Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C628 Second Master and Second Mother Milk?

C628 Second Master and Second Mother Milk?

At this moment, Yun Yang, who was sitting at the back, said, "Although she says it's weird, she's pretty good. She didn't call you Second Wife at dinner tonight."    


Haifeng was stunned when he heard that. "What, Second Master and Second Wife?"    


Yun said, "Xia Yu calls me brother Second Master and calls me Second Wife. Hehe. When I first heard this form of address, I was stunned. "    


Haifeng looked at me and said, "Damn, what does that mean? "Why did you become Second Master and she became Second Wife?"    


Thus, I told him about how I knew Xia Yu and how I had met her. When Haifeng finished listening, he nodded and said, "Oh." So that's how it is, you are blind to not recognize Mt. Tai, and you call this billionaire young mistress Second Wife. She called you Second Master, and even accepted the title Second Wife happily. This girl is quite weird, why would she like the title of Second Wife? She even likes to call you Second Master. It can't be that she has taken a fancy to you, right? "    


My heart skipped a beat and I said, "I'm kidding. Who is he? Who am I? She's just teasing me. This Xia Yu really liked to play around with people. Just because I threatened to despise her the first time I saw her, she refused to stop trying to take revenge on me. At that time, Hai Zhu and I had to suffer a lot during the spring travel business, but luckily, her brother was in charge and took over the deal. "    


Haifeng nodded and suddenly frowned. He turned around and looked at me with confusion and contemplation in his eyes.    


After a while, Yun Yun said from behind, "This Xia Yu actually looks rather simple, she's not the type of person who has schemes. She seems to have a straightforward personality. "He doesn't have any airs, nor does he have any enthusiasm. It's not tiring to deal with this kind of people."    


Haifeng nodded: "I can see that too."    


I didn't say anything, but there was a heavy weight in my heart.    


I don't know how this enchanter Little Demoness will change my emotional life and fate. I don't know if she will be a hasty visitor in my life or stay for a long time.    


When they were almost to the Di Hao nightclub, Haifeng answered a phone call. After the call, Haifeng said, "I can't play with you guys tonight. There are some matters that I have to take care of at work."    


At the Di Hao nightclub, Haifeng put us down and went straight to the office.    


So I went into the nightclub with Qiu Tong, Hai Zhu, Yun Yun and Xia Yu.    


There were many people coming and going inside the nightclub. There were many customers and all kinds of people shuttling back and forth. Business was booming.    


"Sigh — Dean Yun, my little assistant, quickly arrange a private room." Xia Yu smiled at Yun Xiao and said, "You're Sister Qiutong's office manager and also my little assistant."    


Clouds laughed. In the past, they wanted a private room.    


"I'm looking for a big bag. It's better to have more free space." Xia Yu warned Yun Yang again.    


Clouds nodded and passed.    


At this moment, Hai Zhu was chatting and joking with Qiu Tong. Xia Yu snuggled closer to me and whispered with a smile, "Second Master, look, four beauties are playing with you. How great are you? Isn't it great?"    


I ignored Xia Yu and looked around at the people around me, a little nervous.    


"Second Master, why aren't you paying attention to me?" Xia Yu said again.    


At this moment, I suddenly saw Wu De, walking in with the Emperor following behind him.    


When I saw Wu De, Wu De also saw me.    


Looking at me, looking at Xia Yu who was giggling beside me, looking at Hai Zhu and Qiu Tong who were joking, Wu De was stunned. The Emperor behind me also had an expression of surprise.    


Obviously, none of them thought that I would come to Bai Laosan's nightclub with Hai Zhu and Qiu Tong, or that we would dare to come here.    


Wu De's eyes swept over me and Hai Zhu Qiu Tong for a moment and then stared at Xia Yu. At this moment, I felt that Wu De's eyes had an even more surprised expression, as if he knew Xia Yu, as if he didn't expect us to be together.    


Qiu Tong and Hai Zhu were talking at this moment and didn't notice Wu De and the Emperor.    


Xia Yu didn't even see Wu De and the Emperor. Maybe she didn't even know them and was still beside me muttering nonsense.    


Wu De suddenly frowned. He stopped walking and whispered something to the Emperor. The Emperor looked at Xia Yu and nodded.    


Then Wu De smiled at me, but didn't come over to greet me.    


The Emperor smiled at me and followed behind Wu De.    


This coincidental meeting made me uneasy. I didn't know what Wu De said to the Emperor, but I felt that it had something to do with Xia Yu.    


When the clouds returned and the private room was ready, they all went to the private room. Xia Yu ordered some fruits and beverages.    


Everyone sat there, talking, laughing, eating and drinking. The atmosphere was harmonious and lively. With Xia Yu here, it was impossible not to be enthusiastic. Xia Yu was obviously very happy, chattering non-stop.    


I sat beside her and sipped from a bottle of water, feeling uneasy.    


After a while, Xia Yu took the microphone and told everyone to start singing.    


"Little assistant, little sister Yun, little beauty, come here, let me sing a song first, let me hear the song from Mongolian Prairie." Xia Yu handed the microphone to Yun Yang.    


Yun Xiao smiled as he received the microphone and ordered an old song, "Father's Grassland Mother's River".    


The song began, melodious and distant, the song of the clouds still moving.    


In the song, I couldn't help but think of the vast and boundless prairie, the scene of riding with the clouds on the prairie, and the encounter of the pure and kind clouds in this one year.    


Everyone listened attentively. Qiu Tong's expression was somewhat touched, and her eyes contained a bit of yearning and contemplation.    


