Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C231 I Can Definitely Do It

C231 I Can Definitely Do It

"Haha …" Floating Dream smiled: "Alright, I believe in you. I know you can definitely do it!"    


"No matter if I can or not, I'll at least be stronger than that Little Nan Berserker under you!"    


"Don't look down on me, don't call me Little Southern Barbaric. In my eyes, you're a Little Southern Barbarian too!" Floating Dream smiled.    


"Haha …"    


"Sigh, Yi Ke is a good person. Everything is good, but it's not good at all!" Floating Dream said.    


"What's not good?"    


"Eat the one in the bowl and look at the one in the pot."    


"What is it?"    


"He … He seems to be right about... It means that to me. " Floating Dream said, then sent an embarrassed expression: "He has a girlfriend by his side, and it's even a first time lover, not a bad girl."    


"Oh, he's interested in you. What about you?" I said, "Do you like him?"    


"You — what did you say?" Floating Dream said: "Anyone can ask me this question, but you cannot, you cannot!"    


I understood what Floating Dream meant. My heart felt a little warm, and also a little sour, because I thought of Lee Shun, and I thought of Dong Xue.    


Floating Dream continued, "I spoke with him for a while and reminded him. To be honest, I think this person has a good character, but he and I can only be friends and colleagues. I believe in the fact that no matter what happens to a woman, no matter what her fate is, her heart can only be given to a man. No matter if that man can be together with her, no matter if that man will be her life support. "    


A bitter and desolate happiness welled up in my heart. Suddenly, a question popped up in my heart. If it wasn't for Guest in the virtual space, would she have fallen in love with Yi Ke in reality?    


After thinking for a long time, I didn't dare to ask her.    


After chatting for a long while, we bid farewell. Before we parted ways, Floating Dream warned me, "Accompany your parents more at home, talk more with your parents, chat more with them. In this world, no matter how many people say that they love you, the person who loves you the most, will still be your own parents."    


What Floating Dream had said moved my heart. I seemed to have felt Qiu Tong's extreme yearning and desire for the love of a father and mother. This most ordinary family love of countless people had become a dream that would never be realized in the Floating Dream.    


At this point, I didn't know what would happen in the future, and I took it for granted.    


After chatting with Qiu Tong for a while, I was browsing the news when I heard the sound of parking at the entrance of the yard. Then came the voice of my father, who was cleaning up the garden, "Oh, Boss Lee, you're here. Come, take a seat at home!"    


"Hehe, Uncle Yi, you're so carefree. Serving a small garden when you're at work, it's quite idyllic, hehe …" It was Lee Shun's voice. "I came specially to visit you two elders today. Oh right, Boss Yi also came back."    


Then came his father's voice: "Ke, Boss Lee is here — —"    


Following which, I saw Lee Shun striding in with a big smile on his face, followed by Er Zi and Xiao Wu who were both smiling behind him, with large and small bags in their hands.    


I was stunned. Why did Lee Shun come? How did this guy know I was back?    


Mom heard the visitor and came out from the back room. She saw Lee Shun and welcomed him warmly.    


I packed up my laptop and we sat in the yard drinking tea and chatting. Er Zi and Xiao Wu put down their presents and went out directly.    


After he finished speaking, Lee Shun said to his parents, "Uncle Yi, Aunt, you guys go back to your work first. Boss Yi and I will talk about our latest business."    


When they heard that Boss Lee was going to discuss business matters with Boss Yi, their parents went to work merrily.    


I looked at Lee Shun and whispered: "Boss Lee, how did you know I was back?"    


"I know where you're going, hehe …" Lee Shun smiled and suddenly became serious. "I came to your house today to visit your parents and to see you!"    


"Looking for me?" "What is it?" I looked at Lee Shun.    


Lee Shun looked at his surrounding parents and whispered to me: "What's the matter? It's not convenient to talk about it here. Come, get in the car. Come to the city with me and we'll talk on the way."    


I hesitated for a moment and wanted to decline. Lee Shun pulled his face: "What, is it hard to invite you?"    


After saying that, his eyes turned cold.    


I looked at Lee Shun's eyes and thought that this was my home. I couldn't help but shiver and stand up. "Let's go!"    


Lee Shun chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders. "Uncle Yi, Aunt, Boss Yi and I are going to the city to talk about some important business. We're not eating at home anymore."    


With that said, Lee Shun and I got into the car at the door. Er Zi drove straight towards Ningzhou City.    


Lee Shun suddenly came to find me. What is it?    


On the way, Er Zi drove, Xiao Wu sat in the front passenger seat, Lee Shun and I sat in the back.    


I waited for Lee Shun to say something, but Lee Shun didn't say anything for a long time. He passed me a cigarette for a while, and at the same time, he struck a lighter. I took it and lit it, and took a drag. Lee Shun also lit a cigarette for himself, took two deep puffs, exhaled a cloud of smoke, and took a deep breath.    


"Boss Lee, what is going on?" I can't help it.    


"It's about Duan Xiangloong." Lee Shun said.    


