Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1472 Peak Decision

C1472 Peak Decision

"So you're taking the clouds out of China?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Yes." Haifeng nodded.    


"So, you intend to stay in Australia for a long time?" Qiu Tong said again.    


"Yes." Haifeng nodded.    


"But. I feel so sudden. " Qiu Tong said.    


"I never told you about this before, nor did I let Clouds tell you about it. I'm worried that it will affect your emotions and your lives. Of course, in the end, I know I have to tell you. " Haifeng said.    


"You all … When will you be leaving? " "No," I said.    


"After attending your and Hai Zhu's wedding," Haifeng said, "all my paperwork has been completed. All that's left is for Yun to resign. When you and Hai Zhu have finished their wedding, Clouds will resign and come with me. "    


I looked at Haifeng and Yun Xiao in a daze. For a moment, it seemed that I couldn't recover my senses.    


The news struck me as very, very unexpected. The two of us, who had been together every day, were suddenly going away, to another country, to the ends of the earth.    


At this moment, I suddenly understood why the clouds seem to be so preoccupied during this period of time. It turned out that she was harboring a huge load on her mind because she wanted to follow Haifeng and leave us far behind. Although her heart was filled with worry, she couldn't tell us — Haifeng didn't want her to tell us in advance.    


Although Haifeng's reasons for hiding it from us sounded reasonable, I clearly felt that Haifeng had other intentions behind the matter.    


Hai Zhu suddenly came to her senses. Hai Zhu already knew that Haifeng and Yun were about to move to Australia, but Haifeng had concealed it from me and Qiu Tong. However, he had already told Hai Zhu about it, and Hai Zhu had been keeping it a secret from me all along.    


Suddenly, he felt very upset. There was a sense of distrust, a sense of loss and melancholy, as if he had lost the trust of his friends.    


This made me a little sad. Looking at Qiu Tong, she also seemed a little uncomfortable. She also seemed to have a sense of loss that could not be trusted.    


Of course Haifeng knows that he has to tell us sooner or later. The paper can't contain the fire, but he chose to tell us at the last moment, when everything was settled. That is to say, he only told us when he had to say it last.    


Previously, not only did he not say it himself, he even stopped Cloud and Hai Zhu from telling us. It seemed that Haifeng was deliberately hiding it from Qiu Tong and me, or perhaps it could be said that Qiu Tong was just a foil.    


I lit a cigarette and smoked in silence. Haifeng looked at me with an apologetic expression. He wanted to say something but hesitated, as if he wanted to explain something to me. However, he couldn't seem to say it out loud.    


Clouds, on the other hand, kept their heads down like a child who had made a mistake.    


Qiu Tong suddenly laughed, looked at us and said, "Hur Hur. I'm surprised, but I'm happy for you. New environment, new life, new beginning, I think I should bless you. "    


"Sister Qiu." Clouds looked up at Qiu Tong, her expression awkward and heavy.    


Clouds don't look at me, they don't seem to dare to look at me.    


At this moment, my expression was a little absent-minded, and my brain was a little muddled. I heard Haifeng's voice in my ear, "Thank you, Qiu Tong. Thank you for your blessings."    


I came back to my senses, picked up the liquor under the blanket and drank it all in one gulp. Then I stood up and walked out while saying, "Haifeng, accompany me to the bathroom!"    


Everyone clearly understood why I wanted Haifeng to accompany me to the bathroom.    


Haifeng stood up and followed me out.    


Instead of going to the bathroom, I walked all the way to the end of the corridor and stood against the windowsill, smoking and looking at Haifeng.    


Haifeng stood opposite me, not looking at me, looking out the window at the night.    


After finishing a cigarette, I took out two cigarettes and lit one. Then I handed one to Haifeng.    


Haifeng looked at me and took it. He took two deep breaths and took a deep breath.    


"Do you have any objections to me?" Haifeng said slowly.    


"You caught me off guard!" "No," I said.    


Haifeng didn't say anything.    


"The whole world can know, but only Qiu Tong and I can't know. Actually, I know Qiu Tong is just a foil to me, and the most important thing is to not let me know!" "No," I said.    


Haifeng smoked in silence. He rarely smoked, so he couldn't help but cough.    


"To you, I'm an outsider now, right?" As I said this, I felt a surge of sadness and sadness.    


Haifeng ignored me and continued smoking.    


I stopped talking and stared out the window into the night.    


Haifeng finished a cigarette, then took a deep breath and looked at me silently.    


I didn't look at Haifeng, I only looked at him from the corner of my eye.    


"To me, you are not an outsider. You are my brother, you are my brother-in-law, and we are brothers. We are brothers who are like one mother. " Haifeng spoke calmly.    


I turned my head and saw Haifeng's unusually calm and collected expression.    


"Actually, the reason I didn't tell you before was not to intentionally hide it from you, nor was it because I didn't trust you. What I was worried about was not you, but the clouds. I was worried that there might be some sort of forks in the clouds." Haifeng said again.    


