Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1749 Ambushing Sanshui Group

C1749 Ambushing Sanshui Group

"Since they dared to investigate Sanshui, and dared to bring away Summer, then they must have some evidence in their possession, regardless if it's real or fabricated, and it's very likely that they created some fake things to frame Sanshui Group. "I understand, Leh, Sanshui Group has always been a legitimate business, Leh knows that many eyes around are fixated on Sanshui, even if there was no need to make a fuss, Leh would not be so stupid as to get caught cheating." I said, thinking.    


"Why would someone want to scheme against Sanshui Group?" Qiu Tong looked at me, puzzled.    


Qiu Tong didn't know about the fierce confrontation between Leh and Wu De, nor did she know that Leh had been deeply involved in the conflict between Lee Shun and Wu De.    


I can't let Qiu Tong know this, or she'll be scared to death.    


Of course, I know that after being captured this summer, there is the shadow of Lei Zheng inside. Without Lei Zheng watching over them, Wu De would not be able to accomplish this.    


In other words, this time, Lei Zheng personally took action and personally used the national machine in his hands to clear the obstacles for Wu De.    


Of course, Wu De's interest was his interest.    


In this operation, Wu De and Lei Zheng must have a conspiracy and a deal.    


"We don't need to worry about this matter. Of course, given our abilities, we won't be able to worry about it either." "No," I said.    


"Who was it that wanted to ambush Sanshui?" Qiu Tong said.    


I put on an air of helplessness: "Of course it's a competitor, this is a purely commercial act, competitors using the method of reporting tax evasion to attack the opponent is a common tactic in commercial battles. However, I believe that as long as Sanshui stands at attention, there won't be a problem. Even if the other party had framed him, it would still be useless. If that was the case, he would probably be out in the summer very soon. Of course, if Sanshui really did evade taxes, that would be against the laws of the country, and no one would be able to do anything about it. Therefore, we are unable to help with this matter. "    


On the surface, I said that I was very relaxed, but I was actually very nervous. I knew that since the other party dared to take action, they must have come prepared. These days, crimes that did not need to be committed frequently occurred. It's easy to find a reason for a strong man to break a business, and it doesn't even need a reason, and black and white direct reversal happens a lot.     


Qiu Tong frowned as she listened to me. "It seems that you are very negative on this matter."    


"It's not that I'm negative, it's that we're powerless. I think, as long as the summer is clean, then he will soon come out, Sanshui will also be fine. Of course, if someone really did catch a hold on his Sanshui Group, then he could only blame his bad luck. This is something that cannot be helped. " "No," I said.    


"Perhaps what you said makes sense, but I always feel that this matter is not that simple." Qiu Tong left with worry.    


After Qiu Tong left, I lit a cigarette and pondered for a long time.    


At noon, after work, I did not eat. I closed the office door and started typing on the computer.    


After typing, I printed out a copy of the document and deleted it from the computer.    


Then I left the office, went to the cottage café by the sea, and called Dong Xue.    


"Dong Xue, are you free to come out now?" I looked around to make sure my surroundings were safe.    


"Ke, what's the matter?" I'm fine right now, I'm washing clothes at home. " Dong Xue said.    


"That's great. Come out for a while, I'll be waiting for you at the small cabin's coffee shop by the sea." "No," I said.    


"What's wrong? "What is it?" Dong Xue said.    


"Come here and then, I'll wait for you. See you later." I hung up.    


Twenty minutes later, Dong Xue appeared at the door of the coffee shop.    


I sat in the coffee shop next to the window and waved at Dong Xue, who walked straight over.    


"It's rare that you take the initiative to look for me." Dong Xue sat across from me and looked at me.    


I asked for double the coffee and smiled.    


"Of course," Dong Xue paused for a moment, "But, I'm still very happy."    


"Dong Xue, you must know that I won't ask you out for nothing." "No," I said.    


Dong Xue was slightly unhappy. "Why can't you ask me out? Do you hate it when you say that? "    


"What I said was the truth. You don't want to hear it, you can leave." "No," I said.    


"Then I really am leaving." Dong Xue said.    




Dong Xue pouted at me, "You hateful man, you know you definitely won't leave. You're hateful, so you don't know how to coax women. Speak, what's the matter?"    


"I need your help with something." "No," I said.    


"This is the first time I've heard you begging me for help. It's rare, very rare," Dong Xue said sarcastically.    


I chuckled, "Dong Xue, do you still remember what you told me about Mrs Lei Zheng, who is Bai Laosan's sister, owning a stake in Wu Steel's bankruptcy company?"    


"I remember, what happened?" Dong Xue said.    


"How do you know?" "No," I said.    


"Why do you ask?"    


"Tell me first, how did you know? However, did he hear or see something with his own eyes? Just listening doesn't count. " "No," I said.    


"I saw a copy of the document with my own eyes from the treasurer. It was clearly written on it." Dong Xue said.    


"Where's the treasurer?" How can you see it there? This is something you shouldn't have seen. " "No," I said.    


Dong Xue said, "I went to deliver a report to the director, but his safe was open. The director went out because he had something to do. I looked through it and saw it." "Before I could take a closer look, I heard the sound of his footsteps on his way back, and I quickly sat back down.    


