Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C183 High

C183 High

Piggy looks at Haifeng. "As the head of the foreign enterprise office, Brother Hai Feng must have a pretty high income, right?"    


Haifeng smiled, "Just average!"    


"How much is it usually?" Little Pig looked at Haifeng.    


"Hee hee …" Haifeng smiled and did not answer.    


"Speak, this is still confidential." Little Pig urged Haifeng.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong said, "Silly Girl, do you even need to ask? Haifeng's income is naturally not low."    


Little Pig looked at Haifeng with admiration, "Brother Brother Hai Feng, I really admire you. You've achieved great success in your career at such a young age. You must be a master in management and marketing."    


Haifeng laughed dryly, glanced at me and said: "Don't say that. Here, I don't dare call myself a marketing expert. I'm ashamed, there are experts here."    


Little Pig said, "Who else is an expert?"    


I rolled my eyes at Haifeng.    


Haifeng grinned and then chuckled. He pointed at Qiu Tong and said, "Isn't this it? Boss Qiu is it!"    


Qiu Tong smiled and shook her head. "Stop ridiculing me. I don't dare to accept it. I need to study hard from you. Compared to you, I'm far worse off."    


Haifeng laughed, "Let's do it together."    


At this moment, Cloud, who had been silent, raised her glass and looked at me, saying softly, "Big Brother, let me toast you with a glass of wine."    


Clouds didn't say anything else. They looked at me with calm eyes, and I picked up my glass and clinked it with the clouds. Then I did it.    


The moment the cloud put down the wine cup, Haifeng picked up the bottle and poured some wine for the cloud. He then picked up the glass and said, "Ahhh, small pure white clouds of the prairie. Come, let this brother drink a cup for you and wish our clouds will be as beautiful and pure as the white clouds in the sky forever."    


Yun Yun smiled shyly and said, "Thank you, Brother Hai Feng."    


Then, everyone ate and chatted and laughed. Little Pig and Haifeng talked the most, Cloud spent most of the time looking at them with a smile, occasionally picking up food for Snowy.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong and I were drinking wine, "Manager Yi, there's been no activity during this period of time, how's the mission that was given to you?"    


I said, "I was in the middle of it when I encountered a bottleneck and got stuck."    


Qiu Tong said, "What bottleneck? "Why are you stuck?"    


I frowned and said, "If I can't grab hold of the bull's nose, I won't be able to find a way to solve the problem."    


Qiu Tong thought for a moment and said, "Then, why don't you think from a different angle?"    


I looked at Qiu Tong. "From a different angle?"    


Qiu Tong nodded. "For example, previously you were looking at the issue from the point of view of the newspaper office and management, so can you look at it from a different perspective, from the perspective of the readers and the citizens, and think about what you would like the newspaper to do for you if you were a citizen and you were a reader?" Then, the two of them will be combined in an organic way. "    


Qiu Tong's words made my heart pound. I pondered for a moment before nodding my head.    


"Also, what kind of a carrier or form would allow the best combination of these requirements, allowing all aspects to be extremely satisfied …" Qiu Tong continued.    


I listened and thought about what Qiu Tong had said.    


After we had our fill, everyone dispersed. I sent Haifeng to his office's dormitory and then went back to my dorm.    


After I came back and sat in front of the computer, I was still thinking about what Qiu Tong had said at dinner tonight. Combined with my research over the past few days and my original marketing philosophy, I thought about Qiu Tong's intentions and intentions and tried to figure out what Qiu Tong was thinking.    


Time passed slowly. Unknowingly, it was already late at night.    


I lit a cigarette and stood at the window, watching the moon in the night sky, frowning, thinking.    


Suddenly, a light flashed in my mind. The vault door that had been bothering me the entire time suddenly opened. Everything opened up in front of me, and thoughts surged out from my mind.    


Ideas decided the way out. Since he had a way out, naturally, he had a way out.    


Got it! Enough! It's done! After thinking for a long time, I suddenly clenched my fists in excitement and swung them in the air so hard that I jumped up.    


His heart was beating faster than his actions, so he started to do it!    


Immediately, I went back to my computer and started typing furiously...    


In the silent night, the air was filled with the heavy smell of smoke. Other than the sound of me tapping on the keyboard, there were also cigarette butts on the floor.    


At daybreak, I finished my masterpiece in one breath, and a stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.    


At this time, sleepiness came. I turned off the computer and fell asleep on the sofa.    


After sleeping for an unknown period of time, I was awoken by the ringing of my mobile phone. I picked up my phone and said, "Hello?"    


"Manager Yi." Qiu Tong's voice came over the phone. "Why didn't I see you at the company today?"    


I sat up and looked outside. The sun was high in the sky. It was already noon, and I had slept for so long.    


I hurriedly said, "I worked overtime last night to come up with a plan. I'm sorry, I overslept."    


"Finished?" Qiu Tong said.    


