Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C669 What Does Winter and Snow Mean

C669 What Does Winter and Snow Mean

"Don't say any more. I don't want to know. " Qiu Tong looked up at me. Qiu Tong sighed again.    


Since Qiu Tong said she understood, then I didn't want to say anything.    


We all stopped talking and ate in silence.    


After a while, Qiu Tong raised her head and said, "Dong Xue has left."    


I didn't look up. "How many?"    


"She left by herself." Qiu Tong said.    


In other words, Dong Xue had left, but Alai was still in the room, so he didn't know what Duan Xiangloong and him were doing.    


Dong Xue came and left in a hurry. What did she mean? I can't guess, and I don't want to guess.    


I raised my glass and drank the last of my wine. "Have you eaten your fill?" I asked Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong nodded.    


"Then let's go." "No," I said.    


We stood up, I went to pay the bill, and we left the hotel together.    


It was still snowing outside, very cold, and the snow on the road was so thick that it was hard to drive.    


"I can't drive anymore." "No," I said.    


"Leave the car at the entrance of the tea house. We'll drive it after the snow has melted." Qiu Tong said.    


I nodded. "Let's go back."    


"Yes." Qiu Tong said.    


So we walked back in the snow, naturally to take Qiu Tong home, in the direction of Qiu Tong's home.    


Under the dim light of the street lamps, the snow that was flying all over the sky was lazily falling, filling up the air with the craziness of the daytime. On a winter night without a cold wind, the snow fell heavily and not a single sound could be heard. On the street, the sparse pedestrians hid their necks in their collars as much as they could and walked quickly under the streetlights. Perhaps some people would go into a bar not far away and drink a glass of warm liquor to drive away the disturbing chill.    


In the distant church, the faint sounds of singing could be heard. Pious, accompanied by snowflakes, they quietly landed on the ground. In a temple not too far away, the low chanting of sutras and the rhythmic sounds of wooden fish also drifted out, making this quiet snowy night seem all the more tranquil.    


Qiu Tong and I walked and walked in the winter night of November in the north.    


Tonight, the whole world belongs to us. In this quiet night, we walk alone, the sky and the earth hazy, the north wind howling, lonely street lights and shadows walking with us.    


Walking in the snow, I was at a loss. There was no star in the sky that belonged to me, nor was there a curved moon. Perhaps it was the cold of winter that kept them so hidden. A wave of melancholy rose.    


Days, clear night, I always looked up to the sky to see the moon, the legend there Chang'e is the most beautiful girl in the sky. No matter if it was a new bud or a full moon, they both had a star with them. They stared at each other silently, just like the Floating Dream and Guest in the air! The moon and the stars are not in the sky now, but I walk with her.    


Suddenly I felt the warmth of the snowy night, because I had her by my side, the snow stuck to my eyelashes, and I seemed to see a pair of melancholy eyes, full of lovesick tears, tears overflowing with boundless love.    


Qiu Tong and I walked through the thick snow, and when we looked back, there was only our trail, and in it I thought I heard a helpless sigh.    


The snow was falling, and my heart was dancing in the empty snow night.    


"How do you feel on such a snowy night?" Qiu Tong spoke up.    


"Sad." I said.    


"Why?" Qiu Tong said.    


"I don't know why." "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong was silent for a while, and then she said, "Actually, you can think of it as a scene that no one else can hope for, and you won't feel sad. In fact, everyone in life has been blurrily passing through this sudden change, perhaps you will feel that your own depression is black fill the sky, wet snow in this season will never have an answer. When the snow stopped and began to melt, he walked by himself and the melted water became his own shadow and was instantly frozen again. Perhaps, at that time, you will no longer feel desolation. "    


Listening to Qiu Tong, I looked up at the black sky, which was the endless sky, and the endless cold that came down from it, the cold that was bone deep, the north wind that howled and let the snowflakes cover my dreams and the barren wilderness at the bottom of my heart. The buildings began to collide with the unerasable shadow, gray, life began to enter another period of hibernation.    


The heart feels endless confusion, in such a snowy night, we stagger to find our way home, in fact, our feet are solid reason, but there seems to be no way to go. The snow was melting and it was hard to tell which was the road and which was the other side.    


If the Yulun boat, I believe that that day wide can be called the open sea, the angel in the sea, one after another sent the snowflakes into the nine heavens, the white world, and how many hopeless and sad cover.    


As I walked in the snowy field, it was as if my eyes had turned into cameras. I carefully distinguished between the indistinct choices, the ones that should be given up and the ones that should be retained, instantly solidifying. Was the blurry shadows from the past or something else?    


Suddenly, I remembered the distance Floating Dream had mentioned, the floating in solitude, the distant you mentioned, is it at this season?    


Thus, in the misty field of vision, some lights that were neither near nor far turned into the theme of this winter night. I thought I was Dong Xueli a moving moth, weak to the point of mention, those breath with cold fog, have always been in their own separate world.    


Now I began to think of all the colors and darkness along the way, even the faintest light made me dizzy, and outside of my mind, whirling snow and glittering snow fell.    


Winter had arrived, and autumn had come and gone.    


It was as if Floating Dream had said: winter came, and spring would not be far away.    


