Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C643 First Come Then Go

C643 First Come Then Go

Qiu Tong called me "her Second Master", which made me feel dizzy and confused, I did not expect Qiu Tong to give me such a sense of humor.    


Since I called her Second Master, then Xia Yu can call him Second Wife. With this reasoning, Hai Zhu can call him First Wife.    


First Wife Second Wife already had it. What if there was three milk, four milk, five milk, six milk? However, even if there were, it was not the correct ranking. There was always someone who came first and then those who came second, no matter what Xia Yu did, she wouldn't be ranked second, right? It would be hard for Hai Zhu to be ranked first.    


I was nervous and apprehensive, careful yet unscrupulous to the extreme, and I almost fucking thought I was Wei Xiaobao.    


However, compared to Wei Xiaobao, my number is not enough. Although it is not enough, I also don't want to work hard to reach it. One is enough, why so many?    


But this one, I didn't know who to want in my heart. Thinking about this question, I was at a loss. It was obviously Hai Zhu, but I was unwilling to accept it. This unwillingness was only a vague unwillingness in my heart. In my clear mind, I was still adamantly admonishing myself that this must be Hai Zhu.    


A "she", Second Master, let me surface so many stories, obviously a little too much.    


"What is it?" "No," I said.    


"Come on, you'll know when you get there." Qiu Tong's voice sounded mysterious.    


I put down the phone and went to Qiu Tong's office.    


When I opened the door, Qiu Tong was smiling at me.    


"What's wrong? What is this all about? " I went over and plopped down in the chair opposite Qiu Tong's.    


"It's fine now. Nothing more! " Qiu Tong said in a low voice with a relaxed expression.    


"What's okay?" I didn't know what to do.    


"It's Chief Editor's problem. It's all right. Also, the chief editor is fine. " Qiu Tong said.    


"Holy sh * t!" "Really?" "No," I said.    


"Yes." Qiu Tong nodded, "I just received news that after the investigation team left, the higher-ups will no longer pursue this matter."    


"How is that possible? How can we just let this go? " I murmured to Qiu Tong.    


"Everything is possible. This is real, absolutely true." Qiu Tong said.    


"Why are you so free?" I looked at Qiu Tong.    


"I heard it was an oral message from above, so I won't pursue this matter." Qiu Tong said.    


"Up there?" Up there? To what level? Is it the city council's secretary, the city council's office, or the city council's Ministry of Propaganda? " "No," I said.    


"I don't know about that. I only know that it's up there. Maybe one of your guesses, maybe all of them. " Qiu Tong said.    


"What is the message?" "No," I said.    


"I won't pursue this matter any further." That is to say, we will not pursue Chief Editor's responsibility anymore. Now that Chief Editor is safe, we can finally escape this calamity. " Qiu Tong's voice was tinged with emotion. "To us, the big shot is actually just a small figure in the eyes of the people up there. A single sentence can decide a person's entire life."    


"Chief Editor is fine now, then what about the director in the production room?" "No," I said.    


Chief Editor is fine now, so naturally, the chief editor will be fine as well. Don't forget that Chief Editor is now managing the Group Party Committee, and it was not easy for him to survive, so why would he punish the chief editor? Qiu Tong said, "So, they are the same line of grasshoppers, they are all one."    


"Yes." "Makes sense." I nodded my head, but in my heart I was a little doubtful, damn, how could everything be fine now, it was so fast, I had to spend all my effort today to save these two idiots, that is to say, even though I wasted my time looking for Lee Leh, but these two bookworms didn't fall into the abyss of eternal damnation, it is worth celebrating. What had happened that would have led to the sudden withdrawal of the investigation team, and to a statement from the authorities that they would be pardoned? Could this be the effect of Sun Dongkai?    


When I thought about Sun Dongkai, I immediately denied it. This is impossible, he really wants these two to die.    


Then, what was the reason? A great mystery welled up in my heart.    


"Analyze one of these paths." I looked at Qiu Tong.    


"What's there to analyze? It's over. "    


"Of course it's worth analyzing. Don't you think it's strange?"    


"There are many strange things that happen in the government. It is normal for people to not see it too often. Why are you so curious? " Qiu Tong said.    


"Tell me, did Sun Dongkai really have a use? Did he risk his life to remonstrate? "    


"Do you think he will?" Qiu Tong looked at me with a faint smile.    


"I don't think so. I feel like he's just talking, that's all. He's just a good person in front of everyone."    


"Then why are you still talking about it?" Qiu Tong said.    


"Then, if Chief Editor went to the higher-ups himself, then someone from the higher-ups has already done him a favor?"    


"At this time, who would dare to speak to him in such a manner?" Qiu Tong said, "I think so."    


"Then, how about Chief Editor just find the secretary of the city council to reflect on himself and plead for the leader to let him go?" "No," I said.    


"Even though I said you're an official rookie, you're a true rookie. At this time, it is impossible for him to not be able to lean on the sides. " Qiu Tong said with a tone of certainty.    


