Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C692 The Desperate Cao Li

C692 The Desperate Cao Li

I stared at the expression on the office manager's face, and at Qiu Tong's. They were both looking at the computer right now.    


Cao Lee's face had already turned ashen, and her eyes were filled with despair. She seemed to be unable to sit still any longer and her body felt a little weak.    


Suddenly, I saw an incredulous expression on the office manager's face. His eyes were fixed on the computer screen, and his mouth was half-open.    


Then I saw Qiu Tong's face relax, and she gave me a disapproving look, as if she were blaming me for scaring her with my expression.    


I suddenly understood something and my heart relaxed. Then, I suddenly understood that I was just scaring myself. I had tortured myself thoroughly and even frightened Qiu Tong.    


I was a bit amused at my previous overestimation of Cao Teng. How come I never thought about how Cao Teng's electronic version of the exam found anything abnormal, it was all the same form, and all of them had the same subscript. If he didn't check them one by one, how would he be able to find out that the 50 thousand subscribers weren't from Hsinghai, and that it would obviously take a very long time.    


From the time he received the phone call to coming over, only ten minutes had passed, and this was basically the speed without stopping at all. There was practically no room for tampering, and he wouldn't think that I didn't use the 50 thousand account data that I obtained, and wouldn't think that this wasn't Hsinghai's customer information. He would definitely think that the information that he had personally went to the Statistical Office exam, was extremely accurate, and that half of the information inside was certainly Hsinghai's customer information that he had stolen.    


I was thinking too much just now. I neglected the crucial point, which is that Cao Teng took 10 minutes to get here. He didn't have the time to mess around. This meant that he had no doubts about the authenticity of the information. It also showed that he was very confident in his control over everything.    


"How could it be like this?" murmured the office manager.    


Metropolitan News Chief Editor then turned his head to look at the computer screen, and then also stared with his eyes wide open: "73, only 73 are the same, that's impossible, impossible. Is there something wrong with the software? "    


"It can't be. I've tested this software many times and every time, it was accurate. There shouldn't be any errors." the office manager said.    


"What's going on?" Metropolitan News, Chief Editor's eyes widened as he looked at the office manager.    


"This only means that only 73 subscribers are the same as us. The rest are not our subscribers. " the office manager said.    


Hearing the conversation between the two, Group Chief Editor and Sun Dongkai both heaved a sigh of relief. Their expressions were filled with joy, but soon after, they became very calm. They looked at the Minister with calm eyes.    


Cao Lee seemed to be in a daze as she watched the scene unfold.    


Of the 50 thousand subscribers, 73 were the same, which was obviously very normal and did not constitute theft. Any unit would inevitably encounter duplication when it went to purchase. I know, this must be when my steward was counting the subscribers of the non-evening newspaper, a portion of the subscribers of Hsinghai were also included, this is a very normal thing.    


"This is definitely impossible. The information I have obtained is accurate and absolutely impossible." Metropolitan News Chief Editor suddenly lost his composure and shouted: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it."    


Qiu Tong suddenly reached out and pulled the plate out of her laptop, then said coldly, "What if you don't believe me? Material evidence is what you want by name, what you want, what I want from you, the phone calls are from you, you can arrange whatever you want to do, the notebook is from you, you can verify whatever you want to verify, the bullsh * t is from you, the software is as awesome as it can be, now that the results are out, what else do you want? You want to lift a rock and smash your own feet? You want to go back on what you did? You want to deny what you just did in front of so many leaders and colleagues?    


When you're done with the fire, I'll let you do it. Now it's time for me to light a lamp. Chief, I would like to ask you to give your leaders and colleagues an explanation. Please explain what the results of this verification indicate and what it proves to be? I would also like to ask your boss, what is the nature of deceiving a leader, and what is the quality of wrongly accusing one's peers?    


If today you are only targeting me personally, I do not mind, but today, we are all under your leadership from the provincial Newspaper Group, Vice Chief Editor Ji, as well as the minister from our city committee's Ministry of Propaganda, as well as my leaders and colleagues from our group, so, now, I would like to ask you, boss, to give us an explanation, please — "    


Qiu Tong's usual style of speaking, which was gentle and euphemistic, suddenly became stiff. Her words became sharp, her words precise, her tone forceful, her attitude clear, her words clear, her tongue sharp, her counterattack harsh, merciless, and without any trace of politeness.    


Hearing Qiu Tong's words, looking at the red-faced, mute Metropolitan News Chief Editor and the awkward expression of the provincial group Vice Chief Editor, I felt refreshed. I felt exceptionally carefree and joyful in my heart.    


I didn't expect Qiu Tong to be so powerful, so energetic.    


