Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C171 Sad

C171 Sad

I gloomily entered the Issuing Company, went upstairs, and entered the office. Cao Teng wasn't there.    


I stood in the corridor and smoked, while looking at the Issuing Company courtyard. After a while, I suddenly saw Zhao Dajian and Cao Teng walk out from the Management Office courtyard, while whispering something in each other's ears.    


That night, after dinner, Hai Zhu wanted to go to a bar to listen to music. I took Hai Zhu to a DJ bar.    


As soon as I sat down, Hai Zhu looked around and her expression suddenly changed. She stood up and dragged me outside.    


I was a little confused. As I walked, I scanned the direction where Hai Zhu was looking at just in time to see Bai Laosan and the four Vajra sitting in an open booth over there. They were drinking, smoking and chatting with the ladies.    


When Hai Zhu and I stood up and walked out, I saw Bai Laosan. Bai Laosan and the others also saw Hai Zhu and me.    


The four King Kong immediately stood up, as if they were going to walk towards me. Bai Laosan made a gesture, and they sat down again, then looked at us together.    


I saw a hint of an evil smile and a sneer on Bai Laosan's face.    


After we left the bar, Hai Zhu exhaled and said that she was tired and didn't want to play anymore. I had lost my mood and went back together with her.    


We didn't speak on the way back.    


The next day, after breakfast, Hai Zhu left and I went to work at the company.    


As soon as he entered the office, he saw Hsinghai Evening News of the day. On the second page, there was indeed the news about the big prize of the retail purchase event, as well as a large photo of Hai Zhu holding her laptop.    


I just finished reading this news, and received a call from the company's office, informing me to go to Management Office.    


He went to the office of the Management Office Cao Lee was in. Cao Lee was there, sitting on the sofa were two serious looking strangers. Cao Lee introduced one of them as a member of the HR department, and the other as a member of the corporation.    


Cao Lee's expression was also very serious, and she didn't smile at all.    


After I sat down, the HR department member opened today's evening paper, pointed at the winning news picture and asked: "Yi Ke, we called you here to ask you something. What is the relationship between you and this winning reader? Do you know her? "    


I nodded. "My girlfriend, of course!"    


The HR department member and the party representative looked at each other and nodded. Then, the Party office member continued to ask me: "Yi Ke, who is in charge of distributing the reward cards for the retail purchase of newspapers in Issuing Company?"    


"It's me!" "No," I said.    


The two of them looked at each other again, then said to me, "Okay, it's fine. You can go."    


I got up and went out. When I came out, I felt a surge of foreboding. I didn't go back to my office, but went straight to Qiu Tong's.    


When he entered Qiu Tong's office, she was sitting at her desk, deep in thought, her expression serious.    


I first talked about Management Office with Qiu Tong, and when Qiu Tong heard what I had to say, her expression changed, and she picked up a newspaper, handing it to me.    


I received it and saw that it was today's Hsinghai. On it was a picture of a news article with a black title. In the breaking news section, the title was very eye-catching: The biggest scam in the history of Hsinghai Newspaper: There's truth in this picture.    


The picture beside us is a picture of Hai Zhu holding a laptop computer. I don't know how this newspaper managed to get hold of this picture at the same time, it was clearly taken by the reporter from the evening paper.    


"I was looking for you. Look at the contents." Qiu Tong said in a heavy voice.    


I hurriedly read the news content, which was published in the form of a letter from the reader upon receipt by the newspaper, saying that a certain newspaper agency in Hsinghai had organized a retail purchase of newspaper awards in order to deceive the readers and the citizens, and had tampered with the awards. The winner in the photo was the girlfriend of the staff responsible for issuing the awards.    


Although the news did not mention the names of Hsinghai Evening News and Hsinghai, nor Hai Zhu and I, this event was very lively and had a very wide reputation in Hsinghai City. Besides, there was also the news that was published today in the evening newspaper, so even a fool would know what was going on.    


This piece of news from Hsinghai was no different from a heavy bomb. It exploded towards Hsinghai Evening News and Media Group, towards Issuing Company, and towards Issuing Company, and no doubt would cause huge shock and bring about negative effects in the society.    


The direct victims of this negative effect were Hsinghai Evening News and Hsinghai, it would definitely cause the group leader and the evening newspaper to lose a lot of face.    


And the direct consequence of this matter was that the group leader, Long Yan, was infuriated.    


The two leaders of the corporation and the HR department must have followed the orders of a certain leader of the corporation and asked me to verify this matter.    


Although I know that I am innocent, who would believe me? Who would believe such a coincidence?    


I know that at this moment, even if I had ten thousand mouths, I wouldn't be able to clearly explain it. On the contrary, the more I explain it, the more it would arouse suspicion.    


I put down the newspaper and stared at Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong's bright eyes looked at me and said softly, "Yi Ke, I don't believe that you did this. It must have been a coincidence!"    


Qiu Tong's words gave me a great deal of comfort. At this moment, trust is more important than anything else.    