"Then what is going on? There had to be a reason. How come everything suddenly went away? "    


Qiu Tong frowned, as if she was also extremely confused and puzzled. After thinking for a while, she said, "To be honest, I really can't figure it out. Actually, not only you, but I don't think any of the other people in the group would be able to figure it out. "Maybe." At this point, Qiu Tong stopped.    


"Maybe what?"    


"Maybe only the city secretary knows what's going on." Qiu Tong said: "Withdrawal of the investigation team, must be the intention of the city's secretary, otherwise, no one would dare to do so."    


"Yes." I nodded, not without some confusion. What had caused the city secretary to make such a decision? It seemed to be a very difficult mystery.    


Qiu Tong and I couldn't figure this out, and I think there must be a lot of people speculating about it, including Sun Dongkai and even a lot of the top officials in the city council.    


Of course, I also thought that it might be someone more influential than the Party Secretary who helped Chief Editor speak up, like who was in the province, but who could it be, this was another mystery.    


At this moment, I didn't connect Chief Editor's survival to myself. I only knew that even though I tried to help him, I failed and wasted my time.    


Although I didn't help him, he was fine now, and I felt comforted.    


"Although Chief Editor is done for, I'm afraid that his future political career will come to an end here. Although he is currently hosting the Group Party Committee, if he wants to take another step, it will probably be difficult." Qiu Tong said, "From what I heard, Chief Editor himself seemed to be very surprised by the sudden turn of events, as if he himself was completely unaware of the news. When he heard the news that he was fine, he was stunned for a long time.    


I agree with Qiu Tong's analysis. Indeed, even Chief Editor doesn't know how he came back from the dead, it seems like he didn't find anyone who can help him, it seems like it would be difficult for him to take care of him. Although the secretary of the city council spared his life, he probably won't use him again.    


With this kind of analysis, Sun Dongkai still profited. The threat his opponent posed to him had been reduced by a lot.    


After that, there were several versions of Chief Editor's escape from the city center, including the group itself.    


The first version was about Sun Dongkai risking his life to remonstrate, directly going to the Party Secretary, trying his best to justify Chief Editor, tearfully making his speech, moving the City Secretary, who was moved by the solidarity and fraternity between the Group Party Committee team, benevolently forgiving Chief Editor.    


This version was widely spread both within and outside the group. Some people did not believe it, but others did not doubt it. They all said that Sun Dongkai was indeed a big family, a person filled with righteousness. Regardless of whether others believe it or not, I definitely do not believe that this version of the story was spread by Sun Dongkai.    


In the end, Chief Editor moved a certain senior official of the Standing Committee in the city. That senior official could not stand Chief Editor's life and death, so he finally went out to look for the secretary of the city committee, who, on the face of this senior official, let him go.    


As Qiu Tong and I analyzed, Chief Editor doesn't have any backers in the city, which is something many people know. Secondly, under such circumstances, it's very difficult for the senior officials in the city to stand up for such a bookworm and offend the Party Secretary.    


There was a third version, which sounded like a legend. It said that the secretary received a call from a mysterious person in the car, and after he received the call, the secretary's expression changed slightly. He then asked his secretary to pass on his order to leave the investigation team and not pursue the matter any further.    


The source of this version is said to be someone close to the Party Secretary, either a secretary or a pilot.    


In these three versions, there were even more people who seemed to be more willing to spread the third version. In fact, there were even more people who had embellished the contents of the third version, and even more people who had embellished the contents of the third version. As for this mysterious character, some said that it was a senior official of the province, including the secretary of the provincial government.    


No matter how much these people tried to describe it, there seemed to be a lack of evidence because no one believed that Chief Editor had the ability to mobilize such a powerful figure to help him.    


No matter how many editions were circulated, there was only one fact that could not be doubted, and that was that Chief Editor was fine and safe.    


This matter may be a permanent mystery in everyone's heart, including me and Qiu Tong. Of course, this mystery would have been permanent to me had it not been for a chance.    


"It seems that being an official is not good enough. Chief Editor is a clear example of this. Although he did not die this time, it's hard to say what will happen in the future." I said with emotion: "I see a lot of people all day long looking at the horse hooves all day long, all day long boisterous, it is quite delicious. "Sometimes I think that as a person, it is necessary to show off your abilities."    


"I don't think so. Although being an honest person will make you suffer, showing off your abilities is something you should never do. Whether it's in the government or the workplace, whether it's being an official, doing things or being a person." Qiu Tong said: "I have always believed that the end result of showing your strength will only lead to a person's betrayal! It's just a matter of time. "    


"That may not be so!" I don't think so.    


"Seems like you aren't convinced?" Qiu Tong smiled.    


I also smiled. Suddenly, I remembered what Qiu Tong had called me when I called her. "Why do you call me 'she, Second Master'?"    


"Am I calling it wrong?" Didn't they keep on calling you Second Master? Didn't you have no objections? " Qiu Tong looked at me.    


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