Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C676 The Logic of the Wise

C676 The Logic of the Wise

Qiu Tong smiled and sat down at her desk, looking at me. "Actually, you wouldn't be angry even if you despised me. However, I feel that this is the logic of a wise man. When we do things, you don't have to take extreme revenge if others hurt or hurt you or your friends. You can do it in any other wise way. "If the other party is so heartless, then we have no choice but to be righteous. Otherwise, we would have lowered ourselves to the same level as the other party. If the other party is a despicable person, then we might not necessarily be able to see eye to eye."    


Listening to what Qiu Tong said until here, I couldn't help but recall the scheme the other party had with Cao Lee. The other party was indeed unrighteous, but I had already used my intelligence to dissolve the threat, causing the other party to fail to achieve his goal and achieve no success. If I were to use Cao Lee's details to punish her, wouldn't I be putting myself at the same level as her?    


The other party's actions were very despicable, but my actions were equally despicable.    


If Qiu Tong knew that I had done such a thing, she would despise me deeply, and would even be extremely disappointed in me, and would bring me into the ranks of the shameless from now on.    


Thinking about this, I couldn't help but feel ashamed and uneasy. Qiu Tong didn't know about my operation, so the words she said to me were obviously not directed towards this matter. She seemed to have come for my recent frequent contact with Cao Lee and believed that I wouldn't have any relationship with her, but she seemed to be worried that I would use some extreme method to take revenge on Cao Lee.    


I didn't mean to stick around in the shadows, but Qiu Tong's words just now hit on another part of my mind. I had actually been feeling faintly uneasy about my own actions with regards to Hsinghai. I didn't want to be a noble person, but neither did I want to be a despicable person.    


In a trance, I felt that I couldn't deceive my own heart, I couldn't deceive Qiu Tong, much less fail to live up to Qiu Tong's expectations and trust in me. I had already deceived her enough, and I couldn't go any further!    


When I got back to the office, I was still thinking about it, thinking about what Qiu Tong had said, and for a long time I couldn't calm down, sometimes ashamed, sometimes confused, sometimes ignorant.    


He took out the plate and looked at it for a long time. Finally, he made up his mind and stood up. He left the office, went to the bathroom and threw the plate into the sewer.    


When I got back to the office, I suddenly felt relieved.    


The 'You Pan' is gone, the materials for the of 60 thousand are gone. I have to get the names of the 50 thousand subscribers who have given me the Hsinghai.    


I decided to implement the method I had told Qiu Tong about, and set up my operators to count non-evening subscribers within their own areas.    


Although this method was primitive and required some effort, it was practical and accurate enough to ensure that it did not duplicate existing subscribers. Furthermore, the crucial point was that it made my heart feel at ease.    


Of course, I can't treat my people unfairly by doing this. I'll give them some extra service compensation.    


That afternoon, I called a meeting of the whole staff of Business Division 2 and assigned the task of collecting the names of 50 thousand subscribers to the non-evening papers, a thousand each. I requested a detailed address and contact details and gave everyone ten days to complete the operation. He had thought that everyone would come up with all kinds of difficulties and requests, but he didn't expect that everyone would agree so readily. Not a single one of them showed any signs of being troubled or worried.    


"What is it? You think this is easy? "Actually, I know that this will require you to do a lot of extra work, but this task does not really belong to you. You can put forward your own thoughts and requests, and you can speak of any hardships you have." "No," I said.    


Everyone started chuckling. One of the slightly older salesperson said, "Manager Yi, of course we know this job isn't easy, but no matter how difficult it is, no matter if it's our job or not, as long as you ask for it, we will guarantee you a fair share of work and ensure you won't be disappointed."    


I said, "Of course, I'll give everyone some labor subsidies. We can't let the guys do it for nothing."    


Another salesman said: "Manager Yi, you are a stranger when you say that. Normally, we all have a scale in our hearts about how you treat big guys. Don't talk about money with us. Money is one thing, happiness is another. "    


I was very pleased and touched by this.    


"Actually, Manager Yi, we don't need ten days to finish the task you gave us. I don't think that even three days will be enough time for everyone to deliver the goods to you."    




"Have you forgotten? When we are doing business normally, we all have a detailed customer profile in accordance with your request. The logistics clients that we send are many of those who don't subscribe to the evening papers, and the big guys all have 32,000 customer profiles. Picking out 1000 of them is a very simple matter. I can provide a thousand good customer lists tomorrow. "    


These words reminded me, yes, how could I have forgotten about this. These guys have a lot of materials that can be distributed to customers, and they all build files for their clients. Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel a bit relieved and happy.    


"Yeah, Manager Yi, how can it take 10 more days? I can also deliver the goods to you tomorrow." Everyone began talking.    


I laughed out loud. "F * * k! Awesome! Awesome! I thank everyone for their support. However, the labor service fees that I have given everyone still have to be paid."    


I smiled and took out a pack of cigarettes. I took one out myself and threw the pack to the others.    


