Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C625 Provocative Connotations

C625 Provocative Connotations

At this moment, Cao Lee had already rushed over and was cursing loudly. Suddenly, she saw two men with their arms crossed blocking her path like a mountain. She saw Xia Yu standing behind the two men, covering her mouth and laughing.    


Cao Lee was intimidated by the two big men's imposing manner and did not dare to continue her rampage.    


One of the big guys snorted and stomped his foot, which scared Cao Lee into taking two steps back.    


At that moment, I saw Qiu Tong and Cloud just coming out of the staircase, talking and laughing.    


With her sharp eyes, Xia Yu spotted Qiu Tong instantly. She quickly whispered to the two men behind her, "Disappear as fast as you can. Don't follow me anymore."    


Xia Yu seemed to not want Qiu Tong to see these two bodyguards.    


As soon as Xia Yu finished her sentence, the two burly men dashed to both sides of the door and disappeared. They were fast enough.    


At this moment, Cao Lee was still standing there in a daze and had yet to react to the scene before her.    


Xia Yu started to shout happily at Qiu Tong, raising her tender hands and waving them. "Hey, Big Sister Qiu Tong, beautiful Big Sister Qiu Tong."    


Cao Lee was still standing there in a daze.    


Qiu Tong raised her head and saw Xia Yu. She smiled and walked over with Yun Yang. Xia Yu affectionately pulled Qiu Tong's hand and shook it. "Hehe, beautiful sister. We meet again."    


Qiu Tong looked at Xia Yu with a smile, "Sister, when did you arrive? "Why don't you come to my office and take a seat?"    


"I went to the advertising company to do something, and coincidentally met him when I came out." Xia Yu pointed at me, then at Cao Lee. "And, I met her."    


At this time, Cao Lee turned around and walked in front of us. She looked at Qiu Tong and pointed at Xia Yu. "Boss Qiu, is this person your customer?"    


Qiu Tong nodded: "Yeah, come, let me introduce you. This is our group's Management Office Director Cao Lee. This person is our Issuing Company's customer, Boss Xia. "    


"Well, I've already dealt with this Director Cao." Xia Yu nodded. "This person who claims to be able to control Yi Ke and control your leadership is very serious and fierce."    


Xia Yu's words seemed to be a provocation.    


Qiu Tong smiled indulgently: "That's right, the Management Office that Director Cao belongs to belongs to the management department of our corporation. Yi Ke and I belong to Director Cao."    


Cao Lee recovered her composure, glanced sideways at Xia Yu, and said in a mocking tone to Qiu Tong: "So this is Boss Xia. These days, why is it always flying around, even those who pick up trash or pick up dung are the bosses."    


The meaning behind Cao Lee's words was obvious; she was mocking Xia Yu.    


Qiu Tong could clearly feel the tension between the two, even though she didn't know what had just happened. Qiu Tong looked at Xia Yu, "Sister, you and Director Cao, what's going on between you two?"    


Xia Yu giggled, "Sister, it's fine. I was playing hide-and-seek with Director Cao just now. Director Cao is unhappy because he couldn't catch me."    


"Hide and seek?" Qiu Tong looked at Xia Yu, then looked at Cao Lee. Cao Lee had an angry and embarrassed expression on her face. Qiu Tong looked at me again.    


"Yeah, playing hide-and-seek. Aren't you right, Director Cao? " Xia Yu made a face at Cao Lee as she spoke.    


Cao Lee glared fiercely at Xia Yu. "For fuck's sake, the devil has the leisure to play hide-and-seek with you. With a lousy boss like you, you're still fit to play hide-and-seek with me."    


"Yo--Director Cao thinks that this crappy level of mine is not worthy of playing hide-and-seek with you. "Hee hee." Xia Yu was not angry. Instead, she smiled. "It seems like Director Cao is dealing with people of high class or higher class. A silly little girl like me is not high enough."    


"You seem to know your own limits. Let me tell you, I know a lot of CEOs from large corporations. Every one of them is more than ten thousand times stronger than you, and your so-called "boss" is everywhere. "    


Cao Lee continued with an venting tone: "Let me tell you, if it wasn't for the fact that you're Boss Qiu's client, I definitely wouldn't have forgiven you. I don't care about you being crazy outside, but in the courtyard of the business district called Hsinghai, I have the final say.    


Listening to Cao Lee's fearless words, I couldn't help but want to laugh. Qiu Tong also couldn't hold back her laughter. She seemed to realize that Xia Yu was playing with Cao Lee.    


Qiu Tong couldn't help but want to say something, but just as she opened her mouth, I raised my index finger to my mouth. Qiu Tong saw it and shut her mouth.    


Qiu Tong had obviously wanted to tell Cao Lee Xia Yu's true identity, but seeing my gesture, she knew that I was trying to stop her. She seemed to consider that Xia Yu might be unhappy with my actions, so she didn't say anything further.    


Xia Yu put on a sincere face and said, "So this yard belongs to your family. You're in charge of it. You're the boss here."    


"Now you see." Cao Lee was a little arrogant and proud, "Alright, since you are a customer of our Group, I won't bother about what happened just now. Come back here in the future and don't go crazy. "    


Xia Yu suddenly nodded obediently. As you command, listen to Boss Cao! "In the future, don't go crazy in Boss Cao's territory. This is the place where Boss Cao sets fire, I absolutely cannot light a lamp."    


Cao Lee looked at Xia Yu with a strange expression. On the one hand, she looked down on Xia Yu, thinking that a little girl like her was just a lousy CEO of a leather bag company. On the other hand, she seemed to be thinking about the two burly men who had suddenly disappeared.    


