Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C181 Strict

C181 Strict

"Of course, just raising awareness is not enough, we have to make concrete efforts to implement it. We have to firmly put all the issuance measures into place, do well all the management examinations within the company, implement good incentives and motivate people. At the same time …    


When he said till here, the Chairman paused, glanced at everyone, and emphasized, "The leaders of Issuing Company, in particular, need to unite themselves well, think in one direction, work in another direction, and form a strong combat group that strictly forbids internal consumption! For internal strife, for acts that impair the collective interest in seeking one's own personal gain, for acts of forming cliques and cliques, once discovered, severe punishment will be meted out without mercy! "I don't have any other skills, but I still have the authority to revoke a few middle-ranking officials."    


At this point, the chairman's tone was somewhat stern as he stopped and looked at everyone.    


The meeting room was in complete silence. Everyone listened with serious expressions. Boss Sun was calm and even lit a cigarette.    


I now felt the authority of the chairman of the board of directors, and the tiger was not really a sick cat.    


Then, the chairman's tone softened. "On the basis of raising awareness and making good use of them, we should strengthen our studies and our professional knowledge. Everyone should compete to be an expert in distribution. Speaking to here, I have to praise Qiu Tong, this year's Issuing Company year's retail expansion, her thinking is very advanced, the effect is very obvious, the increase in the number of newspapers retail sales, will definitely have a huge impact on the group's advertising. "    


Qiu Tong said, "Chairman, in fact, it's all because of Boss Sun's good management. Our colleagues in the Comprehensive Operations Department have done well."    


The Chairman nodded, then looked at me and Cao Teng and said, "Both of you have made great efforts, so you must be sure of your results, especially this Comrade Yi, who has worked diligently and painstakingly and has not complained about his great grievances. This is especially commendable. On the way here, I heard from Boss Sun that Issuing Company has established a second division, and that the two of you are responsible for it separately. This method is good.    


Sun Dongkai had a smile on his face and seemed to be proud of himself.    


Qiu Tong was also smiling with a calm expression.    


"Recently, I've been thinking about how to organically combine newspaper publishing and distribution, and even advertising, to form a close collaboration, and how to combine newspaper publishing and management with this article, how to make the two work together, develop each other, make the newspapers more deeply and impressively among the citizens, give our newspapers a wider and wider market in Hsinghai, and allow us to reap both economic and social benefits." The chairman said at last: "Today I will give you this topic. You will all have to think about how to finish this article.    


Listening to the chairman's words, I understood in my heart that he was giving Issuing Company and even Boss Sun instructions.    


Qiu Tong listened with rapt attention, blinking.    


At this time, Boss Sun looked at Qiu Tong, "Boss Qiu, the chairman has passed the test. If you want to do the test, you can do it. As for how you want to submit a qualified test, that will depend on you."    


Qiu Tong nodded with a smile. "We will seriously consider it. We will strive to submit a qualified answer script to the Party committee!"    


The chairman smiled at Qiu Tong, "Qiu Tong, answering questions is easy but hard. Please don't keep me waiting."    


Qiu Tong nodded solemnly.    


After that, the meeting ended and the chairman and Boss Sun left.    


The chairman of the board seemed to have forgotten what he had said about inviting me.    


Of course, I didn't expect him to treat me to dinner.    


Then, Qiu Tong immediately called Su Dingguo and I, as well as Cao Teng, to discuss how to implement the chairman's question.    


"What Chairman said just now was quite general, but we need to experience it from the bottom of our hearts, since we are standing at a very high place." Qiu Tong said, "The words of the chairman just now, as I understand it, was simply this one sentence: How to do a good job of combining the editorial board and Operating Departments with each other so that the interests of the newspaper and the readers are even closer! Everyone, how do you do this article? "    


Su Dingguo's expression was a bit blank, as if his mind was empty.    


Cao Teng pretended to be deep in thought and frowned as he started to think.    


There was nothing in my mind for a while, so I looked at Qiu Tong's eyes that were currently looking at me. After pondering for a moment, I said, "Naturally, do a good job with this article. It must have a good carrier!"    


"Carrier?" Qiu Tong's eyes lit up as she looked at me. "What host body?"    


"I can't think of that right now." I honestly said, "I don't have any ideas right now."    


Qiu Tong rolled her eyes, pursed her lips into a smile and said: "I agree with Yi Ke, yes, finding a good carrier is the only way, but, what kind of carrier is used, and how this carrier can be used, is a question that needs to be seriously studied. This task, we will hand over to the two brand-new managers.    


