Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1460 Then Everything will be in Chaos

C1460 Then Everything will be in Chaos

For some reason, my mood suddenly turned chaotic. I was depressed to the extreme.    


If their hearts were in chaos, then everything would be in chaos.    


Walking along the streets of the city in the night, on the hard, slippery sidewalks where the snow melted, I looked up at the deep night sky.    


The night sky was hazy.    


As he was walking, he received a call from Lin Yaru.    


"Brother Yi, Sister Hai Zhu's mood doesn't seem normal today!" Lin Yaru said.    


"What's wrong?" "No," I said.    


"Sister Hai Zhu is alone in the office. She suddenly feels very down and depressed. She hasn't eaten since the afternoon, and no one is allowed to enter after closing the door. Everyone is very worried about her." Lin Yaru said.    


"What happened?" "No," I said.    


"I don't know. I tried to ask her a few questions, but she didn't say anything." Lin Yaru said.    


I couldn't help but frown. "Oh, she didn't say anything. You didn't notice anything strange?"    


Lin Yaru was silent for a moment before she said, "Brother Yi, Sister Hai Zhu has been very busy lately."    


"I know she's busy." "No," I said.    


"I said she was busy. I don't mean that she was busy preparing your wedding." Lin Yaru said.    


"What do you mean?" "No," I said.    


"Recently, Sister Hai Zhu has been flying Yanjing frequently. Sometimes, she would head there on the second day, and sometimes she would head there in the morning or in the afternoon." Lin Yaru said.    


"Oh. Flying Yanjing. What's it for? " "No," I said.    


"No, but I don't think it's a business matter." Lin Yaru said.    


"Oh." I frowned.    


"I called to ask for your permission." Lin Yaru said.    


"What is it?" "No," I said.    


"Should we investigate?" Lin Yaru said.    


"Why should I?" "No," I said.    


"Because this is Sister Hai Zhu's private matter and has nothing to do with our public affairs!" Lin Yaru said.    


Listening to Lin Yaru's reasoning, I said, "No."    


"Yes sir!" Lin Yaru replied.    


I thought about it, then said, "Wait for my instructions."    


"Yes sir!" Lin Yaru said.    


I don't know what exactly she's up to. Although she didn't tell me, I also don't want Lin Yaru to investigate. If it's like this between husband and wife, then it would really be very chilling. Although I know that Hai Zhu often uses her cell phone to track me, I don't want to do it.    


I think maybe Hai Zhu will tell me sooner or later.    


Hai Zhu is becoming more and more independent, many things do not even need to discuss with me to do.    


I took a taxi back to the dormitory and called Hai Zhu's office.    


The call was quickly connected. Hai Zhu was still in her office.    


"Zhu, it's me." "No," I said.    


"Yes." Hai Zhu acknowledged, sounding weak.    


"Working overtime?" "No," I said.    


"Nope." "No," she replied.    


"Have you had dinner?" I asked again.    




"Then what are you doing in the office?" Why don't you have dinner? " "No," I said.    


Hai Zhu remained silent.    


"Say something, Zhu!" I was anxious and uneasy.    


Hai Zhu still didn't speak, but she could hear the faint sound of her sobbing.    


"Zhu, what's wrong? "Tell me, what's going on?" The more anxious I became, the more uneasy I became.    


Hai Zhu finally opened her mouth and sobbed, "Brother, I was tricked by someone."    


Hearing this, my heart skipped a beat.    


"Deceived? What did he get cheated of? Who tricked him? How were you fooled? " I asked, a little nervous.    


"I was deceived by a person who claimed to be the nephew of the Central Division's Vice Minister, cheated for 5 million!" Hai Zhu said.    


I was stunned. Central Division, Vice Division, Nephew? Where did this come from? How did Hai Zhu get involved with the Central Division? And he was cheated by another 5 million, which was a huge amount for Hai Zhu. Hai Zhu's money was different from Lee Shun's, every cent was earned through hard work and hard work.    


"What's the matter, tell me the specifics." "No," I said.    


Hai Zhu sobbed, unable to speak. I patiently waited for her to calm down, and then I listened to her tell the whole story from time to time.    


She knew that I wasn't willing to give up my job at Hsinghai and wasn't willing to resign my position, so she was determined to transfer my organizational relationship from Hsinghai to Ningzhou before and after we got married. That way, we wouldn't have to live separately after our marriage.    


In order to achieve this goal, Hai Zhu tried her best to secretly ask around. She knew that moving across provinces was extremely difficult, and it was even harder for people like us who didn't have connections.    


Hai Zhu and Cao Lee interacted very frequently, and once when the two of them were on the phone, Hai Zhu revealed this intention, saying that as long as my organization's relationship can reach its limit, she would be willing to pay any price. The speaker had no intention while the listener had no intention. This matter was remembered by Cao Lee in her heart.    


A week later, Cao Lee called Hai Zhu to say that she had happened to have met a high-ranking relative, who was said to be the nephew of one of the deputy ministers of the Central Division, and was also a nephew of his own. Cao Lee said that through her nephew, she was currently handling the transfer procedures for a cousin of hers, moving from Benxi to the uni. That person wanted to stay at the Hsinghai for a day, and Cao Lee asked Hai Zhu if she was willing to find her nephew to help with my matters.    


