Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1734 Please Instruct Me

C1734 Please Instruct Me

"Yes, Secretary Sun and I were very satisfied after reading the script, especially Secretary Sun. I really appreciate your writing style and thinking about it."    


"Hee hee." Tian Shanshan laughed happily.    


"I called you here to tell you not only that the script has been approved, but also that I want to talk to you about something." I said, after a pause.    


"Please give me your instructions, Senior."    


"You may take it that I am conveying the intent of the group leader." I said again.    


"Oh, what's the matter, senior brother? Tell me." Tian Shanshan was a little nervous and a little excited.    


"It's like this, according to your own abilities and your consistent performance, according to the group's Party Committee Office's actual needs, I have been entrusted by Secretary Sun to ask for your opinion, which is whether or not you are willing to work in Party Committee Office as the writing secretary." I said slowly.    


"To be a secretary in the Party?" Tian Shanshan's eyes lit up.    


"Yes, he is mainly responsible for the drafting of materials and statements related to Group Party Committee. "Although it's written, there's still a big difference between the content and nature of the work here and that of the press department. What do you think?"    


"I comply with the organization's decision and the group's work requirements." Tian Shanshan said.    


Tian Shanshan was happy to work for the Party.    


"Are you a Party member?" I asked her.    


"He was a reserve member in his third year. He's been in the Party for several years." Tian Shanshan said.    


I can't tell that Tian Shanshan is older than me.    


"The post of secretary of the Party requires a high level of ideological and political awareness, a high level of responsibility and dedication, and a strict sense of discipline and secrecy." I went on.    


"As a Party member, I believe I can do all this." Tian Shanshan said bluntly.    


"Being a secretary in the Party office means you can't be a reporter all day long, and you're not as popular as being a journalist. Most of the time, you just have to organize the materials in the office, and the material and speech will never be signed under your own name. In other words, you have to help others and do unprofitable work behind the scenes. Have you thought about that?"    


"I've thought it through. Since the Leader and the organization trust me so much, I naturally can't disappoint them. The organization's need is for me to volunteer. I'm willing to accept this new position, willing to accept new training."    


Tian Shanshan's answer pleased me.    


"Also, to be able to work under my direct leadership and be able to bathe in my radiance every day, I am truly honorable." Tian Shanshan pursed her lips and smiled at me.    


"Don't drag me into this."    


"Hee hee." Tian Shanshan laughed.    


"You seem happy to be working here, don't you?"    


"Yes, really."    


"You really don't care about the press department?" I'm not satisfied.    


"I miss you, but people always need to improve, it's impossible for them to stay in the same position for their entire lives until they become old. Every job adjustment is a new challenge for me, I'm willing to keep growing through the challenges, I like the feeling of accepting new challenges."    


I nodded, "That's good. That's what we talked about. Don't talk about this with anyone when you get back. I'll talk to your director first, and Secretary Sun will also talk to Chief Editor. You just have to wait for the notice."    


Tian Shanshan stood up, "Alright, senior brother. Oh right, Senior Brother, I want to ask you something. "    




"Was it your idea or Secretary Sun's idea that transferred me to the Party's office as a secretary?"    


"Secretary Sun, what Secretary Sun proposed isn't my idea. I'm just conveying Secretary Sun's meaning." I said simply.    


"Oh." Tian Shanshan nodded.    


"What is it? Is there a problem? "    


"No, no problem, I was just casually asking."    


"Alright, you go back first."    


Tian Shanshan gave me a deep look. She couldn't hide the smile on her face, so she left.    


I reached for my internal phone and called Sun Dongkai, telling him about the conversation with Tian Shanshan.    


"Fine, as long as she is willing to come. You can tell the director of the press department that the HR department also wants to have Tian report to the Party tomorrow." Sun Dongkai said.    


"Yes," I promised.    


The internal personnel adjustment process was very simple and quick. The next day, Tian Shanshan came to work for the Party.    


On Tian Shanshan's first day at work, Sun Dongkai passed me to give Tian Shanshan a task: to write an article for him, to be published in a magazine sponsored by the provincial press association.    


It was normal for a higher level to be above it, but it was absolutely impossible for a lower level to be above it. I was used to it.    


In the blink of an eye, it was already the weekend. Leh invited me to go to Gold Silver Island to fish for crabs.    


"Autumn crab fat, delicious." Leh told me.    


After a long period of time, Leh once again stepped on the Gold Silver Island. I don't know if his real intention was to fish for crabs or something.    


Today was a sunny day, and the autumn sun shone its light on the Gold Silver Island.    


Climbing onto the Gold Silver Island, the sounds of battle came from from behind the mountain.    


"What's this for?" "Who's there?" Leh asked me.    


I know that it's Special Warrior training here.    


"I'll take you over and take a look." I said to Leh.    


Leh and I walked to the back of the mountain. On the beach, we saw ten people wearing camouflage clothing, using Special Warrior to fight. Some of them were fighting on the beach, while others were fighting in the sea.    


"Lee Shun's people?" Leh looked at them.    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"It looks quite like that." Leh squinted at them.    


