Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1494 Neuroticism

C1494 Neuroticism

I had a vague feeling that he was a little neurotic on the subject.    


I nodded. "Yes, that's right."    


Guan Yunfei was silent for a moment and then sighed. It was a pity that Qin Lu had passed away at such a young age. Why did this person have such thoughts? It's not worth it to be unhappy just because of the promotion. "    


I said, "Yes, who says it isn't, it's a pity, it's not worth it."    


Guan Yunfei sighed for a while and then looked at me again. "Yi, do you really think that Qin Lu died by suicide?"    


I pretended to be shocked: "Minister Guan, what do you mean by that?"    


Guan Yunfei smiled faintly: "What do you think?"    


I said, "I don't dare to say that. The police have already come to a conclusion. Qin Lu committed suicide. I have just cleared myself of the murderer's charges, so I don't dare to say that." Minister Guan should not have any doubts about that. In any case, I am now quite sure that Qin Lu committed suicide. This is the conclusion of the police.    


Guan Yunfei laughed: "Look, Yi, I just asked casually, look at how scared you are. Of course I don't believe you are a murderer, of course I believe the police conclusion, I'm just asking casually, don't be so nervous. "    


I pretended to be slightly more at ease and said, "Since Minister Guan said so, I won't be nervous anymore."    


Guan Yunfei said, "You've suffered a lot since you were captured, haven't you?"    


I shivered. "Yes," I said.    


"These public security officers. The current Public Security. This is nonsense. " Guan Yunfei said angrily.    


"This is how the public security is now." "They tortured me," I said.    


"Thank goodness you managed to clarify the truth. Thank god you managed to survive. Otherwise, you might have been reduced to submission. "In that case, there will be one more vengeful spirit in this world." Guan Yunfei said.    


"There are so many ghosts in this world that were forced to confess by the public security law. There are so few that have died. When those souls were killed, maybe the real murderer was secretly mocking the public security case for its incompetence." "No," I said.    


"The real murderer …" Guan Yunfei muttered to himself, then laughed lightly: "In this age, it's hard to tell the difference between the real and the fake."    


I had been secretly observing Guan Yunfei's every movement and expression, hoping to find some useful information from them. But the result made me disappointed. I couldn't find any useful information or flaw in his actions and words.    


Of course, I was very sensitive to Guan Yunfei's extra concern about Qin Lu's death and pregnancy, but I couldn't be sure that he had anything to do with Qin Lu's death. Perhaps the reason he questioned me today was to find out if I knew about his relationship with Qin Lu. That was probably the main point of his conversation with me today.    


Was Guan Yunfei too cunning, or did he have nothing to do with Qin Lu's death? I thought hard and couldn't help but wonder.    


This question seemed to accompany me for some time, and for the moment I was at a loss as to what to do.    


As for Qin Lu's topic, Guan Yunfei seemed to have gotten what he wanted from me. He seemed to be quite satisfied.    


Guan Yunfei stood up from his desk, walked back and forth two steps, then sat down again, picked up his glass of water and drank a mouthful of water, and said, "The main reason why I called you here today is to have a heart to heart talk with you, to understand your thoughts. At the same time, I also want to enlighten you so that you won't be frustrated by a moment of frustration."    


"Yeah, I understand Minister Guan's concern and love for me!" "No," I said.    


"Since Dongkai has already made changes to your work this time, I will not say anything more and can't interfere with it. Such an arrangement might actually be beneficial for you." Guan Yunfei said: "Yi, you are still young and there is still a long way to go in the government. When you work in the government, you should not only look forward to the future, but also focus on the future, you should be able to withstand the impact, learn to be resilient, exercise your own resilience, and have a steel-like psychological quality and fighting spirit. Only this kind of person can stand out in the government. "    


I said to Guan Yunfei, "Minister Guan, I understand what you mean. I know what you mean."    


"Hehe, Yi, you're a smart man. You're a smart man, and you can easily do it." Guan Yunfei laughed in satisfaction.    


I laughed too, but my heart was cold and hard again.    


I thought, maybe I will make myself mature and smooth in the middle school of dealing with Guan Yunfei. If I can succeed in dealing with Guan Yunfei, if I can maintain a good relationship with Guan Yunfei and develop further, if I can gain his deepening trust, then it will mean that I have succeeded in some aspect.    


Of course, how long can Guan Yunfei and I maintain our honeymoon period? Whether Guan Yunfei is destroyed by me or me by Guan Yunfei, I don't have any premonitions right now.    


I don't like having enemies, but deep in my bones, I subconsciously yearn for a strong opponent. It seems that only by doing this will I be able to excite and arouse my fighting spirit.    


Guan Yunfei and I should be friends now, but I have a different feeling.    


The feeling made me uneasy.    


The senior Xie Fei that I had cheated should also be my friend. I hope that I don't become enemies with her, but when I think about the Qin Lu who died for no reason, I feel some distance away from her and feel enmity towards her.    


This feeling also made me feel uneasy.    


The couple who disturbed me were now my friends. One was Big Leader, who could decide my political life, who had the power and will to make me an insignificant pawn in his hands. The other was a mature young woman whom I had been so confused about, a woman whose mature intellect and elegance made me want to avoid connecting her with Qin Lu's death, but I couldn't shake that suspicion away.    