But she would never have thought of Xia Yu as a person of great importance. Neither her jealousy, nor her contempt for her, nor the fact that Qiu Tong and I had not introduced her, misled her judgment of Xia Yu.    


Cao Lee seemed to have thought it through very quickly as she continued, "Come to our group to discuss business in the future, you're not allowed to bring unscrupulous people from the society. Our here are the Operating Unit to do business, not places that hooligans come to."    


Cao Lee once again thought that Xia Yu was a crazy girl who had mixed with the dregs of society. This kind of attitude really couldn't be placed in her eyes.    


Xia Yu then said with grievance, "I don't know those two people from before. They kept pestering me, so I ignored them. They're all gone now."    


Hearing this, Cao Lee seemed to have confirmed her judgment. She snorted loudly, looked at Xia Yu with disdain, then nodded to Qiu Tong before turning around and walking away.    


Seeing that Cao Lee had left, Xia Yu stuck out her tongue and continued smiling at Qiu Tong: "Sister, look at me, am I being too obedient? You guys, Director Cao are too tyrannical."    


"Director Cao is a rather straightforward person, don't mind him." Qiu Tong frowned as she spoke. She looked at Xia Yu and asked, "What, someone was pestering you just now?"    


"It's fine. Those two saw that there was a guard here and ran away in fright." Xia Yu laughed and said, "Elder sister, you haven't answered me yet. Do you think I was being well-behaved?"    


"Be good, be good." Qiu Tong smiled and then introduced Yun Yang to Xia Yu. "Young lady, this is our company's office manager, Yun."    


"Aha, the beautiful head of the office of the beautiful boss. Clouds, they are so nice to listen to. What a beautiful name." Xia Yu smiled as she spoke to the clouds. The clouds smiled and nodded to Xia Yu.    


"This is Vice President and Xia Yu from Sanshui Group." Qiu Tong continued to introduce Xia Yu to Yun.    


Yun Yun surprisingly opened his eyes wide: "Sanshui Group Boss Xia ah."    


"Hee hee." Little beauty, just call me big sister Xiao Yu. " Xia Yu smiled and pulled Yun Xiao's hand, then said to Qiu Tong, "Sister, I really like little sister Yun. It's obvious that I like her. "Well, lend me your office manager for a few days, and be my full-time assistant."    


"Haha." Qiu Tong laughed, "Boss Xia, you sure know how to joke around. "Sure, as long as you like it and Cloud agrees, I have no objections."    


"Hee hee." Xia Yu held Yun Yun's hand. "Little sister Yun, how about you come to my place to be my assistant?"    


Yun Yun smiled with a reddened face: "Boss Xia sure knows how to joke around."    


"Sigh ~ ~ Didn't I say, call me elder sister Xiao Yu? Why do you still call him the lousy boss? " Xia Yu said.    


"Hehe, big sister Xiao Yu."    


"Haha, finally someone called me big sister. I'm so happy." Xia Yu laughed happily.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong looked at me: "Yi Ke, you still haven't gotten off work?"    


Before I could reply, Xia Yu suddenly started complaining to Qiu Tong first. "Sister, I want to complain to you about Manager Yi. This guy's attitude towards his clients is really bad."    


"What's wrong?" Qiu Tong looked at Xia Yu and then at me.    


Clouds looked at me with some surprise.    


"I met him just now to talk to him about work. After talking for a while, I said it was getting late, do you want to treat our customers to a meal? We can talk while we eat, if that's not possible, I can treat you to a meal, but this Manager Yi didn't give me any face and rejected immediately.    


It's fine if he doesn't treat himself to dinner, but I've invited him to put on airs. Tell me, is there anyone who treats their customers like this? This isn't hurting the customer's heart. I truly treat you as clients. " Xia Yu said in a wronged tone, as if it was the truth.    


"Oh." Qiu Tong smiled. "Little sister Boss Xia, please do not take offense. How about this? I'll treat you tonight and specifically invite you to accompany Director Yun and Manager Yi. Is that alright?"    


"Haha, my sister is still the best. Good, good. Wood problem!" Xia Yu jumped up high.    


I stood there smiling wryly.    


Xia Yu turned her head to look at me and started to laugh. She said to me proudly, "Hey, Second Master, Second Master. Your boss is treating you to a meal. This time, you won't be able to escape. "Obediently follow Second Wife. I'm going to eat."    


As soon as Xia Yu said this, Cloud's eyes widened even more, and she stared at Xia Yu and me, her mouth opening in surprise.    


Yun Yun looked at us with an incredulous expression and said with an astonished voice: "Second Master …" "Second Wife …"    


Seeing Yun Yang's shocked expression, Qiu Tong burst out laughing. Xia Yu also laughed complacently. I didn't laugh, but felt a little worried. Xia Yu's trouble would come to an end sooner or later.    


"Yun, Boss Xia likes to joke around. This is what she called Yi Ke." Qiu Tong said.    


From Qiu Tong's expression, it seemed as though she also felt that it wasn't appropriate for Xia Yu to call me that. But she didn't say anything as she only knew Xia Yu once, so she wasn't familiar with her.    


"Oh." Yun Yun gave a surprised "oh". It was obvious that she was not used to Xia Yu's way of addressing me. Her lips pursed up as she forced a smile, but she didn't say anything else.    


Xia Yu was very smart and sensitive. She looked at Qiu Tong and Yun Yang and said, "Beautiful sister sister, beautiful sister. My name is Big Manager Yi, is Second Master. Do you guys not like me?"    


Qiu Tong and Yun laughed, Qiu Tong said half-jokingly: "I can't say whether I like it or not, I just feel uncomfortable. "Manager Yi is the famous marketing master of our corporation and became Second Master in an instant. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like the same thing."    


Clouds nodded.    


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