Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1740 Be a Man and Do Things

C1740 Be a Man and Do Things

"In terms of being a person, I feel that Secretary Qiu is a person worthy of respect. However, Boss Cao is a person worth learning from. Secretary Qiu is a person who makes people look up to him, but Boss Cao's way of doing is very practical. In this society, I think practicality is the best way. " "Tian Shanshan took a few sips of her white wine, blushing a little.    


I couldn't help but frown.    


"Senior, what's wrong?" "You don't agree with me?"    


"Yes, I disagree." "No," I said.    


Tian Shanshan laughed, "Seems like Shi Ge is also an idealist."    


"It seems like you are a pragmatist." I smiled back.    




"What are your goals for coming to work in the Party?" "No," I said.    


"He doesn't have any goals. He's just doing his job well under the leadership of senior brother. As long as he's satisfied with the job, it's fine." Tian Shanshan's answer sounded flawless and smooth.    


I could clearly feel that Tian Shanshan actually didn't completely trust me and had kept a certain distance between them. Though she kept praising me.    


Tian Shanshan didn't seem to be as simple and simple as I thought. Her little brain seemed to be quite complicated.    


"Actually, I know. Boss Cao has her own opinions about me moving to the Party to work for Secretary Sun." Tian Shanshan said.    


"Oh, what do you think of Boss Cao? Why do you think so? " "No," I said.    


"What's your opinion? Ha ha, everyone knows it so there's no need to express it clearly." "Why would I think that? I'm not an idiot, I can naturally sense Boss Cao's expression and words in front of me." Tian Shanshan laughed again.    


I sensed Tian Shanshan's care and sensitivity.    


"Would you care about Boss Cao's attitude towards you?" "No," I said.    


"I'm only the Party's secretary at the moment, I just need to do my job seriously. As for the rest, I don't want to think too much about it, my immediate boss is you, I just need to be responsible for you, do your job, and do what Secretary Sun has arranged. As for the rest, who cares." Isn't it tiring for people to worry about their gains and losses every day? " Tian Shanshan said.    


Hearing Tian Shanshan's words, it seemed like she didn't take Cao Lee's attitude seriously at all.    


"You have a strong desire to be enterprising." "No," I said.    


"In his position, a clerk who doesn't want to improve is not a good employee." Tian Shanshan said.    


I nodded. "You're right, what's your next goal?"    


"Next target? "I don't have any. As long as I can make the handsome guy satisfied and the Leader satisfied, I'll be okay." Tian Shanshan's eyes were twinkling.    


"You're lying." I laughed.    


"Hee hee." Senior Brother's eyes were so sharp, he could even see through it. "Actually, Senior Brother doesn't need to ask this question. Everyone wants to improve, and everyone wants to achieve a higher position. I am, you are too. You shouldn't be satisfied with your current position and not strive for improvement, right?" Tian Shanshan said.    


I nodded. "Yes."    


"It would be a lie to say that I don't have a goal. At the very least, one day, I hope to be able to reach the rank or position of a senior." Of course, if I can reach Senior Brother's position, then that is only if I can reach a better position. " Tian Shanshan said in a half-truths tone.    


I laughed. "Is that all you've got?"    


"I have to take things step by step, after all. One must at least be able to progress by one level." Tian Shanshan said in a serious tone, "Actually, I feel like I have gained a lot in the past few days when I worked for the Party. Secretary Sun is very concerned about me and takes me seriously. He has explained a lot of things to me, making me want to study for ten years."    


I suddenly thought that besides teaching Tian Shanshan in front of me, Sun Dongkai must have also taught Tian Shanshan something when the two of them were alone. At least, after Tian Shanshan finished writing her signature essay, she gave it to Sun Dongkai to review, which was an opportunity for them to interact individually.    


There should be many more opportunities like this in the future. There would even be one tonight, because Sun Dongkai was going to review Tian Shanshan's revised article again tonight.    


Tian Shanshan was a real beauty, while Sun Dongkai was a real lecherous man.    


As I thought about this, I started to feel a little uneasy in my heart.    


Suddenly, I felt that perhaps my uneasiness was unnecessary.    


It was unknown for a moment why he had such thoughts.    


A bottle of white wine, I drank 7 taels, Tian Shanshan drank 3 taels.    


7 white wine to me, three white wine made Tian Shanshan a little tipsy.    


On the way back, Tian Shanshan took my arm again and shook it.    


"Are you drunk? "Tonight, Secretary Sun is going to read a script. It's not appropriate for him to come to the Leader's room drunk." "No," I said.    


"Hehe, Senior Brother, don't worry. I'll go back and wash my face and drink a cup of boiled water, then everything will be fine. I'm not drunk."    


"Then why do you look a little drunk?"    


"This is what everyone thinks they are when they don't get drunk. Senior, do you understand?" Tian Shanshan's voice sounded dubious.    


"I don't understand." I felt Tian Shanshan teasing me again.    


"Senior brother, your IQ is very high. These EQ seem to be mediocre." Tian Shanshan laughed.    


I smiled and said nothing.    


Returning to the guest house, they all went to their own rooms. The driver hasn't come back yet, which means Sun Dongkai hasn't come back yet.    


Sun Dongkai was going to read the revised script from Tian Shanshan tonight.    


I stood at the window, opened it, lit a cigarette, and looked down while I smoked.    


After a while, a car stopped in front of the VIP building. A person got out of the car and directly entered the building.    


Under the light, he could clearly see that this person was Qiao Shida. He came back alone.    


Thinking about the meeting between Sun Dongkai and Qiao Shida in the afternoon, I suddenly had an idea. I directly left my room, went downstairs, and headed straight for the VIP lounge.    


