Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C1451 Special Meaning

C1451 Special Meaning

Lao Guan called Xie Fei again. Xie Fei told him he would be there soon, and Lao Guan said he was staying at the VIP building.    


I drove the car to the VIP building and stopped in front of it. I was completely relaxed.    


I leaned back in my chair and looked at Xie Fei. "Senior Sister, we're here."    


"Yes." Xie Fei nodded and looked at me. "Junior brother, we have had an unforgettable night together. I will remember this night. "    


Xie Fei's words were obviously meant in a different way, and I couldn't help but feel my heart palpitate. I thought about what she had done to me in the car in the middle of the night, about the gun.    


I looked outside and saw that Guan Yunfei had come out. He was walking towards us with a smile and his head held high and his chest held high.    


"Minister Guan is here!" "No," I said.    


Xie Fei didn't even look outside as she directly opened the car door. Just as she was about to get off, she turned around and looked at me. She pursed her lips and whispered, "Junior brother, I have something to tell you."    


I looked at Xie Fei. "What is it?"    


Xie Fei took a deep breath and said slowly, "Remember that cocktail night at my house?"    


My heart quickened again, and I nodded. "Yes," I said hoarsely.    


"Actually, that night, we already had that kind of relationship. I gave it to you, and you took me!" After she finished speaking, Xie Fei got out of the car and walked straight to Guan Yunfei, who had walked to the car with a smile on his face.    


My head hums and crashes.    


He did it, he really did it!    


Margo Wall, so I really did it to Xie Fei, I really did it to her!    


Margo Wall, so my conjecture is actually true! It actually became a reality!    


Margo Wall, so it turns out that I was unaware of what had happened and became my senior apprentice sister, the Minister's wife who was standing by my side!    




At that moment, I suddenly felt weak and exhausted.    


At this moment, I suddenly felt like I wanted to cry, but no tears came out. I suddenly felt like I wanted to cry.    


At that moment, I lay down on the steering wheel and began to act as if I could.    




I kept the word in my head: Done.    


A deep sigh echoed out from the endless posturing.    


"Yi, what's wrong with you?" He vaguely heard Guan Yunfei's caring and caring voice.    


Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.    


I know, this is the leader's hand is patting me, he came to my side, came to visit me.    


I looked up and stared blankly at Guan Yunfei, who was smiling at me, and Minister Guan, who was my wife.    


At this moment, my heart surged with an incomparable complex feeling, for a moment I did not know what it felt like.    


"Yi, are you okay?" Guan Yunfei lightly patted my shoulder again.    


I looked at the indifferent Xie Fei behind Guan Yunfei, the Xie Fei I made that cocktail night. I felt an inexplicable impulse.    


Did I do her that night, or did she do me? I had a sudden thought.    


What was the difference between her and me that night? I thought again.    


Suddenly, Xie Fei smiled at me, her smile unfathomable.    


I stopped looking at Xie Fei and stared at Guan Yunfei.    


Guan Yunfei was looking at me with a caring gaze unique to a leader. "Yi, are you not feeling well?"    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"Oh. "Where is the discomfort?" Guan Yunfei asked me again.    


"It's not comfortable here." I pointed to the pit of my stomach and glanced at Xie Fei.    


Xie Fei stopped laughing and looked at me.    


"Feeling uncomfortable? "Why?" Guan Yunfei said.    


I stared at Guan Yunfei blankly. After a moment of silence, I suddenly said: "My heart is not feeling well because... Because... I... I'm sorry, Minister Guan, I'm sorry! "    


As soon as I said that, I saw Xie Fei's face change. Her face turned pale, her eyes became dazed, and her lips pursed tightly.    


Guan Yunfei was slightly stunned and looked at me: "You …" What have you done that makes you feel sorry for me? "    


And I said, "I... I was supposed to be here early, but... In the end, I delayed an entire night, made the leader wait for so long, caused Senior Sister to suffer an entire night's worth of bumps, I … I'm sorry about the expectations the Leader has of me. "    


Hearing my words, Xie Fei's expression returned to normal. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Then, she seemed to realize that I was playing a prank, so she glared at me.    


When Guan Yunfei heard me say that, he was stunned for a moment and then laughed out loud: "Yi, why do I feel like you're making a big fuss out of nothing? Weather reason, objective reason, this is an irresistible factor, I do not blame you ah, I myself began to review. Was it necessary? I was going to praise you, but you started to blame yourself. What was there to be afraid of? It's not like we're delaying the plane. Isn't that a small matter? "    


I said, "Although there are weather factors and objective reasons, but I clearly know that the Leader's business is not a small matter, and even though the Leader's business is a small matter, I still feel very uncomfortable inside. I feel very sorry for Minister Guan, and I feel very sorry for Senior Sister."    


Guan Yunfei laughed and patted my shoulder: "Alright, stop playing around with me. No matter how small the situation as a leader is, it is still a big deal. I see that you are playing a prank on me and trying to make me happy. "Brat, sure, you've learnt how to play with the leaders!"    


I knew it was time to stop, so I quickly said, "I don't dare, I don't dare!"    


"Alright, put the car in the parking lot over there. After that, have a good night's sleep, rest well, and go back after lunch. This is your room card, here you go." Guan Yunfei said as he handed the room card to me. "Your senior sister and I are right next door to you. We'll go up first."    


