Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C180 Approved

C180 Approved

As expected, on the second day, after Qiu Tong submitted her new proposal, Sun Dongkai happily signed and approved it. The HR Department also unanimously approved it on the same day.    


In the afternoon, Qiu Tong summoned Cao Teng and me to her office for a meeting. Both Zhao Dajian and Su Dingguo participated.    


After Qiu Tong came to Issuing Company, he was first taken down by Qiu Tong as the office's assistant director, and sent to work at a remote location in the Publishing Station. After a period of suffering, not only did he return to his base camp, his position was even higher than before.    


For many men, face was important, whether it was in front of women or colleagues, whether it was in the unit or in society.    


Zhao Dajian seemed to still be brooding over my appointment, and resented that I played him tricks yesterday. He looked at me coldly and said: "Yi Ke, don't be complacent, you got promoted by Cao Teng. Without Cao Teng's promotion, how can you be promoted? This second division was specially established to take care of you. "    


Chinese officials and SOEs have a practice of setting up institutions, not for work, but for people. Some departments are even set up specifically for someone.    


Therefore, what Zhao Dajian said couldn't be unreasonable. If it wasn't for Cao Teng, naturally, there wouldn't be the appearance of the second division.    


I smiled respectfully at Zhao Dajian. "Boss Zhao is right!"    


Qiu Tong looked at Zhao Dajian with a half-smile, then looked at me and Cao Teng, and continued, "The establishment of the first and second division was decided by the group leader's instructions, which are needed for the company's current work and reality. Between the first and the second departments, there was a juxtaposition on the job. Of course, there was also competition. This was a must.    


However, having competition does not mean that they would take advantage of one another, but rather, they would compete based on the principle of common development and common progress. The assessment and management methods of the two departments and the allocation of funds are the same, everyone is at the same starting line, as the old saying goes, whether you are a mule or a horse, pull them out and let the two of you display your abilities separately from now on. "    


Then, Su Dingguo presided over the division of the two departments, with the central area of the Road of Liberation as the boundary, the south of the road to Cao Teng, the north of the road to me. Neither Cao Teng nor I could say anything about the division of the area, because the area on both sides is similar in size to the population and economic development.    


However, at this time, Zhao Dajian jumped in again, holding a pen and slashing it across the market concentration area north of Liberation Road on the city map. He said arbitrarily, "I think it's unfair that this part should be divided into one section, while the other section doesn't have a market."    


Based on Zhao Dajian's actions, the originally straight line of the border became a huge indent on my side. It directly transferred the Hsinghai's biggest five wholesale markets to Cao Teng.    


What does the market mean? This means that there will be more space for retail and other businesses to develop in the future. You can sell more newspapers and quickly improve your performance. These markets are currently in the initial stages of development. I was planning to make a breakthrough here, but I didn't expect Zhao Dajian to do this.    


Cao Teng's face revealed a happy expression when he heard Zhao Dajian's words. He then looked at Su Dingguo without saying anything.    


Su Dingguo frowned as he looked at Qiu Tong. Obviously, he wanted her to make a decision.    


Qiu Tong frowned and glared at Zhao Dajian in dissatisfaction. After a moment of thought, she looked at me.    


The atmosphere in the office wasn't harmonious. After being stirred up like this by Zhao Dajian, the originally peaceful and united situation seemed a bit unpleasant.    


I immediately understood Qiu Tong's intentions. Solidarity was of the utmost importance at the moment.    


Zhao Dajian was trying to find a fault to fan the flames. He wanted to create a conflict right from the beginning and set a fuse for me and Cao Teng's future work.    


At the same time, he reckoned that I would most likely not agree, which would cause the scene today to become chaotic. The more chaotic it got, the more Zhao Dajian would think about it.    


I couldn't let Zhao Dajian's schemes succeed. I then took the initiative to say: "Since Boss Zhao has said so, I have no objections. I will obey the Leader's decision!"    


With my opinion, Su Dingguo is naturally able to do it. Thus, he followed Zhao Dajian's suggestion and revised the division of the lower regions.    


The retail sales team that already exists and operates is also divided into two parts, which Cao Teng and I will manage separately. Of course, in the name of the company, the retail buying newspaper award activities or other or unified operation.    


With regard to office space, given the current tension in the company's offices, one division two is still in the original office and one office has two signs.    


Just like this, the division of the family was completed and everyone seemed to be overjoyed.    


After this incident, Yun Yun came in and reported to Qiu Tong, "Boss Qiu, I just received a call from the Party office informing me that the chairman and CEO want to come to the company to inspect the work. They'll be here soon."    


Since the chairman and Sun Dongkai wanted to come, this was a big matter. Qiu Tong instructed Yun to arrange a small meeting room for the company's leaders.    


Just as we were about to leave, the chairman and Sun Dongkai had already arrived at the company. The chairman seemed to have no special purpose this time, so he said he wanted to come and take a look.    


Qiu Tong invited the chairman and Sun Dongkai to the meeting room. When the chairman saw me, Cao Teng, Zhao Dajian and Su Dingguo, he waved his hand and said, "All of you come together."    


So we went to the small conference room together with Yun Yun to receive the chairman's review.    