Chief Editor and Sun Dongkai did not conceal the approval in their eyes at all, nodding slightly towards Qiu Tong. Cao Lee seemed to have suddenly realized something at this moment, with confusion and confusion in her eyes, but more importantly, it was the luck and joy of surviving a great disaster. She straightened her back, and her eyes began to emit the joy and happiness of being frightened after a great calamity.    


Qiu Tong said as she walked back to her seat and sat down. She then handed me the Eternal plate and continued, "Let me tell you the truth, esteemed Hsinghai and Metropolitan News boss, how did you get our 50 thousand sets of customer information? It was the manager of our second business department, Yi Ke, who started his own department, going from door to door to conduct surveys, from house to door. All of our statistics are for non-evening newspaper subscribers, and of course, we don't have the energy to go and count the subscribers to your Metropolitan News one by one.    


Of course, there have to be repeats among them, these 73 accounts are repetitions, for the repetitive 73 accounts, if your boss believes that we have stolen your Trade Secret, then I am very sorry, I am willing to publicly apologize, I am willing to accept any of your claims, and at the same time am willing to accept any punishment from the city committee's Ministry of Propaganda and group leaders.    


At the same time, we are all in the news with weapons of public opinion in our hands. We can also find our own reporters to publicly report on this matter. We can have a tough self-examination. "    


When I heard this, I couldn't help but want to laugh, even the Minister seemed to be unable to hold back his laughter. The group of Chief Editor and Sun Dongkai parted their mouths, wanting to laugh as well, while Cao Lee just straightforwardly "puchi", laughing it out before hurriedly covering her mouth.    


Metropolitan News, Chief Editor, looked a bit ashamed and angry at the moment. However, he couldn't flare up in this kind of situation, as this wasn't the place where he could behave atrociously.    


After Qiu Tong finished speaking, she raised the cup of water in front of her, leisurely took two sips, and then looked at Metropolitan News Chief Editor with cold and scornful eyes.    


The provincial reporter Vice Chief Editor Ji's expression was abnormally ugly. He glared furiously at Metropolitan News and Chief Editor, but did not say a word.    


The group's Chief Editor started to speak up. He looked at the minister and said, "Minister, look at this."    


Sun Dongkai also quickly said: "Minister, say a few words."    


The minister then turned to Vice Chief Editor Ji who was in the province's Newspaper Group and politely said: "Boss, it's better if you do it."    


The Minister effortlessly kicked the ball to the boss of the day. This guy was truly tactful when it came to handling matters.    


I think he must have regretted trusting his subordinate's words to rouse the Minister, and then brought people here to denounce us, but there isn't anyone in this world who would sell medicine for regret.    


However, Chief Editor was actually someone who had experienced such an event in the past. After being embarrassed for a short while, he said with a sincere expression: "Up until now, the matter has already been made clear, I think this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding caused by someone with ulterior motives. There must be people who do not want to see the friendly and united Hsinghai develop together, and want to destroy the friendship between our two Newspaper Group s.    


Now, with the cooperation and hard work of both sides, the situation has been clarified, the misunderstanding clarified, the misunderstanding dispelled, and everyone's heart is free of any grudges. This is very good, it will be beneficial to further deepen our friendship in the future.    


I think today's verification is also necessary. It is not bad for all of us. Of course, the things that happened today brought some inconvenience to the leaders and peers of the Hsinghai Media and their teams. I am deeply apologetic here, and I express my deepest apologies to everyone here on behalf of Hsinghai. "    


Vice Chief Editor Ji stood up and bowed to us.    


When Vice Chief Editor said this, Chief Editor and Sun Dongkai couldn't help but express their annoyance. However, they still stood up to return the greeting.    


Sun Dongkai said, "Chief, I can't do that. How can I apologize? This is just a small misunderstanding. It is normal and necessary for the leaders to question our work, which means that our work has not been done meticulously and meticulously enough. In the future, we will work hard to make up for the deficiencies of our work, deepen the interaction with our peers, and do our work better.    


Then, everyone sat down, and the minister spoke: "I think today's matter shall end here, just as the boss of the Newspaper Group province had said, this is just a misunderstanding, and this misunderstanding will not affect the relationship between our Hsinghai s of the newspaper industry and the Newspaper Group of the province in the slightest, and will not affect the friendship between Hsinghai Evening News Ge and the rest of our Hsinghai s. We are all old friends of the newspaper industry, with many years of friendship between us, our friendship's foundation is profound, and it will not be affected by this little misunderstanding in the slightest.    


Just now, the boss had said it well. If there is a chance, we can change it, but if there is no way, we can increase the effort. I agree with him. This fully demonstrates the noble character of the provincial newspaper leaders and their magnanimity and modesty. In my opinion, Hsinghai has to learn from this incident, and have to work hard to carry out all kinds of work in a more rigorous and meticulous manner, to the point of being perfect and beautiful.    


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