Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1477 Old Li's Smile

C1477 Old Li's Smile

I felt that Leh's smile seemed to have some meaning.    


Qiu Tong's expression looked slightly uneasy as she said to Snowy, "Snowy, stop spouting nonsense."    


Snowy stuck out her tongue and made a face.    


I looked at Haifeng, who was changing his boarding pass. Luckily, he wasn't there at this moment.    


After Haifeng returned from changing his boarding pass, everyone entered the security check.    


At ten past six, the plane took off on time.    


I was relieved.    


Leh sat beside me and grinned at me.    


I said, "What are you so happy about?"    


Leh said, "I like what Snowy just said. A child's words are always spoken without restraint. "    


I said, "Other than that, what else do you like?"    


Leh whispered: "Today is my son's wedding day, so what can I laugh about? "Sigh — it's a pity that when my son marries, I can't sit on top of him while he is paying respects to heaven and earth.    


I couldn't help but laugh.    


"I'm very happy to see your parents today!" Leh said again.    


"My parents will be very happy to see you too." "No," I said.    


"Heh heh." Leh laughed, his eyes rolling around.    


I said, "What are you thinking?"    


Leh said, "I was wondering when your dad would tell you to do what I did for my son!"    


I said anxiously, "Hey, can you stop messing around?"    


Leh said, "This is a matter between me and your dad, what are you worried about?"    


"How is it about you and my dad? Of course it's related to me, of course I'm worried!" "No," I said.    


"Heh heh." Leh smiled and stopped talking.    


At 7: 50 PM, the plane punctually landed at Ningzhou Airport. Ningzhou had arrived.    


At the exit, Sweetie Ru was waiting for us.    


"Oh my god, you guys are here! I'm so worried, I almost lost my bridegroom at today's wedding!" Sweetie Ru said exaggeratedly when she saw us.    


Laughing, everyone left the airport, got into a van brought by Sweetie Ru, and headed straight for the wedding hotel.    


When he arrived at the hotel, he found that the interior was decorated with lanterns and decorations, giving off a festive atmosphere.    


We met my parents and Hai Zhu's parents first, who were chatting and joking together.    


When they saw us, Mom and Dad finally relaxed and greeted everyone. Mom hugged Snowy and kissed her a lot, but it wasn't enough. Hai Zhu's dad and my dad warmly welcomed Leh. Leh winked at me as he greeted them, but I pretended not to see it.    


At this time, Zhang Xiaotian came over and called out to me: "Hai Zhu is calling for you. "Follow me."    


I hastily followed her to another room. Hai Zhu was in the middle of dressing her wedding dress when Qiu Tong came over with Cloud and Snowy. When she saw me, Hai Zhu smiled. "Aiya, you didn't delay any longer."    


Hai Zhu was wearing a snow-white wedding dress and looked very beautiful.    


"Does it look good?" Hai Zhu asked us.    


"Very beautiful!" Qiu Tong said with a smile.    


"It's too good to watch!" Clouds said.    


"Aunt Hai Zhu, I want to wear it too." Snowy said while bouncing up and down.    


Everyone laughed.    


"Cloud as the bridesmaid, who's the bridesmaid?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Hee hee." "Ah, this one!" Hai Zhu smiled and pointed at Zhang Xiaotian.    


It turned out that Hai Zhu wanted Zhang Xiaotian to be her best man.    


Cloud is the bridesmaid, Zhang Xiaotian is the groomsman, this is a bit of a coincidence, they also almost walked into the marriage hall, but later became strangers.    


"Brother, quickly go and change into your groom's uniform." Hai Zhu urged me.    


I followed Zhang Xiaotian to another room, where Qiu Tongyun and Hai Zhu were happily chatting and laughing.    


After a series of busy and cumbersome procedures, everything was ready. The wedding took place at exactly ten o'clock in the hotel banquet hall.    


The banquet hall was filled with my family and friends from Hai Zhu's family. Leh, Hai Zhu's parents, and Hai Zhu's parents were sitting at the table closest to the stage. As for Leh, he could only feel helpless.    


The entire banquet hall was filled with cheers and laughter. The atmosphere was harmonious and warm.    


Qiu Tong and Fourth Brother and Haifeng were sitting at a neighboring table. Snowy ran back and forth, cheering and jumping into my mother's arms and then into Qiu Tong's.    


Lin Yaru, Sweetie Ru, and the others busied themselves with taking care of their guests.    


At this moment, I, who was standing with Hai Zhu on the wedding stand, had a calm expression and a smile on my face, but I suddenly felt a huge sense of loss and loss in my heart.    


At 10 o'clock sharp, in the midst of the solemn wedding march, the host announced in a loud voice: "Next, I announce that the wedding ceremony between Mr. Yi Ke and Miss Hai Zhu will now begin —"    


Everyone applauded warmly. Leh clapped and smiled at me.    


"The first one." Just as the host said this, he was interrupted by a high-pitched voice from behind him, "Stop —"    


Everyone was stunned. Hai Zhu and I were also stunned as we looked toward the source of the voice.    


Then I saw two men in plain clothes with crew-cut hair coming straight at me, followed by seven or eight policemen.    


In that moment, the banquet hall quieted down as everyone looked at the scene before them in surprise.    


"You must be guests who came to attend the wedding. Please take a seat below." The host smiled at the two plainclothes men as they walked over.    


A middle-aged man who was walking in front reached out his hand to push the host to the side. The host staggered back a few steps and then looked directly at me. He said in a deep voice, "You are Yi Ke?"    


