Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C668 Stubborn Donkey Temper

C668 Stubborn Donkey Temper

Leh laughed loudly: "You brat, you have a stubborn temper. It's very similar to when I was younger. Somehow, when I see you, I remember that time. I think you're not just a good worker. If I put you in the official position, you could do a bit of work for me. "    


I said, "Thanks to your praise and conviction, but unfortunately, I'm not interested in the government, and I don't know anything about the government. I can't. Oh right, my leader Qiu Tong can be counted as one of the officials, she is a member of the department whose Hsinghai and skills are on record in the organizational department of the city council. "    


Leh looked at Qiu Tong and nodded, "It's not easy for women to mess around in the government these days, especially girls who want to do something with their own abilities."    


Qiu Tong looked at Leh and said, "It seems that not only does Uncle Li know the workplace well, he also knows a lot about the government?"    


Leh said, "It can't be that we understand. As we get older, we can hear a lot. We only know a little bit about it."    


At this moment, Qiu Tong's phone rang. Qiu Tong answered: "Cloud …"    


Cloud called and I looked at Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong nodded as she listened. "Yes, it's here …" Leave it in my office. "    


After putting down the phone, Qiu Tong looked at me. "The report has been signed and approved by the boss. The Party office has sent it to Yun."    


I let out a breath and grinned.    


Qiu Tong looked at me, pursed her lips and smiled. It was a sweet and beautiful smile.    


Leh looked at my expression and Qiu Tong's. He smiled with a kind and loving look in his eyes.    


Everyone continued to chat while sipping their tea. Unknowingly, it was already late in the night. The road lamps outside were lit up, but the snow was still falling.    


The heat in the room was very hot, in stark contrast to the journey through the snow and ice.    


Looking at the weather outside, Qiu Tong looked at Leh and said, "Uncle Li, let's have dinner together tonight. I'll treat you to a hot pot."    


Leh shook his head. "No, it's better if I go back. "Go eat with Yi."    


Leh's voice was not loud, but his attitude was unquestionable.    


"It's still snowing outside, the road isn't easy to walk on. How about, Yi and I will send you back." Qiu Tong said.    


Leh laughed. "Heh heh, no need. I have a way to go back. My colt is waiting for me downstairs. Alright, let's end the conversation here today. My daughter, come and drink tea with me if you have nothing else to do. I have some good tea here. I'll make better tea for my daughter the next time you come. "    


Qiu Tong chuckled and nodded, "Alright, I hope I can continue to listen to your teachings if I have the chance."    


I looked at Leh: "Old man, you aren't a good friend enough. You still haven't taken out the good stuff to entertain me."    


Leh stood up and patted my head. Kid, are you jealous of your superior? "No way."    


Leh looked at Qiu Tong and we both started laughing.    


Leh then left, leaving only Qiu Tong and me in the room.    


Today, we had a lot of tea. Leh, summer, and Qiu Tong all appeared on stage, taking turns to walk on stage. Finally, Qiu Tong and I finished.    


I looked at Qiu Tong. "Hot pot?"    


Qiu Tong smiled. "Yes."    


"You're treating?"    


"No, please! "You're about to get rich. Wish you could treat me to a hot pot first." Qiu Tong said.    


"Didn't you just say that you were going to treat us to hot pot?" "No," I said.    


"That's for Leh, not you. "Now that Leh has left, it's your turn to invite him." Qiu Tong said.    


I said, "Well, let's go. There's a hotpot restaurant downstairs, Chongqing Xiaotian Goose."    


"Let's go." After saying that, Qiu Tong stood up and was about to leave. Then she said to me, "Oh yeah, it's snowing today. How is Hai Zhu now?" I think we'll ask Hai Zhu to eat with us.    


Thus, I took out my cell phone and called Hai Zhu. Hai Zhu had a customer over at her place, and she was on her way to the hotel to eat with her customers. Naturally, she couldn't come, so I urged Hai Zhu to go back as soon as possible after she had taken care of her customers.    


After the call, I looked at Qiu Tong. "Hai Zhu is entertaining clients right now, so she can't come."    


"Then let's go." Qiu Tong said with a slight hesitation.    


We went downstairs together, out of the teahouse, and went directly to the nearby Xiaotian's Goose Hot Pot Shop.    


My car was parked in front of the teahouse. I didn't see Qiu Tong's car. It seemed like she came in Chief Editor's car.    


At the hotpot restaurant, I ordered a bottle of white wine.    


"It's cold. Drink some warm white water to warm your body." "No," I said.    


"Mm, alright, I'll drink white too." Qiu Tong said.    


"Thirty to seventy percent. I'll take seven, you take three." "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong curled her lips. "Are you looking down on women? "No, five or five against one, half for each person."    


I smiled. "Stop showing off. Your alcohol tolerance isn't that high."    


Qiu Tong said, "Who said that? Drinking depends on your mood. I'm in a good mood tonight, so I reckon half a pound won't be a problem. Sigh, congratulations to Hero Yi for taking the big deal. I must congratulate you. Of course, I have to thank you as well. Your results are my political achievements. I'm happy, you know? "    


Qiu Tong teased me in her dialect, and I couldn't help but smile. I poured some wine and raised my glass. "Since you've said thanks, then you're acting like an outsider."    


Qiu Tong raised her glass. Before she drank the wine, her face had turned red, as if she had been roasted by the heat of the hotpot.    


"Even though you said so, I still want to say — thank you! Really, Yi Ke. No matter what, I want to thank you. " After Qiu Tong finished speaking, she gave me a deep look, then raised her glass and finished it in one gulp.    


