Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1461 Optimistic Approach

C1461 Optimistic Approach

I thought for a moment and said, "I don't care if Cao Lee was cheated or not. If you had listened to me disagreeing with Cao Lee before, you would have known that dog-shit nephew of yours. How could you have been cheated?"    


Hai Zhu was silent.    


"Do you think mobilizing someone is such a simple thing? Trans-provincial transfer, do you think it's that easy? Besides, I don't even know anything about my own transfer. Do you think I can get it done without knowing the procedure? "You don't know anything about the procedures and procedures for transferring people. You were fooled by them just because you were confused. Are you really dizzy? Five million just like that? Why don't you just tell me about it beforehand?" "No," I said.    


"I'm greeting you? Say hello? You don't want to do anything at all, so it's useless for me to say hi to you. You might even intentionally delay the creation of obstacles. I purposely don't greet you. " Hai Zhu said.    


"Hai." I sighed.    


"It's over, it's all over. I thought that I would give you a pleasant surprise before marriage, but everything is over, and I can't get anything done, not even five million. " Hai Zhu muttered, her voice filled with great frustration and despair.    


"Did you report it?" I asked Hai Zhu.    


"Nope." Hai Zhu said.    


"Why didn't you report it?" "No," I said.    


"Cao Lee said that since this kind of scammer wants to lie to us, he must have already changed his name and ran off to somewhere unknown. He might have gone abroad to report this matter to the Public Security Department but even if this were to spread out, he would make a disgrace out of himself and make others laugh at his stupidity. I think what Cao Lee said makes sense, so she didn't report it! " Hai Zhu said.    


My mind was racing. "Yeah, I know."    


"Brother, I'm sorry, I was too stupid. Not only did I not manage to move you, I even got cheated out 5 million. I feel really sad right now." As Hai Zhu spoke, she couldn't help but start crying again.    


I tried to comfort Hai Zhu on the phone, but she finally stopped crying.    


"Zhu, don't think about this for now. Rest well, eat well, work well, and live well. Wait until after we get married." I said to Hai Zhu, "This is the same as spending money to buy a lesson. Although the price is very expensive, but I have no choice but to accept it." As long as he could learn a lesson, it wasn't bad. If there's no money, we can earn more. As long as there are people around, there's no problem. "    


"Yes." Hai Zhu answered, her voice still dejected.    


I know that Hai Zhu's heart is extremely disappointed at this moment. Not only is it five million, more importantly, the matter of me transferring back her Ningzhou was completely in vain. This is what she feels most despairing about, and the blow it has dealt to her is far greater than the loss of five million.    


I said, "Zhu, do you know why I called you just now? It's because your mood is so abnormal this afternoon that Lin Yaru, Zhang Xiaotian, and the others feel uneasy and worried for you. Lin Yaru called me, so I called you.    


Things have already passed, let's not think about it anymore, think about the upcoming wedding, think about our marriage, think about happy things, let's put this matter on hold for now, a liar is a liar, a bad guy is a bad guy, bad people have their retribution.    


What you need to do now is to calm down, calm yourself down, return to your normal state, and do what you're doing right now. Eat and sleep well, do you understand? "    


"Un, I understand. Bro, I feel much better now that I've told you about this. "I'll open the door and go out to eat!" Hai Zhu said.    


"That's good. Go!" "No," I said.    


"En, brother, do you want to curse me in your heart right now?" Hai Zhu said.    


"I don't want to scold you, but I want to kill you!" "No," I said.    


"Pfft — —" Hai Zhu burst out laughing in a sobbing tone. "You — you still have the mood to joke around!"    


"What if I don't laugh? Is it because of this that I am not going to live? And you have to cry? " I said, "You're not living because of this. No one will sympathize with you. Instead, you will be ridiculed. So, no matter what happens, you have to learn to be optimistic, bury your sadness and anger deep in your heart, and when facing others, you have to always remain calm and collected, and also smile. "    


"Alright, I understand, brother." Hai Zhu said.    


"Now, go eat, eat, take a bath, and sleep well. Tomorrow, do whatever you have to do!" "No," I said.    


"Yes." Hai Zhu hung up the phone.    


After hanging up, I sat down on the sofa with a long sigh, lit a cigarette, and fell into deep thought.    


After finishing two cigarettes, I went to take a bath.    


After showering, I reached for my cell phone and called Lin Yaru.    


"Where's Hai Zhu?" "No," I said.    


"Sister Hai Zhu had some food and then went back to her room to rest!" Lin Yaru said.    


"Yes." I then gave Lin Yaru a brief account of what had happened.    


"So that's how it is." Lin Yaru said, "Brother Yi, what are you going to do?"    


"You start checking Hai Zhu's phone records tomorrow immediately, find the nephew's number, and then try to find out where the number is and where each time." "No," I said.    


"Alright." Lin Yaru agreed.    


"Is it difficult?" "No," I said.    


"The difficulty isn't that high, there are people with our Yanjing as well. When the time comes, they can assist us." Lin Yaru said.    


"According to the location of each call on that number, check his movements and movements in an attempt to find out where he is hiding." "No," I said.    


"En, alright!" Lin Yaru agreed.    


