Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C695 Data Leaks

C695 Data Leaks

"Since you obtained the several tens of thousands of sets of customer information for our Statistical Office, why weren't those recorded on our Statistical Office computers?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Originally, I wanted to use their information, but after you told me some things about how to deal with others, I suddenly realized that what I was doing was wrong. It was against the principles of fair competition. And I'm afraid you'll despise me if you find out. "    


"That's right, I want to look down on you. I want to look down on you deeply." Qiu Tong's voice rose a decibel.    


"Yes, you should despise me. You can despise me. " "No," I said.    


"But the result of this matter is that I cannot despise you. Maybe I should praise you. Do you need a compliment? "    


"No need, as long as you don't despise me, I will be satisfied!"    


"But I still want to praise you. After all, at the last moment, you realized that you have not gone too far! After all, things have not gone beyond redemption. " Qiu Tong's voice became gentle again.    


"I really do have some lingering fear."    


"I'm even more afraid."    


"Are you angry with me? Are you disappointed in me?" "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong didn't answer me. "So, why did you suddenly get nervous this morning, after the UFO arrived?"    


I said, "Because I was worried that someone might have done something to the game. In that case, things will be really bad. "    


"Are you suspecting that the informer is Cao Teng?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Yes." "No," I said.    


"But the result is not what you think." Qiu Tong said, "Is this proof that your suspicions are wrong?"    


"Rather than proving it, it proving it to be correct!" I said, "Listen, let me give you a detailed analysis..."    


I was about to continue when Qiu Tong reached out to stop me. "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. I don't want to hear your analysis. "    


Even though I said that, I could hear the extreme disappointment and sorrow in Qiu Tong's voice. It was as though she also sensed Cao Teng, but she didn't want to admit it, nor was she willing to hear it out from me.    


"Among colleagues, there is no need to suspect each other. Unity comes first." Qiu Tong muttered.    


I looked at Qiu Tong and said nothing.    


"I finally completely understand, grievances always have a cause, debts always have a master, people don't come looking for trouble for no reason, they have a basis. However, at the critical moment, you came to your senses and didn't continue on the wrong path. Otherwise, based on the Minister's tone today, the matter would have been blown away.    


Not just you and Cao Lee, but Boss Sun and Chief Editor will be implicated as well. Both the company's and the group's reputation will be greatly tarnished. " Qiu Tong said with lingering fear, "So your transformation at the critical moment saved us all. It saved you, of course. "    


"It wasn't me who saved everyone. It was you who saved everyone. It was you who saved me." "No," I said.    


"Actually, it doesn't matter to you whether you save or not. In regards to this position, you don't care at all. It doesn't matter to you whether you get it or lose it. " Qiu Tong said.    


I grinned and tried to laugh, but I didn't.    


"If it doesn't matter, why do you have to work here?" Qiu Tong brought up the old topic again.    


I said, "I don't know!"    


"You don't know?"    


"Yes, I don't know!" I repeat.    


"If you don't know, then should I know?" Qiu Tong sighed.    


"You don't have to either." "No," I said.    


"Yi Ke —"    




Qiu Tong looked at me and said slowly, "Sometimes people can't deceive themselves. You can deceive yourself on the surface, but you can't deceive your own heart."    


I pressed my lips together and looked at Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong turned her head to look out the window and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore." Today's matter was over. It was as if nothing had happened. I can't judge you for what you did. I don't want to punish you or praise you. With regards to the identity of the confidential person, there was no need to be tangled any further. Let's head over now. If a fly didn't bite into a seamless egg, if he didn't give the other person a clue, the other person wouldn't even have a chance to scheme against him. Frankly speaking, he found it himself. "Alright, you can go now.    


I stood up and saw the disappointment in Qiu Tong's eyes, as well as confusion and melancholy.    


I lowered my head and left Qiu Tong's office. Thinking about what Qiu Tong had said today, my heart felt a little heavy.    


As soon as he returned to his office, Cao Lee called him.    


"Is it convenient to speak?"    


"Hurry up and fart!" I said snappily.    


"What's wrong? "Why are you so angry, ha-why are you so angry? I was very glad that I managed to escape from death today." Cao Lee said, "Let me ask you, how come today's result is like that? You didn't use the information I gave you? "    


"It's no use, I arranged for the shop assistant to get it." "No," I said.    




"Because I don't think you're reliable. I don't think you're safe!" "No," I said.    


"Thank God you feel that way. "If not, we would all be finished. Not only is Qiu Tong going to be finished, you and I are going to be done for as well. Especially me, my future prospects are going to be completely ruined." Cao Lee said, "Sigh... What a pity, my 60 thousand yuan has become a meat bun for a dog."    


I didn't say anything.    


"Oh right, how do you know about Hsinghai?" Cao Lee said.    


"You must have leaked it." "No," I said.    


"Impossible, I have always been very careful. Although we all said that there was a traitor at lunch today, I suspect that the problem was with Metropolitan News. I suspect that the director of the distribution department lost his cool when he made a windfall and got drunk."    


