Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C229 Self-overestimation

C229 Self-overestimation

After a while, I sneaked a peek at Qiu Tong and saw her staring at me. Her face was a little embarrassed and a little flushed.    


My heart beat harder, and suddenly I felt ashamed, ashamed, and I wanted to find a hole in the ground to hide in. I feel that I really do not count, overestimating my own abilities, and feel like a toad wanting to eat swan meat.    


My shame came from reality. I already had Dong Xue, Dong Xue had returned to my side, and Qiu Tong was engaged. Perhaps, she would soon enter into marriage.    


Qiu Tong and I were silent. The room was quiet, stifling me, suffocating me.    


After a while, Qiu Tong chuckled softly, a bit forced.    


"Yi Ke, I feel like you're a lucky person!" Qiu Tong said, her expression returning to normal.    


I looked up at Qiu Tong, still embarrassed.    


"I think you're very popular with women. Look, Hai Zhu treated you so well. Now that Hai Zhu has left, your first girlfriend, Dong Xue, is here again. Dong Xue is so pretty." "Also, you and the clouds, the clouds, to you …" Saying this, Qiu Tong paused, "To you, Cloud …" I don't know how it is now, but, at least, I used to be able to feel it. "    


I grinned, embarrassed again.    


"That's why I said you're very popular with women. So many good girls are surrounding you." Qiu Tong smiled and said, "Of course, there's only one person who can stay with you for a long time. Now that Hai Zhu had left, Yun Xiao didn't say a word. Dong Xue was by your side and your first love had returned. How nice it was! Yi Ke, you must cherish it well. Losing it and getting it wasn't easy, but more so, it had to be cherished. "Say, isn't it?"    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"The greatest happiness in life lies in being ordinary, and the longest possession lies in cherishing it." Qiu Tong said again.    


This was something Floating Dream told me on the internet. Now that it came out from Qiu Tong's mouth, I couldn't help but feel some of it.    


Qiu Tong continued, "Actually, Yi Ke, I now realize that you're a pretty good man. Although you have no money, no education, and no status, but the charm of your man is getting stronger and stronger. Otherwise, how could Hai Zhu, Yun Yun, and Dong Xue ever have returned to your side?"    


It was the first time Qiu Tong had spoken about me from the perspective of a woman evaluating a man, and I felt a sense of impulse and warmth in my heart.    


"Yi Ke, to be able to be colleagues and friends with someone like you, I am very happy and I cherish it very much." Qiu Tong continued, "I hope that we can be good colleagues and friends for a long time. I cherish the fact that I have friends like you and Haifeng, Little Pig and Cloud by my side."    


I understood the meaning behind Qiu Tong's words. Her heart was only given to Guest in the virtual world. She wouldn't give her heart to anyone else.    


At this moment, I couldn't imagine what she would look like if she knew that I was Guest. Perhaps, her entire world had collapsed, and I couldn't even be her friend anymore.    


I feel guilty for my thoughts again. I feel sorry for Dong Xue!    


The next day, Qiu Tong told me that she had revised my investigation report and presented it to Group Party Committee Leader.    


"This investigation report involves a lot of things, especially the change of 20 vehicles. That's not a small number. It would be great if it could move Group Party Committee Leader's heart." Qiu Tong said.    


"Mm …" I nodded.    


"It's going to be a long vacation soon, so I won't be putting you on duty this time. Go back to your hometown and visit your parents." Qiu Tong said again.    


"Alright!" I really miss my parents!    


When we returned to the dorm room at night, Dong Xue and I talked about the May Day holiday and asked if she would like to go back to Ningzhou to visit my hometown.    


Dong Xue mumbled something, but I couldn't make out what she was saying.    


The next night, when I went to pick Dong Xue up from work, Dong Xue told me that the company wanted to send her to the Deep City Headquarters to undergo the novice training. She would be leaving in a few days for half a month, and the May Day holiday will continue as usual.    


Dong Xue grumbled in dissatisfaction, "I have to train for such a big holiday. Damn it, foreign capitalists are exploiters. When can they not train? They have to spend so much time on it." "I wanted to go back to your hometown with you, sigh …"    


I comforted Dong Xue for a long time and told her to focus on the big picture and her work.    


Two days later, Dong Xue flew to Shenzhen to attend her training.    


The second day after Dong Xue left, the long vacation started. I flew back to my Ningzhou to see my parents.    


On the plane to Ningzhou, I met Hai Zhu.    


I met Hai Zhu after boarding the plane. Hai Zhu had lost a lot of weight after not seeing her for the past few days.    


When she saw me, she led me to my seat and asked, "Brother, Sister Dong Xue went to train in Shenzhen, right? My brother also went there today."    


I know Haifeng also went to work at the Deep City Headquarters today, so I made a sound of agreement.    


After we sat down, Hai Zhu asked me, "Shall I go home and have a look?"    


"Mm …" I promised again.    


Hai Zhu said, "Brother, wait for me at the exit after you get off the plane."    


I didn't know what Hai Zhu meant, so I agreed.    


After arriving at Ningzhou, I waited at the exit of the airport for a while, then saw Hai Zhu driving Haifeng's car here, stopping in front of me. Hai Zhu rolled down the window and looked at me.    


I got in the car, Hai Zhu said: "Brother Hai Feng's car is mine now, he doesn't need it at Hsinghai."    


"Oh …"    


"Are you coming home now?"    




"It's the holiday season, the buses are very crowded, and you still have so much luggage, I'll take you home!" Hai Zhu said.    