"This must be done in secret. Don't let Hai Zhu know about it, and be careful not to let her see it." I said, "When necessary, let our people in the Yanjing Group cooperate and investigate."    


Lin Yaru agreed again, then said, "Brother Yi, actually, I feel that the Cao Lee you were talking about just now is a good cut-in point for her. From what you said, I suspect that Cao Lee is in the same group."    


"You don't have to worry about that. Just follow my instructions." "No," I said.    


"Alright!" Lin Yaru said.    


After making a phone call with Lin Yaru, I pondered for a moment before making a call to Cao Lee.    


"Why did you think of calling me so late at night? "Hee hee." Cao Leeyou's greasy voice came over the phone.    


"I have something to ask you!" "No," I said.    


"I know what you want to ask me!" Cao Lee said.    


"What is it?" "No," I said.    


"You must ask about Hai Zhu being cheated." Cao Lee said.    


"Well, yes!" I said, "I heard from Hai Zhu that one of your cousins was also cheated?"    


"Ah, yes." Cao Lee sounded depressed, "My cousin was cheated for 2 million yuan and I borrowed 800,000 yuan. This is a crime, this damned swindler, if we catch him we must cut him into pieces!"    


"I heard from Hai Zhu that you were the one who introduced this swindler to her?" "No," I said.    


At that time, I really wanted to help Hai Zhu out. I genuinely wanted to help her, but, how could I have known that he was a liar? "Right now, I am extremely sad and heartbroken. Not only did I get cheated, I even caused Hai Zhu to lose so much money. I am sorry, Hai Zhu. I am sorry to you." Cao Lee actually started crying.    


I said, "Don't cry!"    


"Why?" Cao Lee immediately stopped crying.    


I said, "What's the point of crying now? Hurry up and think of a way to get the money back."    


"But where can I find it? Who knows where that liar has gone? " Cao Lee said, "How about I call the police tomorrow!"    


I said, "What the hell is the use of calling the police? When the police catch the swindler, even if they catch him, the swindler would probably spend all his money." Moreover, once the police call, wouldn't everyone know about this matter? It would be very embarrassing if word of this got out, and it wouldn't be good if everyone knew that I wanted to be transferred away.    


"Oh, that makes sense. "Then what should we do?" Cao Lee said.    


"Sigh. Since face is the most important thing, if he can't do it, he can only accept it. It would be equivalent to spending money to buy a lesson for himself! " "No," I said.    


"Do you really just admit it like that? That's five million! Hai Zhu lost five million! " Cao Lee said.    


"So what if I don't admit defeat? Unless we can find him quickly, but where can we find him in the vast sea of people? If I really can't find it, then I can only accept it. " "No," I said.    


"Sigh. "I feel so bad. It doesn't matter if I lose several hundred thousand yuan. The point is, I've implicated Hai Zhu. I'm really sad. I'm so sorry for Hai Zhu." Cao Lee said.    


"Don't be sad, the reason I called you was to comfort you!" "No," I said.    


"Oh, you're such a good person. I'm in the dorm right now. Why don't you come over and comfort me?" Cao Lee said in a greasy voice.    


"No need." "No," I said.    


"Then I'll go to your place. Can we comfort each other?" Cao Lee said in an ambiguous tone.    


"No, I'm going to sleep! Goodbye! " I hung up.    


Nothing happened that night.    


The next morning, I was busy in my office. Cao Lee came to my office and walked around for a while, watching the people coming and going in my office.    


In the afternoon, Lin Yaru called me. "Brother Yi, with the help of our Yanjing comrades, we found the whereabouts of that swindler."    


"Speak —" I didn't expect Lin Yaru and the others to be so efficient.    


"According to Sister Hai Zhu's contact records, we found the fraud's phone number, which is the phone number of Yanjing. Afterwards, the Yanjing Group used their internal relations to call out that person's contact information from the mobile company, and confirmed the location of every time he called. The Yanjing Group investigated every location in detail, and finally determined his place of residence. Lin Yaru said.    


"Where did he go?" "No," I said.    


"I don't know, but we found out that his last communication record was at Hsinghai, three days ago." Lin Yaru said.    


"In the Hsinghai? "In what direction?" "No," I said.    


"The village of Hezi, Li family, Ganjing Zi District, is located in the northeast corner of the village! "I can't be sure of the specifics." Lin Yaru said.    


The Lee family village was located on the outskirts of the city. There were a large number of migrant workers living there, and the staff composition was very complicated.    


"What is the appearance and characteristics of this person? Did you find out? " I asked Lin Yaru.    


"The most important feature is a mole on the right eyebrow. It's thin, fair, and has thick lips. It's about 1 meter 73." Lin Yaru said.    


"Alright, let's do it like this for now!" I hung up on Lin Yaru.    


I then gathered Faang Aiguo and the others, describing the appearance and characteristics of this person, and told them to go to the Li family's He Zi village to find out if there was this person as well as where he came from.    


He said that he found out that there was a person who rented a house in the Li family's Hezi Village. The house was at the northeast corner of the village, and the specific location was the second place in the last row from the east side, a small two-room courtyard. This person had been renting here for about three months, and sometimes he would come and go, so he would not stay here often.    


"Is he still here?" "No," I said.    


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