Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C179 Talk

C179 Talk

At that moment, my cell phone rang. It was Qiu Tong.    


"Yi Ke, are you asleep?" Qiu Tong said in a quiet voice.    


"No, Boss Qiu. Is something the matter?"    


"I want to ask you out for a chat. Do you mind?"    


Qiu Tong asked me to come out so late to have a chat. I had a strange feeling in my heart and hurriedly said, "It's convenient, it's convenient!" "Where to?"    


"Let's go to Green's Bar near Zhongshan Square and listen to the music and drink some coffee to relax."    


Green's is a very high class slow rhythm bar, I've been there once, usually there are not many guests, the environment is very elegant.    


I promised Qiu Tong and hurried downstairs to take a taxi. Twenty minutes later, Qiu Tong and I met in front of the bar.    


He went into the bar, took a seat in a corner, and ordered coffee and snacks.    


There were not many guests in the bar. The lighting was soft and the music was playing gently. The atmosphere was exceptionally warm and elegant. A few seats across from us, a few men and women were seated, talking quietly and laughing at something.    


Looking at the beautiful Qiu Tong under the dim yellow light, it was as if I saw Floating Dream in a trance.    


I felt as if my mind were floating again, as if I were back in that virtual space, again.    


"What are you daydreaming about?" Qiu Tong's words woke me up from my drunken stupor. I hastily shook my head. "I'm fine."    


Qiu Tong raised her head and smoothed her hair, looking at me: "Yi Ke, I heard that Boss Zhao scolded you this afternoon. Boss Zhao is too outrageous, how can he do this? I have to talk to him tomorrow, it's too much! "    


I said, "Don't talk to him. Actually, it wasn't Boss Zhao who scolded me first today. I provoked him first. He talked too much and I couldn't help but want to teach him a lesson."    


"Oh …" Qiu Tong looked at me.    


So I told him everything that had happened this afternoon.    


Qiu Tong couldn't help but laugh out loud as she heard this. She covered her mouth and lowered her head, smiling so hard that her whole body was trembling. When I saw Qiu Tong laughing, I couldn't help but laugh.    


After laughing, Qiu Tong raised her head and her face suddenly became serious, "Yi Ke, I want to criticize you. After laughing, Qiu Tong raised her head and her face suddenly became serious, and she said to me," Yi Ke, I want to criticize you.    


I hurriedly nodded my head in apology. "I know my wrongs, I admit my wrongs!"    


"Not to that extent, not to that extent! However, what you're doing is really wrong! " Qiu Tong said, "No matter what, Boss Zhao is the company's second-in-command. He is the company's leader!"    


I said, "Then I'll apologize to Boss Zhao tomorrow!"    


"Forget it, don't apologize anymore. This apology of yours will make use of this momentum to beat you to death. Who knows, it might be infinitely magnified!" Qiu Tong said, "Just accept the lesson and don't do this again! Do you hear me? "    


"I heard it!" I answered honestly.    


Qiu Tong's expression softened. Then, she muttered to herself, "What a damned brat. To think that you could do such a thing."    


Qiu Tong couldn't hold back her laughter anymore.    


Looking at Qiu Tong's expression, my heart relaxed a little. Then I said to Qiu Tong, "I heard that the overall operations department's personnel appointment has been stuck by Boss Sun. There's no hope, right?"    


Qiu Tong was silent for a moment before nodding with a depressed expression.    


I said, "Then what does Boss Sun mean?"    


Qiu Tong looked at me but didn't answer. "Yi Ke, let me ask you, if you want Cao Teng to become the manager of the comprehensive business department and let you continue to be a soldier or a subordinate of Cao Teng, would you be willing to do so?"    


Although I was unwilling in my heart, I still said without hesitation, "I am willing to do whatever position I have to take. No matter who is the manager of the comprehensive business department, I will do my job seriously and responsibly as usual!"    


"Is that what you meant?"    


"Yes sir!"    


Qiu Tong nodded in satisfaction, then pursed her lips and said, "You're willing, but I'm not. I have to consider things from the perspective of the company's work, not just relationships and face!"    


I looked at Qiu Tong and said nothing.    


Qiu Tong said: "Boss Sun's so-called blockbuster, is not to directly deny my appointment, but to ask me to be very tactful. He insisted that the personnel arrangement of the company should not only consider the overall situation, but also consider the overall situation. He should consider comprehensively how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the entire staff more effectively and make overall arrangements. To put it bluntly, Boss Sun wanted me to consider the reality of our relationship and let me take the initiative to understand the intentions of the leaders. "I know, as the leader of the group, Boss Sun will not directly nominate someone to do something above his level. The purpose of his words is for me to take the initiative to understand it myself."    


"This is the standard of a leader!" "Then how did you respond to him?"    


"I didn't reply to him. After signing and approving Yun Yun's appointment, he returned to me the report on the appointment of the Comprehensive Operations Department and suggested that Issuing Company be used for further research. Then, Boss Sun also suggested for me to have dinner alone with him. He said that we can continue discussing this at the dinner table.    


Of course, I understood why Sun Dongkai invited Qiu Tong to have a meal together. He always wanted to find an opportunity to get close to Qiu Tong in the name of work.    


I said, "So what are you going to do?"    


Qiu Tong said, "I haven't thought about it yet. I'm troubled by this matter. This is how the affairs of the Gong family are. Most of the time, the collective interests lie behind the relationship between relationships. I don't think the private sector would do this. "    


I said, "It doesn't matter. Don't go head to head with Boss Sun. Let Cao Teng be the manager and I'll be his subordinate. It's fine!"    