This complicated feeling made my brain feel very tired.    


At that moment, the phone on Guan Yunfei's desk rang. Guan Yunfei picked up the phone.    


I sat and watched him answer the phone.    


"Oh. Old Lei, hehe, you brat, you almost made me drink to the ground last night. " Guan Yunfei was full of smiles and his voice was full of ridicule.    


Old Lei was undoubtedly Lei Zheng. Old Lei was Guan Yunfei's nickname for him.    


I continued to listen to Guan Yunfei's call to Lei Zheng.    


"I'm fine right now. Why, old buddy, you didn't go out either?" Guan Yunfei continued in a warm tone: "What, we didn't talk enough last night, so you're coming to my office to chat now. Okay, we haven't had a good chat for a long time, I was just about to visit you, but you brought it up first. I want to hear Secretary Lei's instructions. "    


If Lei Zheng wanted to come to Guan Yunfei's office, it definitely wouldn't be as simple as chatting. Maybe he would talk about Qin Lu, and maybe the real purpose of Lei Zheng coming here was to promote Cao Lee.    


Of course, there might be something else. As for what it was, I don't know.    


These two enemies of the political scene had been chatting on the phone for many years, and those who didn't know what was going on might think that they were brothers.    


This was the skill of a veteran politician. Lei Zheng and Guan Yunfei were already well-versed in this aspect. They fought to the death in secret, but on the surface, they were friendly and friendly.    


At this point, I still need to work hard. At the very least, Cao Teng and I weren't able to do it to such an extent.    


After hanging up the phone, Guan Yunfei said to me, "Secretary Lei will be coming over to discuss something with me in a while. Let's end today's conversation here. You can go back first."    


I nodded and stood up.    


"The content of our conversation today is only known to you and me." Guan Yunfei said.    


"Yes." I nodded again.    


Just as I was about to leave, Guan Yunfei called out to me: "Wait."    


I stopped and looked at Guan Yunfei.    


Guan Yunfei hesitated for a moment and said: "What you said to me today is the truth, right?"    


I immediately became aware of Guan Yunfei's nervousness in Qin Lu's affairs, the importance of Qin Lu's matter in his heart, and Guan Yunfei's inner torment because of Qin Lu's matter. But his nervousness still didn't convince me that he was the mastermind behind Qin Lu's death. I could only understand that he was worried that his relationship with Qin Lu had been revealed.    


I said, "Minister Guan, you shouldn't have had any doubts about what I said to you! If you give me a hundred guts, I won't lie to you. "    


Guan Yunfei laughed and seemed to have regained his confidence. This confidence might have come from his confidence in his power and position.    


"Hehe, I was just joking with you. Of course, I trust you completely. "Alright, you can leave now." Guan Yunfei said.    


I smiled back and went out.    


When I closed the door, I looked back at Guan Yunfei and saw him looking at me with a sharp gaze.    


My heart skipped a beat and I smiled again.    


Guan Yunfei immediately smiled.    


I closed the door and left.    


When he arrived at the stairs on the second floor, he coincidentally bumped into Lei Zheng.    


I stopped and said, "Hello, Secretary Lei."    


Lei Zheng stopped and looked at me. A trace of a smile appeared on his face, "Yi, what are you doing here?"    


"Send a document to the department!" "No," I said.    


"Yes." Lei Zheng narrowed his eyes, put his hands behind his back, raised his chest, and slowly said: "How is it? Have you had a good time lately? "    


"Thanks to Secretary Lei, I'm still alive, and I'm living quite comfortably!" "No," I said.    


"Hmph." Lei Zheng snorted from his nose and laughed: "Does it feel good to be inside?"    


"It's not bad!" "No," I said.    


"Not bad?" Lei Zheng snorted again: "If you haven't had enough, then when the time is right, I will fulfill your wish. I will let you go back inside and suffer."    


"Thank you, Secretary Lei, for your kindness, but I don't think so!" I said politely.    


"I don't need you to say it." "Don't think that just because you've cleared your name that you'll be fine. The debt I gave you isn't settled yet!" Lei Zheng said.    


"How can there be any debt between Secretary Lei and me? Did I owe you money or do you owe me money?" "No," I said.    


"Stop playing dumb. "I'll have to settle the debt between you and Qin Lu sooner or later. You despicable bastard, how dare you seduce the members of the Political and Law Commission. I think you're tired of living." Lei Zheng said.    


I said, "Since you insist, I won't explain. If you want to settle with me, I'll wait. "However, if you want to settle the score, I hope that Secretary Lei can inform me in advance. I have a good idea in preparation."    


"What do you mean, 'I have to think so'? It was clearly you who did the dirty work, and you still don't want to admit it? Normally, you would look like a man who does good deeds. But now, it seems that you are just a good-for-nothing who fears responsibility. " Lei Zheng said with disdain.    


"So, Secretary Lei must be a man who dares to act so bravely?" "No," I said.    


"What qualifications do you have to judge me? "What kind of thing are you?" Lei Zheng continued to look at me with disdain: "Yi Ke, let me tell you, you can consider yourself lucky this time. Next time, if you land in my hands, heng heng, I will let you know what is worse than death."    


Lei Zheng chuckled again, his tone was extremely cold.    


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