Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1476 Unconventional

C1476 Unconventional

"You drank too much, you're talking nonsense!" "No," I said.    


"First, I drank too much. Second, I'm not drunk. Third, I know what I'm talking about!" Qin Lu said stubbornly before sighing.    


Thinking about Guan Yunfei and Xie Fei who were travelling abroad and looking at Qin Lu at this moment, thinking about their complicated entanglement and contradiction, I couldn't help but feel at a loss.    


"Hai Zhu must be very happy today." Qin Lu said again.    


"I think, you will also find your own happiness, and you will also live a happy life that belongs to you!" "No," I said.    


Qin Lu forced a smile and said, "I'm really unhappy today."    


"Because the heating in the dormitory is broken?" "No," I said.    


Qin Lu shook her head. "Because the Political and Law Commission is currently adjusting a group of middle-level cadres, and there is a batch of deputy department members who are going to be promoted to the higher levels. In the afternoon, the list of students was announced, but I was not there." "I always thought that this adjustment would have me, but, it didn't —"    


"Is this worth being so unhappy about? This time, I will just not fight for the next time! " I tried to comfort her.    


"This, of course, will make me unhappy. I am unhappy. I am even very depressed and have received a huge blow!" Qin Lu said: "In the government, every step of the way falls, and I couldn't catch up. This time, I missed. Next time, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to reorganize the cadres." Seeing that those with similar qualifications have been promoted, and even those with inferior qualifications have been promoted, yet I failed, how could I bear with it! "    


At this moment, I felt a little strange. This time, why would Lei Zheng miss out on Qin Lu when the middle management of the Political and Law Commission was reorganized? I stood by the side and heard it clearly. Lei Zheng had entrusted Guan Yunfei to help make Cao Lee into an assistant president, while Guan Yunfei had asked Lei Zheng to look after some so-called classmate of his sister-in-law, who was also Qin Lu. As the target of mutual care, why didn't Lei Zheng look after Qin Lu this time? Could it be that Lei Zheng did it on purpose?    


Of course, Lei Zheng might not know the special relationship between Guan Yunfei and Qin Lu. These days, many leaders greeted each other and took care of their acquaintances. It was very normal. But since there was Guan Yunfei's previous greeting, why didn't Lei Zheng promote Qin Lu this time? Could it be that Lei Zheng had neglected this matter?    


It suddenly occurred to me that Cao Lee was going to promote me. Was that what Lei Zheng intended to do? He purposely showed Guan Yunfei that Cao Lee's promotion had nothing to do with him? That means that whether you promote Cao Lee or not has nothing to do with me. I won't take care of your people first, so I'll see if you promote Cao Lee.    


The dao of the Dao seemed to be very puzzling, as if it was contrary to the norm.    


But I know that in the internal conflict between Guan Yunfei and Lei Zheng, using conventional thinking to analyze is not feasible. If conventional thinking can analyze it thoroughly, then the intelligence level of the two would be too low.    


Although I can't figure it out, but I'm sure Lei Zheng must have his own reasons for doing this, and it seems to have something to do with Cao Lee.    


Of course, there was another possibility, which was that Lei Zheng was fishing on purpose. He might have left some leeway and waited for Qin Lu to find Guan Yunfei for help so that Guan Yunfei could call him personally. Afterwards, he would promote Qin Lu up and ask Guan Yunfei to owe him this favor. Thus, Guan Yunfei took the initiative when Guan Yunfei came to find him first. This way, if Lei Zheng brought up Cao Lee again, Guan Yunfei wouldn't be able to refuse to give him face.    


Of course, these are just my guesses and speculations. As for what Lei Zheng is thinking, I have no idea.    


I said, "It's still in the public notice period. We haven't finished ordering the plates yet. Do you have any plans?"    


"What plan?" Qin Lu pondered for a moment and said, "I understand what you mean. I've actually been thinking about this. If I call him and ask him to find Secretary Lei, I don't think this will be a big problem, there's still room for negotiation. "    


I know Qin Lu meant Guan Yunfei.    


"But I thought again, it's not appropriate to call him at this time. He's on an important mission this time when he's traveling overseas. The death mission I gave him is still undone, so I'm afraid it's not appropriate for me to disturb him with this. I'm worried that he might lose too much because of something small." Qin Lu frowned and shook her head. She seemed to have made up her mind. "Right, we can't lose our minds like this. We can't lose our watermelon and pick up the sesame seed. I can't do such a foolish thing."    


It was as if Qin Lu had analyzed the whole situation and knew that her top priority was not to promote the proper subject, but to grasp onto Guan Yunfei's opportunity to break with Xie Fei. As long as she could achieve her goal, she wouldn't have to worry about promotion in the future.    


But could Qin Lu's plan come true? I don't feel sure.    


"Since you think so, you don't have to be depressed about it." "No," I said.    


"However, my heart is still in chaos. Even without the adjustment from the middle level of the unit, my heart is still in chaos!" Qin Lu said.    


"Why?" "No," I said.    


"I suddenly have some doubts. I don't know if Guan Yunfei will make this decision or not. I don't know if his promise to me before was just trying to cover for me. I don't know what will happen when he comes back. " Qin Lu had an uneasy look on her face.    


I was speechless.    


"Tell me, will my goal be realized?" Qin Lu said.    


"I don't know!" I said coldly.    


Qin Lu froze for a moment, then muttered: "I know you are very disgusted with my way of doing things. I know you despise me. However, since I've come this far, I have no way out. I can only fight with my back against the water. "    


"Actually, it's not that there is no path of retreat, but that you don't want to retreat. It's just that you have completely sealed off your path of retreat!" "No," I said.    


