Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C618 To the Island

C618 To the Island

The King Kong quickly picked up a rope from the boat and threw it into the sea, next to Alai.    


I took the opportunity to lift the oar and push the boat off the boat, using the counterforce to start paddling. After a while, the boat disappeared into the fog, and there was the sound of King Kong pulling Alai up.    


I didn't dare to stop. I continued paddling at top speed. The small boat was moving as fast as I could in the fog, heading towards the island.    


Gradually, the sound of King Kong and Alai's movements could no longer be heard.    


I continued to race, and a moment later I heard the sound of a speedboat and they caught up.    


So I stopped rowing, and the boat was quiet on the sea, surrounded by fog, and I heard the sound of the boat coming closer and closer to me, but it seemed to me that there were no leads.    


I sat on the prow of the boat, watching the fog in front of me quietly, listening to the boat stop not far from me.    


"Fuck, why did this boat run away? "Where did you run off to?" Alai's voice.    


"There's fog all around. I can't see it clearly. He might have already gone far away. Who knows in which direction it's headed. " King Kong said.    


"This one's fishing is very suspicious. No matter how I look at it, this one doesn't seem like a fisherman. He was purposely shaking the fishing boat just now to get me into the sea." "We need to catch this guy," Alai said. "Maybe he's a big fish."    


"But where to find it? The visibility is not even 5 meters, we can't see it! " The Great Vajra said, "I think we shouldn't chase after them recklessly. There are many reefs here, and if we accidentally hit one of them, we would suffer a huge loss."    


"Maybe this guy is here for the island. Let's go back quickly and strengthen our defenses." Alai said.    


The speedboat sounded again, but it did not move. Then, Alai's voice was heard: "Turn off the engine — —"    


The speedboat died and there was silence.    


I was sitting in the boat, not breathing, and I knew that Alai was listening to what was happening around us, suspecting that I was close to him.    


I listened, but heard nothing.    


All of a sudden, "Achoo!" I heard a sneeze less than ten meters away from me, and I jumped in fright. Alai and King Kong's boat had swam with the sea water to my side, but I didn't notice it at all.    


I followed the sound of the sneezing, seeing nothing but mist.    


"You caught a cold." King Kong said.    


"Yeah, a little." Alai's voice was followed by another sneeze. Then, Alai said, "It seems that he really did go far. Let's go."    


The engine of the speedboat sounded again, then began to move, and a moment later the sound faded away.    


Relieved, I lit a cigarette and took a couple of puffs to calm the tension.    


I can't go now, it's so foggy and I don't have any navigation equipment on board, so I don't know where to go.    


After smoking a cigarette, I waited for a long time. Suddenly, a breeze blew, and the fog began to dissipate. The moonlight covered everything around me.    


I looked around and saw that I was about 300 meters away from the Uninhabited Island. The lights were flickering on and off on the island, and further ahead was the island where we had caught the crabs.    


I paddled slowly, heading for the island.    


I landed at the spot where the boat had stopped during the day. After tying the boat up, I picked up my backpack, took out my flashlight, and got off the boat.    


I didn't turn on the flashlight immediately, I didn't want the people on Uninhabited Island to see the light here. Before Lee Shun uses someone else's name to purchase and develop this island, any movement here will arouse the suspicion of Bai Laosan and the others.    


I stood on the shore, composed myself, found my bearings, and headed straight for the cave entrance at the bottom of the cliff.    


The surroundings were extremely quiet, to the point that it was somewhat terrifying. This place seemed to be a place where ghosts roamed about.    


I walked silently along the day road, the fog on the sea cleared, the cool sea breeze blowing in waves, on the face, on the body, cool, damp. He suddenly felt as if he was walking in heaven on earth.    


I was in no mood to admire the scenery, so I walked in a hurry without a sound. From time to time, the sounds of small insects chirping in the grass beside me could be heard.    


Soon, they arrived at the mouth of the cave. With the help of the moonlight, they began to move away the rocks that had been erected during the day.    


Ten minutes later, the hole opened.    


I walked into the cave and turned on the powerful flashlight. It was full and very bright.    


I carefully made my way inside. Suddenly, I heard the buzzing sound of bugs in my ears. Then, I was stung on the neck. With a flash of light, I cursed myself. There were a lot of mosquitoes around me.    


They had not come in the day, as if they were all resting, and they were all out at night now.    


The mosquitoes stung especially hard after autumn.    


I hurriedly opened my backpack and took out a stick made of wormwood. I lit it up and immediately, a fragrant aroma filled the air. Mosquitoes flew around me, but none of them dared to approach me.    


I kept walking, walking. "Ga —" From the depths of the cave came a shrill cry that seemed to come from beneath the ground, echoing in the cave and sounding creepy.    


I stopped, my hair standing on end.    


After half a day, the sound gradually died down and the cave returned to its previous tranquility.    


Looks like other than the bats we saw earlier in the day, there might be other unknown animals in this cave. They are hiding during the day and moving out at night.    


I suddenly regretted coming to this damned place alone at night, out of fear. But they were already here, so they could only grit their teeth and continue forward.    


