Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C666 Do Not Fail to Return

C666 Do Not Fail to Return

After about ten minutes, I heard voices coming up the stairs.    


"Come, boss, go upstairs slowly."    


It was Qiu Tong's voice. As expected, she had come here to drink tea with that bookworm, Chief Editor.    


I got up and pulled on the door, leaving a gap where I could see the stairs.    


Then he saw Qiu Tong come up, followed by Chief Editor.    


Qiu Tong immediately rolled her eyes, then saw me through the crack in the door. She winked at me, but before I could react, she called Chief Editor to the opposite room and the waiter followed.    


As the door closed, I couldn't sit still. I wanted to know what kind of tea Qiu Tong and the nerd were drinking.    


However, I can't just go out. I'm worried that Chief Editor will find out.    


Sitting in the room, I faintly heard Qiu Tong and Chief Editor's laughter. I couldn't make out what they were talking about next.    


Although she couldn't hear the content clearly, she could hear that they had been conversing. Moreover, Qiu Tong seemed to be talking a lot.    


A moment later, they seemed to be arguing again.    


I felt a little nervous.    


After about 20 minutes, I suddenly heard Chief Editor raise his voice: "Ok, ok, Xiao Qiu, what you said just now combined with the situation you reported to me this morning and opened my eyes.    


Yes, we need to recognize ourselves properly, evaluate ourselves correctly, face opportunities and challenges correctly, and never lose or lose the opportunity. The detailed analysis you just did was very convincing, and you have convinced me. The report you gave me, I'll sign it when I get back.    


Sigh, it seems like I, a bookworm who only knows how to run a newspaper, am really too slow in thinking to keep up with the rapidly changing situation. "Looks like the concept of scientific development is not something that can be said just by words. It has to be put into concrete work."    


Hearing this, a rock dropped in my heart. So Qiu Tong's intention to invite Chief Editor to drink tea was here. She didn't go to Chief Editor's office in the morning to talk about the report, but to report the issue here.    


Then I heard Chief Editor and Lili both chuckle easily, then the phone ring, then Chief Editor answering the phone.    


A moment later, the opposite door opened and I saw Chief Editor walk out from the crack of the door. I said, "Xiao Qiu, why don't you stay here for a while, I can't drink tea anymore. The Minister is going to take a look at the group, I have to go back to welcome our Emperor. "You don't have to give it to me. I have a car. I'll arrange for the Party office to send you the report later. I'll sign it when I get back."    


So, Chief Editor is about to leave. So, the Minister was going to come to the group. He is quite humorous and even knows how to say "Long live the Emperor". It seems that the intellectuals are also interested.    


Qiu Tong also came out to escort Chief Editor downstairs. I picked up the door and opened it, quietly waiting for Qiu Tong to come back. I knew Qiu Tong knew that I wouldn't leave until she found me.    


Sure enough, after a while, Qiu Tong came up smiling and went straight to my room.    


"Why — why are you not drinking tea with friends who have forgotten their years?" Qiu Tong came in and smiled at me.    


"The old man went upstairs for his afternoon nap." I said to the waiter, "Come on, sister, give this lady a cup of tea."    


The little girl giggled and made a cup of tea for Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong sat across from me and watched me laugh.    


Looking at Qiu Tong's beautiful smile, I couldn't help but to have a subtle impulse in my heart, and my eyes couldn't help but go silly.    


"What the hell are you laughing at? Where's your room?" I suddenly realized that this wasn't a place to be in heat. There was a waitress sitting next to me. I snapped out of it and pointed across the room.    


"I just paid the bill." Qiu Tong pouted as she spoke.    


"Un, not bad. I offer my praise!" "No," I said.    


"What do you mean? "What are you praising?" Qiu Tong said.    


"I'm not praising you for settling the bill, I'm praising you for saying something that convinced Chief Editor." I said, "I heard what Chief Editor said."    


"Hehe, your ears are quite sharp." Qiu Tong laughed and said, "It's actually very simple. We use facts as the basis, numbers as the basis, and benefits as the guide. Chief Editor is a very reasonable person, but his mind hasn't been able to figure it out for a while. In the morning, I went to report to him about the implementation and plans of the recent great recruitment, then I invited him to lunch and tea, and combined with that report, I gave him a detailed analysis of the benefits and prospects, from the tangible benefits of the group to the intangible benefits, from the realistic economic benefits to the long-term social benefits, from the current situation of the group newspaper distribution to the future trends, from the situation of the Hsinghai reporting war to the prospects of the development of the newspaper economy.    


Chief Editor had always been focused on running newspapers, so he didn't know much about the past or the future of the newspaper industry. After I told him about it, he was enlightened, so I focused on this report and talked about the benefits this project could bring us, as well as the relationship between the gains and losses in the newspaper industry. And so, Chief Editor finally thought it through and happily agreed to approve this report. "    


Qiu Tong took a sip of her tea and nodded. "Not bad, good tea."    


I exhaled. "It's done. It's finally done. He finally felt relieved. "It seems that I treated Chief Editor a little rough this morning. It seems like you know how to deal with intellectuals."    


Qiu Tong looked at me reproachfully, "Chief Editor told me, he said you are a silly kid, speaking in a straightforward manner, and he even sarcastically ridiculed me for the past few days. How can you do this? This is not good. "    


I grinned. "Actually, I love him a lot. A few days ago, when he was in trouble, I wanted to help him from the bottom of my heart. It was just that I didn't have a way out."    


