Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C656 Concluding Remarks

C656 Concluding Remarks

The lie was exposed by Qiu Tong, so I blushed a little and said, "Hehe, I just met an acquaintance in the other rooms and had a drink there. I was afraid that you would scold me. "    


Qiu Tong looked at me reproachfully. "Look at you, you even begged everyone not to get drunk, but you took the lead and drank too much yourself. You've been gone for so long, without a leader in the group, no one can find an organization. "    


"Hehe, aren't you an organization? I'm fine. "I have a lot of alcohol." As I said this, my head began to sink, and the white wine that I had drunk began to rise.    


"Don't drink anymore. I think everyone else is done. Let's end it here." Qiu Tong looked at me.    


Qiu Tong's face was a little red. She seemed to be drunk, but she still maintained a clear mind.    


"Alright, go and tell the waiter to bring the food over. I don't want any more to drink." I waved my hand in a commanding tone.    


When Qiu Tong heard this, she actually obeyed. Then she turned around and told the waiter to serve dinner. Qiu Tong and I walked over to the table and Qiu Tong said to me, "Let's get to the conclusion."    


I nodded, waved at the others, and shouted, "Be quiet. "Everyone."    


Everyone fell silent and looked at me.    


I raised my glass and said, "Come, everyone. We will have our last goblet of wine tonight. There will be no lingering banquet in this world. Let's end the wine here and let's finish it together." Eating, eating, everyone will have to continue working tomorrow. "Come, cheers!"    


We had the last drink together, and then the waiter came up and we had dinner.    


After eating our fill, everyone left. Qiu Tongyun and I left last. After settling the bill, we left the hotel together.    


"I'll send the two of you home." I'm a little drunk, I said as I hailed a taxi.    


The clouds went directly to the front row, so Qiu Tong and I naturally sat in the back row.    


I let Qiu Tong in first, then followed her in.    


Clouds tell taxis where they want to go, follow the route, and send clouds first.    


The taxi drove through the early winter night of the city, and it was getting colder by the end of October.    


Everyone sat in the car without saying a word. They seemed to be thinking about their own things, but they also seemed to be drunk.    


My head was still heavy, and I leaned against the back of the seat, casually placing my left hand on the seat.    


Suddenly, the outside of my palm touched something soft and smooth and warm.    


My mind jolted. This is Qiu Tong's hand. My hand accidentally touched Qiu Tong's hand. It was only a slight touch, but it was indeed Qiu Tong's hand.    


My heart began to beat, and my body felt like it had been electrocuted. My hand stayed there.    


I clearly felt Qiu Tong's hand tremble slightly. It moved slightly, leaving the contact between my hand and hers, but it didn't seem to move too far away and was still placed on the seat.    


My heart continued to beat, and my mind went blank. I didn't know why, but my palm suddenly moved inwards, covering the back of Qiu Tong's right hand.    


In the instant that I covered Qiu Tong's hand, my heart began to beat violently, as if it were going to burst through my heart.    


I didn't dare move my hand. It was covered by Qiu Tong's hand.    


He could clearly feel that Qiu Tong's hands were trembling, and they had become somewhat cold, as if they were filled with fear and panic.    


At this moment, the contact between his two hands seemed to have some meaning, as if it was filled with some ambiguous feeling, as if it was transmitting something.    


At this moment, a burst of singing came from the radio in the taxi: "I want to hold your hand and store a sea of tenderness for you …"    


The song was old and melancholy, just like my mood at the moment.    


I glanced sideways at Qiu Tong. In the darkness, Qiu Tong was looking out the window with her face to the side. Her lips were tightly pursed, as if she was suppressing the complicated feelings within her heart.    


I don't know if the singing moved Qiu Tong, or if it stimulated her, but her hand suddenly moved, wanting to pull back. I instinctively pressed down hard, but she wasn't able to pull it out.    


There was a pause, then she started to pull back, and I pressed again, but it didn't come out.    


Qiu Tong stopped trying to pull back and turned to look at me, her eyes bright and clear, looking straight at me without blinking.    


Facing Qiu Tong's direct gaze, my heart suddenly started to feel weak, and I didn't dare to look into Qiu Tong's eyes.    


"You drank too much." Qiu Tong said softly in a voice only she and I could hear, "Maybe we've all had too much to drink."    


I suddenly felt a great sense of shame, as if I had done something shameful, and I suddenly thought of Hai Zhu.    


Qiu Tong pulled her hand away from me and put it on her knee. She looked out the window at the night.    


No more words.    


My heart slightly calmed down, my heart was full of guilt. I felt that I had not only let Hai Zhu down, but also desecrated Qiu Tong's purity.    


I clearly felt my embarrassment and shamelessness, as well as my vulgarity and underhanded actions.    


After a while, the car arrived at Cloudy's residence. Clouds said goodbye to us and got out of the car. The taxi then headed in the direction of Qiu Tong's house.    


As we neared Qiu Tong's house, Qiu Tong told the driver to stop the car and then said to me, "Let's get out of the car and walk around. Let's clear our heads."    


I nodded, paid, and got out of the car with Qiu Tong.    


It was a cold night in early winter, and after I got out of the car, I couldn't help but shiver.    


