Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C645 Natural Control

C645 Natural Control

"It should be. Yi Ke dotes on her and treats her well."    


"Yes." Somehow, I felt a sudden sense of comfort and balance.    


"Keke, do you think a woman would fall in love with two men at the same time? Is such a woman a bad woman? "    


"I don't know if a woman would fall in love with two men at the same time, but I know you're not a bad woman. No matter how you feel, no matter how you feel in your heart, I firmly believe that you're a good woman, the best woman in the world."    


"What I'm most conflicted about is the problems of reality and the virtual world. Maybe I'm a fool, maybe I'm confused, you're a man in the air, he's a man in reality, I'm entangled, in pain, I really don't know what to do. "    


"Since you don't know what to do, then don't think about it. The more you think about it, the more conflicted you become. Just let nature take its course."    


"I absolutely cannot let nature take its course. That way, I will destroy everyone and myself!"    


"Then what do you want to do? "What do we do?"    


"I don't know."    


"If you don't know, then don't think about it."    


"I'm trying not to think about it, trying to work my way through all this entanglement and pain, but in the dead of night, those things are crawling out of my heart, rooting my soul. Let me spend one sleepless night after another in solitude and uneasiness. "    


I replied lovingly, "Ruo Meng, the time that should come will come. The time that should happen will come, the time that should happen will come. What belongs to you will eventually come.    


As I said this, my heart was filled with sadness. I knew that she and I both belonged to where we should go and both of us should not belong. This was the fate of me and her.    


"My mind is in a mess. Let's not talk anymore. After talking to you for so long, I feel a bit more relaxed. "    


"That's good. Work well and live well. If one day you really forget about me, I won't blame you. I believe that this is all a matter of fate. "    


My heart continued to be sad.    


"It's easy to get to know someone, but it's very difficult to forget someone." She sent a sighing emoji, "Let's do it like this. I will live a good life. You must also live a good life in this world."    


"Because it's not easy to live, so we all have to live well."    


"I will remember your words. "Keke, I'm leaving."    




She really did.    


I stared at the chat window on my computer screen, at the conversations I'd had with her.    


After work, I walked out of my office and saw that Qiu Tong's office was still lit.    


She quietly walked over, and through the gap of the door that wasn't related to death, she saw Qiu Tong standing at the window, staring blankly at the city shrouded in darkness. In her hands was a cigarette, and the spiraling Cyan Smoke filled up the area before her.    


After a long while, she let out a deep sigh.    


My heart sighed as well, and I quietly turned and left.    


When we got back to the dormitory, Hai Zhu had already finished cooking dinner and we started eating.    


I ate absent-mindedly, thinking about the conversation I had with Floating Dream in the afternoon.    


At that moment, my cell phone rang and was placed on the coffee table.    


Before I could react, Hai Zhu had already gone over to pick up the phone. Looking at the caller ID, her expression changed slightly.    


I turned to Hai Zhu. "Who called?"    


Hai Zhu ignored me, her eyes fixated on the caller ID on the screen, her expression full of worry.    


I got up and went over to Hai Zhu and took the phone from her. The bell was still ringing.    


He looked at the number and saw that it was from Xia Second Wife.    


Looking at Hai Zhu's expression, I suddenly felt guilty and uneasy. I didn't know whether it came from Qiu Tong, Xia Yu, or both.    


I started to answer the phone in front of Hai Zhu, "Hello, Boss Xia."    


"Second Master, why did it take so long to answer the phone?" Xia Yu teased.    


"I'm having dinner with my girlfriend. Is there anything I can help you with?" I did not answer the question.    


"Oh, yeah. I was with First Wife. I didn't call Second Wife for dinner. I only thought of First Wife, you heartless bastard." Xia Yu scolded me a few times before she continued, "Alright, I know it's inconvenient for you to answer the phone, so you have to act dumb for me. See how reasonable I am, how understanding I am with you, how much I love you, I won't let you feel awkward in front of First Wife. What do you think of me? "Speak!"    


"Mm, okay, okay." I said, "Anything else?"    


"No more, no more fun. I won't play with you anymore. Go home and eat dinner. " Xia Yu hung up as she spoke.    


I put down the phone and looked at Hai Zhu, who had been staring at me from the side. Hai Zhu had an uncertain look in her eyes as she patted Hai Zhu on the shoulder and smiled at me. Hai Zhu forced a smile.    


"It's alright. Let's eat." "No," I said.    


Hai Zhu answered and sat down to continue eating. Her expression was still a little gloomy.    


Looking at Hai Zhu's expression, my heart hurt. Hai Zhu was supporting her love life by herself. More and more people had to be wary of her. Dong Xue, Qiu Tong, Yun Yun, Cao Lee. Now, another savage Xia Yu had appeared.    


After dinner, Hai Zhu cleared the table. I sat on the sofa and watched Hai Zhu's busy figure. Remembering that I hadn't had a proper chat with her in days, I couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness and regret.    


After dinner, I went to the study.    


I turned on the computer and lit a cigarette. I started to collect my thoughts and focus on the Sanshui Group plan.    


