Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1481 Signature

C1481 Signature

The middle-aged man spat out a mouthful of blood onto the ground. Then, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at me. "Now, can you sign?"    


I took the folder in the policeman's hand, opened it, and quickly signed. Then I took my personal belongings and looked at the middle-aged man.    


"So what if I am?" He stared at me.    


I stared at him for a few seconds, then said, "I want to tell you, you're a fool!"    


After saying that, I walked out with large strides.    


Outside, I looked up at the blue winter sky, took a deep breath of cool, free air, and headed out.    


He saw Qiu Tong standing alone on the roadside at the entrance of the Criminal Police Division, looking in his direction.    


Behind her was a car with Fourth Brother in the driver's seat.    


Qiu Tong and Fourth Brother came to pick me up.    


My heart warmed and I couldn't help but quicken my pace.    


Before I could reach the gate, a group of people suddenly rushed out. There were men and women, some with cameras, some with cameras, and some with microphones, heading straight for me.    


Obviously, they were a group of reporters.    


I started, and then they started talking.    


"Yi Ke, what are your thoughts on being acquitted this time?"    


"What do you think about the way the Hsinghai police are handling this case?"    


"What is the nature of your relationship with the deceased?"    


"Were you tortured in there?"    


"Do you think the police case is fair?"    


"Do you agree with the police conclusion?"    


I stopped and looked at them and said: "First, Qin Lu and I are in the youth class at the Party school, we are good friends, our relationship is clean; secondly, I am shocked and saddened by her accidental death, and I hope to find out her true cause of death, so that she may be able to rest in peace under the ground and answer to the families of the dead; thirdly, I am sure you know better than I do that whether I was interrogated and forced to confess during the time I was there, and how the police are handling the case now."    


I knew that since I had just signed it, I couldn't say that I had received a forced confession in it, or the police could sue me, and I didn't want to cause any more trouble.    


"So, can you understand what you're saying? First, you had nothing to do with Qin Lu's death, which means that Qin Lu wasn't killed by you, that you were wrongly arrested by the police, and that Qin Lu's pregnancy had nothing to do with you. Second, you don't agree with the police conclusion that Qin Lu committed suicide, and you don't believe that Qin Lu committed suicide, but that she killed her. A reporter asked.    


I said, "As for the first point you mentioned, I'm sure that I won't comment on the second point. As for the third point, everyone should think about it on their own."    


After saying that, I nodded towards them. "Thank you for your concern." Then I went straight to the front of the car, where Qiu Tong was already inside.    


At this moment, a girl was already recording the program with a microphone towards the camera, "The social media reporter is reporting on the scene. The suspect of the fall of the Deputy Chief of the Political Law Commission in Hsinghai City, Yi Ke, has already been released by the police. The police have already come to the conclusion that Qin Lu committed suicide.    


According to Yi Ke's attitude, he gave a vague answer to the police's conclusion about the case and whether he had received a confession due to torture. He was neither sure nor negative, but he was sure that he didn't kill the deceased nor had it anything to do with the pregnancy of the deceased. "Now that Yi Ke is about to leave, let's go interview the police …"    


The reporters rushed back into the courtyard and headed for the police building.    


I got into the car and Fourth Brother drove away directly.    


Qiu Tong and I sat in the back.    


Qiu Tong looked at me with eyes full of pain. Her voice was slightly trembling as she said, "You've suffered. They hit you, didn't they?"    


I didn't want to upset Qiu Tong by saying, "No."    


"Then why are your clothes so rumpled? Did they really not torture you into confessing?" Qiu Tong said doubtfully.    


I tried to smile. "I did the wrinkling myself. They didn't hit me, really."    


Qiu Tong still looked at me doubtfully.    


I said, "Are you the one behind all these reporters?"    


Qiu Tong nodded. "Yes, that's all I can do."    


I looked at Qiu Tong and said, "This is enough. This is enough to make a difference."    


I knew that if it weren't for Qiu Tong's reporters, I wouldn't know what would have happened to me. It was because of these reporters that they stopped torturing me and kept me from suffering.    


At the same time, it was because of these reporters that Lei Zheng restrained his actions and didn't dare to unscrupulously put the killer's hat on my head. After all, he was also wary of the news media that came from above.    


At the same time, because of the arrival of these reporters, they had attracted the attention of the leaders of the city committee, especially Qiao Shida. That was why Qiao Shida had instructed them to handle the case strictly, asking for the case to be quickly concluded and for them to give an explanation to the people of the city.    


And it was precisely because of Qiao Shida's attention and instructions that Lei Zheng instructed the investigation team to further analyse the case and draw the conclusion that Qin Lu committed suicide, allowing me to be released. Otherwise, according to Lei Zheng's hatred of me, I would never have come out so easily. Even if I was not convicted of being a murderer, at least I would have been locked up for a period of time to suffer in there.    