We walked together along the sidewalk in the direction of Qiu Tong's house. It was quiet around us, and occasionally a car drove by.    


We walked in silence.    


Finally, I broke the silence. "I'm sorry for what happened just now."    


Qiu Tong stood still and looked at me. Her eyes were filled with unspeakable pain and struggle, as well as speechlessness and conflict. After looking at me for a while, she said, "I'm not blaming you. I know you drank too much. "Actually, I drank too much too."    


I lowered my head.    


Qiu Tong was silent for a moment before she said, "Yi Ke —"    


I raised my head to look at Qiu Tong. Under the night light, Qiu Tong's face was exceptionally flirtatious and charming.    


"I'm —" My voice cracked.    


Qiu Tong took a deep breath, "Yi Ke, I want to ask you, when is a man the weakest?"    


I said, "I can't answer that."    


Qiu Tong said, "Why?"    


I said, "I don't know."    


Qiu Tong said, "You're afraid of touching the most sensitive part of your mind, aren't you?"    


I said, "I said, I don't know. I think that even if you ask me that question, I think you'll probably know the answer. The reason you're asking me is either to verify your thoughts or to explore my heart at this moment. But I won't tell you. "    


Qiu Tong looked at me calmly. "Yi Ke, you don't dare to face yourself."    


I said, "Don't ask me that. What about you? Do you dare to face yourself?"    


Qiu Tong didn't answer and just looked at me. "Yi Ke, what kind of man are you exactly?"    


I said, "I'm just an ordinary man. I'm no different from other men."    


"No, you are not an ordinary man. You are different from any other man." Qiu Tong said, "Yi Ke, a lot of times, I thought I could see through you, but most of the time, I find myself completely unable to understand you. Of course, there are times when I don't understand myself. "    


I said, "It's because I don't understand other people and myself that I'm so conflicted, isn't it?"    


Qiu Tong's eyes looked a little panicked. "When did I get into a dilemma?" I've never been tangled in anything. "    


I looked at Qiu Tong. "Qiu Tong, don't lie to yourself. Your mind can't escape my eyes."    


Qiu Tong's expression became even more flustered. She forced a smile and said, "You think you can see through everything? You're too arrogant."    


A flash of sadness passed through me and I said, "I'm not being self-righteous. I'm saying this on my own instinct. I know, your heart has always been conflicted and conflicted. You've always been struggling with something. "    


Qiu Tong lowered her head. After a while, she muttered, "So what? In life, conflict and struggle are unavoidable. Perhaps, this is fate. You can be in pain, you can be tangled, but you can't change reality. It's always cruel and cold. This is fate. "    


Qiu Tong's words made my heart hurt and hurt. I didn't know what to say. Qiu Tong's heart was tangled and in pain. Am I not? I couldn't help but think of Hai Zhu, and guilt welled up in my heart.    


After a while, Qiu Tong looked up at me: "Yi Ke, we are always friends, always the best friends."    


I could hear Qiu Tong's words clearly. Rather than telling me, she was reminding herself.    


My heart was filled with unspeakable sorrow. I nodded my head deeply.    


Qiu Tong said, "Thank you."    


I don't know what Qiu Tong means. I don't know what she's thanking me for.    


Even though I don't know, I don't want to ask. Perhaps, there are some words that are meaningless to ask, or perhaps, some words can only be filled with ambiguity and confusion.    


"I drank too much tonight." "No," I said.    


"I drank too much too." Qiu Tong said.    


"I shouldn't have been in the car …" I started to speak but then stopped.    


Qiu Tong's face turned red again, as if she wasn't the only one blushing shyly.    


"Don't say anymore. It's over. Don't mention it anymore. As I said, I don't blame you. "Actually, I am in the wrong too. I am in the wrong. It is all my fault." Qiu Tong muttered in remorse, lowering her head.    


I looked up at the twinkling stars in the night sky and fell silent.    


The surroundings were completely silent. Only the leaves and branches of the French parasol trees by the side of the road rustled in the cold wind.    


In front of us is where Qiu Tong's house is. Qiu Tong and I don't seem to want to walk any further, as though we both want to stay here for a while.    


At this moment, a woman's cold voice came from not far behind him, "What are you doing here, alone and alone, in the dead of night?"    


Qiu Tong and I were surprised and looked in the direction of the sound.    


The one who spoke was Dong Xue!    


Dong Xue was standing not far behind us, wearing a long windbreaker with an expression on her face. She had her hands in the pockets of the coat and was looking at us with a mocking and envious expression on her face.    


I didn't realize when Dong Xue had appeared behind us. Obviously, neither did Qiu Tong.    


I don't know how long Dong Xue had been standing behind us and what she had heard of our conversation, but I don't think Qiu Tong knew either.    


Dong Xue's appearance had obviously thrown Qiu Tong into confusion. Her face immediately revealed a flustered and uneasy expression, as if she had done something shameful with me.    


"Sister Dong Xue." Qiu Tong let out a timid cry. Her voice sounded very guilty.    


"It's dark and I haven't been able to see clearly who you two are. So it's Lili and Yi Ke, the big manager." Dong Xue approached us slowly, her voice tinged with mockery. "What are you two doing standing here in the middle of the dark?"    


"We …" Qiu Tong seemed to be hesitating and at a loss for words.    


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