When I finally reached the arrow, I turned into the cave and followed the tunnel for a while until I reached the hall.    


Putting down my backpack, I fixed the powerful light flashlight and aimed it at the spot where the pit was dug during the day. Then, I took out a handful of small military ironclad from my backpack and began to dig.    


As I was digging, there came another shrill cry from the depths of the cave. Startled, I stopped and listened until the sound died away.    


Then I went back to work, dug up the box of pebbles, and put them aside. Then I sat down on top of the box and smoked a cigarette.    


Then I enlarged the bottom of the pit, jumped in, and continued to dig.    


About fifty centimeters further down, the tulip suddenly touched a hard object.    


I felt a surge of excitement. Damn, there really was something down there.    


Cautiously, I dug around, and gradually the outline of an iron box was revealed.    


I dug up the surrounding dirt and rubble and found that the box was about the same size as the one with the pebbles, but there was a secret lock on the box.    


I jumped out of the pit, found a Swiss Army knife in my backpack, and jumped back in. I opened the Swiss Army knife and inserted it into the lock, moving it carefully.    


After fiddling around for a while, I heard a "pa" sound and heard the hidden lock being broken by me.    


I was secretly happy, I can do anything, a master of martial arts, can even unlock, so awesome.    


Then, after staring at the box for a while, I wondered what could be inside. Maybe there were treasures inside, or maybe there was another box of pebbles, maybe there were poisonous snakes and wild beasts inside. Perhaps there was a hidden mechanism in this box. Once the lid was opened, arrows would be shot out.    


I jumped out of the pit and lay at the edge of the pit. I shone my flashlight on the box in one hand, and I fiddled with the lid of the box with the edge of the tulip in the other. With a little push, I opened the lid.    


When he opened the box, he saw a layer of thick, black, oily paper.    


I poked at the oil paper with the tulip. It was hard underneath.    


It seemed like there were no poisonous snakes or traps inside.    


I jumped into the pit, shone my flashlight on it, and gently lifted the thick tarpaulin with my hand.    


After uncovering it, I was stunned —    




Golden brick!    


The boxes were filled with yellow, neatly arranged gold bricks. At this moment, I was dazzled by the bright golden light that was being emitted by the powerful flashlight.    


My heart was pounding. I picked up a gold brick and weighed it in my hand. It was much heavier than the gold bars Sun Dongkai had given me.    


I looked down again. There were several more layers, each of which was separated by a layer of oil, all of which were made of gold bricks.    


My heart thumped in my chest and I was extremely surprised. This chest full of gold bricks was quite expensive, yet there was actually such a treasure here. Just whose treasure box would this be? Were they really pirates? If it was a pirate's, then it shouldn't be just a golden brick. The island is a place where all kinds of treasures are stolen. How could it be just this one? Why wasn't there any silver or jewelry?    


Also, could there be other treasures hidden under this box of golden bricks?    


I bent down to pick up the golden brick box, but it was too heavy for me to lift, so I only moved a little.    


After a few tries, I gave up and decided not to continue digging. It was enough to just know that this is a treasure.    


I comforted myself.    


If Lee Shun and I dug out this case of gold bricks during the day, I think Lee Shun would share it without any hesitation, but right now, I don't have the slightest thought of taking it for myself. I know that this box of gold bricks is a very considerable amount of wealth, regardless of whether there's still money below it or not, just this box of gold bricks is enough for me to enjoy a lifetime of wealth.    


Who had buried this treasure here? I thought hard and couldn't think of anything.    


I stared at the chest of golden bricks for a long time, smoked a few cigarettes, then covered it with oil paper, covered it with dirt, put the box of pebbles back in place, covered it with dirt, and returned to their original condition.    


Then I collected the cigarette butts from the floor, packed them, and began to evacuate.    


He left the hall and followed the tunnel outside. As he was walking, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind pass by behind him. It seemed that something was passing by at an extremely fast speed —    


His scalp felt like it was going to explode, and he abruptly turned around — —    


At the same time he turned around, the flashlight also hit him.    


Strangely, he didn't see anything. All he saw were strange and rugged stone walls. Other than those, it was completely empty.    


Was there a ghost or ghost? This thought had just appeared in my mind, and I felt a burst of fear. I didn't dare to stay here any longer, so I quickly turned around and left the cave.    


After sealing the entrance with a stone, I hurried to the place where the boat was parked, boarded the boat, and quickly left the island.    


On the way back, I didn't take the same route and purposely avoided Bai Laosan's Uninhabited Island. I didn't want to meet Alai again, since I couldn't beat him, so it was better to avoid him for now. Although it would take some time.    


Back at the dock, Fourth Brother was squatting on the shore smoking a cigarette. I landed on the shore, Fourth Brother helped me tie up the boat, and I carried my backpack onto the shore.    


"You're finally back. I'm so worried, if you don't show up, I'm going to find you. " Fourth Brother looked at me and said, "How is it? What's going on inside? "    


I followed Fourth Brother into the wooden house and told him what had happened tonight while changing my clothes and taking off my makeup.    


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