Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C839 Wise Action

C839 Wise Action

According to common sense, Lei Zheng definitely had to dig deeper for the chairman. He wanted to lure out Guan Yunfei, but could Lei Zheng's wishful thinking succeed? Since Guan Yunfei was not the only one with a close relationship with the chairman, would City Leader, who was implicated in other matters, join hands to put pressure on Liu? Would even the mayor of the city council give such an order? No matter how amazing Lei Zheng was, would he dare to offend a large group of people? Would he dare to confront the Party Secretary? He's been in the government for many years, and he knows very well what happens when he goes head to head with someone. "    


"So, even if Lei Zheng wanted to use the chairman's case to dig up Guan Yunfei, but he still had to face the reality and had to give up?" "No," I said.    


She said: "Yes, that is a wise move. To be able to achieve this position, one has to be very careful in dealing with matters. Without absolute confidence in winning, one will generally not intervene. Guan Yunfei was a cadre under the administration of the provincial government. Even if Lei Zheng dared to go against the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and beat Guan Yunfei, was he sure he could win? Would he be able to ensure that there was no Guan Yunfei's relationship in the province? Would he be able to ensure that some important figure in the province would decide to give up protecting Guan Yunfei?    


If Lei Zheng can't defeat Guan Yunfei, then he will be in for a bad luck, and will attract the fierce retaliation and revenge from the other senior leaders, including Guan Yunfei. At that time, he might just be like a thief who failed a chicken and ended up ruining his own political future. "    


I said, "If that's the case, the chairman is the tool for the power struggle at the higher levels. His fortune is determined by the outcome of the power struggle at the higher levels. Once the balance of power falls on Lei Zheng's side, then he will be in trouble. On the other hand, he will be in luck."    


"Yes, but for now, it seems, he's going to get lucky. I've heard that the chairman of the board of directors has been given clear instructions to handle the case, not to expand the case. Any inconclusive evidence should be excluded. Any plausible accounts should be excluded. This may be the reason why the chairman is getting less and less involved. "    


"In other words, in a sense, Boss Ping is the victim of a power struggle. In the high-level game, he is just an insignificant chess piece. At this point in time, I'm afraid no one will be able to protect him." "No," I said.    


"Hai." She sighed. "This is the sorrow of a minor character. In these past few years, Boss Ping had always relied on the protection of the Chairman, who could do anything without fear. He had always relied on the protection of the Chairman, who could do anything without fear, sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire of corruption.    


Once the higher-ups decided to protect the chairman, even if he wanted to reprimand them for their meritorious deeds, no one would give him the chance to do so. His case had nothing to do with the senior leadership. The management only needed to ensure that the chairman's mouth was sealed. Who would care about his life? In order to show the determination and strength of the city's anti-corruption campaign, the city will order Boss Ping to be given a reprieve. "    


After reading her words, I was speechless.    


She continued, "Actually, as long as you walk straight, stand straight, and keep yourself clean, then someone who wants to use you as a tool in a power struggle won't be able to seize the opportunity."    


Even though she couldn't see me, I couldn't help but nod.    


Although I have shown my true colors in front of Qiu Tong, we are still used to talking without video or voice.    


I'm used to everything.    


The next day, under the personal arrangements of Qiu Tong, all of the new year goods were purchased, so I immediately gathered the drivers of the cars to load the new year goods into the vehicles. The next day, we sent the goods to the respective Publishing Station.    


Naturally, the supplier was the nephew of "City Leader" whom Qiu Tong contacted.    


Qiu Tong had specially arranged for people to inspect the quality of the goods. The quality was very good, and the price was naturally reasonable as well.    


During the process of loading and unloading, Zhao Dajian stood at a distance and watched coldly, his eyes wandering from time to time on the supplier.    


At the same time, the purchase of the shopping card is also distributed to the various stations.    


At the same time, Qiu Tong also gave me and Zhao Dajian the shopping cards that she planned to use to visit customers. I also gave them out and registered according to the department that was in charge.    


Everything seemed to be going smoothly.    


In the afternoon, news came from the court that the verdict of Boss Ping and the chairman had come out.    


Boss Ping's final amount of corruption and bribery was 13 million yuan. He was sentenced to death and suspended for a period of two years!    


The final value of the case as determined by the chairman was 380 thousand yuan, and because of the positive repudiation and good attitude towards admitting guilt, he was sentenced to two years in prison and a three-year suspension of execution!    


I was in Qiu Tong's office when I heard the verdict.    


I was stunned for a long time, but it turned out to be just as Qiu Tong had analyzed last night. Boss Ping had received a severe punishment, the chairman of the board had given him a light beating!    


Without a doubt, there was a fierce and complicated power struggle between the upper echelons behind the verdict.    


Without a doubt, Lei Zheng did not achieve what he wanted. Although he achieved Sun Dongkai, he did not achieve the desired result.    


Without a doubt, Guan Yunfei and the other top executives who did not know who it was heaved a sigh of relief. With regards to this result, the chairman should be satisfied, he should be satisfied.    


For the chairman and some, it was a happy ending.    


I think some people should sleep well tonight.    


Among these people, there must be Guan Yunfei.    


Qiu Tong sighed deeply and said, "Tomorrow afternoon, let's go to the jail to see Boss Ping. In any case, we're all colleagues. "    


I didn't say anything and nodded.    


That night, I bought roast chicken, beer and two Chinese cigarettes, which I planned to bring to Boss Ping tomorrow. If the guard won't let us meet, take it to him.    