"However, believing you is not the same as other people believing you. For a matter like this, everyone's thoughts and habits would rather believe it to be true than not believing it to be true." Qiu Tong continued, "The negative social effects of this incident are huge and will greatly damage the group and the evening newspaper's image. Now, not only you, but the group leader and everyone else in the group will not be able to explain this matter clearly. The consequences of this matter are unimaginable. "    


I stood there dumbly, saying nothing.    


Worried, Qiu Tong picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Human Resources, is this Qiu Tong?"    


I stood there watching Qiu Tong make the phone call, thinking about it, and immediately decided that Cao Lee, Zhao Dajian and Cao Teng together or by themselves, and Cao Teng was definitely the trigger.    


To Cao Lee, poking her out to spread the news was enough to drive me out, and could even rush to the Hsinghai s. Not only did it poke a hole in Qiu Tong's wall, it could also be used to strike at her as well.    


To Zhao Dajian, killing three birds with one stone could be said to be killing three with one stone. Not only could it drive me, who he hates the most, away, it could also suppress Qiu Tong who was suppressing him and even teach Su Dingguo, who fought for power, a lesson.    


To Cao Teng, my departure has undoubtedly reduced one of his strongest competitors and laid a good foundation for his future development.    


Under the influence of the same interests, the three of them came together and, borrowing Hai Zhu's win, launched a new wave of attacks.    


I thought about it and felt very angry, but I felt powerless, because I could not come up with the evidence to clear my mind of the injustice that had been done to me. If something like this happened to someone else, I might even suspect that there was something fishy going on.    


Half a day later, Qiu Tong finished her call. She looked even more worried as she told me the contents of the call.    


It turned out that this morning, the chairman of the group that was also the vice-minister of the city's had gone to the city council's Ministry of Propaganda for a meeting. He had seen the news of the Hsinghai there, and at the same time, was ridiculed and ridiculed by the other few vice ministers.    


Angry, humiliated and embarrassed, the normally calm chairman felt humiliated and angry. He became impulsive and immediately investigated the matter over the phone with the lead committee of the disciplinary committee and the HR department. He immediately dealt with the matter seriously.    


As for the manner of the investigation, the chairman of the board of directors, in his rage, had made an arbitrary decision as follows: Find out the relationship between the parties concerned, ask who issued the award card, and as long as the two coincides with the reported facts, there is no need to listen to futile explanations or pointless explanations.    


The way of handling the situation was as follows: If the party concerned was the head of the Issuing Company Department, his job title shall be revoked; if it was an ordinary staff member, he shall be expelled and kept for inspection; if he was an employee, he shall be persuaded to dismiss him; if he is a temporary worker, he shall be dismissed immediately! At the same time, the leaders of the relevant departments should be held accountable.    


It was obvious that the chairman of the board of directors wanted to quickly deal with the situation and give his peers and leaders an explanation so that he could save some face and show his efficient style of doing things right.    


I was a temporary worker who had not been hired in time, and naturally belonged to the last method.    


That is to say, according to the chairman's arbitrary order, I will be expelled immediately, and at the same time, Su Dingguo and Qiu Tong will also have to bear the corresponding leadership responsibility.    


What the leader thinks is right is 100% right. The more you explain it, the more futile it becomes, and the more it will be added to your list of dishonest excuses.    


Even though everyone said that we follow the principle of democratic centralism, but when it really works, it's just a matter of words. The leader is the one in charge, and the boss is furious, no one dares to fight back, and we can only knock our eggs against a rock.    


I know that Qiu Tong cannot disobey the instructions of the chairman of the corporation, nor can she disobey them.    


I was trying to stretch my arms and legs here, and I'm going to roll up and get out of here.    


This time, it wasn't me who resigned, it was me who was expelled!    


Sure enough, in the afternoon of the same day, the punishment decision of the group came down: Qiu Tong wrote out a written check on Group Party Committee, Su Dingguo was suspended for inspection, and I, am directly expelled!    


That afternoon, I finished my communication with Cao Teng, and dejectedly left the Issuing Company under Cao Teng's seemingly sympathetic and mocking gaze.    


When I left the Issuing Company, I didn't see Qiu Tong.    


Only then did I remember that I didn't see Qiu Tong at the company for the entire afternoon.    


Where did Qiu Tong go?    


I was a little depressed and disappointed in my heart. I thought that if I left this time, it would be very difficult for me to find an excuse to see Qiu Tong again in the future. The illusory Floating Dream had already disappeared, and Qiu Tong in reality would also disappear.    


Thinking this, I felt an indescribable sadness in my heart.    


Walking on the streets of Hsinghai where the scent of spring had yet to come, looking at the bare branches of the French parasol tree on both sides of the road, after a cold winter's sweep, it was already rare for a single leaf to fall.    


A piece of yellow leaves swaying down, it is difficult to lyrical.    


He decided not to be angry anymore. Don't be so childish, it was just a temporary job and he was fired. How big a deal is it, your father's company has already gone bankrupt, how can I care about such a trivial matter?    


I was fired, but Qiu Tong didn't call me to comfort me. I didn't even meet up with her, so I couldn't help but feel a tinge of resentment. Where did she go?    


As he strolled along the street at dusk, the lights of the city began to shine.    


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