"You two should split up and think about it. Try to get your plans out as soon as possible. After the plan is adopted, the company will arrange for it to be implemented uniformly. Also, I would like to remind you that this is not just a marketing plan. The social benefits of this plan are greater than the economic benefits. "    


Hearing Qiu Tong's words, it seemed like she had a general idea of what to do.    


Of course, I do not believe that Qiu Tong's mind will have specific details at this time.    


Qiu Tong started giving Cao Teng and me missions again, and Cao Teng and I began another round of wrestling.    


Right now, Cao Teng and I are standing at the same starting line, leading our respective teams and managing our respective areas.    


The contest between me and Cao Teng is not only about our individual players, but also about the performance of our respective departments.    


If I want to drag Cao Teng to death, I can't do a few plans on my own. The key is to rely on the overall performance of the department.    


Of course, the priority right now is for me to come up with a successful plan. This is not only to beat Cao Teng down, but also to assist Qiu Tong in completing the task given by the chairman.    


To me, Qiu Tong's business was the most important thing.    


For three days I thought about it.    


I repeatedly pondered over the words of the chairman that day as well as Qiu Tong's suggestion. I repeatedly played with my previous marketing experience and model, and repeatedly thought about the relationship between the newspaper, the readers, and the Operating Departments …    


He had a headache thinking about it and looked up a lot of relevant information. His mind was blurry, but he still could not find a way out.    


Cao Teng didn't seem to have thought of anything and seemed to be at a loss.    


But these three days, Qiu Tong seemed to be very calm and didn't rush us. She would come by our office every now and then, ask for a few reports or numbers, and then she would leave.    


On the fourth day, I changed my way of thinking, lowered my head and ran down the stairs. I visited readers, the citizens, the newsstands, ran to the various Publishing Station s to privately talk with the Publisher. I also privately arranged to meet a few reporters from the press department to have a meal together and listen to their gossip …    


It went on for a week, and I got more and more food in my stomach, and I got more and more knowledge, and my head was full of questions, but I still couldn't get a grip on them, and I couldn't find an entrance.    


Cao Teng didn't seem to be idle these few days and rarely saw him in the office.    


These days, I've been on QQ every night, and through that software, I found out that my Floating Dream has been offline and silent every night.    


Every time I see her Floating Dream silently there, my heart would faintly ache. What exactly is she looking at? Why didn't she speak? Did she know I was watching her?    


There were several times when I couldn't help but want to talk to her. Every time I raised my hand, it would fall down with difficulty. The gap between reality and illusion was so huge, what could I possibly say to her? What could she promise me?    


In the end, the illusion is a dream-like dream and reality is something that cannot be changed. She is unable to walk out of that reality, so if she comes into contact with me here, what will be destroyed in the end?    


Why can't I face reality bravely and forget this dream that was destined to be a dream, and let myself walk out of this hopeless obsession?    


Thinking of Dong Xue, thinking of Hai Zhu, thinking of the clouds, thinking of Qiu Tong, my heart began to become tangled.    


I didn't know where I was going. I wanted to try to put it all down, forget all the pain of the past, forget the family love, forget the self-deceiving dream. I wanted to face Hai Zhu seriously and accept Hai Zhu.    


However, no matter how I think about it, I can't let my mood become carefree and unrestrained. Every time I see Qiu Tong in reality, every time I see the QQ and Floating Dream records, I become strong several times to truly make myself accept Hai Zhu's thoughts. Then I become weak and tired.    


Clouds and I now seem to have a relatively peaceful relationship.    


Her feelings for me, I knew, were still unfaded and even more intense. But the clouds seemed to have become much more rational and prudent.    


As for me, my kinship towards the clouds far exceeds my love. I would rather treat her as a relative and love her as a little sister.    


Even though I already knew that Dong Xue no longer belonged to me, I still couldn't forget that unforgettable first love in my despaired and pained heart. Those unforgettable years would often flash in my dreams and in my mind.    


Whenever I think of Dong Xue, my heart will still ache, time and reality have not erased the deep imprint in my heart.    


Thinking about all this and Hai Zhu's true feelings for me, I couldn't help but feel guilty and feel sorry for Hai Zhu.    


I had thought that Hai Zhu would certainly be the right person for me in terms of reality and long-term perspective, but I wanted to walk into Hai Zhu, but I was blocked by an intangible knot in my heart. I wanted to let go of myself, but I was also constrained by a deep contradiction, and I felt like I was sinking deeper and deeper into an intangible net, unable to extricate myself.    


In the midst of all the hassle and bustle of work, I numbly allowed myself to live a life of numbness.    


On weekend afternoons, I wanted to relax my mind and think about the plan as I jogged to the beach.    


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