I immediately became excited. "Yes, it's done. Your reminder from last night was too important. I've finally understood. I've finished it all. I'll share my thoughts with you."    


"Don't! Don't tell me yet. " Qiu Tong said, "Cao Teng's plan has also come up. I didn't take a look. I'm currently with the chairman to receive guests. You can listen to my news in the afternoon."    


I don't know what Qiu Tong is up to.    


After hanging up the phone with Qiu Tong, I washed up and ate some food. Then, I went straight to the office of the company.    


In the afternoon, Cao Teng and I received a cloud notification. At three o'clock sharp, we went to the group meeting room to report our plans to the chairman.    


I knew it must have been Qiu Tong's idea. She must have used her time with the chairman to meet with him and say something to make him want to hear the report in person.    


Qiu Tong didn't look at my plan with Cao Teng, but wanted us to report directly to the chairman. What was the meaning of this arrangement?    


Seeing that it was almost time, I didn't have time to think any further and directly went with Cao Teng to the Group Party Committee small meeting room.    


As soon as I entered, I was shocked. The small meeting room was filled with people, including Sun Dongkai, Chief Editor from the evening paper, Cao Lee, Qiu Tong, Zhao Dajian, Su Dingguo and Boss Ping. There were also a lot of unfamiliar faces.    


The chairman hadn't arrived yet, so everyone sat there waiting quietly.    


I sat next to Boss Ping and asked around in a low voice. I found out that the other people attending today's meeting are the heads of the newspapers and magazines owned by the corporation.    


F * * k, a collective trial, this is going to be big!    


At three o'clock sharp, the chairman walked briskly into the meeting room and sat down in the middle of the conference table.    


Everyone immediately quieted down and looked at the chairman.    


The Chairman glanced at everyone and then went straight to the point, "A few days ago, Boss Sun and I went around the Issuing Company and learned about the working situation of the Issuing Company. After listening to Qiu Tong's report, I gave the Issuing Company a question. At noon today, when Qiu Tong and I were entertaining our guests, Qiu Tong told me that the two comprehensive business departments of Issuing Company had come up with their own plans. Thus, I arranged for the Party office to notify everyone and take advantage of the afternoon to listen.    


Qiu Tong said that she hadn't had the time to look at them yet, and asked if I should show them to me and Boss Sun after she had finished her examination. I thought, there's no need for that, it's straightforward. Today, let's listen to the originals of the original product, and after hearing everyone's thoughts and opinions, we can finally determine the final plan. Of course, if everyone feels that these two plans are not feasible, it would mean that I have failed this Issuing Company examination and am going to answer the paper again. "    


I looked at Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong happened to look at me as well, and a sly smile appeared on her face.    


I immediately understood Qiu Tong's intention for talking on the phone today. She didn't actually intend to look at our plan first, her real intention was to let the chairman listen to Cao Teng and me. She seemed to have full confidence in me, knowing that I would definitely succeed.    


I think Qiu Tong is gambling this time, taking the risk of failing the exam to gamble.    


"Alright, let's begin. The two members of the second division, which of you will be the first to speak?" The chairman looked at Cao Teng and me.    


Cao Teng and I looked at each other and humbly gave in.    


At this moment, Sun Dongkai pointed at Cao Teng, "Cao Teng, you go first!"    


Therefore, Cao Teng started with the story.    


Facing so many people, Cao Teng seemed to be a little nervous. He coughed twice, started up his own plan, and started to recite according to the text: "Report on the establishment of the Hsinghai Reader's Club …"    


When I heard that, my heart trembled.    


Everyone looked at Cao Teng and listened to him continue reciting.    


"Through the Readers' Club as a carrier, we have organically combined the recruitment department and the readers, shortening the distance between the readers and the newspaper, and allowing our group's newspapers to penetrate deeper into the citizens, thereby promoting the circulation of newspapers and increasing the social reputation of the group …"    


The chairman and Sun Dongkai listened attentively, while constantly writing something down in their books.    


"After the Readers' Club is formed, the following activities may be carried out according to the actual circumstances of the group press. 1. Invite readers to visit the editorial board and hold regular readers' colloquiums to listen to readers' suggestions for the newspaper. 2. To organize regular journalists to enter the community activities, to listen to the voices of the citizens at the grassroots level and to obtain the most valuable news clues directly from the front line. 3. Carry out activities of selecting lucky readers, select ten lucky readers every month, award prizes, grant certificates, and stimulate readers to pay attention to newspapers … "    


Cao Teng finished reciting it after about 20 minutes.    


After Cao Teng finished reading, he wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at me.    


While Wu Tie was reciting, everyone remembered what he said very seriously. The chairman's expression was solemn and he kept remembering something. Sun Dongkai nodded from time to time. Among the others, there were quite a few who had admiration for him.    


Boss Ping slightly frowned and occasionally shook his head.    


Qiu Tong's expression was calm as she stared at the table, seemingly deep in thought.    


After Cao Teng finished reading, the meeting room became quiet for a while.    




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