This time, I bought a lot of specialties from the Hsinghai.    


"This …" Just as I was about to decline, Hai Zhu continued, "I'm off duty and have nothing to do today. I also want to go to the mountains to relax."    


"Then I'll be troubling you."    


Hai Zhu pursed her lips, "Brother, don't be so polite with me, I will feel uncomfortable."    


I did not refuse.    


Hai Zhu drove to the entrance of a shopping mall, stopped the car and said to me, "Bro, please wait in the car for a moment."    


Hai Zhu got out of the car and walked into the mall. Not long later, she came out with two bags and put them in the back seat. "This is your first time at your house. You can't go empty-handed!"    


So Hai Zhu had done this.    


We continued to walk, and very soon, the car left the Ningzhou, entered the mountain, and walked for half a day on the mountain path. It was almost noon, and we finally arrived at my house.    


My parents were waiting at my house, and I called them before Hsinghai had even set off.    


Hai Zhu's car slowly stopped in front of my house. Mom and Dad happily greeted her: "Ke — —"    


I got out of the car. Hai Zhu also got out and greeted my parents politely. "Hello, Uncle, Auntie."    


When his mother saw Hai Zhu, she was stunned for a moment before affectionately holding Hai Zhu's hand. "Child, what's your name?"    


I said, "Dad, Mom, this is Haifeng's sister, called Hai Zhu."    


Although Haifeng has never been to my house, but I often mentioned Haifeng in front of my parents, they all know that I have such an iron brother.    


"It's Haifeng's sister, tsk tsk — what a beautiful girl!" When her mother heard this, she became even more enthusiastic. She held Hai Zhu's hand and looked her up and down, but didn't have enough. Even Hai Zhu felt embarrassed when she looked at her.    


At this time, I took something out of the car and said to my parents, "Hai Zhu bought this to come see you guys. I brought this from the Hsinghai …"    


"Aiya — you see, child, it's so strange to come to my aunt and uncle's house to bring things. What are you bringing, my uncle and aunt are very happy to be here." His parents couldn't help but say a few polite words.    


"Uncle, Auntie, you look really young. You're both in good shape!" Hai Zhu said.    


"Hehe, old man, how are your parents?" Her mother was grinning from ear to ear as she held Hai Zhu's hand and looked at her lovingly.    


"All good!" Hai Zhu said.    


"Come on, kid, come and sit at home. Your aunt has already prepared dinner and is waiting for you to come for dinner!" Dad cheerfully beckoned everyone in.    


Entering the living room, the aroma filled my nose. The table full of dishes aroused my appetite.    


As we sat down, I unceremoniously picked up my chopsticks and called out to Hai Zhu. "Hai Zhu, come. This is equivalent to coming to your own home. Don't be polite, eat –"    


Hai Zhu giggled as she looked at me. She picked up her chopsticks, then looked at her parents. "Uncle, Auntie, you guys should eat too."    


"Sigh, alright!" His parents happily picked up the chopsticks, and his mother started to continuously scoop food into Hai Zhu's bowl. "Come, child, eat this. This was personally cooked by auntie. Do you like it?"    


"Mm …" Auntie's cooking skills are so good, so delicious! " Hai Zhu said happily as she ate.    


I looked at Hai Zhu and said, "From breakfast to lunch, we traveled thousands of miles."    


"Oh, you came from the Hsinghai together? Child, you are also working in Hsinghai? " Dad looked at Hai Zhu.    


"Uncle, I am from Southern Airlines, and work on the plane. I specialize in flying from Ningzhou to Hsinghai, my home is in Ningzhou!" Hai Zhu said.    


"The Ningzhou is good, the Ningzhou is good!" Mom said.    


"I got off the plane today. Hai Zhu thought it was inconvenient for me to take the bus, so she purposely drove me back!" I said, "Hai Zhu had a hard day."    


"Bro — why are you so polite —" Hai Zhu said to me.    


When Mom heard Hai Zhu call me brother, she was so happy that her eyes became like slits. She carried on cooking for Hai Zhu and said, "Child, why didn't your brother Haifeng come along?"    


"My brother went to the city to report on his work." With that, Hai Zhu added, "Sister Dong Xue went as well."    


"Who's Dong Xue?" Mom said.    


Hai Zhu was stunned. She looked at me, obviously thinking that my mother already knew about Dong Xue. Now that my mother asked, she knew that my mother didn't.    


"Dong Xue is my brother's girlfriend," Hai Zhu said dumbly.    


"Oh, hehe …" His mother smiled and said: "Haifeng is not bad. He brought his girlfriend to Shenzhen City."    


Mom was confused and mistook Dong Xue for Haifeng's girlfriend.    


"No — I said my brother is Brother Ke, not Brother Hai Feng!" Hai Zhu said, "Sister Dong Xue is my, Brother Ke's, girlfriend."    


When my parents heard this, they were stunned. They looked at me and then at Hai Zhu.    


"This... What? "Child, aren't you …" Her mother looked at Hai Zhu with a look of great disappointment and disappointment on her face.    


"Auntie, I'm my brother's sister." Hai Zhu said: "My brother's girlfriend is Sister Dong Xue. She's much more beautiful than I am. She works in my company and has foreign businesses. "When you're free, ask Brother Ke to bring it back for you guys to see. If it wasn't for Sister Dong Xue training in Shenzhen, she would have definitely come back with Brother Ke to see you guys."    


When his parents heard this, their expressions turned better. They were still looking at Hai Zhu in disappointment. It seemed that they had a good impression of Hai Zhu.    




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