Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C213 Beautiful

C213 Beautiful

After a long time, when we had calmed down a little, Dong Xue left my arms, took out a tissue from her handbag, lowered her head and wiped her eyes. Then she looked up at me again, her expression calm.    


Under the bright neon light, I couldn't see Dong Xue's eyes clearly. I suspected that my eyes were a little blurred.    


"You've become thinner, darker, and sturdier." Dong Xue looked me up and down.    


"You've also lost weight, but you're still as beautiful as ever." I said with some heartache, boasting about Dong Xue again.    


In the past, Dong Xue would always ask me a question: Am I pretty? And my answer will always be one word: beautiful.    


Listening to me say that, Dong Xue lightly smiled. There was a hint of misery in her smile, but also some unease. Seeing this, my heart started to ache again.    


"Why are you here?" Dong Xue asked me again.    


"Someone told me." I asked Dong Xue, "How did you get here?"    


"In the evening, I received an unfamiliar call from a girl who asked me to come here," Dong Xue said. "She only said that she wanted to ask me to meet her, but she didn't know that she wanted me to come here and wait for you."    


Sure enough, all of this was Hai Zhu's doing. Thinking of Hai Zhu, guilt welled up in my heart. Not only did I feel sorry for Hai Zhu, I also felt sorry for Haifeng.    


"Ke, who is that girl? You know that, don't you? " Dong Xue looked at me.    


I nodded. "Haifeng's sister, Hai Zhu!"    


"Haifeng's sister?" Dong Xue looked at me.    


I nodded.    


"Why would she do that?" Dong Xue asked again.    


I looked at Dong Xue. "It's a long story."    


Dong Xue didn't ask any further. She raised her head and looked at the night sky before lightly exhaling.    


I was silent, too.    


When they met again, thousands of words would come out, but they would not be able to begin for a while.    


Leaving Dong Xue's body and embrace, I couldn't smell Dong Xue's body scent, so I suddenly felt that Dong Xue was a little unfamiliar.    


A flash of fear went through my heart, for what I had just felt.    


"Let's find a place to sit." After a while, I said.    


"I want to go drink!" Dong Xue said.    


"Okay, where do you want to go?" As usual, it's Dong Xue's call to decide where I go and play.    




Dong Xue's D8 bar is now 2046 bar, which is where Dong Xue and I used to come to Budi to drink.    


"I heard that it was purchased by a northern boss!" Dong Xue added.    


I nodded. "Okay, let's go."    


Dong Xue and I walked side by side toward 2046. Although we were shoulder to shoulder, Dong Xue didn't take my arm as she used to do. I wanted to take Dong Xue's shoulder, but I couldn't raise my arm.    


Could it be that time can really take away something?    


Walking into 2046, the deafening music, the strange lights, and the smell of smoke and alcohol filled the air.    


I ordered a small bag and went in with Dong Xue. The waiter came to order.    


I ordered a fruit plate and some snacks, they were Dong Xue's favorite varieties in the past. When I ordered the wine, I looked at Dong Xue.    


"Chivas!" Dong Xue said.    


Dong Xue used to drink no more than beer.    


I nodded and ordered a bottle of Chivas.    


When we were done, I told the waiter to go out and close the door, and we agreed with Chivas.    


The waiter closed the door and left. The noisy music was locked outside and the room quietened down.    


I mixed up the Chivas and poured it out for Dong Xue and me.    


Dong Xue took out a packet of three and a half and handed it to me. "Do you still smoke?"    


I nodded.    


"Go ahead!"    


I took out a cigarette and was about to light it when Dong Xue said, "Give me one!"    


Dong Xue started to learn how to smoke. I handed one to Dong Xue without a word, then helped Dong Xue light it up and lit it myself.    


Dong Xue took a light drag on her cigarette and spat out a strand of Cyan Smoke. She looked at me and said, "I know how to smoke. Is that strange?"    


Qiu Tong also smoked, but the two of them seemed to me to be different in nature.    


I didn't say anything as I silently looked at Dong Xue.    


Dong Xue lowered her eyes, picked up her glass and looked at me. "Ke, we haven't seen each other for over nine months. Come, let's drink nine cups. We will drink one cup every month for the past nine months."    


After saying that, without waiting for my reaction, Dong Xue raised her glass and drank it all in one gulp.    


I did it, too, and then I fell back.    


Dong Xue didn't stop to rest. She raised her glass again and said, "Here, a second cup."    


With that, he did it again.    


I did it.    


Dong Xue continued to drink one cup after another. Soon, we all drank nine cups. A bottle of Chivas was empty.    


Dong Xue's alcohol tolerance had increased. Dong Xue seemed to want to drink a lot tonight, especially since she wanted to get herself drunk.    


I ordered another bottle of Chivas. This time, Dong Xue didn't drink it right away, but looked at me strangely.    


Dong Xue's fair face had already turned scarlet, and her eyes were a little intoxicated. Although she was intoxicated, her eyes still revealed some sadness and bitterness.    


"Why are you looking for me?" Dong Xue's eyes were fixed on me, her voice a little hoarse.    