Qiu Tong looked at the clouds, then at me as if by accident, then at Hai Zhu with some uneasiness and apprehension.    


What was Qiu Tong thinking at the moment? What was she thinking about these days?    


I looked at Qiu Tong's soft, beautiful face from the side, and my mind was racing.    


The clouds were singing beautifully and immersively. Looking at the beautiful face of the clouds and thinking about their rough emotional encounters, my heart suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I couldn't bear to listen any longer.    


He looked at Qiu Tong, who was staring intently at the clouds. There seemed to be something bright in the corner of her eyes.    


I sighed to myself, stood up, excused myself to go to the bathroom, and left the room.    


The moment she left her room, Xia Yu chased after her. "Hey — where are you going?"    


"To the toilet." "No," I said.    


"Big or small?" Xia Yu asked again.    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You go to the side."    


"Hmph, go early and come back early. Otherwise, I'll go to the toilet and catch you." Xia Yu snorted and returned to her room.    


After I went to the toilet, I washed my face in front of the faucet, looked up, and suddenly saw the Emperor standing behind me in the mirror.    


He didn't know when the Emperor had arrived, but this fellow had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.    


I turned around. There was no one else in the bathroom, just him and me.    


"You're quite bold, daring to bring four beauties to Bai Laosan's territory to sing." The Emperor said this.    


I said, "They didn't know this was a nightclub opened by Bai Laosan. They wanted to come, so I had no choice."    


"The key is that Qiu Tong and Hai Zhu are among the four women. You should know that Bai Laosan has been plotting against them. Aren't you just sending the meat into the wolf's lair?" The Emperor said again.    


I didn't say anything.    


"Also, the girl that was with you, is Vice President from Sanshui Group. The general has recognized her." The Emperor said.    


I looked at the Emperor. "What's wrong?"    


The Emperor said, "This Xia Yu doesn't know who the general is, but the general knows Xia Yu. Tonight, the general was very surprised, firstly, there was an accident that you guys dared to sing here, and secondly, you were actually together with this Xia Yu from Sanshui Group. "He whispered a few words to me just now to let me know what kind of relationship you have with this Xia Yu."    


I said, "You should know. Spring travel and Sanshui Group have just completed a business, and Xia Yu is in charge of this business. "    


"Of course I know. Sweetie Ru told me before." The Emperor said, "However, I won't tell the General the truth. I don't want him to know about you and Hai Zhu's travel company. Of course, I don't want him to know about Sweetie Ru's work in your travel company. I will say that Xia Yu is the business customer of your Issuing Company, that there are official affairs of Sanshui Group and Issuing Company, and that tonight she is the official guest of your Issuing Company. However, you were too bold tonight to bring these four women here. "Do you know, Bai Laosan is at the nightclub right now and is having a discussion with the general in his room."    


I said, "As long as you don't say anything, and as long as the general doesn't say anything, he won't see us."    


The King said, "Of course I won't tell Bai Laosan that you are here, and neither will the general. As for whether he will find out through other means that you and Qiu Tong are here, I can't be sure. The only place without a monitor is probably this bathroom. "    


After saying that, the Emperor looked up at the ceiling.    


"I'll be careful," I said.    


The Emperor was silent for a moment, then said, "It's best if you don't come here anymore. It won't be beneficial to you if you come too many times."    


"Thank you for the reminder, I know!" "No," I said.    


"Also, Dong Xue is here tonight. She's in the finance department of the nightclub looking at the accounts." The Emperor said.    


Dong Xue was also here, and I couldn't help but think, What a coincidence.    


"Not only Dong Xue, Alai and the four King Kong are also here." The Emperor said again.    




The Emperor took out a cigarette and lit it up. He took two puffs and suddenly said: "Is Lee Shun back?"    


"I don't know." "No," I said.    


The emperor's eyes stared at me and he chuckled. "Haha, you really don't know?"    


"In any case, I have never seen him at Hsinghai." "No," I said.    


The Emperor looked at me with a smile that wasn't a smile. "Whether you know it or not, I just want to tell you that what the General and Bai Laosan were talking about tonight is related to Lee Shun."    


"What is it?" "No," I said.    


"I'm not sure either. I only know that it's related to Lee Shun. As for what it's about, I don't know either." "Now, Bai Laosan is not the only one who has been trying to find out the whereabouts of Lee Shun, even the general has started to pay attention to him," the Emperor said.    


"General, do you know where Lee Shun is?" "No," I said.    


"It seems like I know, but it also seems like I don't know." The Emperor said.    


"Then do you know?" "No," I said.    


"Me?" The Emperor smiled. "If you don't know, how would I know?"    


I said, "You know a lot of things I don't."    


The Emperor said, "What I should know I will know, and what I should not know I will not know. Aren't you the same? "    


I said, "There's a hidden meaning behind your words. Tell me, do you know where Lee Shun is?"    


The Emperor said, "Perhaps I should be the one to ask this question. You shouldn't be the one to ask me."    


I said, "I don't think I know."    


The Emperor smiled. "I don't think I know either. At least, I don't know anything in front of the general."    


The Emperor's words were very clear. I knew that he knew that Lee Shun had returned, and he even knew where Lee Shun was. However, he didn't tell Wu De, let alone Bai Laosan.    


"Lee Shun's current situation doesn't seem too good. I heard that he got into a life threatening lawsuit in Japan, and the Japanese gangsters are chasing after him." The Emperor said, "Do you know about this?"    


"I know!" "No," I said.    


"How did you know?" The Emperor said.    


"Didn't you tell me that?" "No," I said.    


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