When the members saw us, they stopped and ran over to report in front of me, "Reporting to Vice Commander-in-chief, Special Battle Squadron Three and Four are currently training. Please give your instructions, Vice Commander-in-chief."    


"Continue your practice. Go." I waved my hand.    


"Yes —" He turned and ran back.    


"Reporting to the Vice Commander-in-chief, can I start catching crabs now?" Leh imitated the tone of the Special Warrior and spoke to me.    


I grinned. "Yes."    


"Yes — —" Leh still sounded the same.    


I couldn't help but laugh. I returned to the other side of the mountain with Leh and started fishing for crabs.    


After setting up the tools for catching crabs, Leh sat on the rock and glanced at me: "This Lee Shun, he's quite a troublemaker. With so many people at Hsinghai, I think sooner or later something will happen to him at Hsinghai."    


"That's right, there's no other way. It's just his temper. If he wants to do something, no one can stop him." I sighed.    


"Lee Shun came back a few days ago. Did he go to the island?" Leh asked me again.    


I nodded. "He's here. He insisted on blowing up the mountain's entrance. I've stopped him."    


"Why did you blow up the hole? You want to work inside? " Leh said.    


"It's not an office. As for why it exploded, even I don't know its purpose." "No," I said.    


"Hur hur." Leh laughed. "Is he not satisfied with the sealed cave?"    


"No, of course not." "No," I said.    


"This cave seems to be very important to Lee Shun." Leh said.    


"What do you mean?" I glanced at Leh.    


Leh looked at the sea: "What is the meaning of this? It's just feeling."    


Looking at Leh's expression, I thought about Lee Shun's performance that day when he was about to blow up the cave entrance.    


It seemed that we were all very carefully touching on something, but were all very carefully avoiding it.    


This situation was very subtle.    


After a long time, I looked at Leh: "Leh, you are like my godfather, I have a heart of worship and respect for you."    


Leh shook his head, "Sigh, I don't want to be your godfather, I want to be your godfather. You want to be my godson, okay?"    


I shook my head. "Hey, Leh, isn't it good for us to be friends? Why are you so insistent on being my godfather? You just won't give up, you stubborn old man. "    


Leh said in a half-truthful tone, "If I can't achieve my goal, I will not rest until I die."    


"Don't scare me."    


"Hmph! So what if I'm scaring you?" Leh pretended to be angry.    


"It's no fun scaring me, hehe." I laughed.    


I joked with Leh for a while, Leh said: "That Boss Wu, how is he recently?"    


"On the outside, but on the inside." "No," I replied.    


"His inner heart should be close to going crazy, but I have to say that this person's mental world is very strong, his willpower is strong, and under such a huge setback, he was able to remain calm. Right now, his mind is still basically clear. He should understand the opponents that he is facing and for the time being, he has already ceased his attacks. However, this also shows that he is in the midst of preparing an even fiercer counterattack. "    


"Then you have to be careful." I reminded Leh.    


Leh smiled: "I don't need you to worry about me, I'm actually worried about you guys."    


"Who, who are you talking about?"    


"You know that."    


"Oh right, let me tell you something. A few days ago, Qiu Tong went with a guest to visit the Ice-filled Gully and encountered a very dangerous situation … " I told Leh about the danger Qiu Tong was in, then said, "Recently, I've been trying to figure out who was the culprit who tried to kill Qiu Tong. Wu De denied that it was him, and after my analysis, I feel that there are two channels that are most likely to work together. One is Lei Zheng, the other is Sun Dongkai and Cao Lee."    


I went on to explain my suspicions about them.    


After Leh heard this, he was silent for a moment: "Do you think your analysis has a good reason?"    


"It should be. I really can't think of anyone else who would do this." "No," I said.    


"What if it was Wu De who did it? What if he was using your reverse thinking to do this? " Leh asked me.    


"This …" I couldn't answer for a moment.    


"It's the right way to analyze the mastermind from the perspective of benefits, but someone might use your mentality, or someone might think that you would do so. Do you think that?"    


"Oh, I didn't expect that."    


"Actually, there are some things that you don't need to bother yourself with. Some things will be exposed when it's time for you to surface. Otherwise, you may fall into the trap that you set for yourself and mislead yourself, and maybe someone wants you to fall into that trap. " Leh continued.    


"You mean."    


"Well, don't think about it, don't look into it, let nature take its course, and do your best to protect yourself. As long as you know in your heart who your enemies are and who your friends are, there's no real point in trying to figure out who did it. Perhaps one day, you will inadvertently find out who the mastermind is. " Leh said.    


I fell into deep thought. Leh's words may be reasonable, Leh's thoughts are very deep and long term. Perhaps I really fell into the trap that I set for myself.    


"Ke, the most important thing is to widen your eyes, distinguish right from wrong, distinguish enemy from wrong, distinguish right from wrong, as long as you stick to your bottom line and your trump card, as long as you have a firm line of defense in your heart, as long as you grasp the standard of good and evil, no matter how big of a storm there is, the final victory and success will definitely belong to you." Leh patted me on the shoulder.    


I couldn't help but nod my head.    


"Hurry, the crab has entered the cage. Come help me carry the cage." Leh shouted.    


Leh and I got busy.    


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