"Alright." I nodded in agreement, wondering if the couple, having not seen each other for so many days, was going back to their room to do it.    


Seeing Guan Yunfei carrying his suitcase with Xie Fei into the building, I went to the car.    


After parking the car properly, I realised that there was still a small bag of Xie Fei's left in the car. I took it out and went straight into the VIP lounge.    


Just as he entered the building, he met Qiao Shida. He was walking out with a young man behind him. It was his secretary.    


Qiao Shida has not been with me for a long time, I think he probably already doesn't know me. Even if he does, he has already forgotten which leek I am. How could a small figure like me be placed in the eyes of a person like him?    


Thus, I lowered my head slightly, pretending that I didn't see his appearance as I continued on my way.    


Just as I was about to pass by, Qiao Shida called out to me: "Hey — boy, stop right there!"    


He called me young man.    


Then the boy stopped and looked at him.    


"Aren't you Yi Ke?" Qiao Shida looked at me. The secretary behind him also stopped and looked at me.    


I pretended that I had just seen Qiao Shida and acted surprised and pleasantly surprised, "Ah — Secretary Qiao, yes, I'm Yi Ke. Why, Leader is here too."    


Qiao Shida looked at me and frowned. "What? You're surprised to see me?" If you can come here, why can't I come here? I think you intentionally pretended that you didn't see me and wanted to go over, right? What? You want to run away when you see me? "    


Hearing Qiao Shida's tone, it seemed that he had some objections against me rejecting that visit to the City Council's Office to supervise the administration of the department. It was as if he was reminded of that incident when he saw me and had been wanting to get even with me for a long time.    


I smiled and said, "How can that be? I really didn't see the Leader."    


Qiao Shida said: "Are you still working on Media Group?"    


I hastily nodded my head. "Yes."    


Qiao Shida indeed remembers me. Not only does he know my name, he even knows my unit.    


"What's your position now?" Qiao Shida said.    


"Group Director of Management Office also has the Issuing Company General Manager!" "No," I said.    


"Oh." Qiao Shida nodded, "In that case, the leaders of your group are very important to you. It's no wonder you don't want to work for the city council.    


Qiao Shida had a teasing look on his face.    


I shook my head. "No, no, no. There are two main reasons why I didn't work for the city council. First, I don't have the ability, so if I don't do well, I will be disgraced by the leadership's expectations. Second, I have always been an executive. So. "    


Qiao Shida smiled at me. "I don't think you have these two reasons. They don't really make up the reason. I think you must have other real reasons for refusing to work at the city council."    


Qiao Shida was so powerful that even this much could be seen.    


I grinned: "Secretary Qiao, your eyes are sharp, but I still have to insist on what I said."    


Qiao Shida said: "If you insist on what you are, I won't force you to change it. However, I clearly feel that the two reasons you said earlier were just an excuse and a perfunctory excuse. "Yi, you might be able to trick others, but fool me. Hur Hur, this seems to be very difficult."    


Cold sweat trickled down my forehead. I looked at the secretary behind him who had a humble expression and had been sizing me up with his eyes. Then, I smiled at Qiao Shida. How could I have the guts? "    


Qiao Shida laughed: "I would believe it if someone else said that, but I don't believe it if you said that. Little guy, you're really a very unusual young man. I've always thought you were unusual, but I've never been able to find out what's unusual about you. Can you tell me? "    


I said, "I always felt I was very, very ordinary, so I have no comment."    


Qiao Shida said, "That's right."    


I was confused. "What do you mean, 'just like that'?"    


Qiao Shida said, "Don't you understand? You don't understand? "    


I said, "Secretary Qiao, please give me a few pointers."    


Qiao Shida laughed: "Go figure it out yourself."    


I said, "Okay, I'll figure it out myself."    


Qiao Shida turned around and looked at the secretary, "Get in the car and wait for me."    


The secretary nodded respectfully and went out first.    


I said to Qiao Shida, "Today is the weekend, why, you still need to work overtime?"    


Qiao Shida said, "What? Do I need to report to you?"    


I said, "Up to you. If you don't want to say it, then don't. I won't force you."    


Qiao Shida looked straight at me: "Are you talking to me?"    


I said, "Yeah, who do you think it was?"    


Qiao Shida was stunned for a moment and then laughed: "You little rascal, it is indeed very interesting. "Actually, let me tell you, the time when I transferred you to the Municipal Committee to work as a supervisor was my proposal."    


I said, "I know. Who else would want to transfer me there?"    


Qiao Shida said, "My original intention was."    


I interrupted him: "Your original intention, Minister Guan, had already told me. You actually wanted me to overdo it and become your secretary."    


"Oh. Yunfei told you. " Qiao Shida said, "Since you know, do you regret it?"    


I said, "No —"    


"You really don't regret it?" Qiao Shida said.    


"Yes, if it's a lie, then I'll say it out of regret. If it's the truth, then I definitely won't regret it." "No," I said.    


Qiao Shida looked at me with a slightly surprised gaze. "Why? "Can you tell me more about it?"    


I said, "There's no reason. It's just that I never regret doing anything."    


Qiao Shida said, "Even if you know you missed it, you wouldn't regret it?"    


"Yes!" I said simply.    


Qiao Shida said, "Don't you want to be my secretary?"    


I said, "Of course I'm willing to be Big Leader's secretary and the second chief."    


"Then why are you doing this?" Qiao Shida said.    


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