I didn't seem to understand Haifeng's words and frowned.    


"I told Hai Zhu and Yun not to tell you. At the same time, I also told Qiu Tong. Yes, I think you might have realized that the main reason you didn't tell Qiu Tong was because you didn't want to know. If you have any objections, then blame me. Don't blame Zhu and Yun. If you have any feelings, then I can apologize for them now. I'm sorry! " Haifeng said.    


I looked at Haifeng and didn't say anything.    


I understand her personality, I know how much influence you have over her, so I firmly stopped her from telling you about it. I know that I will tell you about it sooner or later, but when the time is right, I will personally tell you about it myself. At that time, it will be tonight. Haifeng's voice was very soft but very decisive.    


I lit another cigarette.    


"I know you want to ask me why I have to take the clouds." Haifeng said from behind me.    


I nodded silently. Yes, I wanted to know, but I also seemed to know the reason. It was just that I didn't want to think about it.    


"I'll tell you. Before I tell you, let me ask you a few questions. " Haifeng said.    


I turned around and looked at Haifeng.    


"First of all, we are brothers, lifelong brothers, aren't we?" Haifeng said.    


"Yes." "No," I said.    


"No matter where or when, no matter what happens, no matter what circumstances, we're all brothers, right?" Haifeng deepened it again.    


"Yes sir!" "No," I said.    


"It is because we are brothers that you must wish me true love to be with the one I love, right?" Haifeng said.    


"Yes sir!" I nodded.    


"That's why I'm taking the clouds!" Haifeng said.    


I didn't quite understand Haifeng's words.    


Haifeng took a deep breath and continued, "As long as Cloud can see you, she and I will never truly be together. Her heart will never be at peace and she and I will never be able to love each other wholeheartedly. I see this clearly, I think clearly, I know that in the heart of the cloud, she cannot erase you, but at the same time she is bitter and contradictory, because she knows that there is no possibility between her and you.    


She wanted to start a new life, but with you before her, she couldn't muster the courage to start a new life, she couldn't bring herself to start a new life without being held back. She had been lingering in this entanglement and pain, and she deliberately approached me, but I could clearly feel how melancholy and contradictory her heart was, and I understood her contradiction, and I knew that the cause of her contradiction was you.    


The clouds were strong and fragile. Her strength allowed her to bear the burden of life and endure all sorts of hardships. Her weakness also prevented her from breaking down in front of a man at any time.    


Since you and Zhu are going to walk into the nuptial hall, since Cloud is determined to be with me, then, when you are about to start a new life, I am also determined to start a new life with Cloud, and if Cloud and I want to be truly successful and happy, then I must take her away, far away, so that she won't see you.    


Only if you disappear before her eyes will her heart gradually recover from the pain and entanglement, she will gradually walk out of your shadow, she will have the courage and courage to raise the sail of her new life once more. Therefore, you can understand that it is because of your existence that I have to take her away. It's because of her personality and the influence you have on her that I've been so determined not to let her tell you in advance. "    


After hearing Haifeng's words, I nodded: "Perhaps your consideration is correct, perhaps you made the right decision, perhaps this is good for me and for everyone. Perhaps, you have been deliberately concealing this from me. I shouldn't have been angry with you for this."    


"You should have been angry earlier. I understand, but after I told you the reason and my difficulties, it would've been your fault if you had any objections!" Haifeng said.    


I nodded. "Well, yes, you're right. I think you have a point. I understand you. "    


"This is what you call a good brother!" Haifeng chuckled.    


I also laughed. Although I was a little sad, I still couldn't help but laugh.    


Right now, I feel that Haifeng has really made the right decision. Yes, he was right to bring the clouds to Australia, he has been hiding it from me all along, and the reasons he told me are also right.    


Deep down, I longed for the cloud to achieve true happiness, to truly live happily, to truly love Haifeng, but I also knew that the cloud was tangled. The reason is just as Haifeng said. As long as I don't sway in front of her eyes, it will be very difficult for the clouds to truly free themselves from their entanglement, and it will be very difficult for them to love Haifeng without any restraints.    


Right now, Haifeng and Yun are going to start a new life in a new environment, and I should wish them well.    


"Actually, Yun Xiao is extremely nervous and frightened tonight. She has always been extremely afraid of this moment because she doesn't know how to face you and Qiu Tong, especially you." Haifeng looked at me and said.    


I understood what Haifeng meant and nodded: "Let's go back to the room!"    


Back in the room, the clouds were lowering their heads to wipe the corners of their eyes. Qiu Tong was sitting beside her, stroking her hair and whispering something to comfort her.    


Haifeng and I sat down. I laughed at the clouds. The clouds aren't happy? You're crying? "    


Haifeng and Qiu Tong both laughed. Qiu Tong said, "Clouds can't bear to leave us all."    


Clouds looked up at me and I said, "Clouds, laugh for your brother?"    


Cloud tried to smile.    


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