My heart sank. Duan Xiangloong? What did it have to do with Duan Xiangloong? Did Lee Shun find out about my relationship with Duan Xiangloong? Do you know the grudge between me and Duan Xiangloong? Did Qin tell Lee Shun?    


The moment this thought popped out, I immediately denied it. Impossible, Qin would never tell Lee Shun about Duan Xiangloong and me. From what I can tell him, he is a person who keeps his word!    


Since that's the case, then how did Lee Shun know about Duan Xiangloong's relationship with me?    


My mind continued to wander when I suddenly remembered that Lee Shun mentioned Duan Xiangloong's name in front of me. Perhaps he didn't have that intention, he might not necessarily think that Duan Xiangloong and I know each other! Having thought of this, I felt relieved. I was almost taken in by Lee Shun's words and almost exposed myself.    


I quickly calmed down and pretended to be confused as I looked at Lee Shun: "Duan Xiangloong? Who is he? " At this moment, I decided to take a gamble that Lee Shun didn't know my relationship with Duan Xiangloong.    


"Oh, I almost forgot. You don't know his name." Lee Shun said, "Duan Xiangloong was the one who gambled in the casino the last time you went there. I told Qin to investigate his background."    


Sure enough, Lee Shun mentioned this name by accident. He didn't know the relationship between Duan Xiangloong and me, so I heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Oh, his name is Duan Xiangloong. What's wrong with him?" "No," I said.    


"This guy, I let Qin check his background. He's in the foreign trade business. He's the boss of a foreign trade company. His family background is relatively thick, and is worth developing. He's a pretty good customer." Lee Shun said: "In the first few days, I purposely gave him a little benefit, making him earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. Afterwards, I started to kill him several times, and a lot of money came in.    


"But, after killing a few million of them, this guy's situation in the casino has suddenly changed. He always wins a small loss, loses a small loss, and wins a big victory. He wins quite a lot these few days, and every time he leaves, he takes away over 500,000 yuan."    


"Oh …" I was a little surprised, could it be that Duan Xiangloong's luck suddenly improved? That's not right. The winnings and losses of this gambling house were all controlled by the dealer. How could he lose control?    


"What is it? Unable to control it? " "No," I said.    


"Yes, damn it, I think it's weird. Something's wrong." Wu said: "Every time this guy wins big, it seems to know the size of the cards, very accurate. "I suspect Duan Xiangloong knows something about us, but I can't see anything. Maybe he couldn't get hold of any evidence, or maybe he got himself into trouble?"    


"Lose?" "Impossible." I said, "It's hard to make a fool of yourself!"    


"I can't figure out what's going on either. So, I'm here to find you and ask you to help me find out what he won the money from. If he really dares to mess with me, I'll just waste him and clean up his property."    


"Looking for me?" I said, "I don't know anything about that either. What can I do?"    


Lee Shun smiled, "Don't try this on me. You have done a great deed during our trip to Myanmar. I believe you will have a way. If I say you can do it, then you can do it. If not, then you must find something for me."    


Lee Shun was a bit unreasonable. I got a headache listening to it. Holy sh * t, what is going on? How can I understand this? I was saved by Qin's Successor Disciple during his trip to Myanmar! However, I can't tell Lee Shun that I have to keep my promise to Qin.    


I hesitated, but at the same time, I was very curious how Duan Xiangloong did it. I also wanted to know how he did it!    


"I'll leave this matter to you. I believe that you won't let me down." Lee Shun said: "Yi Ke, you have never let me down. I believe that you won't do it this time. Help me settle this matter. I will not treat you unfairly. Otherwise, don't think you can safely pass this holiday."    


I smiled wryly, shook my head, and acquiesced.    


At this time, Xiao Wu picked up a call, and after answering it, said to Lee Shun: "Boss, Duan Xiangloong is here again, playing in the field."    


"Alright, let's go!" Lee Shun said.    


Very quickly, we went straight to Ningzhou's baccarat casino. After getting off the car, Lee Shun and I went straight to the control room.    


As expected, when I entered the surveillance room, I saw Duan Xiangloong among the gamblers on the table. He was smoking happily with his legs crossed and a girl beside him.    


Looking at Duan Xiangloong, I couldn't help but think of Dong Xue, Qin and Haifeng and what I said to them, and immediately felt a surge of hatred and hatred. I stared fixedly at the screen, gritting my teeth.    


"What's going on?" I asked the man in the control room, then pointed to the screen.    


"Just a while ago, I won about 200,000."    


"Fuck, not bad, not bad, not bad, with this speed, your father's reputation will be washed away in less than a month." Lee Shun said.    


I was also a little surprised. I lit a cigarette and told the staff, "All of you can leave. Leave this place to me."    


The staff looked at Lee Shun, who shook his head: "Brother Yi told you to leave, are you deaf?"    


After the staff had all left, I sat down in front of the control panel. After performing a few tricks, I gave Duan Xiangloong a close-up of Duan Xiangloong. Afterwards, I focused on Duan Xiangloong's every move when he was gambling, especially his two hands and eyes …    


Lee Shun didn't say anything. He sat beside me and looked at the screen and then at my expression.    


My face was expressionless, my eyes fixed on the screen.    




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