He already had the thought of forming it in his head, so he could just type it out.    


Hai Zhu was watching TV in the living room. Her voice was low, and I knew she had deliberately turned down the volume for fear of disturbing my work.    


After three hours, the plan was finally completed. I heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at the time, it was already 11 o'clock. I could hear faint sounds coming from the television outside.    


I reworked it carefully, put it in the tray, turned off the computer, and walked out of the study.    


The TV was still playing and Hai Zhu was asleep on the sofa.    


I turned off the TV, bent down to pick Hai Zhu up, and saw that Hai Zhu's cheeks were still wet with tears.    


My heart palpitated. Why is Hai Zhu crying?    


I was staring blankly at Hai Zhu when she woke up. When she opened her eyes and saw me, she rubbed her eyes. "Bro, are you done?"    


"Yes." Zhu, did you cry just now? "What's going on?" I bent over Hai Zhu.    


A hint of panic flashed across Hai Zhu's face. Then, she covered up her smile and replied, "No."    


"Don't lie to me, I can see your tears." "No," I said.    


"Oh." Hai Zhu continued to conceal her smile, "That was because I just watched a TV show and was moved to tears by the plot."    


"Really?" "No," I said.    


"Really." Hai Zhu stood up and grabbed my arm. "Alright, brother, let's stop talking. It's getting late and you're very tired. Go to sleep."    


Hai Zhu pulled me into the bedroom and lay in my arms. She held me tightly and didn't say anything.    


I caressed Hai Zhu's hair. "What happened just now that moved you to tears?"    


"The female lead deeply loves the male lead, and the male lead also loves the female lead. However, because the female lead couldn't bear to have children, the male lead moved away and abandoned the female lead. The female lead, in despair, jumped into the sea and committed suicide." Hai Zhu said softly.    


My heart skipped a beat and I said, "That's just a fictitious story written by a screenwriter. Don't believe this. This isn't something that can happen in reality."    


"Tell me, if I were as sterile as that lady, would you abandon me like that man?" Hai Zhu said.    


"What nonsense are you talking about? How can your good body bear children? Don't let your thoughts run wild! " "No," I said.    


"I mean if."    


"If that's impossible, then that's impossible." "No," I said.    


"What if?" Hai Zhu said stubbornly.    


"In case not. If it was, I wouldn't do it. I will always be with you, and I will always take care of you. " I said, "Love has nothing to do with marriage or having a child."    


Hai Zhu sighed. "You are an idealist, and so am I. Just that, if it's really like that, then it's hard to accept in reality. Don't forget, you're an only child, how can your family accept that you don't have any descendants? Besides, even if your family can accept it, I can't. If I can't give you a child, how can I have the face to stay in your home? "    


I patted Hai Zhu's shoulder, "Zhu, stop thinking too much. Why are you making all these assumptions? We are all healthy people, so of course we will have children. "    


Hai Zhu looked up at me with a hint of fear and worry in her eyes, but she still smiled and nodded. "Yeah, we are all good people. Good people have to be rewarded. Heaven won't treat us like this."    


I pinched Hai Zhu's nose. "That's right, go to sleep."    


"Yes." Hai Zhu buried her head in my arms and fell asleep.    


I didn't feel sleepy at all. I opened my eyes wide and looked at the endless darkness, the dark night covered everything, and the consciousness that I had previously done that thing with Hai Zhu also returned back to my mind. I thought back to that trembling and tearing sensation, thinking about the scene in the afternoon with Qiu Tong, about the conversation I had with Floating Dream online.    


The next day, after work, I printed out the plan and drove to Sanshui Group. I wanted to show it to Xia Yu.    


After entering the Sanshui Group Office Building and going upstairs, just as I was about to head straight to Xia Yu's office, I met a middleman who respectfully said to me: "Boss Yi, please hold on —"    


I stopped and looked at him.    


"The chairman asked you to come to his office for a moment."    


"I'm looking for Xia Vice President. Isn't she in the office?"    


"She's here!"    


I turned to look at my office for the summer. He must have seen me at the window when I was going upstairs and wanted to talk to me.    


Since you want to talk to me during the summer, that's fine too. I can just give you the plan directly during the summer, so you don't have to trouble yourself again with Xia Yu.    


I followed the man directly to his office in the summer.    


He pushed the door open and entered. Summer was standing by the window looking out. She turned around and smiled as she walked towards me. "Boss Yi, esteemed guest, come, please take a seat — —"    


I couldn't figure out why he had asked me to come in the summer, and seeing that his smile was reserved, I sat down.    


After all, he was the boss of a large corporation during the summer, so he would always look like an enigmatic person.    


Summer sat across from me and offered me a cigarette.    


I took it and lit a cigarette. Then, I looked at the summer. "Boss Xia, have you been busy lately?"    


"Don't call me Boss Xia, just Brother Xia." Xia Yu smiled. "I've been fine lately, not too busy. Actually, this is how we do business all day. There will always be work to do."    


I asked, "Brother Xia, why did you invite me here?"    


"I saw you at the window, so I wanted to invite you to come and have a chat with me. Do we have to meet each other because of something?" Summer laughed.    


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