Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C624 Do You Want to Express the Following

C624 Do You Want to Express the Following

I walked to the door and looked back at Qiu Tong. I saw Qiu Tong staring at me in a daze. When she saw me looking back, she lowered her head and pretended to be looking at something.    


I gently shut the door and walked out in silence.    


He didn't want to go back to his office and planned to get off work early.    


He went downstairs and came out of the staircase. Suddenly, he saw Xia Yu hurrying out from the entrance of the advertising company.    


As soon as I saw Xia Yu, I was terrified. I hurriedly lowered my head, trying to avoid her.    


"Hmm? Second Master?" Xia Yu exclaimed in surprise when she saw me. "I went to your office just now to check if you were there. I didn't expect to see you here."    


Unable to avoid it, I raised my head to look at Xia Yu: "Boss Xia, I really met you by chance. What are you doing in the advertising company?"    


Xia Yu blinked her eyes and smiled slyly, "It's nothing important. I'm just here to settle some small matters." Look, Second Master, not only am I a customer of your Issuing Company, I'm also a customer of your advertising company. "    


"Oh, hur hur." I smiled.    


"By the way, what about the implementation plan for the newspaper order you said you were going to give me?" Xia Yu said.    


"It's not done yet." "No," I said.    


"Yo--Second Master's work efficiency is average. I'm waiting to see your masterpiece. " Xia Yu smiled at me.    


"I'll do it as soon as I can."    


"Alright. Actually, there was no need to rush. The biggest characteristic of me is patience. " Xia Yu said, "Look, Second Master, I'm at your place. It's time to get off work. A big customer is here, do you want to say something?"    


"How?" "No," I said.    


"Like having dinner." Xia Yu said.    


"You want me to treat you to dinner?"    


"Nonsense, what do you think? Don't you understand that you should be as warm as spring for your clients? "Hey — it's cold now. I feel really cold. Second Master, do you want to give me some of the warmth of spring?" Xia Yu said.    


I didn't say anything, trying to figure out a way to get Xia Yu to leave.    


"Stingy guy, it's fine if you don't want to treat us." Xia Yu said.    


I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard Xia Yu's words.    


"Then I'll treat you." Xia Yu continued, "Anyway, you're my client. If you don't want to give me warmth, then I'll just give it to you."    


As I listened, my head began to crack again.    


"Boss Xia, I think you're going to be rude. How can I let you spend so much?" I said, "I think we should just forget about it. Let's head back to our own homes to eat."    


"You stingy fellow, you dare to treat such a big client like that? It's fine if you don't treat me like that, but I'm treating you like that. Why are you even treating me like that?" "You say?" Xia Yu pouted, "No, no matter who's treating, you have to accompany me for dinner tonight. "Let me tell you, if you dare to continue neglecting big clients, I'm not done with you."    


I scratched my head, feeling a headache coming on. "My dear lady, can you not eat this meal? I've already invited you over, why do you still want to eat? "    


Seeing me like this, Xia Yu smiled complacently. "Among customers, we have to eat together frequently. Only then can we deepen our understanding and feelings. How could one time be enough? It had to be done multiple times. Let's go, let's go, my little BMW is right at the gate. "    


Saying that, Xia Yu came over and pulled on my arm, "Hey — — Second Master, Second Wife is begging you, can you accompany me for a meal?"    


I didn't move, but Xia Yu tugged on my arm and muttered, "Damn Second Master, why did you stop me with the needle? No matter how hard I tried, you wouldn't be able to pull. I'll see if I can pull you. "    


While they were pulling each other, Cao Lee walked over.    


"Hey — what are you guys doing, pulling around here." Cao Lee looked at us suspiciously.    


Xia Yu stopped her tugging at me and turned around to look at Cao Lee. She said unhappily, "Who are you? What does pulling him have to do with you? "Mind your own business."    


Cao Lee froze upon hearing Xia Yu's blunt reply.    


"Who am I? I'm Yi Ke's leader. " Cao Lee looked confidently at Xia Yu and said, "Who are you? "Why are you pulling Comrade Yi Ke around our unit?"    


"Leader?" Xia Yu was stunned as she looked at Cao Lee, "You are the leader of Yi Ke?"    


"Yes." Cao Lee puffed out her chest, looking a little proud. "I am Comrade Yi Ke's leader, who are you? Answer me? "    


"Who am I to you? So what if you are Yi Ke's leader? You think I'm scared when you use that big hat on me? I've seen many different leaders. " Xia Yu stared, "Who are you fooling? Do you think I don't know who Yi Ke's leader is? I don't care who you are, I only recognize Big Sister Qiu Tong as Yi Ke's leader, you. "Why do I find it that the more I see of you, the more you don't seem like a leader? You seem like someone from a socializing field, so I think you're an impostor."    


Xia Yu seemed to have no impression of Cao Lee at all, so she spoke bluntly.    


"I am Director of Management Office from Hsinghai, not only does Comrade Yi Ke belong to me, I also manage Issuing Company." Cao Lee raised her voice a few decibels higher, "Hey, this little comrade of yours, where did you come from? Why are you speaking so impolitely?" You are still not convinced when I say that you are pulling around with men in the unit. "    


Cao Lee put on a leadership look and began reprimanding Xia Yu.    


Xia Yu tilted her head and looked at Cao Lee once more, then said: "Who's arguing with you? You're the little director of Management Office, so what if you're controlling Issuing Company with Yi Ke? I'm not a member of your group, so you can't control me. Where I came from has nothing to do with you. I don't have manners when I speak, so it depends on who I'm talking to.    