We continued to chat and laugh as we smoked.    


Inadvertently, I glanced outside the meeting room and saw Qiu Tong standing in the corridor outside the window, watching and listening with interest.    


When I saw Qiu Tong, my heart jumped slightly. I couldn't help but take a few more glances at her.    


When she saw me, Qiu Tong smiled at me and walked away.    


After the meeting, when it was almost time to get off work, I remembered that I hadn't been to Hai Zhu's for some days, so I drove straight to Spring Travel.    


Winter is the season of tourism, but in the spring tourism, there are still a lot of guests, in and out of the visitors are all come and go for registration and consultation.    


When I walked in, Sweetie Ru saw me and happily called out to me, "Brother, long time no see."    


I smiled as I looked at Sweetie Ru. "Hehe, little fellow. You're getting more and more beautiful."    


Sweetie Ru chuckled.    


I looked at the customers at the counter and said, "Are they all random guests?"    


"Yes, Sister Hai Zhu has recently launched a few ice and snow travel routes. Many customers are very interested, so there are an endless stream of enquiries coming in." Sweetie Ru said.    


"Yes." I nodded, then said to Sweetie Ru, "You busy yourself, I'll go in and take a look."    


I went straight to Hai Zhu's office. Hai Zhu was busy with something with her head lowered. When she saw me enter, she raised her head and smiled. "Brother, you're here."    


"You have quite a lot of guests. I heard from Sweetie Ru earlier that you launched a few ice and snow tourism routes." I sat across from Hai Zhu.    


"Yeah, during my last meeting in Harbin, I made a deal with a few travel agencies there. Winter is a low season, so we have to make sure that it's not dull. In addition to the traditional southern tourist routes, we also made a few ice and snow tourist routes, which are all ski fields." "There is also the Great Xing'an Ridge Hunters Country Roads for the Herdsmen." "Hai Zhu said.    


"Mm, very good. Have there been many teams recently? " "No," I said.    


"It's not bad. The inbound tour has remained stable and there has been a significant increase in outbound travel. They are all going to Bali, to Saipan, Maldives and New Matai." Hai Zhu said.    


I nodded my head. "The amount of money our group needs to travel is quite large. Is the company's liquidity sufficient?"    


I'm a little worried that taking out that $450 thousand will put the company in a passive position.    


Hai Zhu said: "Hehe, of course, enough. Let me tell you, our company's current liquid capital is over 1 million. Right, after Sanshui Group is sent out in groups, they still need to organize a large national client union. This association is also given to us to manage, half of it is for meetings, and the other half is for tourism. "    


I smiled. "It seems that we have really become long-term partners."    


"They are very satisfied with the large scale holiday program that we gave them," Wu said.    


I said: "Tourism is to do services, services are the basis of tourism enterprises ah. We will continue to work on improving the quality of our services. There is no end to the service. "    


Hai Zhu nodded. "Yes."    


I added, "By the way, how are the old employees?"    


Hai Zhu said, "What senior staff?"    


I said, "It was done by Little Pig in the past. He left it to our old employees!"    


Hai Zhu said, "Oh, that. "They're all very good. Not a single one of them has left and they've all done very well. They're basically the backbone of their business, and their income has even increased since that time when Little Pig was here."    


I nodded. "Yes, very good."    


"Of course we can't fail to live up to Piggy's expectations and wishes. Piggy is our benefactor. " Hai Zhu said: "If there were no piglets, where would we have a company today? Oh yeah, brother, why hasn't Little Pig left for so long?    


I said, "There's been news recently that she's doing well in Canada, living and working very well."    


"How do you know?" Did she contact you? " Hai Zhu looked at me.    


I said, "She contacted Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong told me."    


At the mention of Qiu Tong, Hai Zhu's expression suddenly darkened. "She told you, why didn't she tell me?"    


I said, "Not yet."    


As she was speaking, the door to Hai Zhu's office was knocked a few times. Hai Zhu said, "Please come in —"    


Then, with a smile, Qiu Tong pushed the door open and entered, carrying a bag in her hand.    


"Sister Qiu is here." There was a trace of surprise in Hai Zhu's voice.    


Seeing that Hai Zhu and I were both there, Sofia smiled and said, "You're both here. Sister Hai Zhu, I haven't seen you in days. I have good news for you today. Piggy has news and everything is going well for her in Canada. Well, she mailed me some Canadian maple syrup, so I brought it here for you to have a taste. "    


After saying that, Qiu Tong placed the bag on Hai Zhu's desk and opened it to reveal a beautifully wrapped candy.    


Hai Zhu looked at the candy on the table, looked at me, and then looked at Qiu Tong.    


"Sister Qiu, take a seat." Hai Zhu said lightly.    


Qiu Tong sat on the chair next to me and then handed some candy to Hai Zhu and me. "Hey, have a taste. This maple syrup is very delicious and very sweet. Snowy really likes it. "    


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