I swallowed and felt a pang in my heart. I looked at Dong Xue but didn't say anything.    


Dong Xue looked at me for a moment, then suddenly gave a silent laugh. She shook her head, then fumbled for a cigarette, lit it, and started smoking …    


Looking at the smoke curling behind Dong Xue's indifferent eyes, my heart continues to be sad and sad.    


Chivas had quite a bit of strength behind his words. Although I had quite a bit of alcohol, I still felt a bit dizzy. I think Dong Xue was also a bit drunk.    


"You shouldn't have come to me? Do you know? " Dong Xue shook her head and looked at me.    


I still didn't speak, and my heart ached.    


"Want to know what happened in the past?" Dong Xue took another drag on her cigarette. The smoke she exhaled filled her vision, making her vision blur a little.    


I lowered my head in silence for a while, then looked up at Dong Xue and raised my glass. "Drink."    


Dong Xue looked at me and pursed her lips. She raised her glass and drained it in one gulp.    


We were both silent, just drinking one glass after another.    


Just because I didn't say anything didn't mean that I had stopped thinking. Similarly, it didn't mean that Dong Xue didn't have any thoughts in her heart.    


This, I want to understand with me Dong Xue heart.    


I finished my second bottle of Chivas very quickly. Dong Xue's face was even redder now, and I was a little tipsy.    


At this moment, Dong Xue's body swayed. Her eyes were red as she looked at me. "Ke —"    


"I agreed and looked at Dong Xue.    


"Do you still love me?" Dong Xue's voice was a little hollow and ethereal.    


"I've never stopped thinking about you." I said bitterly.    


"Have you had any other women?" Dong Xue asked again as she seemed to have made up her mind.    


I didn't answer Dong Xue's question directly. "You have always been in my heart. Every lonely night, every cloudy and desolate moment, you have always been in my heart."    


"Ke …" Dong Xue's voice trembled a little, "You …" "I …"    


"In the years without you, I have tried countless times to forget about you, but in the end, I could not. In the end, I could not do it, I could not erase those memories from my heart, I could not forget the unforgettable scene between me and you." My voice caught in my throat as I thought back to the bitter days of the past nine months.    


"Ke …" Dong Xue's body trembled, as if she could no longer control her long-lasting depression and sadness. She suddenly threw herself into my arms and started crying loudly.    


Just a moment ago at Tianyi Square, she was silently, repressed her sobs. But now, she was crying out loud, as if she wanted to release all the emotions that she had felt for a long time, without reservation, at this moment.    


I hugged Dong Xue's body and caressed Dong Xue's shoulder. I lightly patted Dong Xue's back. My heart was filled with endless grief and pity. Hot tears couldn't help but roll down my cheeks.    


Dong Xue's tears flowed down my chest and onto my clothes. My hot tears rolled down Dong Xue's hair and slid down her neck.    


Dong Xue wantonly cried, I silently shed tears, at this moment, no words, we understand each other's hearts.    


After a long time, Dong Xue finally stopped crying. She was still in my arms, silently sobbing and twitching.    


I stroked Dong Xue's hair and rested my chin on her black hair. My feelings kept changing, one moment feeling full, the next moment feeling empty.    


After a while, Dong Xue raised her head and wrapped her arms around my neck. She looked up at me with clear eyes, glistening with tears, and a hint of longing in her eyes …    


I looked down at Dong Xue's pretty face. The distance between our eyes was so close that I could feel the breath Dong Xue was breathing.    


We stared at each other, breathing in each other's breath, feeling each other's feelings.    


Looking at Dong Xue's sexy lips, she seemed to have dried up a little, but there was also some anticipation.    


I wanted to lower my head and kiss Dong Xue, as I had done so many times before, but somehow I couldn't bring myself to turn my thoughts into action.    


Looking at me, Dong Xue's eyes were filled with passion and desire. She hugged my neck tightly and slowly raised her head, slowly approaching me …    


Dong Xue closed her eyes. Her beautiful eyelashes trembled. Her warm lips kissed mine.    


We finally welcomed the kiss that we hadn't seen for a long time. Dong Xue and I finally kissed again. This time, it was more than nine months ago.    


I hugged Dong Xue's soft and well-developed body, Dong Xue lay on her side in my embrace, hugging my neck, we kissed …    


The feeling that I hadn't felt for a long time came back. It was the trembling and shaking of the soul that only when I was with Dong Xue. This familiar kiss had intoxicated me so many times that I was unable to extricate myself from it.    


Dong Xue and I kissed passionately, trying to get into each other's arms, with sad longing and longing, with sour enthusiasm and open-mindedness.    


I clearly saw Dong Xue's eyes started to shed tears again. I could clearly feel that my eyes once again became moist.    


Dong Xue, my lover, my first love, my woman, my world.    


The voice that had been in my heart for a long time called out again and again.    


Time has not passed, the years have not disappeared, the days of suffering can not take away my heart of obstinacy, rough experience can not melt the traces of my soul.    


Dong Xue and I kissed passionately, forgetting all the worries and sorrows in the world. At this moment, I didn't even think about Floating Dream or Qiu Tong.    


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