Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C673 The Suspicion of Overstepping One's Boundaries

C673 The Suspicion of Overstepping One's Boundaries

Qiu Tong's eyes flashed. "Then we'll follow your suggestion and use the name of the evening newspaper." Let's see how the group leaders approve it. "    


I nodded and thought of another question. "Since we are not going to use Issuing Company, why did we have to come up with such an agreement? Are we overstepping our boundaries?"    


Qiu Tong said, "No. Although we don't need to sign the agreement in our name, although the one who signed it wouldn't be us, but in essence, the one who operated the entire process is us, our Issuing Company. Furthermore, we are the ones who contacted them, so, we are responsible for all of this, and no one will think that we are nosy, everyone will take it for granted. "    


I nodded. "Mm, alright. I'll go and do it now. I'll show it to you when I'm done."    


Qiu Tong said, "Alright —"    


At this moment, Qiu Tong's tone was very light and her eyes were very calm. Furthermore, when she spoke to me, she didn't even look at me directly, as though reminding me of something.    


I stood there looking at Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong lowered her eyes and asked, "Is there anything else?"    


"No more." I said, but stood still.    


Qiu Tong raised her eyes and looked at me before sighing softly. "Since there isn't any more, then let's go and get busy."    


Qiu Tong didn't seem to want to talk to me much except at work.    


I let out a small breath, turned slowly, and walked out of Qiu Tong's office. As I walked out of the door, I thought I heard Qiu Tong's soft sigh.    


When he entered the office, Cao Teng wasn't there.    


Cao Teng hadn't been staying in the office for the past few days. Although he didn't know what exactly he was doing outside, he looked very professional.    


I turned on the computer and began to draw up the contract. It took me an hour to complete the agreement.    


According to what Qiu Tong and I said just now, we'll show the agreement to the group leader first, and we'll show it to the Sanshui Group after the leader approves it, and then sign it. But I suddenly wanted to let them know what the terms of the agreement were first so that they wouldn't be too passive in their next moves.    


So I picked up the intercom and called Qiu Tong, telling her my thoughts. Qiu Tong thought for a moment after hearing my words, "Well, that's good as well. It's equal to letting them pass first, then letting us pass. We can't let the other side be too passive when we make the agreement. "Alright, as you wish."    


With that, Qiu Tong hung up the phone.    


I picked up the phone and called Xia Yu.    


"Ahaha, wow, wow, wow, wow!" As soon as the call connected, Xia Yu's exaggerated laughter came from inside: "Second Master, a call came in. It's so good, I received a call from Second Master early in the morning. "    


I said, "What morning? It's already past ten."    


"It's past 10. I really didn't notice. " Xia Yu said.    


As soon as I heard Xia Yu's words, I said, "You're not in your office?"    


"No, I'm at home. I just got up and took a shower. I was just about to put on my clothes and go out when you called, Second Master." "Hey, I'm only wearing my underwear to answer your phone right now." Xia Yu said carelessly, "Second Master looks like he only has blessings in his mouth but not in his eyes. I can't see Bai Bai. Haha, Second Master, do you want to see it? "    


Xia Yu's words made my face turn slightly red. I said, "I'm sorry. I'll call you after you're done wearing your clothes."    


"Sigh … … No need. It wasn't easy for you to call me. How could I let you hang up so easily?" Xia Yu quickly said, "I had something to do, so I picked up the phone without lifting anything. I talked to you while I was dressing. Okay, go ahead. "If Second Master has any instructions, just tell them. Second Wife is listening attentively."    


I said, "I'm calling you about our cooperation in ordering the newspaper. "Our group leader approved this cooperation project. I just drafted a cooperation agreement. I thought you were in the office and I wanted to fax it to you for you to see."    


"It's this one." Xia Yu's voice sounded a little disappointed: "You're so annoying, you bastard Second Master. You brought a job to bother me this early in the morning." I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, you won't tell me anything else. "    


I said, "What else is there to say?"    


Xia Yu said, "Of course there's nothing else to say. For example, it was snowing heavily last night. Do you want to take me out to see the snow? Go to the beach to see the snow-capped island, to see the coastal snow-covered jungle. How good it was. "Second Master, tell me quickly. Say that you want to take Second Wife out to see the snow. Tell me quickly."    


"I'm talking to you about work. I don't want to take you out to see the snow!" I said it directly.    


"Aiya, you dead bastard! Stupid Yi Ke, why are you so unromantic? You don't know how to make girls happy at all!" Xia Yu shouted, "Ahhh! Your Second Wife is really wronged. She suffers from your mental torment all day long. "What the hell am I doing? Aren't I asking for it myself?"    


Xia Yu began to nag like a little granny.    


I said, "I didn't think you were Second Wife at all. You gave it to yourself. You called yourself a real thing all day long. Who made you feel wronged? Who tortured you? You said that you would seal yourself Second Wife before torturing yourself. What exactly did you want? Self-abuse? "    


Xia Yu shouted, "Yi Ke, you dead Yi Ke, you heartless scoundrel, you dare to bully me. Are you patting your chest and saying, "Did I seal Second Wife myself?" You bastard, didn't you give it to me the first time we met? Now you want to go back on your word? You want to revoke the title? I tell you, no way! Don't even dream about it! "    


My head was about to explode from Xia Yu's shouting. I hurriedly said, "Alright, alright. Let's not talk about this anymore." Let's not talk about it anymore. I will not remove that title. You can continue to imagine yourself as Second Wife. I won't tell you this anymore. "    


"Humph — you big bad guy." Xia Yu muttered, "You angered me early in the morning. "No, you have to compensate me. You have to accompany me out to see the snow."    