Hearing this news, Hai Zhu felt as if gold was dropped from the sky, and was overjoyed. She immediately flew to Hsinghai, and under Cao Lee's arrangements, she met her nephew, and was introduced to him by Cao Lee.    


He spoke with great eloquence, talking about the internal affairs and gossip of the upper echelons. He talked about the structure and functions of the Central Division and even mentioned the names of several heads of provincial organizations, including Liaodong and Jiangzhe, and said that he had accompanied his uncle and them for a few meals. Everyone was very familiar with each other and had a good relationship with each other.    


While they were eating together, that nephew even took out his phone and called the director of the Central Division's Bureau, telling them that he would go to the heaven to sing together with Yanjing in a few days.    


After such a performance, coupled with Cao Lee's confident attitude, Hai Zhu couldn't help but believe that this was the case. Thus, she dragged out the matter of the transfer and implored him to help her.    


The nephew pretended to be unhappy and shunned Hai Zhu's repeated requests and Cao Lee's help. After some difficulty, he finally agreed, saying that he could help Hai Zhu out because she was a friend of Cao Lee's.    


However, his nephew went on to explain that this cross-province transfer was very troublesome and required a lot of people. It would cost a lot of money, and he would have to make some preparations for each segment.    


He also gave an example of the task Cao Lee was entrusting to him, saying that even if it was a transfer within the province, because the unit that had to be settled was the provincial committee office, and the unit was good, it would cost at least 2 million, but for a transfer across provinces like mine, it would cost even more, and if Hai Zhu was willing to pay more, he could help her, but if she didn't have money, or was unwilling to pay more, then she wouldn't do it anymore.    


Hai Zhu immediately expressed that as long as I can go to Ningzhou, money won't be a problem. His nephew then asked Hai Zhu how much she could pay at the most. Hai Zhu, who went all out, said that he had a total of 5 million RMB on hand.    


Hearing that, his nephew's eyes lit up, and slapped his thigh. He then said something fierce, saying that as long as Hai Zhu was willing to bleed, he could help transfer me to the organization department of the Ningzhou City Committee. That would be a good organization with a bright future. They say that I am currently at the senior level, and that I can be directly appointed as the Division Chief of the Organization Department. In less than two years, I can be promoted to the secondary branch, and in another two years, I will be placed at the bottom of the department.    


After saying that, my nephew took out his cellphone and called the Vice Minister of Central Division Uncle in front of Hai Zhu and Cao Lee. Using hands-free, he dialed a number on the phone, area code 010.    


The uncle's voice was calm. First he blamed his nephew for the trouble, for the trouble, for his nephew's repeated requests, and finally he reluctantly agreed, saying that he could say hello to the relevant department, and also warning his nephew not to give him any more trouble in the future. His nephew promised in a row and then hung up the phone.    


After Hai Zhu had heard the conversation between her nephew and uncle, she was convinced that Hai Zhu was right. Cao Lee was also very happy for Hai Zhu. At the same time, she urged her nephew not to neglect the matter of her cousin's transfer, and his nephew also agreed.    


Hai Zhu had put a million dollars into the account provided by her nephew that day to fund his prior activities.    


After returning to Ningzhou, Hai Zhu kept in contact with her nephew, and flew to Yanjing a few times according to her nephew's instructions. Every time he saw her, he would tell Hai Zhu which step I had accomplished my task, and the person who was in charge of the meeting was in charge of that department. Not only did he tell her, he also showed Hai Zhu the relevant procedures.    


Of course, every time they met, his nephew would tell Hai Zhu to pay.    


Just like this, after a few rounds of Yanjing, Hai Zhu whooshed out five million, which was all she had left.    


The last time I went to Yanjing was 10 days ago. My nephew told Hai Zhu that the transfer procedures were basically completed, and there was still one more step left. He told Hai Zhu to be at ease and go back, wait for the good news, and that it would be completed in a week.    


Hai Zhu came back full of joy and waited patiently until today, the 10th day, when her nephew never called Hai Zhu. Hai Zhu panicked and took the initiative to contact him, only to find that her phone was no longer connected, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get through.    


Hai Zhu suddenly felt that something was wrong, so she directly called the Central Division's messenger office to find out if there was that vice minister. The messenger office staff told her that there was such a vice minister, but that vice minister had been transferred to the National Assets Board two years ago, and had already been sent in for economic reasons a year ago.    


Hearing this news, Hai Zhu was stunned and hurriedly called Cao Lee. She did not expect that Cao Lee was also on the other side of the phone, bowing and saying that her cousin had spent 2 million to transfer the child, and now she could not find her nephew.    


Upon hearing Cao Lee's words, Hai Zhu was struck dumb. She knew that both she and Cao Lee had met a swindler, that she had been swindled by her nephew. The 5 million she had earned through hard work was swindled away by the swindler just like that.    


Hai Zhu was trapped in her office and had been stuck in the office ever since the afternoon until now.    


After listening to Hai Zhu's story, I was stunned for a long time. I felt pain, anger and hatred at the same time. I felt pain because Hai Zhu's hard-earned money was cheated, and I was angry that Hai Zhu thought she was playing tricks on me, and the result was that she was cheated.    


"Zhu, why are you so childish? How can you easily believe the words of a swindler? "Why didn't you listen to me and insist on getting involved with Cao Lee?" "No," I said.    


"I just want you to come back, Cao Lee …" Cao Lee was also deceived this time. " Hai Zhu said.    


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