"Yes." I nodded. At this moment, I suddenly felt that something was wrong, but I didn't know why I had such a bad feeling.    


The middle-aged man took out his ID and flashed in front of my eyes: "We are from the Hsinghai Public Security Bureau. I'm sorry, Yi Ke. I interrupted your wedding, you have to come with us!"    


As I spoke, several policemen surrounded me.    


I stood there without moving, my mind racing. I glanced down at Leh, who was sitting there watching the stage quietly. My parents and Hai Zhu's parents turned pale with fright. Qiu Tong, Yun and Haifeng's expressions also changed.    


Hai Zhu's face instantly turned pale. Her face was filled with fear as she looked at them and said, "You guys." Why did you take him away? What law did he commit? What right do you have to take him away? "    


"Since we want to take him away, we have a reason to do so, ma'am. I'm sorry, but your wedding cannot take place!" The middle-aged man politely told Hai Zhu, then looked at me and politely said, "Yi Ke, please come with us!"    


At this moment, another group of police officers swarmed in from the entrance of the restaurant. They quickly moved along the corridor, and soon, a path separated the area between the entrance and the stage.    


It was obvious that the Hsinghai police would not send so many police officers, as they had obtained the cooperation of the Ningzhou police.    


At this moment, there was some commotion in the restaurant. Some people stood up, some walked towards the stage, some walked towards the door. Fourth Brother also stood up, while Lin Yaru and her men were walking towards the stage.    


The middle-aged man snatched the host's microphone and shouted loudly, "We are the police and we are on official business. No one is to walk around casually. Please cooperate with us."    


At this time, Lin Yaru, Lin Yaru, and Fourth Brother had already moved to the position below the stage. Lin Yaru stared at the middle-aged man, and Fourth Brother also stared at him, as if they could take action against this leading policeman at any time.    


Hai Zhu then said, "Officer, did you find the wrong person?"    


"That's right, we're looking for Yi Ke, him!" The middle-aged man looked at me with shining eyes.    


"He … What did he commit? You... Why on earth did you take him away? " Hai Zhu's face turned even paler.    


"Ask him about what he did, he knows it!" The middle-aged man said indifferently.    


I was thinking, could it be because of Lee Shun? Or was it because of the matter with Wu De? Or was Lei Zheng going to take revenge for the last snowstorm night?    


But I don't think there was any reason to alert the police, either for Wu De, Lee Shun or the night of the blizzard.    


I thought about it and said to the policeman, "I'm a citizen who follows the law. Why would you want to take me away? Give me a reason. "    


"Bringing you away is equivalent to taking you away. Where did all these things come from?" The plainclothes man at the side of the middle-aged man couldn't hold it in anymore and said to me without any trace of politeness: "I'm telling you, Yi Ke, if you don't want to suffer, then be sensible and come with us honestly, otherwise —"    


The middle-aged man looked at the people below the stage, and then looked at Hai Zhu, as if he felt that if there was no explanation, he wouldn't be able to successfully bring me away from here. Then, he looked at me with a serious expression and said, "Alright, since you're pretending to be confused, then I'll tell you this.    


"What?" Qin Lu is dead? " I was surprised.    


"Ahh!" Hai Zhu screamed miserably as her body swayed. "Qin Lu is dead?    


There was a commotion in the audience, and the faces of Qiu Tong, Haifeng, Fourth Brother, and Lin Yaru all changed.    


Leh was still sitting there steadily, with a calm and composed look in his eyes.    


"Yes, Qin Lu is dead. She died when she fell. The hotel staff found her body this morning." The middle-aged man calmly said.    


"What does Qin Lu's death have to do with Yi Ke? What are you guys doing here? " Hai Zhu snapped out of her daze and shouted again.    


My head was still in a daze. How did Qin Lu die when she suddenly died? Why would she die? Wasn't it all right when I left her room at 2.30 in the morning? Why did he suddenly die?    


The middle-aged man looked at me and said, "According to our preliminary investigation by the police, and based on our surveillance footage of Northern Mountain, you entered Qin Lu's room 1809 at around 1am, and left the room at 230am. Other than you, no one else has entered her room since last night, so we suspect that you have something to do with Qin Lu's death.    


"What? You came to Qin Lu's room in the middle of the night?" Hai Zhu stared at me in a daze, her body once again swaying.    


"You suspect me of being a murderer?" I ignored Hai Zhu and looked at the middle-aged man.    


The middle-aged man didn't say anything as he looked at me coldly.    


"That's right, I went to her room at around one in the morning. I left at two-thirty in the morning, but she was still fine when I left! Qin Lu's death has nothing to do with me, you must be mistaken! " "No," I said.    


"You should save these words for after Hsinghai. What you need to do now, is to honestly come with us!" The plainclothes man beside the middle-aged man lost his patience and impatiently said.    


"I didn't kill anyone, why should I go with you?" "No," I said.    


"Whether or not you kill someone doesn't matter, as long as you have the evidence." The middle-aged man said coldly, "Also, according to our investigation, not long ago, Qin Lu had a childbirth in a women's and children's hospital, and the person who signed her abortion was you."    


"Ahh!" Hai Zhu screamed in pain again as her body shook violently. She looked at me and said, "Qin Lu miscarried …" "You signed it.    


I knew that I couldn't explain it clearly to Hai Zhu, nor was it the right time to explain it. I looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Is this the reason why you came to arrest me?" Is that why you think I'm a murderer? "    


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