So I bought an extra Chinese cigarette to bribe the guards.    


I didn't expect that Qiu Tong and I didn't go to the jail the next afternoon.    


Because, on the morning of the second day, Qiu Tong was suddenly taken away by someone from the Municipal Commission on Discipline.    


In other words, Qiu Tong had been tricked!    


I was there when Qiu Tong was taken away.    


At that time, not only was I at the scene, but all the members of Group Party Committee, Cao Lee, Zhao Dajian and all the other middle-level officials of the corporation, and Guan Yunfei were also there.    


Qiu Tong had been taken away in front of everyone by the Municipal Commission on Discipline disciples who had suddenly barged in!    


At that time, in the group's meeting room, Guan Yunfei represented the city committee to visit the group before the festival. First, he cordially visited the staff and workers of the various cadres fighting on the news front, then called Group Party Committee Leader and the group's middle-ranking cadres to have a tea party.    


At that time, the conference room was filled with joy and laughter. Guan Yunfei and everyone else was eating fruits and seeds with a face full of smiles, chatting with Sun Dongkai from time to time.    


Guan Yunfei seemed to be glowing and relaxed. It was as if yesterday, after the trial of Boss Ping and the chairman of the board of directors, he finally had a big burden in his heart. He had finally been released from that matter.    


Of course, he might know that the chairman's incident was caused by Sun Dongkai. Of course, he might hate Sun Dongkai because of this. Of course, he knew that Sun Dongkai had a close relationship with his nemesis, Lei Zheng.    


However, he was still chatting happily with Sun Dongkai, seemingly having a harmonious relationship with him.    


Sun Dongkai didn't seem to have any reaction to yesterday's verdict. It was as if the matter between Boss Ping and the chairman had nothing to do with him.    


Of course, now that he had what he wanted, his goal was only to take down the chairman from this position. As for the punishment, it didn't matter to him. Of course, he knew that Guan Yunfei might be able to guess that the chairman's fall was related to his operation. Of course, he knew that the fall of the chairman would cause Guan Yunfei to be anxious and restless. Of course, he knew that Guan Yunfei understood the relationship between him and Lei Zheng.    


However, he still sat on this seat. This was not a seat that could be taken off by Guan Yunfei just because he said he would. It was the result of him meticulously crafting the skating steps and the help of Lei Zheng.    


He knew that even though Guan Yunfei didn't have the power to take him down, with this power, Guan Yunfei was his direct superior, a standing committee of the city council. He couldn't openly fight against him, fighting was not a good thing.    


What he needed to do now was to make sure that Guan Yunfei couldn't find any flaws with him, and try his best to make Guan Yunfei not to be picky with him.    


Therefore, in front of Guan Yunfei, Sun Dongkai was extremely submissive.    


At that time, I was sitting with Qiu Tong, and Zhao Dajian was sitting next to Cao Lee.    


At that time, I was thinking about going to see Boss Ping with Qiu Tong in the afternoon, thinking about seeing Boss Ping and not seeing him, and thinking about how to be a public relations guard.    


At that time, Qiu Tong was sitting there quietly eating her melon seeds, unaware of any danger or shadow that had descended upon her.    


At the time, I didn't notice.    


At that time, Cao Lee and Zhao Dajian didn't say much and just ate the melon seeds and fruits, exchanging glances from time to time. Zhao Dajian's mouth would occasionally reveal a hint of a sneer, and Cao Lee's eyes would occasionally glance at Qiu Tong with a hint of malice and coldness.    


No, Sun Dongkai raised his hand to signal for everyone to quiet down and announced the formal start of the tea ceremony.    


Everyone quieted down and looked at Sun Dongkai and Guan Yunfei.    


Wu first issued a warm welcome speech, welcomed the inspection work of Minister Guanlei Group, then led the applause.    


Everyone applauded.    


Then, Guan Yunfei started to speak.    


"Comrades!" As soon as Guan Yunfei said those three words, the door to the meeting room was suddenly pushed open and three middle-aged men with serious expressions walked in.    


Guan Yunfei stopped and looked at them.    


Everyone looked at them.    


The meeting room was silent.    


Cao Lee and Zhao Dajian looked at each other. Suddenly, their faces were filled with joy and they couldn't help but look in Qiu Tong's direction.    


It was as if they had realized something.    


The leader of the three looked around the venue and saw Guan Yunfei. With a respectful expression in his eyes, he nodded at Guan Yunfei: "Minister Guan. Sorry to interrupt your meeting."    


Guan Yunfei didn't seem to be familiar with these people. He looked at them: "You are —"    


"Minister Guan, we are from the third room of Municipal Commission on Discipline, we are here on official business!" Even though he was facing City Leader and Guan Yunfei, the other party did not smile at all.    


As soon as he finished his sentence, a commotion broke out in the meeting room. Sun Dongkai and the other members of the Party committee all had uneasy expressions on their faces.    


Nowadays, it was common for members of the disciplinary committee to bring people away from the meeting place. Could it be that one of the people present today was going to be unlucky? Guan Yunfei was the leader of the city committee and was under the jurisdiction of the provincial government. Naturally, the Municipal Commission on Discipline staff had no right to take him away. Then, who could it be?    


Everyone could not help but look at each other in dismay. The expressions of the group leader members became even more uneasy.    


"Very well, please." Guan Yunfei said calmly as he scanned everyone.    


The leading middle-aged man took a photo out of his bag and looked at it, then glanced around at the group, then walked straight over to Qiu Tong and me.    


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