If I take a step back, I will have nothing, my future will be dark. I cannot accept this reality, I cannot accept this kind of result, life is a struggle, there are all kinds of ways and means of fighting, and what I am doing now is also fighting for my own dream. " Qin Lu said.    


Qin Lu's thoughts and logic made me unable to accept it. I felt suffocated.    


"If you insist on doing this, perhaps you will ruin yourself by doing so!" "No," I said.    


"If it is true, then I would rather accept such destruction. No matter what the result is, I am willing to accept it. I would rather accept such an outcome than take a step back. Never, never take a step back!" Qin Lu said decisively.    


"You are forcing yourself on a path of no return, you are forcing yourself." "No," I said.    


"Humans want to force themselves. If you don't force yourself, how can you know the taste of success?" Qin Lu suddenly laughed.    


Even though she was smiling, I could clearly feel her smile being forced.    


Qin Lu then stood by the window, looking out into the night, murmuring, "My pursuit of the ideal is so persistent, my struggle for the cause is so resolute, my longing for life is so passionate, if the heavens knew, they would definitely pity me and help me. God help me."    


I looked at Qin Lu's back and didn't say anything.    


"Look, the fog outside has cleared, the sky has become clear, there are so many stars in the sky. The haze has dissipated and the sky is clear. This is a good sign. " Qin Lu continued to mutter.    


I looked out the window, and sure enough, the haze had disappeared, the sky had become clear, and the sky was full of stars.    


Suddenly, just like the night before, I saw another meteor streak across the night sky and disappear into the endless sky.    


My heart beats a beat, sweeping the jinx, can it be that this world really has someone to disappear?    


"Meteor! I see a meteor!" It was a good sign, and I prayed to the shooting star. I hope my wish will come true. " Qin Lu said.    


Qin Lu and I understand the opposite.    


"I'm leaving, it's getting late, you should get some rest!" I checked the time. It was half past two in the morning.    


"Are you really going?" Qin Lu turned to look at me.    


"Yes!" I stood up.    


"You can stay here and go straight to the airport." Qin Lu's eyes seemed to wander a little.    


"No way!" "No," I said.    


Qin Lu was silent for a moment, then said, "Alright then, I won't force you. "Thank you for coming to talk to me tonight. I feel much better after talking to you for so long."    


"That's good, I'm leaving!" I went straight to the door.    


"Tell Hai Zhu that even though she didn't invite me to your wedding, I still wish her happiness!" Qin Lu stood on the spot and said.    


I stopped and looked back at Qin Lu. "Thank you!"    


At this moment, a gust of night wind blew Qin Lu's long hair, covering half of her face. Under the dim light, I suddenly felt that Qin Lu's appearance was somewhat terrifying, and I couldn't help but think of the ghost of a beauty.    


His heart quivered.    


"Close the window, it's cold!" "No," I said.    


"The wind will make me more clear-headed!" Qin Lu said.    


I hesitated, looked at Qin Lu again, didn't say anything more, closed the door and left.    


After returning home, he did not sleep. He packed his luggage, took a bath, and then sat on the sofa to watch TV. While smoking, he thought about what happened to Qin Lu tonight.    


At four in the morning, my cell phone rang. It was Qiu Tong.    


"Are you awake?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Yes." Get up! " I looked out the window. It was the darkest time before dawn.    


"I'm getting Snowy to wake up. Fourth Brother will pick us up in half an hour and then walk over to your side. You can wait at the gate." Qiu Tong said.    


"Where are Leh and the others?" "No," I said.    


"Haifeng and his car, Cloud and Leh, I've arranged everything." Qiu Tong said.    


"Alright, see you later." I hung up.    


At four-thirty, Fourth Brother arrived on time. Qiu Tong was sitting in the back with Snowy in her arms. I was sitting in the front passenger seat.    


Snowy was still sleeping in Qiu Tong's arms.    


We went straight to the airport.    


Arriving at the airport at five o'clock, Fourth Brother put the car away and they went straight to the terminal.    


Not long later, Haifeng, Yun Yun, and Leh also arrived.    


Snowy was still in a daze.    


"Well — get up early and the child will suffer." Leh touched Snowy's face.    


"Wake up early and let your old man suffer with you!" "No," I said.    


"Hehe, I always get up early, what are you going to suffer?" Leh said.    


Everyone laughed.    


Haifeng took everyone's ID card to exchange for their boarding passes. Leh looked at Fourth Brother and smiled: "You must be the legendary Fourth Brother, right?"    


Fourth Brother smiled, "Greetings, Old Master!"    


Leh said, "I've often heard Ke talk about you. Hur Hur, are you working with Qiu Tong now?"    


"Yes, I am Boss Qiu's pilot!" Fourth Brother said.    


"Yes." Leh nodded and looked Fourth Brother up and down.    


Then Snowy woke up and looked around and shouted, "Ya-ma, where are we? we have reached the Ningzhou? "    


Everyone laughed.    


"We haven't set off yet." Qiu Tong kissed Snowy's cheek and then put her down.    


Snowy looked at Leh: "Hi grandpa —"    


"Good boy." Leh happily bent over and took Snowy's hand, "Snowy, you're going to attend your wedding with Auntie Hai Zhu. Are you happy?"    


"I'm happy," Snowy said. "But I'd be happier if I could attend Uncle Yi's and my mom's wedding. I really like Uncle Yi. I want Uncle Yi to be my dad. "    


Leh was stunned for a moment and then laughed.    


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