I said, "Watch my ass. It was snowing at this time of year, and the ground temperature had yet to drop. As soon as the sky cleared, the snow outside was quickly melting. Right now, the snow was almost done. Look at the slush. "    


"He really transformed?" "So fast?" Xia Yu said.    


"Come out and see if you don't believe me," I said.    


Indeed, the temperature had not yet dropped to a certain degree, and neither had the ground temperature. The snow was melting rapidly as the sun rose.    


"Oh, that's true." Xia Yu seemed to be looking out of the window, "What a pity. Hey, why didn't you call me early in the morning? What are you doing, Second Master? Don't you know that Second Wife needs you to accompany her to see the snow? "    


I said, "Alright, you. I won't argue with you anymore. I'll call you when you get to the office. I'll tell you the contents of the agreement and ask for your opinion."    


"Hey — no, don't hang up." Xia Yu said hurriedly.    


"What?" "No," I said.    


"I'm not going to the office today. Just tell me on the phone and I'll listen to that. " Xia Yu said.    


"Can you remember? Can you hear me? " "No," I said.    


"Nonsense! Do you think I'm a rice bucket?!" Xia Yu bluntly said, "Ding, little Second Master, quickly report this to me."    


Thus, I read Xia Yu's letter of agreement one by one on the phone. Xia Yu nodded and didn't comment.    


After reading it, I said, "You should make suggestions and suggestions."    


Xia Yu said, "That's it."    


"Yes!" "No," I said.    


"I think so. The content was very perfect, and the words used were very accurate. Both sides' powers and obligations are set out in more concrete terms. However, I think I can add another sentence to the first part of this agreement regarding the significance of establishing strategic partners. " Xia Yu said matter-of-factly, "Since we are strategic partners, then everyone's power and responsibilities are mutual. We have to carry it out from a strategic point of view. This part seems a bit thin. "There's also a fourth"    


Xia Yu spoke frankly with assurance.    


When I heard what Xia Yu said, I couldn't help but secretly praise her in my heart. Her memory is really good. She actually remembered what I said just now. Furthermore, the suggestion she made was quite reasonable.    


I listened carefully to Xia Yu's suggestion, marking it with a pen.    


Xia Yu talked for ten minutes, then said, "That's my suggestion. The basic framework of the agreement doesn't have to be moved. The numbers don't have to be moved either. "What do you think?"    


I said, "I don't see it. Your memory is very good, and your suggestions are very reasonable. I think they can be accepted. I'll modify it immediately. "    


Xia Yu laughed with pride: "How about it, Second Master, Second Wife isn't a rice bucket right? Let me tell you, my memory is amazing, I can recite the rounding decimal point and get to 100, do you believe me? "    


I said, "Really? I can't believe it. "    


Xia Yu said, "If you don't believe me, just listen." Listen to Second Wife perform for you. "First, you lower the number at the bottom of the circle rate, and then I start to recite it."    


I was curious, so I quickly searched the decimal point behind the rounding rate at 100 degrees, then said to Xia Yu, "Okay, let's begin."    


"3.1415926535897932384643383279..." Xia Yu quickly carried it on her back, skillfully and smoothly.    


I quickly checked it with my mind. As expected, Xia Yu was really good. She was able to recite a lot of the words at the end.    


After Xia Yu finished reciting it in one breath, I couldn't help but sincerely praise her. "Not bad, you really have some skills. "Formidable."    


"Haha." Xia Yu laughed, "This is something I would have learned from high school. It's not strange. "How about it, Second Master? Do you want to be proud and proud of Second Wife?"    


I said, "Heh heh, good, then I will be proud and proud. "Why — why is your memory so good?"    


Xia Yu said, "First of all, I learned to read and memorize all of my brain. Secondly, idiot Second Master, don't you know that a woman's memory is always better than a man's? "    


I said, "I know all the brain memory, but I've never heard of a woman with better memory than a man."    


Xia Yu laughed. "Many men forget when they meet, many men forget when they talk, many men forget when they do. But a woman can remember him, and what he said, and what he did, for many years, and even for a lifetime. "    


I said, "That's what you mean."    


Xia Yu said, "Nonsense, just like how you said that I sealed Second Wife myself, you've completely forgotten that this is the first time you've sealed me. You forget it very quickly, but I won't forget it."    


I smiled bitterly. "You're using this as an excuse."    


Xia Yu said, "Isn't that the truth? Don't dodge, don't dodge. "    


I said, "I didn't evade or evade."    


Xia Yu said: "Between men and women, forgetfulness is always a man, a man who is heartless. The words were forgotten in the blink of an eye, but not the words of a woman. For the man he liked, every word he said would be firmly engraved in his heart.    


I know that most of the time you men love and hate women with too good a memory, and when a man asks a woman where your socks are, you want her memory to be superb.    


But more often than not, a man wants a woman to have a poor memory, because a woman who has a good memory can remember all the good memories a man has given her, and she can't forget all the bad memories a man has brought her.     


"When do you think men don't want a woman with a good memory?" I asked.    


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