"I believe that you are not a murderer. I believe that you would not do such a thing. I am here as a reporter to operate these news media just for the sake of public fairness!" Qiu Tong said.    


"The police dealing with many cases these days are just fooling around. These days, there are not many cases where we have to compromise." "I wonder how many vengeful spirits will never be able to get Zhaoxue again." Fourth Brother said angrily as he drove.    


"I feel that Qin Lu's death is a mystery. I don't believe their conclusion. I don't think that Qin Lu will commit suicide." "No," I said.    


"But, the police's analysis is very reasonable." Qiu Tong said.    


"It can only sound reasonable." "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong pondered.    


"However, since the police have quickly come to a conclusion and no one objects, I don't think it will be easy to change that conclusion." Fourth Brother said.    


I didn't say anything.    


"The Political Law Commission has decided to give a pension to Qin Lu's relatives." Qiu Tong muttered.    


"Since you committed suicide, why are you giving me a pension?" I asked.    


"Perhaps it's a form of comfort." Qiu Tong said.    


"Maybe they are guilty about this, but they can't find any other evidence to prove it. The higher ups are pressing down, so they can only conclude the case hastily. The verdict is suicide, and it's the same for families!" Fourth Brother said.    


I exhaled and remained silent for a long time. "What happened after I was taken away the other day?"    


"After you were taken away, the entire wedding site blew up. Hai Zhu fainted on the spot, your mother fainted, and they were all sent to the hospital. The rest of the relatives and friends who came to attend the wedding all dispersed, leaving the wedding half way empty." Fourth Brother said.    


"How is Hai Zhu now? "So what happened to my mom?" I asked quickly.    


"Hai Zhu woke up in the hospital and remained silent. She was in a trance, but Haifeng took her home." Fourth Brother said.    


"What about my mom?" "No," I said.    


"Your mother woke up and kept crying. She cried very hard. Your parents and Hai Zhu's parents suffered a huge blow, especially yours." Qiu Tong continued: "Considering the situation, under Leh's suggestion, we brought your parents over from Hsinghai and stayed at Leh's house. Your parents have been in a bad mood these past few days, so hearing that you're about to be released, they're feeling a little better. "    


"Oh. "I'm staying at Leh's place." I nodded, a little more at ease.    


I knew that the incident at the wedding was a huge blow to both families, including Hai Zhu. Whether I had actually killed anyone or not, I had been arrested by the police at the wedding.    


Even if she didn't believe that I had really killed Qin Lu, the fact that the middle-aged man publicly mentioned at the wedding that Qin Lu had miscarried and signed by me was enough to destroy Hai Zhu. This was undoubtedly the greatest humiliation to her and also a huge humiliation to her family.    


My heart was heavy.    


As if she knew what I was thinking, Qiu Tong said, "I called Hai Zhu today and told her about your acquittal."    


"What did she say?" I looked eagerly at Qiu Tong.    


"She — she let out a long breath. "He didn't say anything. Then, he hung up the phone. When I called again, his phone was turned off." Qiu Tong sighed as she spoke.    


I took out my cell phone and said, "I'll call Haifeng. Tell Haifeng to give the phone to her. "    


"Haifeng, perhaps you have already taken off from Zhonghai today." Qiu Tong said.    


"Gone?" "No," I said.    


"Yes, today's flight to Sydney from Zhonghai Pudong Airport." Qiu Tong said.    


"What about the clouds?" I said, stunned.    


"Clouds. He also left with Haifeng. After finishing yesterday's resignation and handover procedures, we flew to Zhong Hai last night. " Qiu Tong's voice trembled a little, "Yun Yun did not want to leave at this moment, she is very concerned about you. She did not eat or drink much these two days and has been accompanying your parents. However, the flight to Haifeng's side was already booked. Haifeng had to get to work there immediately. He couldn't drag it out any longer. Thus, they had no choice but to leave. Before she left, she stayed with me and cried all night. "    


My heart was trembling slightly. Looking at Qiu Tong's haggard expression, I knew that she hadn't had a good rest these few days and was worrying about my matters.    


The clouds left, just like that. They left for that distant country. Once they left, it was unknown when they would be able to see her again.    


Xia Yu was gone, Kong Kun was gone, Qin Lu was gone, the clouds were gone, the women beside me were leaving me one by one.    


I don't know what Hai Zhu's current attitude is. I don't know what kind of decision this fatal blow will make for her, I don't know what she's thinking, I don't know what choice she'll make for tomorrow.    


"Where are we going now?" Fourth Brother said.    


Qiu Tong looked at me.    


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