"Safe? In the safe? "    


"Yes, why do you ask? What do you want? " Dong Xue said.    


"Don't ask, answer my question first. What kind of person is that director?" "No," I said.    


"This person is very honest and kind, but he is Wu De's trusted aide. He is one of Wu De's most trusted people." Dong Xue said.    


"Yes." I nodded, "I'll tell you the truth, this Lei Zheng has always been against me, I want to do something to him."    


"Lei Zheng isn't on good terms with you? You want to mess with Lei Zheng? You're crazy, you're looking for trouble, can you beat him? "You're courting death." Dong Xue said.    


"I don't want to die."    


"Do you know why Lei Zheng is against you? It must be because you are Lee Shun's confidant, and Lee Shun and Wu De are rivals, and at the same time, Lei Zheng and Lee Shun's father are enemies, I think it's you who got into trouble because you were in the wrong team. " Dong Xue said.    


"It's not all because of this. It's also because I'm someone that Guan Yunfei trusts. Guan Yunfei and Lei Zheng are enemies." "No," I said.    


"That Ministry of Propaganda Elder?"    


I nodded. "Yes, that's the main reason."    


"I don't believe you. You're lying to me."    


"If you don't believe me, I can't help it."    


Dong Xue thought for a moment. "You want to get this material and use it to mess with Lei Zheng?"    




"This won't work. It isn't Lei Zheng's name on it, it's his wife's. This method of yours is useless. Also, this thing is in the safe, it's very difficult to get it." Dong Xue said.    


"It doesn't need to be his name. It's enough as long as it belongs to his wife. Even if I can't defeat him, at least I have to make him unhappy. I can finally let out a sigh of relief. As for whether I can get my hands on it or not, you don't have to worry about that. I just need to know where it is. "No," I said.    


Dong Xue frowned. "You want to take the risk to steal this document?"    


I chuckled. "Of course I know that place is heavily guarded. Do I have to take such a risk just to vent my anger?"    


"Then what are you going to do?" Dong Xue said.    


"I can't think of any good methods right now." "No," I said.    


"I advise you not to think too much into it. You won't be able to think of such a thing. Not only will you be unable to do it, I won't be able to either." Dong Xue said.    


"Is that true?" I looked at Dong Xue in disappointment.    


Dong Xue nodded affirmatively, "Yes, that is Wu De's heart area. Where one person protects the most closely is naturally the heart."    


"Looks like my idea was a bit useless." My voice was a little lost.    


"Ke, you lied to me." Dong Xue said.    


"What did I lie to you about?"    


"You didn't want to make Lei Zheng angry at all, I know that Sanshui Group has been investigated today, and that summer was captured, you wanted to use another channel to help Sanshui during the summer, right?" Dong Xue looked at me sharply.    


My intentions were exposed by Dong Xue. I looked at her noncommittally and didn't say anything.    


"What does Sanshui's matter have anything to do with you? Do you have anything to do with others?" I advise you not to have any thoughts on using this item. Let's not talk about whether it will work. Even if it works, you won't be able to get it out. Dong Xue advised me.    


I pretended to be helpless. "Is this really that difficult?"    


"You can lie to me, but I won't lie to you." Dong Xue said.    


I sighed, "Sigh, the feeling of having my true self exposed and yet being unable to do anything about it is really unpleasant."    


"You can't hide it from me when you're lying. I can tell at a glance." Dong Xue smiled complacently.    


"Then I'll let you go on this trip for nothing." "No," I said.    


"After all, it's just a waste of time. It's also a good feeling and pleasure for us to sit together and drink coffee. How rare." Dong Xue laughed, "Ke, I am speaking the truth. Listen to me, don't take risks. First, you won't be able to help Sanshui; secondly, Sanshui might not need your help. With such a big consortium, it doesn't matter if I help or not; maybe I can settle this myself.    


Three, even if you can help with this matter, the price is too high and the difficulty is too high. The probability of success is close to zero, so it's not worth taking the risk for this Three Waters. To me, your safety is the most important thing. I don't care about anything else, I only care about you. I won't allow you to take the risk, you hear me? "    


"Yes." "No," I said.    


"Don't lie to me. You have to promise me." Dong Xue said.    


I sighed, "Okay, Dong Xue, I promise you, I won't step into Wu De's territory even half a step!"    


"I will keep my word!"    




"Clap!" Dong Xue stretched out her right hand.    


Dong Xue and I clapped.    


Dong Xue heaved a sigh of relief. "You are right to give up this plan. You will know that what I said today is correct."    


I nodded helplessly.    


"Even though you looked to be somewhat helpless and even though you had given up on this plan, I know that you are still unwilling in your heart. Maybe you are still thinking of other devious ideas." Dong Xue said, "Ke, be a well-behaved person and work hard. Don't try to think of any other ideas. The Sanshui matter has nothing to do with you. You just have to do with yourself."    


I smiled. "I thought about it for a long time but was only able to come up with this solution. I didn't expect you to block the way with just a few words. I really wanted to help Sanshui because Leh and I are good friends." However, right now, it seems that my only hope has been shattered.    


"As long as you have this intention, you can do whatever you want. If you can't do it, don't force yourself." Dong Xue said.    


I nodded. "That's the only way."    


Dong Xue looked at me silently.    


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