Looking at Qiu Tong's charming and handsome face under the light, a warm current flowed through my heart. I raised my glass and drained it.    


Then we drank and talked.    


Soon, a bottle of white wine was almost finished by both of us, and Qiu Tong and I drank about the same amount.    


Qiu Tong's face was red and cute. Her eyes and words revealed a slight intoxication, but she still maintained sufficient clarity of mind. She seemed to be very happy.    


I didn't drink much. Looking at the peerless Qiu Tong across from me, I felt a little tipsy in my heart. As the saying goes, if you don't get drunk, everyone gets drunk.    


Suddenly, Qiu Tong's eyes stared straight at me, causing my heart to beat faster and a little scared.    


"Qiu Tong, what happened to you?" I thought Qiu Tong was getting drunk.    


Qiu Tong didn't say anything and just continued to look at me.    


I took a closer look at Qiu Tong's eyes and realized that she wasn't looking at me, but behind me.    


"What's wrong?" I said, about to turn back.    


"Don't look back." Qiu Tong suddenly whispered.    


So I stayed in the same position and looked at Qiu Tong. "What's going on?"    


"Behind you, in front of the desk, there's a man looking at us from time to time. I've never seen this person before. I think this person is a bit suspicious. " Qiu Tong lowered her head and said softly as she felt around in her bag for something.    


I suddenly became alert. Qiu Tong didn't know anyone, but they were sizing us up. Who could it be?    


"Here, take this." Qiu Tong handed me something. I looked and saw that it was a small mirror that the girl had brought with her.    


I understood what Qiu Tong meant. I put the small mirror in my hand, covered the edge of the mirror with my palm and lowered my head. Then, pretending that I was not paying attention, I supported my forehead with my palm.    


Immediately, I saw a familiar face!    


Duan Xiangloong!    


My heart skipped a beat: Duan Xiangloong has arrived the Hsinghai! What was he doing here?    


At this moment, Duan Xiangloong was standing in front of the counter, pretending to be waiting for someone. He was leisurely smoking and looking around, occasionally glancing in my direction and Qiu Tong's direction.    


I immediately put away the small mirror to prevent him from noticing.    


I handed the small mirror back to Qiu Tong and took a sip of tea from my water cup as if nothing had happened.    


"Do you know that person?" Qiu Tong looked at me.    


I carelessly said, "I don't know him. You're overthinking things. This person is waiting for a friend, right? It has nothing to do with us."    


"Then why does he keep looking in our direction?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Because you are too beautiful. Beautiful women are always very attractive. Didn't you notice that there's always someone looking in our direction? Don't you notice the gazes of the surrounding men? " I pointed around.    


Qiu Tong's face turned even redder as she glared at me. "What nonsense are you spouting?"    


"Alright, let's eat. That person has nothing to do with us, just ignore him." I said as I scooped up the cooked meat for Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong seemed to believe me and started to eat.    


I didn't feel at ease though. Damn, Duan Xiangloong came to Hsinghai, what is he doing here? What was he doing here? Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for?    


As I thought about it, I inadvertently glanced at the window on the right side of the seat and found that I could see Duan Xiangloong in the reflection of the window.    


So Qiu Tong and I ate while looking at Duan Xiangloong through the window, frowning and pondering.    


Duan Xiangloong didn't seem to notice me. He seemed to be really attracted by Qiu Tong's beauty. His eyes wandered aimlessly as he looked in Qiu Tong's direction and towards the door from time to time.    


I believe Duan Xiangloong didn't notice me. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so calm and collected.    


I suddenly admired Qiu Tong's intuition. She actually had a kind of subconscious suspicion towards Duan Xiangloong, who just appeared out of nowhere. You know, in this restaurant, Duan Xiangloong is not the only man looking at us from time to time. Indeed, sometimes intuition was something strange and unfathomable.    


While I was observing Duan Xiangloong's every move, I occasionally glanced at Qiu Tong and saw her secretly watching me.    


"It's not good to eat, why are you looking at me?" "No," I said.    


"Let's see what the hell you're up to." Qiu Tong glanced at Duan Xiangloong's direction as she spoke.    


I laughed. "How did I do that?" "Why are you so worried?"    


Qiu Tong put down her chopsticks and looked at me with her bright eyes. "Yi Ke, don't lie to me. I have an intuition that this person may not have noticed you, but you definitely know him. "    


I looked at Qiu Tong. "You believe in your intuition."    


I felt a sudden sense of frustration, a sense of loss that had been seen through. I don't like this feeling. I don't like to be seen through, even if it's Qiu Tong.    


"I don't really believe in my intuition, but I do," Wu said. Maybe I don't have that kind of intuition about other people, but with you, it's pretty obvious. "    


Qiu Tong's words made me feel half naked.    


At that moment, I saw Qiu Tong's gaze go straight behind me.    


I glanced at the window and couldn't help but shiver. I saw Dong Xue came in and walked straight to Duan Xiangloong's side. Dong Xue followed behind her was Alai.    


Next, the three of them entered a single room.    


I had an indescribable feeling in my heart as I looked at Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong stopped talking and looked at me. She seemed to understand something, but she also didn't seem to understand. She lowered her head and started to eat.    


I know, Qiu Tong definitely thinks that I know Duan Xiangloong. Although I don't know who Duan Xiangloong is, but I can guess that he and Dong Xue know each other. Maybe she doesn't think she needs to ask me anything anymore.    


After a long while, Qiu Tong sighed softly.    


I said, "I know what you're thinking. I do know this person. "He is …"    


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