Qiu Tong shook her head with a resolute expression, "No, absolutely not. I'm not doing this to promote you to a so-called official, what rights do you have, I'm considering it from the company's work. In the comprehensive department, you're more suitable than Cao Teng. The difference in ability between the two of you is obvious. Although I admit that Cao Teng also has some ideas and ideas on work, but, with you, his weakness is obvious. I can't use the company's work to make deals. "    


"But, we can't get past Boss Sun. If you keep insisting on going head on against Boss Sun, won't it hurt the company's work even more?"    


Qiu Tong nodded, "What you said makes sense. Regardless of whether the leader is right or wrong, it's obviously not a good idea to go against the leader. I know this in my heart, in the afternoon, Boss Sun kept on saying that the work should be done with principle and flexibility."    


Qiu Tong shook her head helplessly. "It's hard to do something in a public office, I'm just trying to figure it out. If it doesn't work out …"    


Qiu Tong did not finish her words. It seemed that she had not made up her mind to implement some new method.    


The combination of principle and flexibility! I thought about this and fell into deep thought.    


"Little guy, what are you thinking about?" Qiu Tong looked at me.    


I ignored Qiu Tong and continued to ponder.    


"Comrade Yi, why aren't you paying attention to me!" Qiu Tong reached out and pushed my arm.    


I looked at Qiu Tong and grinned.    


"What are you laughing about?" Qiu Tong seemed to be infected by my silly laughter and couldn't help but laugh along.    


I scratched my head. "I just thought of an idea. I don't know if it'll work."    


Qiu Tong's eyes lit up as she looked at me with a beaming smile. "Young man, speak!"    


Qiu Tong told me I had to, so I started.    


Just when I was about to start, I suddenly remembered what Qiu Tong didn't finish. I looked at her and said, "Boss Qiu, what did you mean when you said you were thinking that it was impossible? "You're planning to."    


Qiu Tong said, "Tell me first. I want to hear your thoughts."    


I paused. "My thoughts can be summed up in eight words."    


Qiu Tong pursed her lips and smiled. "My idea is also eight words. Why don't we all use paper and see if it means the same thing?"    




Thus, I asked the waiter for a pen and a paper. Qiu Tong and I wrote it down and then we both opened it and read it. When we finished, Qiu Tong and I both laughed at the same time.    


"Yi Ke, our thoughts are the same. It seems that you and I have the same idea, "Qiu Tong said with a strange and excited expression." Tell me about your understanding of these eight words.    


I said, "Since Boss Sun has blocked my appointment, then Boss Sun must be thinking of making Cao Teng the manager of the comprehensive business department. However, this goes against your plan, and you can't accept it, so Boss Sun didn't bring it up directly.    


"Then, I would like to consider whether to take the compromise route and, on the basis of the current Integrated Services Department, establish an Integrated Services Department 1 and 2, with Cao Teng and I as the leaders respectively. The area of work of the two Operations Departments is divided into two parts, each of which will be responsible for their own business."    


As a result, there is a competitive nature between the two operations departments in the formulation of the programme of activities and the implementation of work, which may be more stimulating to the subjective initiative and enthusiasm of the workers. Of course, the premise is to be under the company's overall work concept under the guidance of a unified thinking, the activities of the overall thought and policy must be unified. "    


"Yi Ke, you and I are thinking the same thing. This compromise is not only a compromise for Boss Sun, but also a trial for the future integrated service department. This is also a thought that has been forced out of it. Qiu Tong looked at me approvingly.    


I chuckled. "Yes!" They were divided into two parts. As long as the coordination was good, there would be no conflicts. In formulating policies and programmes of activities, the two ministries can each come up with their own ideas, with the leadership of the company unified in deciding which one to adopt or synthesize into a more complete one. Once the final plan is born, both departments will have to implement it seriously, and the relationship between the two departments will naturally become one of competition, learning, chasing, helping and transcending. "    


Qiu Tong said, "Yes, you have a good understanding of it. Hey, Yi Ke, how did you come up with that?"    


I smiled. "It was just an inspiration from selling insurance in the past. It's just something I got from selling two parts and three parts."    


"Lecturism!" Qiu Tong smiled and said, "Your idea has confirmed my mind. Do it like this. Tomorrow, I will come up with a new plan for Boss Sun."    




"Yi Ke, do you think Cao Teng can do this job independently?" Qiu Tong looked at me.    


"Cao Teng is actually very smart. He has a good brain, and according to his natural qualities and ability, as long as he seriously does it, he can do it if he wants to. Of course, if there are other factors mixed in, it's hard to say."    


Qiu Tong pondered for a moment and looked at me. "Yi Ke, are you afraid of competition?"    




"Are you that confident that you can beat Cao Teng?"    


I smiled casually. "There are two divisions in total. If you can't be first, you'll be ranked second. In any case, both of them will be in the top two. It wouldn't be shameful if you ranked second!"    


"Hur hur, your attitude is quite good!"    


At the time, although I said so, I didn't think so.    


At this moment, I secretly became ruthless in my heart. I was thinking that if I were to carry out this scheme, not only would I have to surpass Cao Teng, but I would also have to ruthlessly drag Cao Teng to death at work.    


Dragging Cao Teng to death was not just to teach him a lesson, but to show it to Sun Dongkai, Cao Lee, Zhao Dajian, and everyone around them.    


Of course, I killed him with my own ability and my own ability, not with some kind of conspiracy.    


Of course, the better I did my job, the better Qiu Tong would be for me.    


At the moment, for me, making money is the second best thing. Helping Qiu Tong is the biggest politics.    


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