It was a long, seemingly endless road, and I hoped that it would never end, that I would hesitate to travel with her on a snowy night like this.    


However, no matter how long the journey was, they would have to finish eventually. Finally, they arrived at the entrance of Qiu Tong's home.    


We stopped and I looked at Qiu Tong, at the snow on Qiu Tong's hair.    


I reached out and gently brushed away the snow. "Here we are," I whispered.    


"Yes, we're here." Qiu Tong looked at me. "It's not early anymore. Quickly go back. If you're late, Hai Zhu will be worried."    


"Yes." I stood there motionless, staring at Qiu Tong, as if expecting something, but afraid of it.    


Qiu Tong didn't look me in the eye and bit her lip. "Then I'm going. "Go back early and don't make Hai Zhu worry."    


I looked at Qiu Tong in silence.    


Qiu Tong no longer looked at me. She pursed her lips and decisively turned around to leave.    


I let out a sigh of relief as I watched Qiu Tong's back figure disappear. Suddenly, I felt a little disappointed. I slowly turned around and continued to walk on the thick layer of snow.    


When he returned to the dormitory, Hai Zhu had already returned. She was in the living room, looking at something on her laptop.    


"Bro, you're back —" Hai Zhu glanced at me as she continued to operate the computer.    


"Yes." I closed the door and changed my slippers. Then I walked over to the sofa and glanced at Hai Zhu. "What are you doing?"    


Hai Zhu seemed to be a little flustered and quickly closed the web page. "It's nothing." I checked some information. "    


Hai Zhu's expression made me feel that something wasn't quite right. "What information are you looking for?" Are you still afraid of me watching? "    


Hai Zhu laughed. "No, I just happened to have finished reading the information."    


I sat down next to Hai Zhu and looked at the laptop screen.    


"It went smoothly. Call me tonight and tell me to go eat hotpot. I really want to go, but I can't get out of it, hur hur. " Hai Zhu laughed. "Right, who did you eat the hotpot with?"    


When I called Hai Zhu in the afternoon, I only said that I wanted her to have hot pot. I didn't tell her who I was with.    


"With colleagues." "No," I said.    


"Colleagues? It's Qiu Tong? " Hai Zhu said.    


I hesitated, then nodded.    


"Just the two of you?" Hai Zhu asked again.    


I hesitated again, then nodded.    


Hai Zhu's expression changed slightly as a complicated look appeared in her eyes.    


I continued, "At that time, Qiu Tong said she wanted me to ask you to come and eat with her, but you were busy. Originally, she wanted the three of us to eat together. "    


Hai Zhu ignored me and looked at me. "It's good to have dinner with you, isn't it? Eating dinner with Qiu Tong feels great, right? "    


Hai Zhu's voice sounded very calm, but I didn't dare to enjoy it. I hastily said, "If you come, the three of us will enjoy it even more." It will feel even better. "    


Hai Zhu pursed her lips, "Are you speaking from the bottom of your heart?"    


I hastily nodded my head. "Yes, the words in my heart!"    


Hai Zhu was silent for a long time as she stared at me blankly. After a while, she said, "Brother, I don't know which part of what you said was the truth and which part of what you said was a lie. "Why do I have to understand you more and more?"    


I felt a little guilty and didn't dare to look into Hai Zhu's eyes. "Zhu, don't think too much."    


I thought it sounded weak.    


Hai Zhu said, "I don't want to think too much, but you have to give me a chance not to think too much. How did you guys get back? "    


"It was too snow. I didn't drive. I walked back." "No," I said.    


"I walked back. The two of them walked together in the snowy night. It must be very warm and romantic. " Hai Zhu's face turned uglier and uglier. "Did someone accidentally fall down while walking in the snow? Did someone grab hold of someone and then fall into another person's arms?"    


"Zhu, it's nothing." I said quickly.    


"Nothing. "Hrmph." Hai Zhu sneered, "What can not happen to all of you in such a lousy scene and such a good opportunity? If nothing happens, how are you going to deal with this heavy snow tonight? If nothing happens, how can you all face the smell of alcohol in your mouth? "    


"Zhu …"    


"Alright, stop it. I don't want to hear you argue. I don't want to embarrass you, and I don't want everyone to look bad. " Hai Zhu interrupted me, her face pale, and said to herself: "She kept saying that I was her best sister, but her best sister, what in the world was going on behind her back? I swear to God. "    




Hai Zhu looked at me with melancholy and worried eyes and didn't say anything for a long time.    


I still couldn't meet Hai Zhu's eyes.    


"Hai." After a long time, Hai Zhu sighed. Her sigh carried a deep sadness, sadness and a sense of helplessness.    


Hai Zhu's sigh made me feel extremely apologetic and ashamed. I felt my shamelessness, my despicability, and my filthiness. I suddenly felt a little ashamed.    


"Brother." After a long while, Hai Zhu called out to me.    


"Here —" I looked up.    


"I love you." Hai Zhu's voice suddenly choked, and her eyes began to turn red.    


"Zhu." I was moved and opened my arms. Hai Zhu rushed into my arms, hugged my waist and pressed her face against my chest.    


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