Qiu Tong covered her mouth and laughed, "What are you saying? "You're still in love, it's so sour!"    


I said, "What, I can't love him?"    


Qiu Tong said, "Nonsense, of course you can't say that. It's obvious that you're using the wrong words."    


I laughed. "Since I can't love him, then I'll love you."    


As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized that I had misspoken again. I shut my mouth and looked at Qiu Tong nervously.    


Qiu Tong's face reddened, and she seemed a little frightened. She lowered her head and didn't dare to look at me.    


"I …" I was incoherent.    


"You …" Qiu Tong's voice sounded flustered as she continued to look at me. Then, she stood up and walked to the window. As she looked outside, her back slightly trembled.    


My heart was pounding as I stared at Qiu Tong's back in a daze.    


The little girl who was making the tea was very smart. She seemed to have realized something as she pursed her lips and smiled. Then, she quietly stood up and went out, closing the door behind her.    


Qiu Tong and I were alone in the room.    


Qiu Tong and I were both silent. Qiu Tong turned her silent back on me, and I silently watched her silent back in a daze.    


"Qiu Tong." I cried out. My voice was hoarse, and I suddenly felt sad.    


"Yes." Qiu Tong agreed but did not turn around. She just stood there.    


Then I didn't know what to say, and for a moment I didn't know what to say.    


Silence again.    


"Yi Ke." Qiu Tong called out to me, but she still didn't turn around.    


"Yes." I quickly agreed.    


"In the future." "Don't say that again." Qiu Tong's voice was very soft. "I know you're joking, but …" Even if it's just a joke, don't play it again in the future. I have me and you have your different path. I really treat you as my best friend, but you will always be my friend. We all have to face our own realities. I cherish my friendship with you. I really don't want everyone to be unable to be friends in the end. "    


My heart continues to feel sorrowful. Looking at Qiu Tong's somewhat helpless back, and listening to Qiu Tong's somewhat helpless words, my eyes suddenly get a little moist.    


It was then that I heard the door next door open, and then summer's farewell to the client, and then the client came down the stairs, and summer came this way, and then the door was pushed open.    


"Brother Yi, are you still drinking tea?" Summer appeared in the doorway, grinning.    


The moment he finished speaking, Xia Xia saw that Leh had disappeared from the room. Replacing him was a beauty with her back facing him, causing him to be stunned.    


I quickly came back to my senses and greeted him in the summer. "Brother Xia, have you finished talking to your client?"    


"Yeah, I just saw him off." Xia Xia nodded: "Eh — where's the old man who had tea with you?"    


Summer said, glancing at Qiu Tong's back again.    


Qiu Tong didn't seem to have come back to her senses as she was still staring out of the window in a daze.    


"He went upstairs to take a nap." As I talked, I said to Xia Xia Chen: "Come, Boss Xia, it just so happens that I can introduce you to our group's Issuing Company General Manager Qiu Tong." Then, I said to Qiu Tong's back, "Boss Qiu, this is Sanshui Group's Boss Xia Xia, chairman."    


"Oh, well done, Chairman Xia." Qiu Tong quickly turned around, her face returning to normal. With a polite smile, she took the initiative to extend her right hand while walking towards Xia Xia.    


"Hello, Boss Qiu. I've heard of your name for a long time." With a smile, Summer shook hands with Qiu Tong as she replied politely. At the same time, he saw Qiu Tong's delicate, yet beautiful, yet refined and cultured face.    


Holding Qiu Tong's hand and looking at her face, Xia Xia's expression suddenly froze for a second, and his eyes suddenly glazed over …    


Summer held Qiu Tong's hand, not letting go for a while, only staring blankly at Qiu Tong, a little dazed.    


Qiu Tong's expression was a little unnatural. She smiled and said, "Mr. Chairman Xia."    


"Oh." He quickly let go of Qiu Tong's hand and his expression quickly returned to normal. He chuckled and said, "I have long since heard my little sister Xia Yu mention Boss Qiu. Today, I coincidentally saw him again. It was truly a blessing in three lives."    


"I have known little sister Xia Yu for a few days and have often heard her mention Chairman Xia. Our Issuing Company and your corporation have also cooperated a long time ago. Today, I feel honored to be able to meet the patriarch." Qiu Tong smiled.    


I called for them to sit down, and Summer sat across from me. Qiu Tong hesitated for a moment, then sat down beside me.    


I called for the waiter to come in and make us some tea.    


Everyone was drinking tea and chatting.    


"Xia Yu often said that I was in front of Boss Qiu who uses Issuing Company. I saw him today, he really does live up to his name. Boss Qiu's looks and temperament are really rare, top quality beauties." Summer praised Qiu Tong with a sincere tone.    


"Thank you for Chairman Xia's praise. I am just an ordinary girl. How could I accept such a high evaluation?" Qiu Tong said with a smile.    


It was clear that Qiu Tong didn't seem to like him focusing his attention on praising her looks.    


Xia Xia Xia also seemed to have understood something from Qiu Tong's words, smiled and nodded, then started to change the topic: "Manager Yi and I are customers and good friends, our group is partners with Spring Tourism, and your Issuing Company is also partners with them. Manager Yi has always been in contact with you, and on this side of the group, it's Xia Yu who has been in contact with you.    


I've heard from Xia Yu that she made some good friends through Manager Yi. I've also told Manager Yi that I hope to have the opportunity to make friends with him.    


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