The chairman sat down. Before Qiu Tong could say anything, he pointed at me. "You are Yi Ke, aren't you?"    


I nodded. "Yes!"    


"Is he that Yi Ke who was expelled by me for winning the lottery?" the chairman said.    


"Yes sir!" I nodded again.    


The chairman nodded and looked at me. "Do you feel wronged after being fired?"    


I said, "Sad!"    


The moment the words left his mouth, Sun Dongkai's face revealed a look of displeasure as he frowned.    


No matter what the Leader does, it's always the right thing to do. Even if I feel wronged, the Leader shouldn't say that I'm wronged. This is an essential quality of an official, but I've never experienced a situation where officials don't understand this, so I just replied straight to the point.    


"Yi, are you emotional about Group Party Committee?" Sun Dongkai immediately gave me a big hat.    


I was stunned, but before I could say anything, the chairman waved his hand: "Hey, Old Sun, don't say it like that. Comrade Yi Ke is speaking the truth. We were wrong. It is the right thing to do!"    


Sun Dongkai then smiled and stopped talking.    


Then the chairman continued to look at me. "If you feel aggrieved, why don't you complain?"    


I said, "It's no use!"    


"Why is it useless?" the chairman said.    


"I'm just a temporary worker. I have no status, no status, no backers, what's the point of speaking? I can't get my arms around my thighs. Besides, under the circumstances, who would believe me? "Not only does no one believe me, they would even say that I'm lying. Thus, I might as well admit that I was unlucky. I won't say anymore, I'll leave if you tell me to leave."    


My words were too straightforward. The moment I said it, everyone stared at me. There was a bit of nervousness in the eyes of the clouds.    


The small meeting room fell silent, and the atmosphere became slightly tense.    


The chairman suddenly burst out laughing, "This little guy speaks very directly. Very well, very straightforwardly. I like straightforward people. What he says is the truth, and what he says is the truth."    


The chairman smiled, and everyone relaxed and laughed along with him.    


Then, the chairman said: "Yi Ke, I have to apologize to you for this matter, I handled this matter wrongly, I made an arbitrary decision without any investigation, even if you didn't complain, I still have to give you an explanation, not only do I have to apologize to you, I also have to apologize to Boss Qiu and CEO Su."    


The chairman's words made me have a whole new level of respect for him.    


I still wanted to test the chairman's mettle and bearing, so after thinking for a bit, I deliberately said, "Chairman, I admire your attitude of changing things whenever you know your wrongs. I am very satisfied with what you have said, but I don't feel wronged that you have expressed your stance today."    


What I said was blatantly bold and audacious.    


When everyone heard this, they were stunned. Who would have thought that I would come up with such words?    


The chairman was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud. He looked at Sun Dongkai and said, "Did you hear that, I got praised by that kid Yi Ke. He's very satisfied with me, and he even appreciates me, haha …"    


The chairman smiled happily.    


When the chairman smiled, everyone couldn't help but laugh. Qiu Tong shook her head as she laughed, thinking that she had overplayed herself today.    


After laughing, the chairman pretended to be serious and said to me, "Good boy, you are very satisfied with me. I am very happy. From now on, I will work hard to keep you satisfied."    


Before the chairman could finish his sentence, everyone laughed again. I knew that the chairman was teasing me and laughing as well.    


Then, the chairman said to me, "Yi Ke, not only are you satisfied with me, I'm also very satisfied with you. I heard that not only have you been righted, you've even been promoted to be the person in charge of the department.    


The chairman was still teasing me. I also teased him, saying, "My treat is to pay for myself. If you can't afford it, then you treat. The public can pay, and they even put on airs."    


When he finished, everyone burst into laughter. The chairman was especially happy as he kept nodding his head, "Alright, you little rascal, you're going to eat me."    


At this point, I don't think any of you would have thought that I would have the guts to joke with the chairman of the board of directors, who holds the power of life and death in his hands.    


For those of them who had been in the government before, this sort of joke wasn't something they could easily joke about. And the chairman seemed to think it was new and exciting to meet someone like me who was not afraid of anything.    


After the teasing was over, Qiu Tong began to report on her work and work schedule for the company after the new year, as well as on her plans for the next step.    


After listening to Qiu Tong's report, the Chairman nodded his head, "The way Issuing Company has been working this year is very clear. The plan is very thorough and is basically feasible. I agree. Regarding the future work of Issuing Company, I have a few comments … "    


At this moment, I suddenly realized that at some point, a notebook had appeared in front of everyone and they were all holding pens in their hands to start recording.    


F * ck, the leader's speech needs to be recorded, how could I not know this? At this moment, I felt a little awkward.    


Then the cloud next to me slipped me a notebook and a pen, and I opened the notebook and began to write.    


The chairman began to speak with confidence: "First of all, to improve the knowledge of the distribution work, Group Party Committee established the development policy of newspaper and management, on the basis of newspaper, on the basis of business, no real development of the group. The main business of the Group is to distribute, advertise and print. These three carriages are the main departments on which the Group depends for its survival and development. In these three carriages, distribution is the leader and is in the most critical position.    


Boss Sun nodded as he recorded it down carefully.    


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