Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1492 Farewell

C1492 Farewell

Looking at Cao Teng's proud smile and hearing his mocking words, I was so angry that my lungs were about to burst, but I could only hold it in.    


After handing in the work, Tang Liang arranged for a table to be served that night. The middle level of Issuing Company drank a round of farewell drinks with me. During the meal, Tang Liang drank too much, said too many emotional words, and the other middle class also drank too much. Everyone was very reluctant to see me leave.    


Of course I was touched by the meal.    


At this moment, I have a vague feeling that after leaving the Issuing Company this time, I might not be able to return to this place anymore. In other words, no matter what I do in the future, I will never do it again.    


I want to say goodbye to the release.    


I couldn't help but feel a sense of reluctance and sadness. The reason why Guest and the Floating Dream were bound to each other was because of the release, and the reason why Qiu Tong and I developed step by step was also because of the release. The release was also the witness of the love in the air between Guest and the Floating Dream.    


And from now on, I won't be in contact with the distribution anymore. Then, will Guest's dream trip with Floating Dream, me and Qiu Tong also go with it?    


Thinking this way, I felt a surge of fear and dread.    


The next day, I was about to leave for the living quarters to report.    


It seemed that a new life was about to begin. I'm going to go to the mountains to work and get back education from the poor and middle peasants.    


Before I left, I suddenly received a call from Guan Yunfei's secretary. Guan Yunfei wants to see me.    


City Council's Ministry of Propaganda, Guan Yunfei's office.    


I sat across from Guan Yunfei, who was sipping the steaming tea from a clear glass of water.    


At this moment, Guan Yunfei looked to be in high spirits, and his hair was combed black and shiny.    


He did not speak but only sipped his tea.    


I spoke first if he didn't speak.    


"Minister Guan's study is over?" "No," I said.    


"Yes." Guan Yunfei nodded, as he swirled the cup of water in his hand, he stared at the tea in the cup and said, "After I come back from abroad, school will be over."    


"Congratulations to Minister Guan on successfully ending his studies." "No," I said.    


"Hur hur." Guan Yunfei smiled and raised his head to look at me. "Secretary Qiao fulfilled his promise yesterday."    


"What promise?" "No," I said.    


"Welcome, welcome! Last night, he hosted a banquet to welcome me with the participation of the Standing Committee." Guan Yunfei said.    


"Oh." I nodded. "That's right, Secretary Qiao is a leader who keeps his word."    


"Of course, Leader. When you speak, you have to do what you say. The words of a Leader are not something that can be casually said." Guan Yunfei said.    


It seems that Guan Yunfei called me here to chat with me.    


But I know it won't be, it won't be.    


I had already made up my mind that before I had enough evidence, before I found the killer Fourth Brother and I thought I was, in front of Guan Yunfei, I would not reveal anything that would make him suspect me.    


At this moment, my attitude towards Guan Yunfei is vague and ambiguous, it is a contradictory hesitation. Although I highly suspect that he or Xie Fei did something to Qin Lu, but I don't have a clear proof, so I can only suspect.    


Since I was suspicious, I couldn't easily reveal my true thoughts.    


After a moment of silence, Guan Yunfei said, "I heard about you."    


I didn't say anything and looked at Guan Yunfei.    


"I heard about it right after returning to the Hsinghai." Guan Yunfei continued, "I did not expect your wedding to be like this. I didn't expect you to be taken away by the security guards at the wedding. I didn't expect to hear rumors about you and Qin Lu. "Of course, Qin Lu's suicide was also within my expectations."    


I quietly continued to look at Guan Yunfei.    


"What do you think now?" Guan Yunfei looked at me.    


"No idea. If there really is one, then it's just asking for trouble and facing reality head-on." "No," I said.    


"It's impossible to not have an idea. It's understandable that he would have to face reality with his own misfortune." Guan Yunfei said, "Do you know why I called you here today?"    


"I don't know." "No," I said.    


"I don't know, I'll tell you." Guan Yunfei said, "Today, I called you here to talk to you in detail. Of course, there's only one purpose for this conversation. Do you know my original intention?"    


"Concerned about me." "No," I said.    


"Yes, the fundamental purpose of my conversation with you today is to be concerned about you. Since it is about you, especially about your future political life and future, then when you talk to me today, you have to make sure that you do something about it." Guan Yunfei said.    


"Which one?" "No," I said.    


"Tell me the truth." Guan Yunfei said.    


My heart skipped a beat. "Yeah," I said. In front of the Leader, I have never dared to lie. I promise you the truth, I will answer whatever you ask me, and I promise that everything I answer you is the truth. "    


"Mm, I believe you can do this. Only if you tell me the truth and I know the entire situation, can I truly care about you and help you." Guan Yunfei seemed to be satisfied with my answer.    


"Thank you, Minister Guan, for your kindness. In my current situation, I have no other choice. If I don't tell you the truth, won't I be courting death?" "No," I said.    


"It's good to be aware of this. It means that you are very political and very aware of this." Guan Yunfei nodded again.    


I didn't know where Guan Yunfei would start asking questions, but I had already made up my mind.    