What does my pulling Yi Ke here have to do with you? This has nothing to do with your job. What do you have to convince me of? I'm really sorry for Yi Ke and Big Sister Qiu Tong. How could there be a leader like you? "Besides, it seems like your level is not that high compared to Big Sister Qiu Tong's, right?"    


Xia Yu was sharp-tongued, and her speech was very harsh. She showed no signs of backing down, and her last sentence inadvertently hit Cao Lee's sore spot. She was now the Deputy Director of Management Office, and Qiu Tong was on official records of the Municipal Committee's Organization Department.    


Cao Lee's face turned red, then turned pale. She was just about to continue her rage when she suddenly thought of something and said slowly, "Little girl, you know Boss Qiu?"    


"What does it have to do with you whether I know you or not?" Xia Yu rolled her eyes.    


"Hur hur." Cao Lee suddenly laughed. "Fine, fine, it has nothing to do with me. Since you're just a kid, I won't lower myself to your level anymore."    


Cao Lee obviously didn't know Xia Yu's identity and background. After hearing her aggressive words, hearing her call Big Sister Qiu Tong and knowing me, it wasn't a good idea for her to continue being tough. Thus, she adopted a gentle attitude.    


"Who is a child? You are the child, I will not lower myself to your level. " Xia Yu was ungrateful and continued to scold Cao Lee.    


"You — you little girl —" Cao Lee was momentarily embarrassed.    


"You — you old girl —" Xia Yu retorted sarcastically, imitating Cao Lee's tone.    


Cao Lee's face became more and more unsightly. She looked at me and asked, "Yi Ke, who is this person?"    


"Don't tell her, just don't tell her." Xia Yu shouted from the side.    


I ignored Xia Yu and said to Cao Lee: "This is a customer of Issuing Company."    


"Oh. It turns out to be a customer. " Cao Lee nodded.    


"Didn't I already tell you, don't tell her, why are you still telling her? "Why are you so disobedient, Second Master?" Xia Yu blew her beard and glared at me.    


"Second Master?" Cao Lee opened her eyes wide and looked at Xia Yu: "Who are you calling Second Master?"    


"What does it matter to you who I call? "Hmph, I'm not calling you anyway." Xia Yu said.    


Cao Lee looked at me again. "She called you Second Master?"    


I said, "She likes to joke around. She just called me over to play."    


"I called someone to play …" "How can a client joke like that?" Cao Lee frowned.    


"The customer is God. The customer can call him or her whatever he or she wants. What can you do about it?" Xia Yu said, "Do you want me to call you Second Wifeli?"    


Cao Lee pursed her lips, "Hey, you little girl, how can you speak like that? You call me Second Wifemei, am I that old? Why is this customer of yours so uncultured? Today, on account of you being a customer of our group, on account of being a child, and on account of Boss Qiu and Yi Ke, I'm not going to argue with you. I really don't understand how your master taught you. Go home and find your mother, and have her tell you how to be a person. "    


Cao Lee's words immediately provoked Xia Yu. She had no mother since she was young, but Cao Lee told her to go home and find her mother.    


When Cao Lee said this, I saw Xia Yu's face suddenly turn red, her eyes suddenly turn red, and the corner of her mouth curled up — —    


I secretly cursed in my heart. Cao Lee's words stung Xia Yu's heart. Xia Yu might even cry.    


"You his mother's —" Xia Yu didn't cry. Instead, she started to scold Cao Lee.    


When he said this, he gave me a fright. Xia Yu actually scolded when I fainted.    


What Xia Yu said stunned Cao Lee. She couldn't believe her ears and looked at Xia Yu. "What were you saying just now?"    


"I told you he — Grandma — did." Xia Yu repeated every single word.    


Cao Lee's face immediately flushed red. She glared at Xia Yu. "You uncultured thing, you dare to scold me?"    


"So what if I scold you?" Xia Yu put her hands on her waist and looked at Cao Lee provocatively.    


"Y-you little bitch." Cao Lee's eyebrows shot up and her expression changed. She was about to go into a rage. How could she bear such a state in front of others? She had just been beaten by Dong Xue in the afternoon, and now she was being scolded by Xia Yu.    


"You're the old bitch, the old bitch." Xia Yu scolded Cao Lee back without losing a beat.    


Cao Lee finally started to get angry. With a fierce glint in her eyes, she took a step forward and reached out her hand to grab Xia Yu's face.    


Cao Lee's fingernails were quite long, and when they touched Xia Yu's face, they would definitely scratch her.    


I wanted to help Xia Yu, but Xia Yu was quite quick-witted. She suddenly appeared behind me, leaving Cao Lee empty-handed.    


"Bullshit leader, you old slut, your grandmother's dog shit leader, your mother's old slut …" Xia Yu scolded and Cao Lee circled around me to play hide and seek. Xia Yu was wearing flat soles and her jumping movements were very quick. Cao Lee was wearing high heels and her movements were very inconvenient. She couldn't catch Xia Yu no matter what.    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What was going on? Two women were arguing at the entrance of the unit.    


After circling around me for a long time, Xia Yu suddenly ran towards the main entrance. Cao Lee shouted to the guard as she chased after her, "Catch that little bitch and stop her. I will tear her mouth apart."    


A guard at the door realized what was going on and hurried over to stop Xia Yu. He reached out his hand to grab Xia Yu's arm.    


Right at this moment, two burly men in black suits and sunglasses appeared like lightning, and blocked the front of the guard. One of the burly men grabbed the guard's wrist, and pushed him a few steps back, causing him to almost fall down.    


The guard's expression changed. He must have felt something from the man's grip on his wrist. He stood there stunned, not daring to move.    


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