke, Hero Yi. It's rare that you take the initiative to look for me. Haha." Alai replied.    


"You haven't answered my question?"    


"What problem?"    


"Are you free?"    


"I'm free, what for?"    


"Nothing, I want to invite you to tea."    


"Holy shit, invite me to have a cup of tea. The sun is rising from the west?"    


"Will the sun come out from the south?"    


"Not going."    


"If you don't come, bring it down." I set the phone on the table, lit a cigarette, and smoked slowly.    


After a while, Alai could no longer hold it in and sent another message: "Just drinking tea?"    


"What do you think?" I replied.    


"I guess it's not just tea."    




"Hehe, is there anything good?"    


"You want me to ask you out even if there's nothing good?"    


"Aha, what's the good news?"    




"Just say it, guess my ass."    


"It's fine if you don't want to guess."    


"Damn, let me guess."    




"A good thing to get rich? "Isn't it?" After a while, Alai replied.    


"You're smart, you got the right answer."    


"Damn it! Why didn't you say so earlier? Quickly tell me, where are we going to drink tea?" When Alai heard that it was a good thing for him to get rich, he felt that it was extremely urgent.    


"In half an hour, meet up at the second floor of the teahouse on the coast of 23 Yongtai Road, Development Zone." I replied.    


"OK, no problem."    


I packed up my office and drove off.    


Twenty minutes later, I arrived at the teahouse. I ordered a private room on the second floor, a nice pot of Longjing, and sent the waiter out.    


Opening the window, he saw the sea. The sea was covered with fog.    


Looking around, there were no suspicious marks.    


He lit up a cigarette and slowly smoked a few mouthfuls, thinking of Leh.    


At this moment, Leh is on vacation in Hawaii. He should already know what happened in Sanshui. He doesn't know what Leh will think. He doesn't know how Leh will deal with this.    


Leh is not here, Sanshui and the summer are in a predicament, so I naturally have to help.    


However, the other party is approaching menacingly, and Lei Zheng is going to personally take care of this matter. I don't know how much of a chance I have of winning with my plan.    


But as long as there's a chance, I'll do my best.    


I can't stand idly by and watch Sanshui and Summer die.    


I knew that it was not a good time to be in there in the summer. Although I would greet the person who handled the matter and not give him a hard time, it was not a hotel after all. The feeling of staying in it was very uncomfortable.    


While he was thinking, the door to the room was pushed open. Alai stood in front of the door, shaking his head.    


Alai arrived as promised.    


I looked at Alai. "You're here."    


Alai's body swayed into the room. He knocked on the door with his heels and closed it. Then he sat down, picked up a cup of tea, looked at it, smelled it and looked up at me: "Can you drink this tea?"    


"Nonsense." I sat across from Alai.    


"You didn't drug it, right?" Alai sniffed again.    


"Probably drugged." "No," I said.    


"Fuck, I said you're fat and swollen," Alai grimaced, picked up his glass of water and drank it all in one gulp. Then he said, "Good tea, good tea."    


"Is this how you taste tea?" "No," I said.    


"I'm thirsty, I don't know how to drink tea, I only know how to drink tea." Alai poured himself another cup.    


I lifted the glass and took a sip.    




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