"Did Minister Dongkai talk to you yesterday?" Guan Yunfei started asking me.    


He started from here.    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"What was the conversation about?" Guan Yunfei said.    


"Adjust my work, I'm no longer the group's Director of Management Office and the general manager of Issuing Company, I've been transferred to the living base to be the vice chairman, I'll report for duty today!" "No," I said.    


"Oh. "That's right." Guan Yunfei frowned. "Did he say why he adjusted you so?"    


"Secretary Sun said it was mainly because of what I did this time, especially the rumors about Qin Lu and the outside world. He said that this incident caused a huge negative social impact on the propaganda system and caused a bad negative effect in the group, and also said that it caused your anger, said you were angry, said you were very angry, said you had an explanation, said I'm not used to my current job anymore, so I have to make an adjustment to my work." "No," I said.    


"I'm angry, I'm angry? When was I angry? Isn't Dongkai exaggerating on purpose? " Guan Yunfei frowned again and said: "That day when Dongkai told me about this, I was just very worried, just very worried, just very regretful, how did this guy level up my reaction in front of you? I was just worried that your case would bring some negative social effects to the publicity system and the group, but I didn't say that I would punish you by moving you out of work. This guy obviously didn't understand what I meant. "    


I wondered what Guan Yunfei meant by this. I felt that Guan Yunfei already knew about the adjustment of my work from Sun Dongkai, but at this moment, he pretended to be oblivious to it and asked me.    


"However, since Dongkai has already represented his Group Party Committee and spoken to you on behalf of you, since he has already announced the results of the adjustment, then obviously we cannot take it back. The matter of the unit is not child's play, not a child's play. Everywhere is a job, is a contribution to the group, must have the right mindset to face. " Guan Yunfei said.    


"Yes, I can understand the meaning behind Group Party Committee's arrangement. I don't have any complaints, I accept the organization and the Party committee's arrangement of my work!" "No," I said.    


"Is there really no complaint in your heart? "Tell me the truth!" Guan Yunfei said, "Don't you feel aggrieved?"    


I said, "If you want to be honest, then there is, but your arms can't resist your thighs. If you can't, then admit it. Then there can't be any complaints. As for grievances, there's no point in saying such things."    


"The administrative level hasn't changed, right?" Guan Yunfei said.    


"No, it's still a regular." "No," I said.    


"That's good. As long as the level doesn't change, then it's fine." Guan Yunfei said, "Since your group has already made the decision to adjust to you, it's not suitable for me to interfere. Besides, if you work at a living base, you can avoid the limelight and it might not be a bad thing."    


"Yeah," I said.    


I heard Dongkai say that your distribution department is doing well today and that all the indicators are promising for a historic breakthrough, especially the Central and Provincial Party Newspaper, which broke the previous year's quota for the first time this year. This is a very good result, and the achievement is inseparable from your hard work and scientific management. Guan Yunfei said.    


"Thank you, Minister Guan, for your affirmation. In fact, the achievement wasn't due to me alone, it was due to all the people in the Issuing Company. It was due to everyone that they paid the price together." "No," I said.    


"Although that is the case, the contributions of the main leaders are unforgettable and cannot be denied. Without a good leader, without a good core leader, these are all impossible to achieve. So, I still have to express my affirmation to you! " Guan Yunfei said: "In the written history of the Hsinghai Bulletin, you wrote a thick line and left a deep footprint. All of these will be remembered and written into the Hsinghai Publication history books."    


I faintly smiled: "This is all the result of Minister Guan's concern and support, all result of the correct leadership of the Group Party Committee."    


"Hehe, don't boast to me anymore. Today we are having a private conversation. We have to dig until the truth is revealed." Guan Yunfei said with a smile.    


I nodded. I didn't know how Guan Yunfei was going to dig it up.    


It seems that Guan Yunfei was walking in circles with me and didn't get into the whole thing that he wanted. Or rather, the big thing I said to him just now was just a smoke screen to cover what he really wanted to say.    


Sure enough, Guan Yunfei continued in a casual tone, "Since we talked about your job adjustment today, I couldn't help but remember the cause of it. That Qin Lu. That Qin Lu who committed suicide by the Political and Law Commission. You and her. What exactly is going on? "    


Guan Yunfei finally got down to business. This was what he really wanted to talk to me about today. This was what he was really concerned about.    


I sighed and said, "About Qin Lu and me. "Minister Guan, I trust you, so why don't I tell you the truth in front of you today?"    


"Yes." "Tell me." Guan Yunfei nodded and stared at me.    


I said, "Qin Lu and I are in the youth class at the Party school. You know that."    


"Yes, I know." Guan Yunfei said.    


"Because we are classmates and both of us are class cadres. Plus, Qin Lu's personality is more compatible with me, so our relationship is better, and we have more connections. We often eat together, sometimes it's the two of us, sometimes it's my friends. I treat Qin Lu as a good classmate, and Qin Lu, also treat me as a good friend. Sometimes, I can't bear to think of unhappy things, and often tell me. " I said slowly.    


Guan Yunfei's eyelids jumped as he continued to stare at me.    


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