Cao Lee said, "It's a good thing you were vigilant. You saved the revolution and saved me. It's a pity, if only I hadn't participated in this, then Qiu Tong would have been in a terrible situation. She would have died for sure, it's a pity. "Oh right, did you see the expression the Minister had when he spoke to you today? He recognizes you very well."    


Before Cao Lee could finish, I hung up. F * ck, if she didn't participate in this, it might not have been possible. If she didn't, the one in trouble wouldn't be Qiu Tong, but me as well. This f * cking Cao Lee only wants to protect herself and plot against Qiu Tong, she wouldn't even care about me.    


Also, the last minister mentioned by Cao Lee, he and I have nothing to do with each other. It's none of my business whether you appreciate me or not.    


I lit a cigarette and gloomily looked out the window.    


At that moment, my cell phone rang. It was Hai Zhu.    


"Brother, where are you?" Hai Zhu said.    


"The office!"    


"Really?" Hai Zhu said.    


I hung up without a word. Then I picked up my office phone and dialed Hai Zhu's number.    


"Do you believe me now?" "No," I said.    


"Bro, look at you, I just asked casually, you don't need to confirm." Although Hai Zhu said this, her tone sounded a little relaxed.    


"Is it smooth in Hainan?" "No," I said.    


"Yes, it went smoothly. Everything was fine. I was really worried about you, that's why I called you. " Hai Zhu said, "Did you get the text message I sent you last night?"    


"Got it!"    


"Why didn't you give me a reply?"    


"I forgot."    


"Heh heh, I guess you must have fallen asleep in the middle of the night. I wanted to call you, but I didn't because I didn't want to disturb your rest. " Hai Zhu said.    


My heart lurched, and I didn't dare say anything.    


After chatting for a while longer with Hai Zhu, Hai Zhu hung up the phone with satisfaction.    


Then I thought of something and sat in a daze in my office until it was dark and I got off work.    


Just as I was about to leave, my cell phone rang again. I saw that it was an unfamiliar number.    


I answered, "Hello?"    


"Yi Ke, it's me!" A deep baritone came through the phone.    


Hearing this familiar yet foreign and somewhat distant voice, my heart couldn't help but tremble.    


It was Wu De's voice.    


Wu De called me.    


"Hello, Boss Wu!" "No," I said.    


"Hehe, not bad. After not contacting me for so long, you can still recognize my voice."    


"Did Boss Wu find me for something?" "No," I said.    


"Can't you just call if you're fine?" Wu De asked me.    




"Going off duty, right?"    


"I'm getting off work!"    


"Can we enjoy the evening?"    


"Yes!" I wondered why Wu De was looking for me. Thinking about what I had heard about him recently, I decided to meet him.    


"21 San Dao Gouge Road, someone will pick you up at the door!" With that, Wu De hung up.    


So it turned out that Wu De wasn't far away, he was at the Hsinghai.    


I don't know where 21 Trinity Road is. It sounds mysterious.    


After searching for a long time, I finally found number 21. It turned out that this was an old Japanese style building with a courtyard on it, a relic from the last century. This kind of building is very rare in Hsinghai, and most of the old buildings in Hsinghai are Russian style.    


I parked nearby and walked to the gate, a wooden gate and a small door. I looked around. It was quiet. There were very few people and very few cars.    


Standing in the doorway, I looked up. There was a camera hidden in the background, and if I didn't pay attention, I wouldn't be able to see it.    


I was about to reach for the bell when the door opened and a young man in black stood in the doorway, looking at me with respect.    


"You must be Mr. Yi." the man asked politely, bowing to me.    


I nodded.    


"Come in." The man asked me to come in. I walked in and saw that the yard was empty.    


"Please come with me." The man closed the door and walked inside.    


I followed him into the small building, and in the first place was a large hall, brightly lit and richly decorated, where several well-dressed men and women were sitting on sofas at one side of the hall, drinking tea and talking softly, laughing and laughing. From time to time there were waiters walking by, and the atmosphere was elegant and quiet.    


"Please come with me." The other went straight up the stairs, and I followed.    


On the second floor, there was a corridor. There were Japanese rooms on both sides of the corridor, all with sliding doors. Several rooms had lights on; there were faint sounds of music coming from inside while others were talking and laughing.    


It dawned on me that this was a high level clubhouse.    


He followed the waiter through the usual corridors, turned a corner, and walked for a long time. Finally, the waiter stopped at a door, knocked twice, and said softly, "Sir, your guest has arrived."    


"Come in." It was Wu De's voice.    


The waiter opened the door and I stepped inside.    


Walking around the screen, I saw Wu De, sitting cross-legged on the tatami, quietly sipping his tea.    


In such a big room, there was only Wu De. I was surprised that there was no Emperor. I thought Wu De was together with the Emperor.    


Wu De didn't seem to see me come in. He just sat there quietly sipping his tea without raising his head.    


"Hello, Boss Wu, I'm here." I stood there.    


"Yes." Wu De replied and then looked up at me. He suddenly smiled. "Yi Ke, come. Please take a seat."    


I took off my shoes and climbed onto the tatami. I sat across from Wu De and saw a book on the tea table in front of Wu De — — Sun Tzu's Art of War.    


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