He hadn't chatted with Qiao Shida alone for a while, so today was a rare opportunity.    


I want to talk to Qiao Shida.    


I think it's necessary to talk to Qiao Shida. I'm in the middle of having a conversation with Qiao Shida.    


I went straight down to the VIP building.    


As he entered the hallway, he was wondering which room Qiao Shida would sleep in when he happened to meet Qiao Shida's secretary.    


I got rid of Qiao Shida's former secretary, so he wanted me to become his secretary. I didn't go, but I got a new secretary instead.    


I directly greeted him. He stopped and looked at me, hesitating for a moment. "You are …"    


"I'm from Hsinghai office, Secretary Sun asked me to send Secretary Qiao some materials, which room is Secretary Qiao in?" I asked him directly.    


Sun Dongkai had just spoken with Qiao Shida in the afternoon, so the secretary naturally knew about it.    


"Oh, what's your name?" the secretary said.    


"No need for your name, Yi Ke."    


"Yi Ke, Director Yi. Haha, so you are Yi Ke," the secretary laughed, "Secretary Qiao is in Room 208. You should go over there. He just came back."    


Obviously, the secretary had never met me but knew my name.    


I thanked him and went straight to Room 208. I stopped at the door, took a deep breath, and knocked.    


"Come in." Qiao Shida's voice.    


I pushed the door open and entered. Qiao Shida was sitting on the sofa, reading a newspaper.    


"Hello, Secretary Qiao."    


Qiao Shida saw me and put down the newspaper. "Hey, Yi Ke. You came with Dongkai."    


"Yeah, Secretary Qiao, I haven't seen you in a long time. I heard you went abroad and just came back." I laughed.    


Qiao Shida sized me up: "You brat, you seem to be well-informed."    


"Secretary Qiao's movements are a major matter of Hsinghai, ordinary people should know about it." "No," I said.    


"Come, sit —" Qiao Shida pointed at the sofa opposite them.    


I went over and sat down and looked at Qiao Shida.    


"Do you want some water?"    


"Thank you, Secretary Qiao." I first took the glass of water in front of Qiao Shida and refilled it for him, then poured myself a cup.    


"Dongkai just left me in the afternoon, why are you here as well?" Qiao Shida looked at me.    


"I missed Secretary Qiao." I chuckled.    


Qiao Shida laughed, "Little brat, do you miss me?"    


"I don't dare to lie to Secretary Qiao, really." "No," I said.    


"There are many people who miss me, but not everyone can see me. "How did you know my room number?"    


"I happened to meet your secretary downstairs. I asked him."    


"You asked him and he just told you?"    


"Secretary Sun told me to send you a material, so he told me."    


"What materials did Dongkai want you to send me?"    


"Actually, I'm lying. No, that's not it. I just want to know your room number."    


"You..." Qiao Shida frowned, "You little rascal, aren't you too reckless, to actually dare to deceive the Leader."    


"There's nothing I can do about it. Otherwise, I wouldn't know your room number. Besides, your secretary isn't a leader. You're a leader, so I'm not lying to you." "No," I said.    


Qiao Shida could not help but want to laugh, but he pretended to be serious: "Yi Ke, I see that you have become more smart. So you are getting more and more impudent."    


"Secretary Qiao, please calm your anger. I just want to see Big Leader. There's no other way. We can only do this." I said quickly.    


"What do you want to see me about?" Qiao Shida said.    


"Actually, it's nothing much, I just want to report my thoughts to Secretary Qiao." "No," I said.    


"Report your thoughts?" Qiao Shida was stunned and looked at me.    


"Yeah, didn't Secretary Sun report his thoughts to you in the afternoon? After he reports, I want to report to you as well."    


"Haha." Qiao Shida laughed. "Yi Ke, you're funny. Sun Dongkai is qualified to talk to me about your level, but you're not qualified. You're too arrogant, aren't you?"    


I pretended to be disappointed: "Oh, so I'm not qualified. Since Secretary Qiao said so, then I won't report it. Sorry to disturb Secretary Qiao, you are busy. I will take my leave."    


After saying that, I stood up and prepared to leave.    


"Haha, come back and sit." Qiao Shida continued to laugh, "Since you have the guts to come see me, then let's have a chat. You don't need to report your thoughts, we can just talk casually."    


"Really? "That's great. Secretary Qiao is too polite, a corporal is easy to get close to." I hurriedly put on his high hat and sat down again.    


Qiao Shida said, "Then what should we talk about?"    


"Originally, I wanted to report my thoughts to Secretary Qiao. Since Secretary Qiao said that there is no need to report, then Secretary Qiao will decide what to talk about." "No," I said.    


"Yes." Qiao Shida nodded, "Yi Ke, I have a question that has puzzled me. Answer me."    


"Secretary Qiao, please give your instructions."    


"Why didn't you come when you were transferred to the city committee to work for Chaco?"    


"I remember answering Secretary Qiao's question. Firstly, I feel that I don't have enough knowledge or ability to handle such an important job. Secondly, I really love the work of the corporation and can't bear to leave it." "No," I said.    


Qiao Shida waved his hand, "You did tell me this reason last time, but I don't believe you. I feel like it's just an excuse to tell me the real reason in your heart."    


"This is my real reason. Secretary Qiao must believe the words in my heart." I said earnestly.    


Qiao Shida pondered for a moment. "Do you know what it means for your future development to work for the Municipal Committee's Supervisor's Office?"    


"Got it."    


"What does it mean?"    


"It means that I will have a brighter future in my career. It means that I stand on a higher level."    


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